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11th grade answers book
ENGLISH (Ш Answers book dan olinili Telegram channel: @uzteachers ^ in i s lr y of P ub lie E d u c a tio n e f the R e p u b lic o f U ib e k fe U n ENGLISH Pupil’s Book For the 11th grade pupils of secondary schools O rta ■£ Tirr! vs o'rta ri’ajcsus. = caiifRr гнидовдш&л a'qurenuefl a e ru itft 1-Г.В2ПГГ О'тавкжап Rsspn$4*B£i XeJtj ГаVr,rrr,- ^azi.'tjgi agan
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R s a p u b i i k ^ maqsa-dli k i t o b а гг g a r n a s i mabla-g'l-ari n i s o b i d a n c h o p e-tilldi UNIT 1.1.A Бх 1. Students’ own answers Бх 2. 1. high results 2. to get feedback 3. Focusing on 4. to organise information 5.learning style 6. self-evaluation 7. to collaborate Ex 3. Name occupation Improved skills Types o f active learning Alisher Engineer IT, communicative self assessment, practise vocabulary Temur Student Communicative focusing on, collaborating and sharing ideas Nargiza Teacher Communicative to organise information, to have own learning style Ex 4. Students’ own answers Ex 5. 1. Thomas Edison-light bulb 2. Alexander Bell-telephone 3. Steve Jobs-computer 4. Galileo Galilee-telescope 5. Charles Rolls and Henry Royce-a car 6. Thomas Moore-refregirator
successful 5. 2. failure 6. 3. genius 7. 4. satisfactorily 8.
1. Selling newspapers. 2. "Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration."
confidently inspiration regard 3.
9. productive 10. assistant More than 1300. He died at his age of 84. 1.
3. 4.
6 . 7. F F T T F T F Ex 9. Ex 10. Students’ own answers Students’ own answes
UNIT l.l.B Бх 1. 1. He found the web sites so as (to chat) with foreigners. 2. In order (to get) high results you should practise regularly all vocabulary. 3. (To learn) English Temur decided (to go) to the English club. 4. Feedback from the teacher was helpful for Temur (to be) more confident. 5. An active learner learns (to collaborate) and share the process of learning with others. 6. Nargiza’s friend invited her (to take part) in one project. 7. It is important (to organise) information(to have) results in the project. 8. (To have ) your own learning style is a necessary criterion in active learning. Ex 2. 1 . You use this camera to take photographs. 2. You use the dictionary to look up the word. 3. You use a book to improve your reading skill. 4. You use radio to listen to the news. 5. You use the teacher’s feedback to make your writing better, Ex 3. Students’ own answers Ex 4. Students’ own answers Ex 5. 1 . working conditions 6. woodcutter 2. strength
7. expected
3. update
8. motivated 4. timber merchant 9. salary
5. success
10. sharpened Ex 6. 1. b
b 2.
4. с
NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE 1. strength strong 2. congratulations congratulate 3. determination determine Determined/undetermined 4. motivatation motivate motivated 5. thought
think thoughtful 6. apology
apologise apologetic 7. understand understandable 8. sharpness sharpen sharp
Ex 8. Ex 9. Students’ own answers Students’ own answers
UNIT 1.2. A БХ.1 1-supportive 2-Consult 3-self-confidence 4-contribute 5-absence 6-compulsory 7-Self-assessment 8-Self-evaluation 9-audience 10-colloborated 11-argumentative 12-Encouragement
1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d БХ.З i-E, ii-C, iii-B, iv-A, v-D БХ.4 Possible answers: 1 .Attendance, self-confidence 2. He gave some advice for her presentations 3.Tutorial work, individual assignment, attendance, presentation skills, group work, quizzes 4. Students’ own answer. 5. Students’ own answer. БХ.5Students’ own answers БХ.6 1. Milan Karki 2. Jordan Romero 3. Fraser Doherty 4. Milan Karki 5. Jordan Romero 6. Fraser Doherty 7. Fraser Doherty 8. Jordan Romero
БХ.1. 1. yet
6. for 2. since 7. for 3. since 8. Since 4. for
9. for 5. yet
10. for БХ.2. 1.
for 4.
Since 2.
Yet 5.
for 3.
since 6.
since БХ.З. Students’ own answers Бх. 4. Students’ own answers Бх. 5. Students’ own answers. Бх. 6. VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE 1. surprise surprise surprising 2. explain
explanation explainable 3. create
creativity creative
4. understand understanding understanding understandabe 5. watch watcher watchful
6. amaze
amazement amazing
7. move
movement moving
8. select
selection selected
Бх.Бх. 7. 1. take part- to be involved in an activity with other people 2. provincial school-local educational establishment 3. grand master- a chess player of the highest class 4. great surprise- something unexpected 5. make sense- to be easy to understand 6. earn money- to be paid in return for work or service. 7. incredible ability-extraordinary talent БХ.8. 1. C.
2. D. 3. A.
4. В Бх. 9. 1. His views - В 2. His background - A 3. His experience -D 4. His talent -C
UNIT 2.1. A Бх 1. 1.c
2.d 3.b
4.a Бх 2. 1-g 2.i
3.d 4.с
6.f 7.a
8.h 9.b
10.e Бх 3. 1.c
2.b 3.c
4.с 5.d
6.b Ex 4. Students’ own answers Бх 5. 1. fishermen (n) men whose job is to catch fish 2. dam (n) a wall to stop water flowing 3. rig (n) a structure for getting oil or gas out of the ground 4. beach (n) land with sand or stones that is next to the sea 5. desert (n) a large area of land where there is little rain and not many plants grow 6. east (n) the direction from which the sun rises in the morning; opposite to west. 7. lake (n) a large area of water with land all around it 8. north (n) the direction on the left when you look at the sunrise; opposite to south 9. rain (v) when water falls from the sky in drops 10. river (n) water that travels along a natural channel across the land to the sea 11. sand (n) the substance usually found on beaches and in deserts that is made of very small pieces of rock 12. sea (n) the salty water that covers about three-quarters of the Earth's surface 13. south (n) the direction on the right when you look at the sunrise; opposite the north.
Бх 6. 1.F
2. T 3. T
4. T 5. F
6. T 7. T
8. F 9. F
10.T Бх 7. 1. kazakhstan and Uzbekistan 2. arid 3. amu daiya and syr darya 4. in the mountains of kyrgistan problems 7. fishing industry 5. plant less thirsty crops 6. health problems, economic and tajikstan
UNIT 2.1.В. Бх 1. 1. keeps
4. rises, will rise 2. don’t stop, will endanger 5. will run out o f , don’t use 3. continue 6. wants, will have to
1. wouldn’t be 4. didn’t care, wouldn’t try 2. would decrease 5. would be, didn’t have 3. didn’t dump 6. destroyed, would save
1. change, changibility change
changeble 2. effect affect effective, ineffective 3. heat
heat hot
4. expectation expect expected
5. add
addition additional 6. extinction become .... extinction 7. reduction reduce reduced
Бх 4. 1. getting warmer 6. climate change 2. ice sheets 7. coral reefs 3. take the action 8. water shortage 4. powerful storms 9. outer space 5. make difference Бх 5. 1. ice sheets 6. make a difference 2. getting warmer 7. coral reefs 3. climate change 8. take the action 4. powerful storms 9. water shortage 5. outer space Ex 6. 1. the screech of tyres 6. expanding blood vessels in the brain 2. the wail of a siren 7. stress 3. a clap of thunder 8. a ringing bell 4. hearing loss 9. loud music 5. headaches Ex 7. Causes: • a clap of thunder 9 the wail of a siren 9 the screech of tyres 9 a ringing bell • loud music in the brain Effects: • expanding blood vessels 9 hearing loss 9 headaches 9 stress
Ex 8. Cause Effect A noise from ships Getting lost in migration
UNIT 2.2.A Бх 1. Squares-causes of Global warming Diamonds-solutions to Global warming Бх 2. 1. damage(n)- 2 . people(n)- 3. jungle(n)- 4. set on fire(v)- 5. rescue(v)- 6
7. remedy(n)- 8. rush(v)- 9. precipitation(n)- Бх 3.
4.tropical trees 5.rain forest 6
breathe Бх 4. d. harm f. human race a. rain forest h. burn b. escape c. threaten e. medicine j. hurry g. grain falls Students’ own answers 7. medicines
9.harm 10
insect Бх 5. Students’ own answers Бх 6. a- informative b- the causes and effects of deforestation Бх 7. a- Deforestation takes place in underdeveloped countries b- Not only governments but also people can be cause deforestation c- The cutting and burning of trees not only effects the Man but also animals and birds.
d- Deforestation is dangerous for our future. Ex 8. Event Result The cutting of trees Reducing the amount of rain, raising temperatures The burning of trees Carbon is released into the atmosphere Ex 9. Students’ own answers Ex 10. Students’ own answers UNIT 2.2.B Бх 1. 1. wouldn’t have been destroyed 2. had prepared 3. had taken 4. wouldn’t have song 5. hadn’t cut 6. wouldn’t have been cleaned 7. wouldn’t have suffered 8. hadn’t wasted 9. wouldn’t have been destroyed Бх 2. Students’ own answers Бх 3. 1. a) reuse 2. c) acid rain 3. b) donate 4. a) clear-cutting 5. b) global warming 6. c) preserving 7. c) less energy 8. a) planting 9. c) renewable 10.b) greenhouse
1. What is the use of House if you don’t have a planet? 2. Acid rain destroys trees and buildings. 3. To keep ecology in balance is our duty. 4. Air pollution has become one of the health problems of our time. 5. Carbon dioxide is the main cause of the greenhouse effect. 6. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest
Congratulations, you are making real good efforts to help save our planet. Keep up the good work!
Well, you should do better , the environment is not really your priority but you can improve, can’t you !
No , no, no HThat’s not possible , you should definitely do a lot more to leave an acceptable environment to your children and grandchildren! Бх 6.
Students’ own answers Бх 7.
Students’ own answers UNIT 3.1.A Ex 1. Students’ own answers Бх 2. Vocabulary Noun Adjective Phrasal verb
Collocation Adverb
1. lifestyle. V 2. losing weight. V 3. clear the mind. V 4. infection V 5. take out V 6. a sore throat V 7. flu.
V 8. antibiotics V 9. liquid V 10.take off V 11. scales V 12. overweight V 13. obesity V 14. heart disease V 15. healthily. V Бх 3. 1.
e 3.
d 2.
b 4.
a Бх 4. 1) relaxed 7) headache 2) lifestyle 8) sore throat. 3) relaxation. 9) antibiotics 4) swollen 10) scale 5) antibiotics 11) overweight 6) infection. 12) diabetes 1.
Students’ own answers
2. 3. 4. Бх 7. 1. cough 2. non-smoking 3. cigarettes 4. lung cancer 5. breathe 6. addicted to 7. second-hand smoke 8. warning 9. die
Ex 8. TIME PERIOD COST OF CIGARETTE 1 Day 3 1 week 21 1 month 90 1 year 1095 5 years 5475 Ex 9. Students’ own answers UNIT 3.1.В Бх 1. 1. As
7. due to 13.because of 2. because 8. because 14. because 3. due to 9. because of 15. due to 4. because of 10.As
16.As 5. because of 11. due to 6. As
12. because Бх 2. Students’ own answers Ex 3. Бх 4. NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE health
heal healthy/ unhealthy Breath breathe
breathless infection infect infectious harm harm
harmful / harmless relaxation relax relaxing/relaxed obesity obese
increase Increase
increasing/increased 1.
. 3. 4. 5. Бх 6. Бх 7. 1.
. 3. 7. Бх 8. Бх 5. The greatest wealth is health. People who laugh actually live longer than those who don’t laugh The groundwork for all happiness is good health Health and intellect are the two blessings of life. Take care of your body because it is only place you have to live. Students’ own answers . work
out 2.
healthy lifestyle . physical education . heart disease
. a sore throat
. lose weight
. passive smoking
. toxic chemicals . ear infection O.take care
General Practitioner (GP) Cardiologist Dermatologist Pediatrician 4. Dentist 5. Optometrist 6. Orthopedic Doctor 8. Surgeon Types of doctors Duties 1. Dermatologist: A skin doctor 2. Optometrist An eye doctor 3. Surgeon A doctor who performs operation 4. Cardiologist A heart doctor 5. Orthopedic Doctor A doctor who specialises in bones 6. Pediatrician A doctor for children 7. General PractitionerfG.P.J A family doctor who you would usually go to see for common health problems 8. Dentist
A doctor who treats the teeth 9. A В 1. build up a) put on 2. work out b) work out 3. burn off / put on c) stretch out 4. stretch out d) keep up 5. warm up/ do ... in. e) burn off. 6. put on f) warms up 7. did ... in/ keep up. g) build up 8. tires ... out. h) tire ... out! i) /do ... in! Download 0,64 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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