First of all, I should say that the Internet is the most popular thing in the world. And it’s a huge source of getting any information. Well, the most part of surveyed people are getting news on the social media, like Telegram channels or Instagram channels. We know, that even people, who are 50-60 years old, they are also getting news from the Internet. The less part of surveyed people, they are watching TV News, like EuroNews channel. And some my relatives, who are working in the government job, they know even about Uzbekistan news, which weren’t released on the news.
As I have mentioned earlier everyone, who is surrounding me are getting news from the different sources, not from single.
As we can see, my findings were among the young people, adults and aged people.
The answer is obvious. We, young people, are using the Internet mostly. But not in the case of obtaining some news. Adults are also became more advanced at it. And it’s good, that we keep up with the times. Why I think so, you could ask me, because now the time is changing so rapidly, that we can’t catch it. So much information each second we are living. And the Internet is the main thing right now, of course when its usage in a proper way.
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