Assalomu alaykum hurmatli aziz mexmonlar! Bizning institutimizga hush kelibsizlar!

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Koreya uchun

Assalomu alaykum hurmatli aziz mexmonlar!
Bizning institutimizga hush kelibsizlar!
Tashrifingizdan hursandmiz. O‘zbekiston bilan Koreya davlati o‘rtasida do‘stlik aloqalari juda ham yaxshi o‘rnatilgan. Biz bundan hursandmiz. Andijon mashinasozlik instituti sizlarni davlatingizdagi Koreya DAEGO katolik universiteti bilan 2018 yilda qo‘shma ta’lim 2+2 dasturi bo‘yicha hamkorlik memorandimumi imzolagan va Avtomative Enginering yo‘nalishi ochilgan bo‘lib,
2018-yilda jami 25 ta
2019-yilda jami 19 ta
2020-yilda jami 21 ta talabalar sonini tashkil qilgan.
2018-yilda esa 1+1 modeli dasturi doirasida magistratura biotibbiyot yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha ham ochilgan. Unda jami 8 ta talaba tahsil olgan.
O‘sha vaqtda talabalar juda ham o‘qishidan mamnun edilar. Koreyaga borish va u yerda o‘qishini davom ettirishni talabalarimiz juda hohlashgan. Va ular qattiq o‘qishga harakat qilishgan edi. Afsuski, pandemiya tufayli Koreya davlatiga bora olishmadi. Muammoli holati shundaki, Koreya Katolik universiteti bizni talabalarimizga online dars ham tashkil etmadi. Natijada talabalarimizda norozilik kayfiyati uyg‘ondi. Bu holatni ijobiy bartaraf etish maqsadida biz yana koreya katolik universiteti bilan bog‘landik. Ular bizga talabalarni kelib o‘qishini davom ettirishini aytishdi lekin viza ishlariga aralasha olmasliklarini ham takidlashdi. Talabani hisob raqamida 20000$ AQSH dollari bilishi kerak ekanligi ham aytildi, lekin 2018 yilda tuzilgan shartnoma shartlarida bunday holatlar ko‘rsatilmagan edi. Shuning uchun talabalarim bundan norozi bo‘lishdi. Va muammoli holatga duch kelishdi. Natijada talabalarimiz Koreyada o‘qishini davom ettirish muvofatiyasiz yakun topdi. Shuning uchun talabalar o‘z hohishiga ko‘ra talabalar safidan chiqishga rozi bo‘lishdi. Sizlardan shuni iltimos qilardimki, davlatlarimiz do‘stligi yanada mustaxkamlash va kadrlar saloxiyatini oshirish maqsadida birgalikda hamdo‘st bo‘lib ishlashni taklifini beraman. Bizni shu holatdagi qiyin vaziyatda yaqindan yordam bersangiz hursand bo‘lar edik.
Hurmat bilan halaqaro fakultet dekani Babayeva Gulnoza!
Hello dear guests!
Welcome to our institute!
We are glad of your visit. Friendly relations between Uzbekistan and Korea are very well established. We are proud of it. In 2018, Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering signed a memorandum of cooperation with your country's Catholic University of Korea DAEGO on the 2+2 program, and the Automotive Engineering course was opened.
A total of 25 in 2018
A total of 19 in 2019
In 2020, the total number of students was 21.
In 2018, within the framework of the 1+1 model program, a master's degree in biomedicine was also opened. A total of 8 students studied there.
At that time, the students were very happy with their studies. Our students really wanted to go to Korea and continue their studies there. And they tried to study hard. Unfortunately, they could not go to Korea due to the pandemic. The problem is that Catholic University of Korea did not even organize online classes for our students. As a result, the mood of protest was awakened among our students. In order to positively resolve this situation, we again contacted the Catholic University of Korea. They told us that the students will come and continue their studies, but they also emphasized that they cannot interfere with the visa process. It was also said that the student should have $20,000 in the account, but the terms of the contract concluded in 2018 did not specify such circumstances. That's why my students were dissatisfied with it. And they faced a problem. As a result, the continuation of our students' studies in Korea ended without approval. Therefore, the students agreed to withdraw from the student ranks at their own will. I would like to ask you to work together as a partner in order to further strengthen the friendship of our countries and increase the competence of personnel. We would be glad if you could help us in this difficult situation.
Sincerely, Faculty Dean Babayeva Gulnoza!
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