Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Chair Stephane Roussel (Ecole na onale d'Administra on publique) Disc
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Chair Stephane Roussel (Ecole na onale d'Administra on publique) Disc. Jim Cox (Norman Paterson School of Interna onal A airs, Carleton University) Panel From Liberal Interna onalism to Neoconserva sm: De ning the Role of Ideology in Canadian Foreign Policy Lesley C. Copeland (Carleton University) An ‐Diplomacy: Canadian Foreign Policy in the Harper Era Roland Paris (University of O awa) Truly Excep onal? How Canada Jus es Depor ng Asylum Seekers to Face Torture Graham Hudson (Ryerson University) Ideological A nity and Status Enhancement: Lessons From Libya for Canada’s Grand Strategy Jus n Massie (University of Quebec in Montreal) How Ideological Is Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy? Kim Richard Nossal (Queen's University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Governance, Security, and Coopera on SA21: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michelle Black (University of Nebraska) Disc. Michelle Black (University of Nebraska) Panel Legi ma ng a New Global Development Agenda? UN‐Civil Society Consulta ons on a Post‐MDG Framework Magdalena Bexell (Lund University) The Ins tu onal Hierarchy of Pres ge: India and Mul lateral Security Coopera on Rohan Mukherjee (Princeton University) Towards Peaceful Co‐Existence: Formal Ins tu ons and Informal Security Arrangements in Crisis Management Karsten Michael Jung (University of Bonn) Governing Catastrophe: Jus ce Reform and the Ampli ca on of Security Threats Kara Jeanne Brisson-Boivin (Carleton University) Shannon T. Speed (University of Waterloo) Daniel O'Connor (University of Waterloo) Can Microeconomic Analysis Explain Success or Failure in Intelligence Coopera on? James Thomson (Brunel University) Human Rights Religion, Culture, and Human Rights SA22: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jonathan Agensky (University of Cambridge) Disc. Jonathan Agensky (University of Cambridge) Panel Biocultural Rights: A New Approach to Protec ng Natural and Cultural Resources o Indigenous Communi es Cher Weixia Chen (George Mason University) A Double‐Edged Sword? The Interna onal Causes of Women’s Mobiliza on and Religious Countermobiliza on in Africa Alice Kang (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Chris anity vs. Islam, a Comparison to Measure Their E ec veness with Respect to the Human Right of Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion Alejandro Abad Alvarez-Querol (Florida Interna onal University) The Role of Religion on Percep ons of Human Rights Condi ons Stephen Arves (University of Maryland) Interna onal Security Studies Regional Asymmetries and Strategic Stability SA23: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Adam N. Stulberg (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Disc. Christopher Twomey (Naval Postgraduate School) Disc. Rajesh Basrur (S. Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies, Nanyang Technological University) Panel Understanding the Interplay of Regional Asymmtries & Deterrence: Assessing the Impact on Stability Between India and Pakistan Sadia Tasleem (Quaid-i-Azam University Pakistan) Asymmetries in Conceptualiza on of Deterrence in the Middle East Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky (IDC Herzliya) So Asymmetries and Trust Building in China's Strategic Rela ons Tong Zhao (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Regional Asymmetries, Strategic Stability, and India's BMD Program Happymon Jacob (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Nuclear Tra cking and the India‐Pakistan Nuclear Balance Jus n Has ngs (University of Sydney) Adam N. Stulberg (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Re-assessing the Poli cs of Represen ng the “Arab Spring” SA24: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Niklas Bremberg (Stockholm University) Disc. Stefan Borg (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Panel The EU and the Social Construc on of the Arab Spring: Unse ling the Meaning of ‘Neighbourhood’ in Times of Crisis Niklas Bremberg (Stockholm University) Human Rights, the "Arab Spring" and the Poli cs of Global Representa on Stefan Borg (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) The Social Construc on of Democra c Revolu ons in European Imaginary: The Arab Spring and Neoliberal Poli cs Halit Mustafa Tagma (Ipek University) Algeria and Morocco’s “New” Security Posture in Light of the Arab Revolts Mikael Eriksson (Swedish Defence Research Agency) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Geographic Perspec ves on Mul ple Geopoli cs SA25: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Colin Flint (Utah State University) Disc. Michael J. Shapiro (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Panel Geopoli cs and Peace: Oxymoronic, or Moronic Not To? Nick Megoran (Newcastle University) Sara Koopman (Balsillie School, WLU) Resource Geopoli cs Philippe A. Le Billon (University of Bri sh Columbia) For a Structural Approach to Geopoli cs: The Case for a World‐ Systems Approach to the Geography of Con ict Colin Flint (Utah State University) Raymond Dezzani (University of Idaho) Feminist Geopoli cs: Jumping Scales, Violence, and the Everyday Lorraine Dowler (Penn State University) Joanne Sharp (University of Glasgow) A Rela onal Approach to Rethinking Geopoli cal Context: The Embeddedness of Geopoli cal Agency Steven Radil (Ball State University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Produc on of Regional Spaces and Places SA26: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Frank T. Ma heis (University of Leipzig) Chair Thomas Ploetze (University of Leipzig) Disc. Frank T. Ma heis (University of Leipzig) Disc. Thomas Ploetze (University of Leipzig) Panel Towards Modular Regionalism: The Prolifera on of La n American Coopera on Gian Luca Gardini (University of Bath) Regional Security Ini a ves – The Produc on of Regional Space(s) in Central America Thomas Ploetze (University of Leipzig) New Regionalisms, Post‐Cosmopolitanisms, and Humanitarian Interven on: Darfur, Somalia, and Mali in Compara ve Perspec ve J. Andrew Grant (Queen's University) Michael Hughes (Queen's University) Untangling Regions and Regionalisms: Compe on and Marginaliza on in the Produc on of Central Africa Frank T. Ma heis (University of Leipzig) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Professional Strategies in the Interna onal Poli cal Economy SA27: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Wesley W. Widmaier (Gri th University) Disc. Jason Sharman (Gri th University) Disc. Eleni Tsingou (Copenhagen Business School) Panel Revolving Doors in Interna onal Financial Governance Leonard Seabrooke (Copenhagen Business School) Is Financial Sector Lobbying Unique? Analyzing the Ecology of Professional Interests in Financial Regulatory Policymaking Stefano Pagliari (City University London) Kevin Young (UMass Amherst) Professional Management Consultants and their Role in Transna onal Governance Bessma Momani (University of Waterloo) Guardians of Capital: The Legal Profession in the Interna onal Investment Regime Lauge N. S. Poulsen (Nu eld College, University of Oxford) All the Trader’s Men: Knowledge Producers in Interna onal Trade Ma hew Eagleton-Pierce (SOAS, University of London) Diploma c Studies Mee ng Diploma c Challenges SA28: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Cris an A. Can r (Oakland University) Panel Cultural Di erences and the Failure of Reciprocity Brian Urlacher (University of North Dakota) Digital Mapping as an Instrument of Diploma c Crisis Management Corneliu O. Bjola (University of Oxford) Enmity in Interna onal Society Huss Banai (Occidental College) Sovereignty and Security in Hierarchical Asia: Strategy and Con ict among Unequal Powers Seo-Hyun Park (Lafaye e College) A Broken Norm? Diploma c Inviolability and the Iran Hostage Crisis Eugenio Cusumano (European University Ins tute) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Conceptualizing Poli cal Change in Light of New Ideas of Space and Place SA29: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Anthony P. Spanakos (Montclair State University) Disc. Francisco Panizza Disc. Anthony P. Spanakos (Montclair State University) Panel Bricolage as a Conceptual Lens in New Ins tu onal Analysis: Agency, Ins tu onal Change and Cri que in Financial Regulatory Reform Mar n B. Carstensen (Copenhagen Business School) Conceptualizing Europe as a ‘region‐state’ Vivien Schmidt (Boston University) Statehood and Segmentary Governance Till Förster (University of Basel) Populism and the poli cs of nancial crises: The end or the beginning of poli cs? Francisco Panizza Anthony P. Spanakos (Montclair State University) Towards a Typology of Subna onal Elec ons in Democra zing Africa Ragnhild Louise Muriaas (Department of Compara ve Poli cs, University of Bergen) Interna onal Ethics Interna onal Security Studies Just War and Interna onal Security SA30: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michael J. Butler (Clark University) Disc. Michael J. Butler (Clark University) Panel Cowards, Heroes, People? War Refusers’ Stories Maja Zehfuss (University of Manchester) The Last of the Last Resort Eamon T. Aloyo (Hague Ins tute for Global Jus ce) From Just to Unjust Wars: a Survey of Experts from across the Poli cal Spectrum Walter H. Dorn (Canadian Forces College) Construc ng the Probability of Success: History, Just War, and “Winning” the War on Terror Luke B. Campbell (University of Kansas) Interna onal Security Studies North Korea: Na onalism, Security, and Containment SA31: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Virginie Grzelczyk (Aston University) Disc. Virginie Grzelczyk (Aston University) Panel The US‐ROK Alliance in coping with North Korea’s Nuclear Threat Edward Kwon (Northern Kentucky University) When Regime Security Ma ers: Domes c Poli cs and Foreign Policy Strategies in Post‐Kim Il‐sung’s North Korea Jongseok Woo (University of South Florida) 'Till Death do Us Part: A Nexus of North Korean Provoca ons, Extor onist Ren erism, and Ethno‐Na onalism Steve S. Sin (Rockefeller College of Public A airs and Policy, University at Albany- SUNY) The Power and the Limits of Targeted Financial Sanc ons: Assessing DPRK in the a ermath of 2005 BDA sanc ons Ji Eun Kim (University of Notre Dame) Why Normalized Rela ons between Japan and North Korea Remain Illusive Anthony DiFilippo (Lincoln University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Global Financial Crisis and the Making of Alterna ve Economies: Engaging Spaces of Rela onal Finance SA32: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Randall D. Germain (Carleton University) Disc. Johnna Montgomerie (University of Manchester) Panel Economies of Social Prac ce: Crea ng Alterna ve Circuits of Financial Incorpora on Rob Aitken (University of Alberta) Alterna vely Digital: Connec vity and Change in 'Social' Finance Bill Maurer Taylor Nelms (University of California, Irvine) Occupying Everyday Life: The Ordinary Ethics of Interpersonal Debts Lauren Tooker (University of Warwick/Free University of Brussels) How Did the Cat Get So Thin? The Rela onal Spaces of Peer‐to‐Peer Lending Chris Clarke (Universiy of Warwick) Mutually Assured Construc on: Building a Rela onal Finance a er the Crash Chris Rogers (University of York) Human Rights Peace Science Society (Interna onal) Human Rights and Civil Con ict SA33: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Mariya Y. Omelicheva (University of Kansas) Disc. Emily Ri er (University of California, Merced) Panel Enduring Peace with Children? Displaced Popula ons, Orphans, and Civil War Chris ne Balarezo (Independent Scholar) Marijke Breuning (University of North Texas) Counter‐Terrorizing: The Use of Torture in Counterterrorism Campaigns Steven T. Zech (University of Washington, Sea le) Counter‐terrorism Policies and States' Use of Repression Gina Lei Miller (The University of Alabama) Human Rights Abuses and Civil War Renewal: How Not to Break the Con ict Trap Angela D. Nichols (University of North Texas) Eric Keels (University of North Texas) Percep ons of Human Security in a Con ict Zone: Freedom from Fear and Want in Uganda Kirssa Cline Ryckman (University of Arizona) Interna onal Communica on Peace Studies Media and Conten ous Poli cs SA34: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Douglas A. Van Belle (Victoria University of Wellington) Disc. Ken Rogerson (Duke University) Panel Threatening News: External Threats, Media Freedom, and Poli cal Trust Jenifer Whi en-Woodring (University of Massachuse s Lowell) Marc L. Hutchison (University of Rhode Island) Wiring Dictatorships: Weighing Economic Survival versus Autocrats’ Suscep bility to An ‐Regime Protest Elizabeth Stein (IESP-UERJ) The Domino E ect of Social Movements in 2011 Viewed from the Press: The Case of ‘El Tiempo’ and ‘El Espectador’ in Colombia Ana María Córdoba Hernández (Universidad de La Sabana) Marcela Durán Camero (Universidad de La Sabana) Interna onal Security Studies The Geopoli cs of African Peace and Security Architecture SA35: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Rita Kiki Edozie (Michigan State University) Disc. Thomas Kwasi Tieku (King's, University of Western Ontario ) Panel Struggling to Speak for the Region: The African Union’s Role in the 2011 Libya Crisis Katharina Coleman (University of Bri sh Columbia) Building Africa’s Capacity for Peace and Security: The Role of NATO Edward A. Aku o (University of the Fraser Valley) African Peace and Security Architecture: The Theory—the Prac ce gap Cyril Obi (Social Science Research Council) Transregional Compara ve the Evolu on of Human Rights Protec on Mechanisms Between the African Union and ASEAN Chen Hang-Tang (Na onal Chung Hsing University) African Agency in New Humanitarianism and Responsible Governance Abu Bah (Northern Illinois University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Algorithmic Geopoli cs: Digitaliza on and the New Spaces of Security in and Through the Global Network SA36: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Alexander D. Barder (American University of Beirut) Disc. Alexander D. Barder (American University of Beirut) Panel Militariza on 2.0: A Gender(ed) Methodology on Militarized Corpora ons and Their Social Media Presence Susan Jackson (Malmö Högskola) Space, Control, and Governmentality in the Digital City Noah Viernes (Akita Interna onal University) Security and the Internet of Things: A Sensory Adventure in the Phenomenal World of Drones, Surveillance Cameras, Cell Phones, and Door Fobs Jairus V. Grove (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Google Cosmopolitanism: The Banality of Fascism and a Randy Economy Asher Haig (Emory University) Infec ous Ideas and Geopoli cal Hygiene: (Re)Coding the Colonial in E‐Meme's Epidemiological Modeling Nicole S. Grove (Johns Hopkins University) Peace Studies Challenging the Status Quo: Alterna ve Peace Spaces SA37: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Birte Vogel (University of Manchester) Disc. Kevin Clements (Na onal Centre for Peace and Con ict Studies) Panel Pacifying Rio, Promo ng Peace in Hai : The Symbolic Poli cs of Brazilian Peacebulding Markus-Michael Müller (Freie Universität Berlin) Hybridiza on in Grassroots Peacebuilding Within Contexts of Intense Violence: The Case of Colombia Maria Lucia Zapata Cancelado (Ph.D. Candidate University of Manitoba) Nego a ng Peace in the Middle East: Honour as a Shared Space of Discourse Gil Murciano (Freie Universität - Berlin) Who "Builds" Peace for Whom? A Compara ve Analysis of Approaches for Implementa on of Peacebuilding at Grassroots in Contexts of War and Par al Post‐War, cases within Colombia Soledad GRanada (GIGA) Making Sense of the Not‐Quite‐Peace of the CSDP Birgit Poopuu (University of Tartu) Global Development The “Rise of the South” and the New Geopoli cs of South-South Coopera on SA38: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Gregory T. Chin (York University) Disc. Ma as E. Margulis (University of Northern Bri sh Columbia) Panel A Postcolonial Reading of Brazil's engagement in Peace Opera ons: the case of Guinea‐Bissau Maira Siman Gomes (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro) China and Regional FTAs: Encircling or Encircled? Paul Bowles (UNBC) The Rise of New Developing Country Powers and the Crisis of Neoliberalism at the WTO Kristen Hopewell (University of Bri sh Columbia) On the Margins of the Rising South: The Case of South‐South Coopera on in the Caribbean Gavin D. Fridell (Saint Mary's University) Emerging Economies & Emerging Inequali es Timothy M. Shaw (University of Massachuse s Boston) Xing Li (Ins tut for Kultur og Globale Studier) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Development and Globaliza on in Africa SA39: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jesse S. Ovadia (Newcastle University) Disc. Jesse S. Ovadia (Newcastle University) Panel There Is No Alterna ve: Globaliza on and Post‐apartheid South Africa Derick Becker (Lewis and Clark College) China in Africa: The Changing Geopoli cs of the African Developmental State Cornelia Tremann (School of Oriental and African Studies) Globaliza on, Culture and Democra c Survival in Africa: The Case of Nigeria Lucky Imade (American University of Nigeria) Labour Struggles, Inequality and Race: Unpacking Assump ons about China‐Africa Rela ons George Karavas (University of Queensland) Globaliza on and Megaci es in the Global South: The African Case Monise Valente da Silva (PUC-Rio) Intelligence Studies Reinven ng Intelligence Produc on for the 21st Century SA40: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Ruben Arcos (Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain)) Disc. Randy Pherson (Pherson Associates) Panel Computa on and the Transforma on of Producer/Consumer Rela ons Aaron B. Frank (LMI) Producing and Consuming Intelligence Products in the Digital Era: The Need for Mul media Communica on Ruben Arcos (Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain)) Moving from Paper to Wikis to Deliver Intelligence Analysis Randy Pherson (Pherson Associates) Lessons Learned from the Corporate Environment for Presen ng Intelligence in the 21st Century Jonathan Calof The 21st Century Intelligence Product: A Canadian Perspec ve John Pyrik Interna onal Poli cal Economy A Place of Change? Brazilian Economic Dynamics at Home and Abroad SA41: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Giselle Datz (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Disc. Kathryn Hochstetler (University of Waterloo) Panel The “China E ect” Narra ve in Brazil’s Domes c Poli cs Daniel Cardoso (Free University Berlin) Decoupling Debt from Development? Sovereign Debt and New Public Levers for Investment in Brazil Giselle Datz (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Brazil into Africa: Techniques, Tricks and Some Looming Traps Sean Burges (The Australian Na onal University) Statecra ing Monetary and Fiscal Authority in Democra zing Brazil: A Long‐term Narra ve of Emergence and Beyond Lourdes Sola (University of São Paulo ) Argen na, Brazil and Mexico: From Countercyclical Policies to Changing Role for the State? Maria Antonieta D. T. Lins (Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons - USP) Silvio Miyazaki (Universidade de Sao Paulo) Human Rights Poli cal Demography and Geography Alterna ve or Complementary Spaces? Indigenous Rights and Tradi onal Knowledge in Interna onal Poli cs SA42: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Linda Wallbo (University of Münster (WWU)) Chair Janne Mende (University of Kassel, Germany) Disc. Markus Lederer (Technical University Darmstadt) Panel Keeping the Forest in Place: Indigenous Peoples and the Economy of Landscape in Amazon Fron ers Marcela Vecchione Goncalves (McMaster University) Caitlin E. Craven (McMaster University) Cultural Di erence, Tradi onal Knowledge and the Making of an “Indigenous World” Hannah Bennani (Bielefeld University) Bridging Di erence, Building Movement: Facilita ng the Mutual Recogni on of Indigenous and Feminist Knowledges in Social Movement Spaces Johanna Leinius (Goethe-University Frankfurt) Indigenous REDD+ in the Interna onal Context: Par culari es and Constrains of a Pan‐Amazonian Indigenous Project Deborah Delgado Pugley (Université Catholique de Louvain & Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales) (Un)governed Territories: The Neoliberaliza on of Nature and Indigenous Rights Charis Enns (University of Waterloo) Peace Studies Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Everyday Peace and Youth SA43: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Helen Berents (University of Queensland) Chair Siobhan McEvoy‐Levy (Butler University) Disc. Sukanya Podder (Cran eld University) Panel Gendering the Study of Children and Youth in Peacebuilding Lesley J. Prui (University of Melbourne) Peace Like a River: Youth Narra ves as a Current Peacebuilding Prac ce Anne de Graaf (University of Amsterdam) Why Vo ng is Not Enough: Youth and Poli cal Ci zenship in Postwar Socie es Sabine Kurtenbach (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Janina Pawelz (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Youth, “Tradi on,” and Peace Building: Mobilizing for Just Governance in Rural South Africa Robin Turner (Butler University) Peace Studies Peacebuilding/Statebuilding: Third Party Interven on SA44: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Severine Autesserre (Barnard College, Columbia University) Disc. Severine Autesserre (Barnard College, Columbia University) Panel Power Di erences among Third Par es and Its Impact on Third‐ Party Coordina on: A Case Study of the Maoist Armed Con ict of Nepal and the Moro Con ict of the Philippines Prakash Bha arai (University of Otago) On the Deep Culture and Structure of Inter‐Communal Coexistence: Lessons Learned from the Swiss Experience of Na on‐Building Tatsushi Arai (SIT Graduate Ins tute) Nego a ng Peacebuilding: Explaining Stalled Post‐War Transi ons Through External‐Domes c Interac on Lisa Maria Gross (University of Konstanz) The Crisis of Peace: From Hybrid Approaches to Radical Spaces of Complexity Pol Bargues Pedreny (University of Westminster) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Religious and Poli cal Spaces: Implica ons for the Religious/Secular Binary in IR SA45: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Hassan Bashir (Texas A&M University at Qatar) Disc. Jocelyne Cesari (Harvard University) Disc. Cecelia Lynch (University of California Irvine) Panel Religious Transna onal Actors: Just another TAN? Marcelline T. Babicz (American University) Spa ali es of the Secular and the Sacred in Eschatological Time John-Harmen Valk (University of St Andrews) Unlikely Crossings: Fashion, Spirits, and the Development Imaginary Anatoli I. Ignatov (Johns Hopkins University) “Religious” Prac ce and IR: Assessing the Meaning of Prayer for Transna onal Faith‐Based Actors Tanya B. Schwarz (University of California Irvine) Life, Borders, and Belonging: Religious and Secular Perspec ves Erin K. Wilson (University of Groningen) Foreign Policy Analysis Iran: Alone in the World SA46: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Sam Razavi (Government of Canada) Disc. Thomas A. Juneau (Government of Canada) Panel Introduc on: Iran's Strategic Loneliness Sam Razavi (Government of Canada) Iran's Foreign Policy and Islamic Ideology Mahmood Monshipouri (San Francisco State University) Iran's Power in Context Thomas A. Juneau (Government of Canada) Iran and the South Caucasus Omar Vera-Muniz (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola) Understanding Iran's Nuclear Program Nader Entessar (University of South Alabama) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Man, State, and Media SA47: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Lina Benabdallah (University of Florida) Disc. Lina Benabdallah (University of Florida) Panel The Communica on of Expecta ons: Filling a Blank Space in Role Theory Miriam Prys (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) State for the People or People for the State? The A tude and Behaviors of the Poli cal Elite in Social Uprisings Nil Seda Satana (Bilkent University) Sharing the Mirror: Israeli and American Percep ons of Threat in 'Homeland' Jennifer Skulte-Ouaiss (Lebanese American University) Foreign Policy Analysis Beyond Spheres of In uence: Explaining Policy toward La n America SA48: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Mariana Kalil (Rio de Janeiro Federal University) Disc. Paul Kellogg (Athabasca University) Panel Shi ing Direc ons: Canadian Foreign Policy Toward La n America Chris na Gabriel (Carleton University) Laura Catharine Macdonald (Carleton University) Foreign Policy In uence during Presiden al Transi ons: Exper se, Iner a, and Lobbying in the Crea on of the Alliance for Progress Christopher Darnton (Catholic University of America) Corporate Social Responsibility and Canadian Foreign Policy to La n America: New prac ces, Old Paradigms Daniel Guedes de Andrade (Simon Fraser University) China and La n America: An Agenda for Resurgence Alvaro Mendez (Regent's University London and London School of Economics) John C. Alden (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) La no Foreign Policy Perspec ves: Ethnic Group Iden ty and External Preferences Brandon Valeriano (University of Glasgow) Stephen Nuno (Northern Arizona University) Gabriel Aguilera (Air War College) Interna onal Law Jus ce in Con ict: The ICC’s Poten al and Precarious Impact on Con ict Resolu on SA49: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Alana Tiemessen (The University of Chicago) Disc. David A. Mendelo (Carleton University) Panel Bringing 'Peace' into the Peace versus Jus ce Debate: An Analy cal Framework Mark S. Kersten (London School of Economics) Prosecutorial Discre on at the Interna onal Criminal Court David Bosco (American University) Outside of the Shadow of the Court: Balancing Peace and Jus ce in Non‐ICC‐Eligible Cases Kate Cronin-Furman (Columbia University) The ICC: Reinforcing States at the Expense of Non‐State Actors? Frederic Megret (McGill University) Hypocrisy and Hyperbole: The Domes c Poli cs of Interna onal Jus ce Alana Tiemessen (The University of Chicago) Interna onal Security Studies Alliance Poli cs in Afghanistan SA50: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Stephen M. Grenier (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Gale A. Ma ox (United States Naval Academy) Disc. Stephen M. Grenier (Johns Hopkins University) Panel Lessons learned in Afghanistan for NATO Gale A. Ma ox (United States Naval Academy) Kabul and the Alliance S. Rebecca Zimmerman (Johns Hopkins University) Arab Partners in the Afghanistan Campaign: The Case of Jordan and the United Arab Emirates Daniel P. Brown (University of Oklahoma) The United Kingdom and the War in Afghanistan: Innocence Lost? Andrew Mark Dorman (King's College London) Warlords and NATO Romain A. A. Malejacq (Radboud University Nijmegen) The Poli cs of Coali on Defec on: Exploring Na onal‐Level Decisions to Withdraw NATO's Opera on in Afghanistan Kathleen McInnis (King's College London) Interna onal Ethics English School Locke, Virtue, and Middle Ground Ethics in IR SA51: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair David J. Traven (Kenyon College) Disc. Milla E. Vaha (University of Turku) Panel Climate Change and the Ethics of Emergency Henry Radice (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Post‐Liberalism and the Poli cs of Virtue Adrian Pabst (University of Kent) Iden es and (In)Securi es of the EU: Ontological Securiy, Agency, and Democra c Values in a Period of Uncertainty Anthony Ocepek (University of Kansas) Virtue Ethics: Why No Ethical Theory Can Do Without Them Jamie Gaskarth (University of Plymouth) Property, Sovereignty, and Interna onal Society: Lessons from Locke Nancy Bertoldi (University of Toronto) Historical Interna onal Rela ons Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Land and Sea in IR: Space, Geopoli cs, and a Historical Sociology of the Oceans SA52: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Richard W. Mansbach (Iowa State University) Disc. Richard W. Mansbach (Iowa State University) Panel Visualizing the Sea Philip Steinberg (Durham University) Connec ng Imperial Waters: Inter‐Polity Ports in the Global Nineteenth Century Jeppe Mulich (New York University) An "Enemy of All Mankind"? Somali Piracy and the Global Poli cal Economy Bryan Mabee (Queen Mary, University of London) Opening Up the Oceans; or How States Went to Sea Benjamin De Carvalho (NUPI) Halvard Leira (NUPI) The Produc on of a Terraqueous World Poli cs Alejandro Colas (Birkbeck College) Foreign Policy Analysis Public Diplomacy: Cra ing a New Image SA53: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Emily T. Metzgar (Indiana University) Disc. Gary D. Rawnsley (Aberystwyth University) Panel Spain's New Public Diplomacy: A Serious Proposal or Just a Ma er of Image? Jose Manuel Saenz (Comillas Pon cal University Madrid) From Pariah to Phoenix: Improving a Na onal Reputa on from the Ashes of the Past Ma hew Clary (Univeristy of Georgia) The Power of Legi macy and Moral Authority ‐ A Survey Experiment on Popular A tudes toward a State’s Foreign Policy Seok Joon Kim (George Washington University) Networked revolu on: Hillary Clinton’s rhetorical approach to new communica on technology as Secretary of State Jason L. Jarvis (Georgia State University) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Middle East and Contemporary Challenges SA54: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Nukhet A. Sandal (Ohio University) Disc. Samy Gerges (Kennesaw State University) Disc. Ulf Bjereld (University of Gothenburg) Panel Legisla ve Advocacy under Compe ve Authoritarian Regimes: the Case of Civil Society in Jordan Mounah Abdel Samad (San Diego State University) A Cogni ve Analysis Mapping the Mobiliza on Mechanisms Underlying the Arab Spring in Egypt and Morocco Stephanie Dornschneider (Durham University) Why Turkey is Not a 'Model' in the Middle East? Ayla Gol (Aberystwyth University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Exploring the Nexus of Crime and Terror SA55: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Joshua Freilich (John Jay College; City University of New York ) Disc. Brandon Behlendorf (University of Maryland) Disc. Sharad Joshi (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) Panel Char ng the Course: Mul ‐method Network Analysis of Poten al Smuggling Routes Brandon Behlendorf (University of Maryland) Foreign Aid, NGOs, and the Fight against Terrorism Burcu Savun (University of Pi sburgh) Daniel C. Tirone (Louisiana State University) A Mul ‐Nodal World: Networks, Games, and Narra ves H. Brinton Milward (University of Arizona) Ronald L. Breiger (University of Arizona) Disorganiza on, diversity and deadly far‐right ideological violence: A county‐level analysis Joshua Freilich (John Jay College; City University of New York ) Amy Adamczyk Steven M. Chermak An Eye for an Eye? How Terror A acks Abroad Translate into Hate Crimes at Home Kathleen Deloughery (State University of New York at Albany) Interna onal Law Legal Dimensions of Regional Dynamics SA56: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Charlo e Ku (University of Illinois) Disc. Charlo e Ku (University of Illinois) Panel United Voice & Divisive Tac cs: The Role of the ECJ in European Legal Integra on Kelley Li lepage (University of Oregon) The Rise of Suprana onal Law in the United Kingdom Supreme Court Kelley Li lepage (University of Oregon) Contested Discourses: An Ecological Social Jus ce Approach to the South China Sea Jay Batongbacal (University of the Philippines) Arab‐Israeli or Israeli‐Pales nian?: The Introduc on of a Nego a on Impera ve Robert Barnidge (OP Jindal Global University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy New Direc ons in Trade Theory SA57: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Lisa M. Samuel (College of Charleston) Disc. Flavia de Campos Mello (Pon cal Catholic University of Sao Paulo) Panel The Poli cal Economy of Trade In the Age of Carbon Energy Tim S. DiMuzio (University of Wollongong) Silke Trommer (University of Helsinki) The Local Road PTAs: Subna onal Interests and Mexico´s Trade Agreements Anthony A. Pezzola (Pon cal Catholic University of Chile) Compe ng the Commanding Height of Global Economy between the East and the West: A Strategic and Empirical Analysis on the Future Regional Trading Blocs Yi-Hung (Eric) Chiou (Na onal Chiao Tung University) Incremental Escala on in the WTO Dispute Se lement Process: Why Do Disputes End at Di erent Stages of the Arbitra on Process? Marco Mar ni (ETH Zurich) Interna onal Security Studies Globaliza on, Radicaliza on, and Mobiliza on SA58: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair John P. Sawyer (University of Maryland (START)) Disc. Peter S. Henne (Pew Research Center) Panel Toward a Pro le of Lone‐Wolf Terrorists: What Moves an Individual from Radical Opinion to Radical Ac on? Clark McCauley Sophia Moskalenko How does Charisma c Authority Contribute to the Radicaliza on of Terrorists? Lorne Dawson (University of Waterloo) David C. Hofmann (University of Waterloo) Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why: Lessons from an Analysis of Arrested Terrorists from Pakistan Syed Hussain (Seneca College, Toronto) Pro les of Individual Radicaliza on in the United States: An Empirical Assessment John P. Sawyer (University of Maryland (START)) Online Experimental Research on Mobiliza on and Support for Terrorism: Results from a Mul ‐Na on Series of Studies Anthony Lemieux (Georgia State University) Global South Caucus Interna onal Security Studies The Power of Principles: Coexistence in the Na onal Security Strategies of the BRICS Countries SA59: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Monica Herz (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) Panel Status Eleva on through Coopera on: Russia and BRICS Alexander Sergunin (St. Petersburg State University) India’s Na onal Security Strategy as a BRICS country Shibashis Cha erjee (Jadavpur University) Surupa Gupta (University of Mary Washington) South Africa in the BRICS – S ll the Odd One Out? Thomas Mandrup (Royal Danish Defence College) Karen Smith (University of Cape Town) Coexistence in China’s Energy Policy Liselo e Odgaard (Royal Danish Defence College) Brazil’s Coexistence Strategy Adriana Abdenur (PUC-Rio / BRICS Policy Center) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Representa on Across Borders SA60: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Richard Price (University of Bri sh Columbia) Disc. Sarah S. Stroup (Middlebury College) Panel Cylons, Terminators, and Droids: Representa ons of Science Fic on and Fact in the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots Charli Carpenter (University of Massachuse s) Represen ng Vic ms of Interna onal Crimes: Who? How? To What End? Chris Tenove (University of Bri sh Columbia) The Ford Founda on and the Origins of Contemporary Human Rights NGOs Ron Levi (University of Toronto) Wendy Wong (University of Toronto) Securi za on and (Mis)representa on? Sirin Duygulu (Okan University, Istanbul) Representa onal Models in Transna onal Advocacy: Should We Care About ‘Downward Accountability’? Hans Peter Schmitz (Syracuse University) Interna onal Security Studies Security in the European Neighborhood SA61: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Crister S. Garre (University of Leipzig) Disc. Trine Flockhart (Transatlan c Academy) Panel Construc ng Security: Percep ons, Poli cs, and Policy in the Transatlan c Security Community Crister S. Garre (University of Leipzig) The Transatlan c Partners Onto Separate Ways: How to Con ate the Strategic Turns in Time and Space Chosen By the United States and the European Union Kari Mo ola (University of Helsinki) Changing Securi zing Actors in Turkey: The Case of Civil Military Rela ons and the EU Impact Sinem Acikmese (Kadir Has University) The Transatlan c Security Rela onship a er the Pivot Melanie Van Meirvenne (Ghent University) S ll the One: The Role of Europe in the QDR and American Defense Strategy John R. Deni (Strategic Studies Ins tute) Foreign Policy Analysis NATO's Role: Evolving and Expanding SA62: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Zinaida Shevchuk (Masaryk University) Disc. Ivan Dinev Ivanov (University of Cincinna ) Panel From alliance dilemma to integra on dilemma: Small NATO member state defence policy in mes of austerity Anders Wivel (University of Copenhagen) Iden ty and interests in Informal Alliances: The US‐Georgia Security Rela onship Zachary Selden (University of Florida) Beyond 2014 – Assessing Poland’s Military Mission in Afghanistan Wojciech Michnik (Tischner European University) The Geopoli cs of Regional and Sub‐Regional Defence Coopera on a er the December 2013 European Council: Short‐ and Long‐term Outlook Sami Makki (Sciences Po and CERAPS, Lille (France)) The Virtual Silk Highway Project: A Case of Strategic Globaliza on Jennifer Jones Cunningham (Old Dominion University) Associa on of Korean Poli cal Studies Understanding North Korea’s Poli cs SA63: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Hun Joo Park Disc. Terence Roehrig (US Naval War College) Panel North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons: The Impact on Deterrence on the Korean Peninsula Terence Roehrig (US Naval War College) Transforming the US‐ROK Alliance in an Uncertain Asia Ji-Young Lee (American University) North Korean Provoca ve Ac ons: Whom and What to Blame Seung-Whan Choi (University of Illinois at Chicago) Recas ng the North Korean Problem: Towards Cri cally Rethinking about the Perennial Crisis of the Amoral Family State and How to Resolve It Hun Joo Park Interna onal Security Studies Security Studies in La n America I: Theore cal Approaches SA64: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair David Mares (University of California, San Diego) Disc. Arie M. Kacowicz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Panel Geopoli cs in La n America, Old and New Detlef Nolte (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Pluralis c Security Communi es and La n America Andrea Oelsner (University of Aberdeen) Hybrid Governance Mechanisms on Security in La n America: Balance of Power and Security Community Rafael A. Villa (University of Sao Paulo) Regions as Security Spaces: Regional Security Complex Theory through an Empirical Case Study of the Andes Zoi Vardanika (University of Reading) Alterna ves to State Authority or "Ungoverned Spaces" in La n America? Anne Clunan (Naval Postgraduate School) Harold Trinkunas (The Brookings Ins tu on) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies China and Iden ty Poli cs SA65: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Oliver Turner (University of Manchester) Disc. Der‐yuan Wu (Na onal Chengchi University) Panel Chinese, Dutch, or Indonesian? Ethnic Chinese ‘Foreign Orientals’ Nego a ng Na onality upon Indonesian Independence Willem Maas (York University) China’s New Immigra on Reform and its Policy Challenges Sheng Ding (Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania) Rey Koslowski (University at Albany) Minority Births Under China’s One Child Policy Danielle Cohen (Cornell University) China’s Tibetan Problem with South Asia C. P. Chung (Lingnan University) Social Harmony and Ethnic Dis nc on in Contemporary China: Examining Han, Minority, and Chinese (Na onal) Iden ty James D. Rae (California State University Sacramento) Interna onal Organiza on The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) – How Does it Work in a Time of Crisis? SA66: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Adrian G. V. Hyde‐Price (University of Bath) Disc. Sandra Lavenex (University of Lucerne) Panel The European Neigbourhood Policy (ENP), Externaliza on of EU Governance and Regional Security Pernille Rieker (Norsk Utenrikspoli sk Ins tu ) The EU as an E ec ve Security Provider in its Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of Moldova Dorina Baltag (Loughborough University) Giselle Bosse Economic Crisis and the Externaliza on of EU Governance in the Case of Morocco Pernille Rieker (Norsk Utenrikspoli sk Ins tu ) European Cultural Values: Determining Accession Preparedness in a Growing European Union Ashley Rasmussen (University of Connec cut) Externaliza on of EU Governance and Ukraine: Mul dimensional and Contending Fields Matej Navra l (Comenius University, Brataslava) EU External Democra za on E orts in Times of Crises. The Case of Tunisia Assem Dandashly (Maastricht University) Environmental Studies Water Rela ons SA67: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jenny R. Kehl (University of Wisconsin) Disc. Joshka Wessels (Lund University) Panel Ethiopia and the Blue Nile: Development Plans and Their Implica ons Downstream Jack Kalpakian (Al Akhawayn University) The Democra za on of Water: Malaysian Water Policy and the Opposi onal Dynamics of Norm Di usion Jennifer S. Schi (Western Carolina University) Strategic Mul level Governance: Water Resources Management in Vietnam Jennifer L. Wallace (University of Maryland) The Globaliza on of Virtual Water Flows: Explaining Trade Pa erns of a Scarce Resource Esther Delbourg (Ecole Polytechnique) Shlomi Dinar (Florida Interna onal University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Migrant Journeys I: Mobility, Power, and Agency in In-Between Spaces and Places SA68: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Noelle K. Brigden (Watson Center for Interna onal Studies, Brown University) Disc. Ani a Kynsilehto (University of Tampere) Panel Advocacy on the Line: Migrant Journeys and Migrant Advocates in Arizona and Australia Maria Lorena Cook (Cornell University) Notes from Ecuador: U.S. Deten on and Deporta on as Stages of Migra on Nancy Hiemstra (Stony Brook University) The Never‐Ending Journey? Migrant Mobility in Europe Alexandria J. Innes (University of East Anglia) Nego a ng the Journey: Examining Irregular Migra on across the Central Mediterranean Ce a S. Mainwaring (University of Waterloo) Migra on and its Routes of Power: From Borderlands to Viapoli cs William H. C. Walters (Carleton University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Sovereign Spaces/Places by Design: Architecture, Security, and the Poli cal SA69: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jennifer Mustapha (University of Western Ontario) Disc. Robert E. Latham (York University) Panel Technologies of the Schengen Visa: Of Biometrics, Databases, and Large‐Scale Infrastructures Can E. Mutlu (Bilkent University) Building the Border One Post at a Time: EU and IOM Interven on in Mauritania Philippe Mamadou Frowd (McMaster University) The Spaces of Tear Gas: An Architecture of Colonial Paci ca on Miguel de Larrinaga (University of O awa) Performances of Sound & Rehearsals of Silence: Disciplinary Acous cs at Pearson Interna onal Airport Thomas N. Cooke (York University) Ferocious Architecture in the Borderlands: Sovereign Spaces by Design Benjamin J. Muller (King's University College) Interna onal Organiza on Why Comply? States and Interna onal Ins tu ons SA70: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair John Kirton (University of Toronto) Disc. Heidi Hardt (University of Texas at Arlington) Panel Interna onal Enforcement Robert L. Brown (Temple University) “Bluewashing” the Firm?: The UN Global Compact and Firms’ Environmental and Human Rights Performance Daniel P. Berliner (University of Minnesota) Commitment, Compliance, and Contagion: Disease Containment and the World Health Organiza on Catherine Worsnop (Brandeis University) The In uence of Third Par es on State Compliance with WTO Rulings Naoko Matsumura (Rice University ) Power and Legi macy across Interna onal Ra ng Regimes: A Compara ve Framework David T. Hsu (Browne Center for Interna onal Poli cs, University of Pennsylvania) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Ethnicity, Na onalism, and Migra on in India SA71: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Siman Lahiri (University of Alabama) Disc. Vidya Nadkarni (University of San Diego) Panel Post‐Con ict Sri Lanka and Challenges Before India Asima Sahu (Ravenshaw University) A District‐Level Analysis of Economic Growth, Wealth, and Hindu‐ Muslim Violence in India Nina Jennifer Kaysser (SOAS, University of London) Stranger or Ci zen? How Migra on and Na onal Security De ne Ci zenship in Mumbai Rameez Abbas (Johns Hopkins University) Ethnic Violence, Patronage & Vo ng Behavior in Ethnic Democracies: A Survey Based Experiment Sayan Banerjee (Georgia State University) Violent Democracies: India and Suicide Protest Siman Lahiri (University of Alabama) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Paradoxes of Globaliza on? Bilateral Rela ons and the (Re) structuring of the Interna onal System SA79: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Ulrich Krotz (European University Ins tute) Disc. Ulrich Krotz (European University Ins tute) Panel ‘South‐South’ Bilateral Diploma c Prac ce: The Case of India’s Rela ons with its Gulf Neighbours Mélissa Levaillant (Science Po) The Franco‐German Rela onship and the Interplay Between the CAP and Interna onal Trade Nego a ons in the GATT/WTO Gerry C. Alons (Radboud University Nijmegen) Bilateralism: An E ec ve Alterna ve to the Limits of Mul lateralism? The Example of Contemporary Franco‐Bri sh Defence Coopera on Alice Pannier (Sciences Po Paris) Towards a New Kind of ‘Condominium’? US Response to China’s Ascent and the Future of Global Governance Olivier Chopin (EHESS) Peace Studies The Gender Dimensions of Con ict and Peacebuilding SB01: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Keith Raymond Krause (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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