Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Marysia Zalewski (University of Aberdeen) Part
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Marysia Zalewski (University of Aberdeen) Part. Megan D. Daigle (University of Gothenburg) Part. Anne Sisson Runyan (University of Cincinna ) Part. Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida) Part. Maria Stern (University of Gothenburg) Part. Chris na Masters (University of Manchester) Roundtable Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Wars, Smugglers and Vic ms: New Perspec ves on Non-State Violence and Crime FD73: Friday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Stefano Ruzza (University of Turin) Disc. Gustavo A. Flores‐Macias (Cornell University) Panel Illicit Trade and Con ict: The American Historical Experience Peter Andreas (Brown University) Organized Crime´s Mul mensional Diversi ca on and State Weakeness: A Law and Economics Insight Edgardo Buscaglia Regardless of Clausewitz? Non‐State Armed Actors and Clausewitzian Theory Giampiero Giacomello (University of Bologna) Stefano Ruzza (University of Turin) The Good and the Bad Can be Ugly: Vic miza on and World Poli cs Anja P. Jakobi (Royal Holloway, University of London) Peace Studies Empirical Perspec ves on the Lack of Success of Security Sector Reform FD79: Friday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Mark Sedra (University of Waterloo) Disc. Paul Jackson (University of Birmingham) Panel Security Sector Reform as a Necessary Component of Crisis Management? Engaging with SSR for be er‐designed Exit Strategies Raphaël Za ran (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Security Sector Reform in Pales ne : fragmen ng the poli cal scene while building a "partner for peace" Mélanie Cambrezy (Université de Montréal) The Poli cs and Process of Security Sector Reform in Post‐Con ict Liberia Louis-Alexandre Berg (Georgetown University) When Security Sector Reform Mis res: the Remaking of Public Order Regimes in El Salvador Gaëlle Rivard Piché (Carleton University) ISA Cultural Event Geopoli cs and Cinema c Utopia/Dystopia: Project Z FE05: Friday 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Chair James Der Derian (Centre for Interna onal Security Studies, University of Sydney) Film Screening Project Z James Der Derian (Centre for Interna onal Security Studies, University of Sydney) Phillip D. Gara (Watson Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Poli cal Demography and Geography SSIP Poster Session FE97: Friday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Disc. David E. Cunningham (University of Maryland) Recep on Poster Panel Are Natural Disasters Poli cally Disastrous? Brian Lai (University of Iowa) Amanda A. Licht (Binghamton University) Exposing the Charade: Access to Internet and the Boyco ng of Elec ons in Autocracies Espen Geelmuyden Rød (University of Konstanz and Peace Research Ins tute, Oslo) Piracy Propensity, Poverty, and Poli cs George Shambaugh (Georgetown University) Raj Desai (Georgetown University) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Poli cal Demography and Geography PDG Poster Session Panel FE98: Friday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Disc. Kathleen G. Cunningham (University of Maryland) Disc. Ragnhild Nordas (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo, (PRIO)) Recep on Poster Panel How Do Ethno‐territorial A achments Form? Bryan A. Frederick (RAND) Places to Hide: Terrain, Ethnicity and Poli cal Violence David Carter (Princeton University) Capital Punishment: New Annual Data on the Loca on of Civil War, 1946‐2012 Charles Butcher (University of Otago ) Intrastate Claims to Territory: Mobilizing for Iden ty? Friederike-Luise Kelle (University of Konstanz) Foreign Policy Analysis Democracy, Interdependence and World Poli cs: Results from the 2013 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates at Texas Chris an University FE99: Friday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Disc. Ralph Carter (Texas Chris an University) Disc. James M. Sco (Texas Chris an University) Recep on Poster Panel The E ects of Par cipatory Ins tu ons on Length of Time a Dictator is in Power Ellen Brown Inequality and Unrest: In Search of Resolu on Connor Jerzak (Oberlin College) What Type of Agent? The Role of Intergovernmental Organiza ons in Upholding Democra c Norms Cassandra Emmons (Temple University) Too Many Democra c Springs and Not Enough Democracy Promo on: An Analysis of NED Aid Recipients and Democra c Openings Harsh R Desai (University of Missouri Kansas-City) Female Legisla ve Quotas: Props or Progress? Morgan Helgreen Ra ca on of Interna onal Environmental Agreements: A Story of Con ict Between Special Interest Groups Lauren Lochocki O cial Development Assistance and Female Poli cal Representa on in Least Developed Countries Tonya Maksimenko Cabinet Structure and Policy Consistency: The Case of France and the Netherlands 2002‐2012 Paige Peabody Saturday Theory Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Contes ng Biopoli cs: Poli cs and Cri que SA01: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Nicholas Kiersey (Ohio University) Disc. Nicholas Kiersey (Ohio University) Panel Beyond Biopoli cs / Beyond Risk: Dreams of the Global Insurgency and the Spaces of Desire Tina J. Managhan (Oxford Brookes University) The Security of Biopoli cs Lara Coleman (University of Sussex) Resis ng the Spectrality of the Biopoli cal Barry J. Ryan (Keele University) On Confron ng Biopoli cal Global Governance Tahseen Kazi (Ohio State University) Biopoli cs a er Neoliberalism David Chandler (University of Westminster) Theory Interna onal Ethics Interna onal Poli cal Sociology ‘A Bridge too Far’? Cau on in Theory Along the Border of the Academy SA02: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Andrew R. Hom (Vanderbilt University) Part. Brent J. Steele (University of Utah) Part. Daniel J. Levine (The University of Alabama) Part. Toni Erskine (University of New South Wales) Part. Francois Debrix (Virginia Tech) Part. Catherine Elizabeth Weaver (University of Texas at Aus n) Part. Harry D. Gould (Florida Interna onal University) Part. Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (American University) Part. Michael C. Williams (University of O awa) Roundtable Environmental Studies New Earth Poli cs I SA03: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Laura Bozzi (Yale University) Disc. Ken Conca (American University) Panel Introduc on: New Earth Poli cs Simon Nicholson (American University) Sikina Jinnah (American University) Ins tu ons and the New Earth Kate O'Neill (University of California Berkeley) Maria X. Ivanova (UMass Boston) Social Movements and Civil Society on a New Earth Peter Jacques (University of Central Florida) Climate Change and Energy on a New Earth Katherine Goodwin Reese (American University) Navroz K. Dubash (Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi) Geopoli cs on a New Earth Geo rey D. Dabelko (Ohio University) Human Rights Human Rights Across Time and Space SA04: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair David P. Forsythe (University of Nebraska) Part. Rhoda E. Howard‐Hassmann (Wilfrid Laurier University) Part. Mark Gibney (University of North Carolina Asheville) Part. Michael E. Goodhart (University of Pi sburgh) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Theory Re ec ng on IR (I): Concepts, Ontologies, and Prac ces SA05: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Thomas Diez (University of Tuebingen) Disc. Felix Berenskoe er (SOAS, University of London) Panel A Sociological Analysis of the Decline of American IR Theory Ido Oren (University of Florida) New "Master Concepts" in Interna onal Rela ons Theory Hans-Mar n Jaeger (Carleton University) Varie es of IR: Assessing the Ontological Furniture of a Not So Interna onal Discipline Patricia Greve (University of Toronto) Teresa Kramarz (University of Toronto) A Conceptual History of the Balance of Power Morten Skumsrud Andersen (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs (NUPI)) Contending World Orders: The Western‐centrist Concep on of World Poli cs Thorsten Wojczewski (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies ) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Interregional Dialogue: Regions, Ideas, and Interna onal Theories (I) SA06: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Shiping Tang (Fudan University, Shanghai, China ) Disc. Randall L. Schweller (Ohio State University) Panel East Asian Security Order Revisited: Quasi‐anarchy, China’s Rise, and Beyond Xuefeng Sun (Tsinghua University) Beyond the Hierarchy of Levels‐of‐Analysis: Mul ‐Level Interac ons and the Evolu on of Regional CT Coopera on in Southeast Asia Galia Press-Barnathan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Looking towards Asia through the Lens of La n American IR Oliver Stuenkel (Fundacao Getulio Vargas) Brazil in China’s “Emerging Powers” Discourse: A Case of Interregional Dialogue among BRICS Xiaoyu Pu (University of Nevada, Reno) Peace Studies Resistance as a Strategy for Peace and Jus ce? SA07: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Anthony Burke (University of New South Wales) Disc. Anthony Burke (University of New South Wales) Part. Anna Selmeczi (University of the Western Cape) Part. Chris Rossdale (City University London) Part. Richard Jackson (University of Otago, New Zealand) Part. Stellan Vinthagen (Gothenburg University) Part. Eric Selbin (Southwestern University) Part. Jenny H. Peterson (University of Bri sh Columbia) Part. Louiza Odysseos (University of Sussex) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Global South and Cyberspace: Challenges and Opportuni es of the Next Billion Users SA08: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Ronald J. Deibert (University of Toronto) Part. Rex Hughes (University of Toronto) Part. Roger Hurwitz (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Part. Joseph S. Nye Jr. (Harvard University) Part. Sue Eckert (Watson Ins tute, Brown University) Part. Tim Maurer (Freie Universitaet Berlin) Part. Aim Sinpeng (University of Bri sh Columbia) Roundtable Foreign Policy Analysis Dynamics of Democra c Di usion: Inter-Democra c Con ict and the Clash of Democra za ons SA09: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Karen Rasler (Indiana University) Part. Erik Gartzke (University of California, San Diego) Part. Richard Rosecrance (Harvard University) Part. John M. Owen (University of Virginia) Part. Sara McLaughlin Mitchell (University of Iowa) Part. Ewan Harrison (Rutgers University) Roundtable Peace Studies Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Where Does Peace Take Place? SA10: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Annika F. Bjorkdahl (Lund University) Disc. Vera Mironova (University of Maryland) Panel ‘Svako Sa Svojima’: Governmentality of Ethnic Spaces in Bosnia and Herzegovina Elena B. Stavrevska (Central European University) Jerusalem: A Case Study of Gender and Urban Warfare Sarai B. Aharoni (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Mapping Resistance in Divided Jerusalem Lisa Strömbom (Lund University) Peacebuilding, Proximity and Plurality in the Urban (Space) Annika F. Bjorkdahl (Lund University) Johanna Mannergren Selimovic (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Peace Studies Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Securing the Peace? Understanding Condi ons of Peace on a Local and Na onal Level SA11: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Keith Raymond Krause (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Disc. Timothy D. Sisk (University of Denver) Panel Transforming the community? Police Reform in Burundi and Liberia Franzisca Zanker (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Islands of Peace – Understanding the Causes of Long‐las ng Peace in Non‐War Countries Nadine Ansorg (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) When We All Know When It Is Going to End: The Impact of Sunset Clauses on Power‐Sharing Agreements in Post‐Con ict Socie es Roland Schmidt (Central European University (CEU)) Artak Galyan (Central European University) The Composi on of the Local Security Sector and Popular Percep ons of Safety: Evidence from Kosovo’s Municipali es John Laidlaw Gray (University of Otago) Julia Strasheim (German Ins tute of Global and Areas Studies (GIGA)) Order and Authority During and A er Con ict Jovana Carapic (The Graduate Ins tute, Geneva) Peace Studies Religion and Interna onal Rela ons Religion, Sectarianism and Deeply Divided Socie es SA12: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Gul M. Kurtoglu‐Eskisar (Dokuz Eylul University) Disc. Gul M. Kurtoglu‐Eskisar (Dokuz Eylul University) Panel Sacred Space, Permanent Peace: Loca on, Space, Sanc ty and the Permanency of Con ict Resolu on Kevin Edward Grisham (California State University, San Bernardino) What Space for Faith in Con ict Preven on? A Case Study From Jos City in Plateau State, Nigeria Alpaslan Ozerdem (Coventry University) Laura Payne (Coventry University) A Facilitator or A Hindrance: The Role of Religion on Balkan Peace Gul M. Kurtoglu-Eskisar (Dokuz Eylul University) Sectarian Violence in Post‐Con ict Northern Ireland Laia Balcells (Duke University) Interna onal Organiza on The Construc on of the EU and the Expansion of Its In uence: A Reassessment SA13: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Gabriela Marin Thornton (Texas A&M University) Disc. Mar jn Vlaskamp (Ins tut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)) Panel Why Does the European Union Promote Democracy Through Membership Condi onality? Ryan L. Phillips (University of California, Berkeley) The End of Europe?: Greek Debt, the EU, and Founding Myth Sam-Sang Jo (Chuo University) EU’s Lessons From the Balkans Sabina Hilaiel (University of Denver) EU Ac vism in Interna onal Organiza ons: Emula on as a Mechanism of Di usion at the ILO Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University) Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Power of the Court of Jus ce of the EU in European Integra on?: Ins tu onal Conversion of the Subsidiarity Principle Yong-il Moon (George Washington University) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Peace Studies Civil War Dura on and Termina on SA14: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Kanisha D. Bond (University of Maryland) Disc. Kanisha D. Bond (University of Maryland) Disc. Alyssa K. Prorok (University of Iowa) Panel Win, Lose, or Draw in the Fog of Civil War James M. Greig (University of North Texas) T. David Mason (University of North Texas) Backs to the Wall: Regime Tenacity and Civil War Dura on Theodore McLauchlin (Université de Montréal) Social Con ict and Peace Dura on in Africa Christopher D. Linebarger (University of North Texas) Emily Stull (Asian University for Women) Leader Incen ves and the Termina on of Civil War Alyssa K. Prorok (University of Iowa) Silver Bullet or Flash in the Pan? The Short‐Term E ects of Media on in Intrastate Con ict Constan n Ruhe (University of KOnstanz) Interna onal Organiza on Advoca ng (and Achieving?) Change SA15: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Christopher L. Pallas (Kennesaw State University) Disc. Christopher L. Pallas (Kennesaw State University) Panel Inver ng the Boomerang: Examining the Legi macy of North‐South ‐North Networks in Transna onal Advocacy Christopher L. Pallas (Kennesaw State University) Kris na Hahn (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Lobbying, Social Media and Strategies of Interest Representa on in the EU Adam William Chalmers (Leiden University) Explaining Heterogeneity Across Transna onal Private Governance Fields: A Comparison Between Private Regulatory Ini a ves in the Global Apparel and Co ee Sector Uwe Gnei ng (Freie Universität Berlin) Governing From the Ground Up: A Compara ve Analysis of Policy Learning at WHO through Two Global Tuberculosis Control Networks Joy Fitzgibbon (University of Toronto) An Integrated Model of Norm Di usion: Five Variables and Four Mechanisms Kseniya Oksamytna (LUISS Guido Carli and University of Geneva) Interna onal Security Studies Regula ng Interna onal Arms Transfers: Norms, E ec veness, and Geopoli cs SA16: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Owen Greene (University of Bradford) Disc. Owen Greene (University of Bradford) Panel The Slow Road to Arms Trade Treaty Compliance: Linkages with the Development of Regional and Global Norms Edward John Laurance (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Study) Restricted Armament: The Limited E ect on Civil War of Local and Regional Illicit Arms Markets Nicholas James Marsh (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) External Military Assistance, Compe ve Interven ons, and the Dura on of Civil Wars Noel Anderson (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Irreconcilable Ra onales: Why the European Union Conven onal Arms Export Control Regime May Remain Ine ec ve Susanne Hansen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Saint or Sinner? Human Rights, Democracy, and US Support for the Arms Trade Treaty Jennifer L. Erickson (Boston College) Global Development Telling Stories: Space, Place, Personhood SA17: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jenny Edkins (Aberystwyth University) Disc. Naeem Inayatullah (Ithaca College) Disc. Randolph B. Persaud (American University) Part. Charmaine S. Chua (University of Minnesota) Part. Aida Arfan Hozic (University of Florida) Part. Elizabeth A. Dauphinee (York University) Part. Nivedita Manchanda (University of Cambridge) Part. Sarah Jamal (Aberystwyth University) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Interna onal Poli cal Economy The Euro Crisis: Enhancing Compe veness and Managing Austerity and Debts SA18: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Tal Sadeh (Tel Aviv University) Disc. Patrick Leblond (University of O awa) Panel Interna onal Monetary Power: Comparing Euro Area and US Responses to China’s Exchange Rate Regime Dermot Hodson (Birkbeck College, University of London) The Euro Crisis, Austerity Measures and Strikes Gerald Schneider (University of Konstanz) Pia Wassmann (Leibniz University Hannover & NIW Hannover) Federica Genovese (Stanford University) Signaling in the Euro Crisis: The Poli cs of Maturity in Government Bond Issues Tal Sadeh (Tel Aviv University) The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Euro Adop on Policies in Central and East Europe Amy Verdun (University of Victoria) Compara ve Ins tu onal Advantage in the European Sovereign Debt Crisis Alison Johnston (Oregon State University) Global Development Globality and Colonial Logics: Science, Technology, Art, and IR SA19: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Anna M. Agathangelou (York University) Part. Davide Panagia (Trent University) Part. Siba Grovogui (Johns Hopkins University) Part. Heather M. Turco e (University of Connec cut) Part. Emily Hannah Merson (York University) Roundtable Foreign Policy Analysis The Rise of Neoconserva sm? Ideology and Canada's Foreign and Security Rela ons SA20: Saturday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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