Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Dong Wang (University of California at Los Angeles) Part
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Dong Wang (University of California at Los Angeles) Part. Rick Saull (Queen Mary, University of London) Part. Je Bridoux (Aberystwyth University) Roundtable Human Rights Global Development Assessing the E cacy of Rights-based Approaches: NGO Advocacy Against Poverty SD33: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Elizabeth Bloodgood (Concordia University) Disc. Joannie Tremblay‐Boire (University of Washington) Panel Who Prac ces “Rights‐Based Development?” A Cri cal Assessment of the Impact of “Rights‐Based” Work on Development Prac ce Paul J. Nelson (University of Pi sburgh) Choosing to Advocate: the Rela onship between Funding Sources and Advocacy E orts among NGOs in Cambodia Mary Kay Gugerty (University of Washington) Rights‐Based Approaches to Development: Implica ons for Public Administra on George E. Mitchell (The City College of New York) Hans Peter Schmitz (Syracuse University) Explaining Hunger in a World of Plenty: The Poten al and Limits of Economic Rights‐Based Advocacy Shareen Hertel (University of Connec cut) Bridging Compassion and Injus ce: The Organiza onal Transi on of Plan Interna onal Towards a Rights‐Based Approach to Development Uwe Gnei ng (Freie Universität Berlin) Interna onal Organiza on Assessing NGO In uence SD34: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair William DeMars (Wo ord College) Disc. Paloma Raggo (Carleton University) Panel The Powers of NGOs William DeMars (Wo ord College) Measuring Actor Group In uence In Processes Of Interna onal Norma ve Change Cecilia J. Cannon (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Why are NGOs in Southeast Asia weak? Hiro Katsumata (Kanazawa University) Democra zing or Prosely zing? European Commission Funding of Civil Society Organiza ons: The Youth Programme 2000‐2006 and Youth in Ac on 2007‐2013 Michael J. Beckstrand (Syracuse University) U.S. Support to Civil Society in Con ict and Postcon ict Socie es: Insights From GDELT Jill A. Irvine (University of Oklahoma) Andrew Halterman (Caerus Analy cs) The Impact of Interest Groups on the Timely Transposi on of EU Direc ves in Ireland Martha S. Thomas (University of Vermont) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Assessing Violence in a Globalized World SD35: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Kathryn Marie Fisher (Ohio University) Disc. Ken McDonagh (Dublin City University) Panel The Interna onal Language Of Terror And Self‐Determina on Among Rebel Groups Jennifer Mueller (Graduate Center, City University of New York) Evolving Pa erns of Terrorist Inter‐Group Coopera on Assaf Moghadam (Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Assimilated Jihad Khalil M. Marrar (Governors State University ) Sherri S. Replogle (Illinois State University) 9/11 and Globaliza on of Violence Arabinda Acharya (S.Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies, Nanayang Technological University, Singapore) The Spectacle of Violence: The Image of the City and the Aesthe cs of Terror Robert Topinka (Northwestern University) Who Supports Suicide A acks In The Muslim World? An Examina on Of Survey Data Across Time And Space Jason I. Berman (Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Amnon Cavari Assaf Moghadam (Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Interna onal Security Studies Pakistan: Democracy, Drones, Terrorism SD36: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Sharad Joshi (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) Disc. Aisha S. Ahmad (University of Toronto) Panel Con ict and Coopera on Amongst Terrorist Groups in Pakistan Sharad Joshi (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) Geopoli cs of the Kashmir Issue T. J. Liguori (Florida Interna onal University) Military Bureaucra c Elite’S Target, Weak Poli cal Ins tu on In Pakistan Syeda Annie Waqar (University of Surrey , School of Poli cs) Drones and the Pakistani Public: The Changing Landscape of Public Opinion Karl Kaltenthaler (University of Akron/Case Western Reserve University) C. Chris ne Fair (Georgetown University) What is the State’s Rela onship with Terrorism? Reevalua ng Agency in Terrorism Sahar Khan (University of California-Irvine) Peace Studies Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Women, Ac vism, and Peace SD37: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Maneshka Eliatamby (Communi es Without Boundaries Interna onal, Inc) Panel Women’S Ac vism And Peace Building In India's North East Rubi Devi (The University of Southern Mississippi) Women As The True Civilian Keepers Of The Peace? Gender Dynamics In Interna onal Protec ve Accompaniment Sara Koopman (Balsillie School, WLU) All‐Female Formed Police Units in Peacekeeping: What We Can Learn from the Liberian Experience Lesley J. Prui (University of Melbourne) The Role Women Play in Religious and Community Based Peacebuilding in Nigeria Ebony-Joy Igbinoba-Aigbe (University of Southern Mississippi) “Wee Women’S” Work? Gender, Community Development, And Peacebuilding In Northern Ireland Amanda Donahoe (University of Denver) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Poli cal Demography and Geography Theorizing the Poli cs of Space/Place in Feminist Security Studies SD38: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Nicole S. Grove (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Terrell Carver (University of Bristol) Disc. Sandra McEvoy (Wheelock College) Panel Viral Sex, Or, the In mate Touch of the Virus Melissa Autumn White (University of Bri sh Columbia, Okanagan) Living with the Fence: Military Spaces on Guahan/Guam and Feelings of Safety, Security, and Peace Ronni Alexander (Kobe University) From Public to Private Security: Rescaling the Gendered Poli cs of Protec on Maya M. Eichler (University of Toronto) The Biopoli cs of Preemp on. Drones, Performa vity, and the Paci ca on of the Global Fron er Melanie Richter-Montpe t (York University) Cri cal Geographies and Feminist Spaces Heidi Hudson (University of the Free State) Intelligence Studies Lessons from Intelligence History SD39: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Mark Stout (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Mark Stout (Johns Hopkins University) Panel The “Great Gouzenko:” Spies, Poli cs, And History Erik Jens (Na onal Intelligence University) ‘Psychological Intelligence’ And ‘Propaganda Cycles’: Bri sh And American An ‐Communist Opera ons In Early Cold War Southeast Asia Thomas Maguire (Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge) Why Intelligence O en Succeeds? Lessons from Baghdad and Beirut in 1958 Je rey G. Karam (Brandeis University) Intelligence and the Global Threats to Bri sh Rule in Pales ne, 1919‐39 Steven Wagner (University College, Oxford) Canada’s Forgo en Spies. Western Humint Coopera on in the Far East Don Munton (CASIS) Miriam Matejova (University of Bri sh Columbia) Human Rights Labor Rights in the Global Economy SD40: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Ben Rosamond (University of Copenhagen) Disc. Geo rey Harris (European Parliament) Panel The End of China’s Repressive Labour Regime?: the Interna onal Implica ons of the 2010 Strike Wave Kevin Gray (University of Sussex) Insecure Leaders, Economic Development and Protec on of Labor Rights Zhiyuan Wang (Binghamton University (SUNY)) Hyunjin Youn (Binghamton University) Does Dialogue Work? The E ec veness Of Labor Standards In Eu Preferen al Trade Agreements Evgeny Postnikov (University of Pi sburgh) Ida Bas aens (Fordham University) Free Elec ons, Free Trade, and Free Labor? Labor Repression and Trade Liberaliza on in Developing Countries Adam H. Dean (University of Chicago) Interna onal Poli cal Economy S ll Up-to-date? Deba ng the Place of Technology and Science within the New Spaces of IPE SD41: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair J. P. Singh (George Mason University) Part. Sheila Jasano (Harvard University) Part. Chris C. Demchak (US Naval War College & University of Arizona) Part. John Krige (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Part. Peter M. Haas (University of Massachuse s Amherst) Part. Karen Li in (University of WAshington) Roundtable Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Governance of Interna onal Migra on in Europe and Central Asia: Issues, Interests, and Modes of Governance SD42: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Can E. Mutlu (Bilkent University) Disc. Can E. Mutlu (Bilkent University) Panel Migra on in Russia: the Case of Moscow City Marina Lebedeva (Moscow State Instute of Interna onal Rela ons (University)) Diversity Capital of the Urban Russian Migra on Mary Elizabeth B. Malinkin (Kennan Ins tute, Woodrow Wilson Center) Transforma on of States Policies Towards Irregular Migra on in Greece and Turkey: Europeaniza on and Beyond Fulya Memisoglu (Cukurova Universitesi) Governing The Mobility Of Knowledge Workers: Lessons From Europe Meng Hsuan Chou (Nanyang Technological University) MIgra on System Forma on Phases in Post‐Communist Region Gulbahor M. Saraeva (Rutgers University) Human Rights Lingering Ques ons in Transi onal Jus ce Research SD43: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Susan G. Harris Rimmer (The Australian Na onal University) Disc. Susan G. Harris Rimmer (The Australian Na onal University) Panel What are the Pillars of Transi onal Jus ce? The United Na ons and the Jus ce Cascade in Burundi Wendy R. Lambourne (University of Sydney) Transi onal Jus ce in the Absence of Transi on: Truth‐Seeking as Legi mizing Exercise Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm (University of Arkansas at Li le Rock) Northern Ireland’s Disappeared: Lessons for Truth Recovery and Transi onal Jus ce Cheryl Lawther (Queen's University Belfast) Reforma on and Transforma on in the Changing State: A Model of Ins tu onal Change for Transi onal Jus ce Elizabeth A. Super (University of Ulster Transi onal Jus ce Ins tute) Who Wields Power? A Preliminary Examina on of the Treatment of Power in the Field of Transi onal Jus ce David Hoogenboom (The University of Western Ontario) Foreign Policy Analysis Asser ve Liberalism SD44: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Stephen M. Grenier (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Stephen M. Grenier (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Andrea M. Lopez (Susquehanna University) Panel Beyond Democracy Promo on: Regime Compe on in a Mul polar World Nicolas J. Bouchet (Chatham House - Royal Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Libera ng Strife? Goals, Ideals, And The Reagan Doctrine John David Payne (Sam Houston State University) Command and Conquer: Ideologies of Superiority, Democracy, and Annexa onism Richard W. Maass (Cornell University) Foreign Policy Making Through The Lens of Treaty Ra ca on: A Ques on of Democra c Governance Laszlo Sarkany (University of Western Ontario) Violence and Civiliza on: The Prac ce of Liberal Interven on A er the Cold War Dillon Stone Tatum (The George Washington University) Peace Studies Nego a ng Peace Agreements SD45: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Gül Pinar Gülboy (Istanbul University) Disc. Gül Pinar Gülboy (Istanbul University) Panel Local Violence and Local Peacebuilding – The Case of the Mindanao Con ict Rikard H. Jalkebro (University of St Andrews) Narra ve Transforma on: Advancing Theory on Con ict Transforma on in Peace Processes Patrick Mbugua (University of Otago) Spa al Dimensions of Peace Nego a ons: Comparing the Cases of Colombia and the Philippines Stefan Khi el (University of Vienna) Non‐militaris c Route of Turkey in Solving Kurdish Ques on: The Imralı Process and the Possible Cons tu onal Changes Basak Ekenoglu (Eastern Mediterranean University ) Foreign Policy Analysis Psychological Approaches to Foreign Policy Decisionmaking SD46: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Dmitry A. Lanko (St. Petersburg State University) Disc. James W. Davis (University of St. Gallen) Panel A ribu on Theory in a Di erent Context: Comparing Foreign Policy A ribu ons in Individualist and Collec vist Cultures Tse-Min Fu (University of Southern California) Mark Paradis (University of Southern California) Towards a Systema c Analysis of Cogni ve Maps: Modeling Belief Systems as Bayesian Networks and Directed Acyclical Graphs Stephanie Dornschneider (Durham University) Red Bull E ect: Overcon dence In Foreign Policy Imran Demir (Marmara University) Adviser's Role, Decision Making and Psychology: A First Cut of Presiden al Adviser Psychological Pro les From George W. Bush to Barack Obama Thomas Preston (Washington State University) Unraveling The Mystery: Deriving The Dispari es Between Russia’S Posi ons And Goals In Its Opposi on To The Us Missile Defense In Europe Dumitru Minzarari (University of Michigan, Poli cal Science) Octavian Rusu (PhD candidate / teaching assistant at the University of Toulouse 1 - Capitole ) Diploma c Studies Post-WWII Diplomacy in Perspec ve SD47: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jason Rancatore (American University) Disc. Rahime Suleymanoglu Kurum (Istanbul Gelisim University) Panel Percep ons and Economic Promise as Drivers of Foreign Policy: The Case of Bri sh and German Policy Towards China, 1949‐2012 Carlos Roland Vogt (The University of Hong Kong) The Emergence of "Mul lateral Aid" in Diplomacy, 1947‐1960 Jason Rancatore (American University) The ‘Good O ces’ Of The Un Secretary‐General: Media ng Cold War Tensions Ellen Jenny Ravndal (University of Oxford) Intelligence Organiza ons Role in Building Diploma c Rela ons Itzhak Oren (Bar Ilan University) Interna onal Security Studies The Logic of Syria's Civil War SD48: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Marc Lynch (George Washington University) Disc. Laia Balcells (Duke University) Panel Beyond Upda ng: Rethinking Cascades in the Syrian Uprising Wendy Pearlman (Northwestern University) Fac onalism and the Civil War in Syria Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl (University of Virginia) The Causes of Insurgent Coherence and Their Implica ons for Syria Paul S. Staniland (University of Chicago) New Media and the Syrian Civil War Marc Lynch (George Washington University) Seceding From Rebellion: Kurdish Self‐Determina on Within the Syrian Civil War Morgan Lee Kaplan (University of Chicago) Interna onal Educa on Interna onal Security Studies The Space Between: Closing the Gap Between Civilian and Military Educa onal Communi es in the U.S. SD49: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Douglas Stuart (Dickinson College) Part. John F. Garofano (US Naval War College) Part. Jonathan Levi Cristol (Bard College) Part. Marybeth Ulrich (US Army War College) Part. Gale A. Ma ox (United States Naval Academy) Roundtable Interna onal Ethics Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Immigra on, Ci zenship, and Ethics SD50: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Alexandria J. Innes (University of East Anglia) Disc. Alexandria J. Innes (University of East Anglia) Panel Global Cons tu onalism: Bridging Divides Anthony F. Lang, Jr. (University of St Andrews) The Morality of Linkage: A Case Study of Immigra on Policies Yuchun Kuo (Academia Sinica) Rethinking Membership: Statelessness, Domina on, and the Limits of Contemporary Ci zenship Kiran Banerjee (University of Toronto) Becoming Post‐Sovereign? Belonging and Cohabita on across Borders Birgit Schippers (St Mary's University College Belfast) A Cri cal Theory Of Inclusion: The Right To Have Rights And Global Federalism Bryant Sculos (Florida Interna onal University) Foreign Policy Analysis EU Foreign Policy toward Regions SD51: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jan Claudius Voelkel (Cairo University) Disc. Mario E. Carranza (Texas A&M University‐Kingsville) Panel The Eu And The Syrian Crisis: The Costs Of Policy Incoherence Jasmine Gani (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) What Kind Of Partners? The Eu And Brazil In A Changing Global Order Elena Lazarou (Getulio Vargas Founda on) Norma ve Power Europe: The EU’s Engagement in Con ict Resolu on in the Mediterranean Mehtap Kara (Eastern Mediterranean University) Neighbourhood Policy Or Empire In The Making? A Cri cal Analysis Of The Eu’S Rela ons With Its Eastern Vicinity Vanda Amaro Dias (University of Coimbra) Mul ‐Level Policy of the European Union Towards Russia Ira M. Busygina (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Mikhail G. Filippov (State University of New York at Binghamton) Global Development Global South Caucus The State and Tradi onal Authori es in Post-colonial Africa SD52: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jonathan Agensky (University of Cambridge) Disc. Andreas Hirblinger (University of Cambridge) Panel Minding the Gap: Colonial Ins tu ons and Educa on Policy in Ghana Ryan C. Briggs (American University) A Town Too Small for the Both of Us? The State, Tradi onal Authori es, and Public Good Provision in Uganda and Tanzania Florian Kern (University of Konstanz) Gender Inequality In Space And Places Joyce Ejukonemu (Federal College of Educa on (Technical) Bichi,Kano) The African Poli cal Subject in Chinese and Western Development Imaginaries George Karavas (University of Queensland) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Reimagining Climate Change SD53: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Paul Wapner (American University) Disc. Richard Anthony Ma hew (University of California) Panel Contradic ons And Reimagined Climate Futures Ma hew Paterson (University of O awa) To Heal the Earth: Modernity versus Tradi on in the Arabian Gulf Miriam Lowi (The College of New Jersey) New Geopoli cs of Climate Change Diplomacy Hilal Elver (University of California, Santa Barbara) The Poli cal Geography Of Climate Change Richard Anthony Ma hew (University of California) Intersec on between Interna onal Regimes and Domes c Government Ins tu ons: the Case of the Climate Change Regime Complex Jakob Skovgaard (Lund University) Interna onal Security Studies Threats, Coercion, and War SD54: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Kelly M. Greenhill (Tu s University, Harvard University) Disc. Kelly M. Greenhill (Tu s University, Harvard University) Panel Signals, Credibility, and Coercion: The Diploma c E ect of Military Mobiliza ons Todd S. Sechser (University of Virginia) The Petroleum Paradox: Oil, Coercive Threats, and Great Power Behavior Rosemary Kelanic (Williams College, Department of Poli cal Science) Threats that Compel? The U lity of Ul mata in Interstate Coercion Tim T. Sweijs (King's College London, Department of War Studies) Dynamic Coercion in Civil War: Evidence from Airstrikes in Afghanistan Jason Lyall (Yale) Explaining Failures in Coercive Diplomacy: The Emo onal Construc on of Power Poli cs Robin Markwica (University of Oxford) Interna onal Security Studies Responsibility to Protect: Limits and Possibili es SD55: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair David J. Traven (Kenyon College) Disc. David J. Traven (Kenyon College) Panel An Experimental Test of Norms of Humanitarian Interven on: Insights from Poli cal Psychology Michael Charles Grillo (Schreiner University) Juris Pupcenoks (Marist College) Where Do Norms Come from? Interna onal Commissions, Norm Emergence, and the Responsibility to Protect Daisuke Madokoro (Kobe University) Does A Humanitarian Inten on Ma er In The Determina on Of A General Theory About The Responsibility To Protect? Alejandro Abad Alvarez-Querol (Florida Interna onal University) Security Governance in Africa: Media ng Regional and External Interests David Mickler (University of Western Australia) Environmental Studies The Spaces of Globaliza on: Managing Complex Supply Chains at the Environment/Labour Interface SD56: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Kristen Hopewell (University of Bri sh Columbia) Disc. Marcus E. Taylor (Queen's University, Kingston) Panel Governing the Supply Chain in Carbon O sets: Comparing Global Compliance and Voluntary O set Markets Kate A. Ervine (Saint Mary's University) Transna onal Retail Governance: The E ec veness of Audits in Improving Global Environmental and Labour Prac ces Jane Lister (The University of Bri sh Columbia) Sustainable Forestry and the Nego a on of Rights in China Tim Bartley (Ohio State University) Corpora ons and the Poli cs of Environmental Ac vism in the Global South Kathryn Neville (University of Bri sh Columbia) Peter Dauvergne (University of Bri sh Columbia) The ILO and the Governance of the Labour/Environment Nexus Romain Felli (University of Geneva) Dimitris Stevis (Colorado State University) Global Health Interna onal Poli cal Economy The IPE of Health under Globaliza on SD57: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Owain D. Williams (Aberystwyth University) Disc. Owain D. Williams (Aberystwyth University) Panel Looking at the Persistent Relevance of Territoriality from the Bo om: Medical Tourism and Health Worker Migra on as Poli cs Through Exit Julian Eckl (University of Hamburg) Global Health Poli cs Rescaled in a Borderless World Ted Schrecker (Durham University) Are Intellectual Property Rights Good for Global Health? – A Biopoli cal Look at the Limits of the Neoliberal Disposi f Eva Hilberg (University of Sussex) Access to Essen al Medicines and Intellectual Property Rights in IBSA: Global Challenges and Opportuni es for Coopera on André de Mello e Souza (Ins tuto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada) Social Jus ce Versus Patent Rights Jyo ka Saksena (University of Indianapolis) Interna onal Law Human Rights, Globaliza on, and Geopoli cs SD58: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Dave Benjamin (University of Bridgeport) Disc. Kenneth Chris e (Royal Roads University) Panel Advoca ng for Interna onal Humanitarian Law in a Mul ‐ Civiliza onal World M. J. Peterson (University of Massachuse s) Sexual Rights: Jus ca ons and Strategies in Conten ous Circumstances Anthony Tirado Chase (Occidental College) The Human Rights Bureaucracy or Why a Prolifera on of Thema c Mandates in the UN Human Rights Council from 2006‐2013 is undermining the UN Human Rights Regime. M. Joel Voss (North Carolina State University ) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Resources, Corrup on, and the Poli cs of Development SD59: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Benjamin Neudorfer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Panel Remi ances and the Poli cal Economy of Persistent Corrup on in the Philippines Michael D. Tyburski (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee) Juila Meszaros A Commodity or a Commons? The Construc on of Imaginaries for Higher Educa on Taavi Sundell (University of Helsinki) What's the Best Way to Promote Economic Growth? A Global Analysis of Poli cal Freedom, Public Ins tu ons, and Economic Stability Since the Fall of the Soviet Union Dirk Michael Horn (University of California, Irvine) Regional Shared Rule and Poli cal Corrup on in Presiden al and Parliamentary Systems Benjamin Neudorfer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Problema zing 'Geo' in a Globalizing World SD60: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Deborah Cowen (University of Toronto) Disc. Heloise Weber (University of Queensland) Panel Geo‐Economics And The Transforma on Of The Public University Kanishka Jayasuriya (University of Adelaide ) The New Geoeconomics of a ‘Rising’ India: State Transforma on and the Regionaliza on of Governance Priya Chacko (University of Adelaide) ‘Mining The Indo‐Paci c: Geoeconomics And Geosecuri es In Australia.’ Timothy John Doyle (University of Adelaide; Keele University) On The Double Vision Of Geopoli cs And Geoeconomics: Connec ng Contradictory Geostrategic Discourses To The Contradic ons Of Uneven Global Development Ma hew Sparke (University of Washington) Indian Ocean and Beyond: Governing Flows and Faultlines of Geoeconomic Mari me Regionalisms Sanjay Chaturvedi (Punjab University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Beyond Sovereignty and Na onal Iden ty: The Present and Future of East Asian Security, Con ict, and Coopera on SD61: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Youngshik Bong (Asan Ins tute for Policy Studies) Disc. David A. Welch (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Panel From An ‐American to An ‐Chinese: South Korea's A tude toward Regional Powers Youngshik Bong (Asan Ins tute for Policy Studies) Evolu on of East Asia's Mul lateral Security Ins tu ons‐‐EAS and ADMM Plus Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University) Can Ins tu onal Development Bring the Security Community in East Asia?: Impediment and Possibility of South Korea‐China‐Japan Triangular Security Rela ons. Ji Young Kim (The University of Tokyo) Cross‐Border Oil and Gas Pipelines in the World and Their Geopoli cal Implica ons Miyeon Oh (Johns Hopkins/SAIS) ASEAN Centrality for East Asia?: Limits of the 'ASEAN Way' for Realist Security Challenges in the Region Tsuneo Akaha (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Fron er Logics: Se ler Colonialism in Israel/Pales ne SD62: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Gabrielle A. Slowey (York University) Disc. Wilfrid Greaves (University of Toronto) Panel Inappropriate Acts: Policing Se lers and Construc ng Sovereignty in the Occupied Pales nian Territories Eilat Maoz (University of Chicago) Haredi Se lers: the Non‐Zionist Jewish Se lers of the West Bank Dana Rubin (The Open University, UK ) The Interna onal Rela ons of Liberal Se ler Colonialism Lana Tatour (University of Warwick ) Historical Interna onal Rela ons Geopoli cs and Republicanism: The Problem of Security and Freedom SD64: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Chris Brown (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Disc. Lucian Mark Ashworth (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Panel The Domes c Analogy Reversed: Proudhon’s Federa ve Principle and the Anarchical Society Alex Prichard (University of Exeter) Can the Language of Republicanism Provide a Poli cal Bridge Between the Na on‐State and Global Threats and Challenges? Richard Beardsworth (University of Aberystwyth) The Most Serene Republics: Six Years of Canadian Provincial Autonomy and Interna onal Engagement Alexander Slusar (Carleton University) The Law of the Neighbourhood in Burke’s Great Republic of Europe Patrick Thomas (Aberystwyth University) Interna onal Law Rethinking Vic mhood in Transi onal Jus ce: Compe ng Jurisdic onal, Transna onal, and Social Agendas Across Time and Space SD65: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Harvey M. Weinstein (University of California Berkeley) Chair Laurel E. Fletcher (Univ. of California, Berkeley) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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