Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
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Janine Davidson Part. Richard Lacquement (U.S. Army War College) Part. Volker Franke (Kennesaw State University) Part. William Flavin (US Army Peacekeeping and Stability Opera ons Ins tute) Roundtable Global Development Varie es of Developmentalism: A Cross Regional Perspec ve SC39: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Disc. Ricardo Grinspun (York University) Panel Developmentalism in the Energy Sector: Brazil and South Africa Kathryn Hochstetler (University of Waterloo) Structural and Ins tu onal Aspects of Brazilian and Indian Neodevelopmentalism Aaron Schneider (University of Denver) Developmental state as development aid donor: How Taiwan replicates her developmental model through aid in di erent spaces YiChen Wu (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) Why Developmentalism Persists in Democra c Brazil Alfred Montero Interna onal Organiza on Change and Evolu on in Interna onal Agreements SC40: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Duncan Snidal (University of Oxford) Disc. Alex Thompson (Ohio State University) Panel Rise of the South? Explaining Changing State Behavior in Interna onal Nego a ons Tana Johnson (Duke University) Johannes Urpelainen (University of Michigan) Time and Ra onal Design Barbara Koremenos (U-M) Sectoral Concentra ons and Global Environmental Governance Alexander Ovodenko (Princeton University) Understanding Ins tu onal Change in Environmental Regimes: The Case of Transboundary Water Trea es Charlo e de Bruyne Zeev Yoram Ha el (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ) Powerful Enforcement Tool: Alliances, BITs and FDI: 1978‐2004 Zhiyuan Wang (Binghamton University (SUNY)) Hyunjin Youn (Binghamton University) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies European Force Transforma on and Emergent Warfare SC41: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Mai'a Keapuolani Davis Cross (ARENA Centre for European Studies) Panel The poli cs of European drones: Towards a posi ve or nega ve military transforma on? Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University) Considering the Value of Tac cal Nuclear Weapons in Europe Bradley Thayer (University of Bath) The European Defence Agency and the Member States: Public and Hidden Transcripts Mai'a Keapuolani Davis Cross (ARENA Centre for European Studies) Human Rights The Di usion of Human (and other) Rights Norms SC42: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ellen Gu erman (York University) Disc. Ellen Gu erman (York University) Panel A Tale of Tails: The Interna onal Di usion of Norms against Cruelty towards Animals Lilach Gilady (University of Toronto) Wendy Wong (University of Toronto) The Appropria on of Interna onal Norms Tsveta Petrova (Columbia University) State‐level Analysis to Explain Interna onal Human Rights Norm Emergence and Di usion and Predict Treaty Compliance Sheryl Symons (Binghamton University) The Di usion of Disability Rights: The In uence of the UNCRPD Lisa Vanhala (University College London) The Responsibility to Protect & Norm Di usion in the Middle East & North Africa: The Arab League and the Organiza on for Islamic Coopera on Melinda Negron-Gonzales (University of New Hampshire) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Poli cs of the Senses: A ec vity and Emo ons in Interna onal Poli cs SC43: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow) Disc. Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow) Panel The Poli cs of Security and the Pleasures of Belonging: Exploring the Social Founda ons of Excep onal Security Poli cs Ludvig Norman (Uppsala University ) Judging the Prac ce of Securi za on: Beyond Discourse and Towards the Security Imaginary Eric A. Van Rythoven (Carleton University) The Poli cs and Performa vity of (Re)cogni on Eyal Bar (Arizona State University) Emo on and Ontological Insecurity in the Historical Evolu on of U.S.‐Cuban Rela ons Calum McNeil (McMaster University) German Poli cal Science Associa on Knowledge in Interna onal Rela ons SC44: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Xavier Guillaume (University of Edinburgh) Disc. Rebecca Adler‐Nissen (University of Copenhagen) Panel 'My Knowledge is Be er Than Yours!' ‐ On the Value of Theore cal and Empirical Knowledge in IR Felix Berenskoe er (SOAS, University of London) Limits lost in Transla on? Fusing and Confusing Knowledge of the Con nental Shelf Hannes Hansen-Magnusson (University of Hamburg) The Discipline is Not Enough: Scholarly Knowledge, Communica ve Power, and Global Governance Markus Kornprobst (Vienna School of Interna onal Studies) Remembering the Past, Mys fying Resistance? A Tale of Desires, Delusions and German Diplomats Stephan Engelkamp (University of Münster) The Reversal of Value Neutrality: Research Ethics in Cri cal Approaches to Security Anna Leander (Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Poli cs and Philosophy) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Strategic Vision: Grand Strategy and Geopoli cs in the 21st Century SC45: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Nicholas J. Kitchen (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Disc. Nicholas J. Kitchen (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Panel Common Defense Policies in EU and UNASUR: Is a Regional Grand Strategy Possible? Khatchik Derghoukassian (University of San Andrés) Understanding the Poli cal Economy of China’s Grand Strategy and its Rela ons with the U.S. From a Neoclassical Realist Perspec ve, 1993 Onwards Michiel Foulon (The University of Warwick) China as a Great Power in the Region: A Construc vist Perspec ve Hui-Chi Yeh (University of Southampton) Leading from Behind – A Cri cal Analysis of American Grand Strategy Discourse under President Obama Georg Lö mann (University of Warwick) Counterinsurgency’s Grand Strategy From the Boer War to Afghanistan Mark Silinsky (US Army Intelligence) Standing Group on Interna onal Rela ons of the ECPR Su ering that Ma ers: Changing Poli cal Grammars of Violence SC46: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Juha H. Käpylä (University of Tampere) Disc. Mika P. Aaltola (The Finnish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs ‐ Tallinn University) Panel Su ering in Silence? The Invisibility of Male Vic ms of Sexual Violence in War Torn Countries Elise Feron (University of Kent) Governing Compassion in the Humanitarian Imaginary Juha H. Käpylä (University of Tampere) Global Flows as Theaters of Cruelty: Portraying Human Mobility from West Africa to Europe Mika P. Aaltola (The Finnish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs - Tallinn University) Poli cal Self‐Immola on: The Dynamics of Su ering, Emo on and Imita on from Vietnam to Tibet and Egypt Karin Fierke (University of St. Andrews) Peace Opera ons and Human Su ering: Can One Reduce the Other? Darya Pushkina (St. Petersburg University) Mika P. Aaltola (The Finnish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs - Tallinn University) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies IR and Domes c Dynamics SC47: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Warsaw) Disc. Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Warsaw) Panel Coups Beyond the Military: Presidents, Parliaments and the Military in Fragile Democracies Orlando Perez (Central Michigan University) Emerging Networks between Devolved Governments and the European Union Debra J. Holzhauer (Southeast Missouri State University) How to be a President for Life: Party Compe on and Execu ve Term Limit Enforcement in Developing Democracies Kris n McKie (St. Lawrence University) Bri sh Interna onal Studies Associa on Thinking about Spaces in Russia and Eurasia: the “Burden” of Geopoli cs SC48: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jennifer G. Mathers (University of Wales) Disc. Marina Lebedeva (Moscow State Instute of Interna onal Rela ons (University)) Panel Whose Neighbourhood? Russian and US Contesta on of Security and Norms in the Post‐Soviet Space Ruth M. Deyermond (King's College London) Iden ty and Foreign Policy Percep ons in the Other Europe Valen na Feklyunina (Newcastle University) Forge ng And Remembering: Tracing The In uence On Russian Foreign Policy Thinking Of Western Geopoli cal And Civiliza onal Ideas 1991‐2013 Natasha C. Kuhrt (King's College London) Illiberal Spaces: The Spa al Poli cs of Post‐Soviet Central Asia David G. Lewis (University of Exeter) Foreign Policy Analysis U.S. Policy toward the Middle East: Sources and Impact SC49: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Wesley B. Renfro (St. John Fisher College) Disc. Wesley B. Renfro (St. John Fisher College) Panel Turkish Foreign Policy: Neo‐O omanism as an Expansion of the US’ Middle East Policy Didem Ozdemir (gazi university) Kursad S. Turan (Gazi University) Are Think Tanks In uen al? AEI and the U.S. Troop Surge in Iraq Guy Ziv (School of Interna onal Service, American University) The Impacts of the US Foreign Policy on the Rise of Islamic Insurgencies in the Horn of Africa: From Warlordism to Islamic Fundamentalism Joseph Aboul (Rutgers University) Setsuko Tamura (Yamaguchi Prefectural University) Whose Democra c Peace? Explaining U.S. Democracy Assistance to the Middle East Ralph Carter (Texas Chris an University) James M. Sco (Texas Chris an University) English School Revisi ng Historical Interna onal Socie es SC50: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ma hew S. Weinert (University of Delaware) Chair Yannis S vach s (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Disc. Daniel M. Green (University of Delaware) Panel O oman Empire as an Interna onal Society Barbara Allen Roberson (Salzburg University & Global Policy Ins tute) XIX‐century Central Asia as an Interna onal Society Filippo Costa Buranelli (King's College London) Interna onal Society as Historical Legacy: Some Insights from La n America Carsten-Andreas Schulz (University of Oxford) The Soviet Union, the Socialist States and the Post‐WWII Global Interna onal Society Adriana N. Seagle (Virginia Tech) Interna onal Law Construc ng the Interna onal Criminal Jus ce Field: Cores and Peripheries SC51: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Frederic Megret (McGill University) Disc. Mark A. Drumbl (Washington and Lee University) Panel Between Hope and Cynicism: Legisla ng the Crime of Aggression Marieke de Hoon (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Liminal Jus ce: Recas ng Interna onal Criminal Law Sara Kendall (University of Leiden) Humanitarian Reason and the Fight Against Impunity Kjers Lohne (University of Oslo) Excluding Jus ce Sarah M. H. Nouwen (Cambridge University) Global Health Global Development The Poli cs of Health Aid SC52: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jeremy Shi man (American University) Disc. Jeremy Shi man (American University) Panel Healthy or Unhealthy Aid? An Analysis of the Determinants of Development Assistance for Health Karen Grepin Donors, Disease, and Delega on: The Poli cal Economy of Disease Speci c Aid from Bilateral Donors Carie Steele (Texas Tech University) When Does Health Aid Aid Health? The Impact of Domes c Health System on the E ec veness of Foreign Health Aid Tracy Kuo Lin (University of California, Davis) Non‐State Health Care Service Delivery and the Poli cs of Authority in the D.R. Congo Laura E. Seay (Colby College) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Con nued Role of Na onal Iden ty in Globalized World SC53: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Zeynep Arkan (Hace epe University) Disc. Halit Mustafa Tagma (Ipek University) Panel Cons tu ng Turkey’s Iden ty through Representa ons of Imperial Geography and History Zeynep Arkan (Hace epe University) Muge Kinacioglu (Hace epe University) The Transna onal Spread of Iden ty in the Arab Spring: Evidence from Social Media Hayden J. Smith (Washington State University) Fernanda Buril Almeida (Washington State University) ‘European’ Neighbours vs. Neighbours of Europe: Construc ons of a ‘European’ Iden ty Beatrix Futak-Campbell (Vienna School of Interna onal Studies) The Di erence Iden ty Makes Sidra Hamidi (Northwestern University) Securi zing Iden ty: Cyberwar, Alterna ve Spa ality, and the 'Other' Luke B. Campbell (University of Kansas) Interna onal Security Studies Security and Strategy in Alliance Poli cs SC54: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Disc. Bre Benson (Vanderbilt University) Panel Friends with Bene ts? Bargaining Power in Alliances Between States and Armed Non‐State Groups Erica D. Borghard (Columbia University) Unequal Burden Sharing in Counterinsurgency Partnerships –Tes ng Economic Theories of Alliances in Modern COIN Con icts Barbara Elias (Bowdoin College) Reconsidering Regime Type, Capability, and War Kyle Larson (The Ohio State University) William McCracken (Ohio State University) Gas on the Fire: Great Power Alliances and Petrostate Aggression Inwook Kim (George Washington University) Alliance Security as a Public Good: An Experimental Inves ga on Kai Quek (University of Hong Kong) David Hyun-Saeng Jae (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Interna onal Security Studies Russian Security Challenges SC55: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Theodor Tudoroiu (The University of the West Indies at St. Augus ne) Disc. William T. Eliason (Na onal Defense University) Panel Moscow, Damascus, and the New Geopoli cs of the Middle East Theodor Tudoroiu (The University of the West Indies at St. Augus ne) Do Power Shi s Create Belligerent Regions? An Analysis Of Rising China And Declining Russia’S Coercive Diplomacy Pa erns Towards Their Periphery. Jeehye Kim (Harvard University) Jane E. Vaynman (Harvard University) Russia’s and the EU’s Security Prac ces in their ‘Shared Neighbourhood’: A Framework for Analysis Sebas an Mayer (University of Bremen) A Compara ve Analysis of Terrorist Opera ons in the United States and Russia – Implica ons on US‐Russia Counter Terrorism Policy Binneh Minteh (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) Russia and its 'Near Abroad': The Complex Rela onship Between Russia's State Iden ty and Space Ria Laenen (KU Leuven) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Religious Minori es, Sectarianism, and State SC56: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jeremy Menchik (Dept of IR, Boston University) Disc. Jeremy Menchik (Dept of IR, Boston University) Panel Islam, Na onalism and Religious Liberty: State Policies toward non‐ Muslim Minori es in Turkey and Jordan Ramazan Kilinc (University of Nebraska-Omaha) Turan Kayaoglu (University of Washington) No Spring for Lebanon?: Youth Poli cs and the Dynamics of Sectarianism Elinor Bray-Collins (University of Toronto) The Paradoxes of "Islamophobia" in Contemporary European Socie es Jason A. Springs (University of Notre Dame) The Post‐Secular Republics: Tunisia and Turkey’s Experiments with Islamism Hayat Alvi (U.S. Naval War College) Neglected Inclusion: Assyrians and Chaldeans in Post‐War Iraq Erin Hughes (University of Edinburgh) Foreign Policy Analysis Canada Facing the Decline of the U.S. Hegemon SC57: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair David G. Haglund (Queen's University) Disc. David G. Haglund (Queen's University) Panel Canada and Transatlan c Burdensharing Jonathan Paquin (Université Laval) Followership in the Context of US Mul lateral Retrenchment: Middle Powers’ Quest for Status During the War in Libya Jus n Massie (University of Quebec in Montreal) Manuel Dorion-Soulié (Université du Québec à Montréal) The Arc c As A Laboratory. Canada Facing The Uncertain Distribu on Of Power In The Arc c Sub‐System Stephane Roussel (Ecole na onale d'Administra on publique) North Korea and US‐NATO Ballis c Missile Defence Coopera on: Implica ons for Canadian Defence Policies and Priori es. Frank P. Harvey (Dalhousie University) Canada's Security Role Toward China And The Paci c Ting-sheng Lin (University of Quebec at Montreal) Environmental Studies Hydrocarbons as a Driver for Peace SC58: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Kathrin Keil (Ins tute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS); The Arc c Ins tute) Disc. Chris ne S. Cheng (King's College London) Panel Peace Pipes? Re‐Examining The Pipelines And Peace Hypothesis Philippe A. Le Billon (University of Bri sh Columbia) Democra c Ins tu ons, Ethnic Representa on and Resource Governance: E ects on Local Violence and Peace in Africa Ma hias Basedau (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Jan Pierskalla (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) The Peace Poten al of Hydrocarbon Resources Siri Aas Rustad (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Hydrocarbon Findings o the Coast of Cyprus and the Solu on of the Cyprus Problem: Progress or Showdown in the Eastern Mediterranean? Hubert Faustmann (University of Nicosia) Zachary Tzimitras (The Interna onal Peace Research Ins tute Oslo-PRIO Cyprus Centre) Si ng On A Gold Mine: Evalua ng E ec veness Of Social Movement Strategies For Mobilizing Against The New Gold Rush Rachel Hannah Nadelman (American University) Post Communist States Complexi es of Leadership in a Mul polar World SC59: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Norma C. Noonan (Augsburg College) Disc. Andrew Smith (Independent Researcher (Australia)) Disc. Ta ana A. Shakleina (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Panel Interna onal Regula on of Common New Spaces Alexey Fenenko (Ins tute of Interna onal Security Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences) Igor Istomin (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons, Ministry of Foreign A airs of Russia) New Geopoli cs of East Asian Integra on Andrey A. Baykov (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons, Ministry of Foreign A airs of Russia) US Challenges in a Changing World: Time to Move over? Norma C. Noonan (Augsburg College) Leadership at Global and Regional Levels: Di usion of Power, New Subsystems, and New Leaders. Ta ana A. Shakleina (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Is India Ready for Global Leadership? Vidya Nadkarni (University of San Diego) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Modelling Worlds: The Spa al Poli cs of Economic Simula on SC60: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Nathan Coombs (Royal Holloway, University of London) Disc. Amin Samman (City University London) Panel The Spa al Poli cs Of Modeling Financial Resilience Chris Clarke (Universiy of Warwick) The Sociotechnical Poli cs Of Central Bank Modeling Nick Srnicek (University College London) Performing The Global Order: Algebraic Topology, ‘Big Data’ And The Twilight Of Austrian School Economics? Nathan Coombs (Royal Holloway, University of London) Governing (Through) Expecta ons: In a on Targe ng And The Performa on Of Ra onal Expecta on Formers Benjamin Braun (University of Warwick) The Poli cal Consequences of Risk Model Performa vity in Interna onal Finance Erin Lockwood (Northwestern University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Non Tradi onal Security Threats & Geopoli cs: The View from Asia SC61: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Fulvio A na (Catania University) Disc. Fulvio A na (Catania University) Panel Regionalism and Food Market Interven ons: Lessons from ASEAN and the EU Jackson Ewing (S. Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies) Sandra Silfvast (University of Melbourne) Water (in)security in the Asia‐Paci c Region Robert Brears (University of Canterbury) Convergence in Human Security No ons and UN Peacekeeping: The changing roles of China and India Garima Mohan (Freie Universitat, Berlin) Olivia Gippner (Free University Berlin) It’s So Power, Stupid‐ Di using EU Security Policy Norms in Addressing Asia‐Paci c Non‐Tradi onal Security Threats May-Bri U. Stumbaum (NFG "Asian Percep ons of the EU", Freie Universität Berlin) Interna onal Security Studies Explaining Counter-Terrorist Policy: Terrorist Trends, Interna onal Norms, and Government Restraint SC62: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Bryan C. Price (Comba ng Terrorism Center, U.S. Military Academy) Disc. William Brani (University of Maryland) Panel Deterrence and Counterterrorism: How States Respond to Provoca on Martha Crenshaw (Stanford University) Poll Trends and Right‐wing Terrorism in the U.S. Ben Van Son Clark McCauley 'Terrorists', 'Protesters,' or 'Rebels'? How Nomenclature of Con ict In uences External Interven on Lionel Beehner (Yale University) Terrorized into Compliance: Determinants of Government Submission to Financial Counterterrorism Karolina Lula (UMass Lowell, Center for Terrorism and Security Studies) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Contextualizing Diaspora Poli cs SC63: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Maria Koinova (Warwick University) Disc. Nadejda K. Marinova (Wayne State University) Panel “Poli cally Relevant Environment” for Transna onal Diaspora Poli cs Maria Koinova (Warwick University) La no Par sanship and Transna onal Poli cs Nikola Mirilovic (University of Central Florida) Philip Pollock (University of Central Florida) Ins tu onal Reform in Limited Access Orders: The Poten al Advantages of Diasporans Jennifer Marie Brinkerho (George Washington University) Imagined Communi es 2.0. Space and Place in Pales nian, Tamil and Sikh Online Iden ty Poli cs Fiona Adamson (SOAS, University of London) Priya Kumar (SOAS London) Where the Global and the Local Meet: Diaspora Engagement and Local Ins tu ons Daniel Naujoks (United Na ons/Hamburg Ins tute of Interna onal Economics) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Globaliza on, Order, and Crisis SC64: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Stephan Klose (Lund University) Disc. Stephan Klose (Lund University) Panel Globaliza on and its Limits: Varie es of Capitalism and the Failure of Wal‐Mart in Germany Ma hias Kaelberer (University of Memphis) Scarcity or Plenty? Peak Energy and Great Power Rivalry Timothy C. Lehmann (Hamilton College) Does Size Ma er In Interna onal Poli cs? Re ec ons On The Size Of Na ons And The Future Of Poli cal Fragmenta on Kyriakos Pierrakakis (University of Oxford) The Missing Link of Global Value Chain Chun-Yi Lee (Univeristy of No ngham) Bureaucra c Autonomy and US Foreign Aid Alloca on Gina Mar nez (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Exploring “The China Model” – The Rise of an Autocracy and Its Implica ons SC65: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Miao‐ling Lin Hasenkamp (O o von Guericke University of Magdeburg) Disc. Maximilian Mayer (Bonn University) Panel Towards a Chinese Brand of Democracy? Models, Dynamics and Limita ons Miao-ling Lin Hasenkamp (O o von Guericke University of Magdeburg) Poli cal Mobility of Chinese Provincial Chiefs of Communist Propaganda (1997‐2011) Liang Qiao (Renmin University of China) China And The ‘Adversary’ Dynamic In U.S. Foreign Policy Discourses Robert G. Patman (University of Otago) Dirk Nabers (University of Kiel) China's Engagement in Africa and Its Implica ons for Democracy Promo on Earl Conteh-Morgan (University of South Florida) Global Development Rethinking Norm Di usion: Interests, Alterna ve Ideas, Compe ng Orders, and Ac ve Resistance SC66: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Filippo Dionigi (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Disc. Jeanne W. Simon (Universidad de Concepcion (Chile)) Panel Ideas, Policies and Organiza onal Change: Prac cal Logics and the Condi ons of Policy Change in Interna onal Organiza ons Antje Ve erlein (Copenhagen Business School) Framing Interests. The Oecd And The Eu As Norm Entrepreneurs In Educa on Policy. Dennis Niemann (University of Bremen) Tonia Bieber (University of Bremen) Compe ng Orders: New Power Dynamics of Interna onal Order between Established and Emerging Powers Patricia Daehnhardt (Lusiada University and IPRI (Portuguese Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons)) Norma ve Clusters and Norm Emergence: The Birth of Transi onal Jus ce Carla Winston (University of Bri sh Columbia) The Non‐Di usion of Minority Rights Norms: An Analysis of Ac ve Resistance by States Smruthi Rammohan (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies, Geneva) The World As A Single Interconnected Place: World Heritage And Place‐Making Viviane Di rich (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Foreign Policy Analysis Foreign Aid as an Instrument of In uence SC67: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Fahimul Quadir (York University) Disc. Eric J. Reading (Chemonics Interna onal) Panel When Do Donors Coordinate? Explaining Compe on, Collusion and Coordina on in the Provision of Foreign Aid Mar n C. Steinwand (Stony Brook University) China’s Foreign Aid to Africa: a Rite of Passage? Lina Benabdallah (University of Florida) Brazil’S South‐South Development Coopera on: Principles And Experiences Of The Domes c Bureaucracy Deborah Barros Leal Farias (U. Bri sh Columbia (UBC)) Li le Guy's S cks Prevail against Big Brother's Carrots Peng Wang (University of Bristol) Foreign Aid Alloca on And The Redistribu ve Implica ons Of Policy Concessions Daniel McCormack (University of Texas) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Environmental Studies Eco-poli cs SC68: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Susan M. Park (University of Sydney) Disc. Charles L. Heck (Florida Interna onal University) Panel Toward a Global Environmental Theory of Migra on John Hultgren (Northern Arizona University) The Green Governmentality of Urban Informality in South America Charles L. Heck (Florida Interna onal University) Save The Arc c : Environmental‐Ist Greenpeace And The Polemic "Subject" In Exercises Marc-Olivier Castagner (University of O awa) Simon Hogue (Université d'O awa) Catastrophe Insurance the Financializa on of Natural Disasters Christopher C. Leite (University of O awa) Democra c Forms of Government, Electoral Rules, and the Impact of Environmental Interest Groups Vally Koubi (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), University of Bern) Interna onal Organiza on Globaliza on and Interna onal Ins tu ons SC69: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Mateja Peter (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs (NUPI)) Disc. Clara A. Brandi (German Development Ins tute) Panel Na onalism, Globaliza on and IR David Lawrence Rampton (London School of Economics) Suthaharan Nadarajah (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) Same‐Same but Di erent: The G7/8, UNCTAD and the interna onal discourse on globaliza on Mor Mitrani (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The Expanding Challenges. And Opportuni es, Of Global Governance Chadwick F. Alger (Ohio State University) Interna onal Organiza on Regional Ins tu ons SC70: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Aigul Kulnazarova (School of Global Studies, Tama University) Disc. Chris an Galindo (Universidad Iberoamericana) Panel East Asia Regionalism: Intergovernmentalism and Prospects for Enhanced Integra on Geo rey B. Cockerham (Utah Valley University) Hong Pang (Utah Valley University) Making Con ict Unthinkable: Asean As A Community Of Prac ce. Mathew J. Davies (Australian Na onal University) Can Democracy Boost Coopera on: The Future of Middle East Regionalism in Post Arab Spring milieu Muhammad A f Khan (Ins tut d'Etudes Poli ques, Grenoble, France) A Contestable Domain: Public A tudes and the E ec veness of Regional Con ict Preven on in West Africa Emmanuel A. Balogun (University of Delaware) Resilient or Declining?: Regional Economic Blocs in La n America in the "Post‐Neoliberal" Era Mario E. Carranza (Texas A&M University-Kingsville) Foreign Policy Analysis Northeast Asia and a Changing World Order SC71: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Hyon Joo Yoo (Trinity University) Disc. Edward Kwon (Northern Kentucky University) Panel Restoring the Strategic Balance in the Korean Peninsula: Is Extended Nuclear Deterrence Enough for South Korea? Youngwon Cho (St. Francis Xavier University) Economic Interdependence and Coopera on between South Korea, China, and the U.S. in the UNGA Wonjae Hwang (University of Tennessee) False Promise of Sunshine Policy Inhan Kim (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs) Impossible Allies? ‐Korean views of Japan in a Changing World Order Joonbum Bae (University of California, Los Angeles) Reactor Poli cs: Domes c Poli cal Legi macy, Global Status, and Nuclear Energy in East Asia Il Hyun Cho (Lafaye e College) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Bodies As Protest: Gender, Violence and Resistance in Global Poli cs SC79: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Melisa Casumbal‐Salazar (Whitman College) Disc. Carolyn M. Stephenson (University of Hawaii Manoa) Panel Digital Transgressions: Feminine Bodies, Online Ac vism and the Ethics of Exposure Nicole S. Grove (Johns Hopkins University) “Before You Mine The Earth, Mine Me!:” The Feminine Body In Confronta ons Over Extrac ve Development In Bontok And Kalinga, Cordillera, Philippines (1970S‐1980S) Melisa Casumbal-Salazar (Whitman College) What about the Women? Gendered construc ons of Arab women and United States foreign policy during the Arab Spring Rishita Apsani Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Spa al Approaches to Ethnic Con ict SD01: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Lars‐Erik Cederman (ETH (CIS)) Disc. Stephen M. Saideman (Carleton University) Panel Remote‐Sensing Inequality: An Applica on To Ethnic Con ict Nils Weidmann (University of Konstanz) Lars-Erik Cederman (ETH (CIS)) Cleavage Dynamics in Civil War Ravi Bhavnani (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Do Petroleum Reserves Make Ethnic Iden es Poli cally Relevant? Philipp Hunziker (ETH Zurich) Se lement In The Periphery And Separa st Violence: A Study Of An ‐Colonial War In The 20Th Century Bethany Ann Lacina (University of Rochester) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Carens and the Ethics of Immigra on SD02: Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Nancy Bertoldi (University of Toronto) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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