Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Right: The reason is that I believe it
Reason so’zi sababni bildiradi shuning uchun because ishlatsangiz ikkita sabab qaytarlib qoladi. The reason is that to’g’ri


The country o’rniga a country ishlatish

Wrong: I spent my shaklidays in a country
Right: I spent my shaklidays in the country
A country bu - joylar: Fransiya, Misr, Uzbekiston ga o’xshash. A country deganda mamlakatlar tushuniladi. The country bushahar va shaharchalar bo’lmagan yer ya’ni qishloq. The country deganda qishloq tushuniladi


Ikkita narsa uchun either ni o’rniga any ishlatish

Wrong: Any of these two books is good
Right: Either of these two books is good
Either olmoshi ikki shaxs yoki buyumga ishlatilib, har ikkalasi, ham unisi ham bunisi, ikkalasidan biri ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Any uchta va undan ko’p shaxs yoki buyumga nisbatan ishlatilib, uchalasidan biri yoki undan ko’pidan biri.


I like o’rniga “likes me” ishlatish.

Wrong: The cinema likes me very much
Right: I like the cinema very much


Neither…nor o’rniga “neither…or”ishlatish

Wrong: Sara speaks neither English or French
Right: Sara speaks neither English nor French
Unutmang: Neither doim nor bilan ishlatiladi, or bilan emas. Either doim or bilan ishlatiladi. She drinks either orange juice or apple juice – U apelsin yoki olma sharbati ichadi
Eslatma: Either olmoshi ikki shaxs yoki buyumga taalluqli bo‘lib, har ikkalasi, ham unisi ham bunisi, ikkalasidan biri ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Either birlikdagi donalab sanaladigan ot oldida ishlatiladi va determiner(ko’rsatkich) bo‘lgani uchun u ishlatilgan ot oldida artikl ishlatilmaydi,chunki bitta ot oldida faqat bitta ko‘rsatkich ishlatilishi mumkin Either…or yoki…yoki, boglovchi bo’b keladi.
He is either in Tashkent or in Samarkand. U yoki Toshkentda, yoki Samarqandda
Neither olmoshi na unisi, na bunisi degan ma’no berib, either olmoshining bo‘lishsiz shakli hisoblanadi. Neither…nor na…na bog‘lovchi bo‘lib keladi:
Neither my sister nor I liked this story. Bu hikoya na singlimga, na menga yoqdi


Inkor gaplarda both ni ishlatish

Wrong: Both of them didn’t go to school today
Right: Neither of them went to school today
Unutmang: Both ni inkor gaplarda ishlatmang.Both darak gaplarda ishlatilib “har ikkalasi” deb tarjima qilinadi.Bo’lishsiz gaplarda both o’rniga neither ishlatiladi. Inkor ma’noda “neither”ni positive (darak) gaplarda ishlating, va shunda gap inkor ma’no beradi.
Eslatma: Both…and bog‘lovchisi ham…ham deb tarjima qilinadi:
Both Peter and Mary were there. Piter ham Meri ham o‘sha yerda edilar


Inkor gaplarda either o’rniga “also yoki too”ni ishlatish

Wrong: Joe hasn’t come also(yoki too)
Right: Joe hasn’t come either
Unutmang: Inkor gaplardaalso yoki too”ni ishlatmang. Inkor gaplarda either ishlatiladi
Un-English expressions
Buyerda berilgan iborlar odamlarni rosa chalg’itib qo’yadi sababi bu so’zlar boshqa tilda boshqa so’zlarga to’g’ri kelsa ingliz tilida esa boshqa so’zga to’g’ri shu sababli chalkashliklar yuzaga keladi. O’rganuvchilar asosan o’z onatilidagi so’zi boyicha gap tuzishadi va xatoga yo’l qo’yshadi.


Take an exam(imtixon topshirish), give an exam emas

Wrong: The pupil gave his exam
Right: The pupil took his exam
Eslatma: The teacher gives or sets the exam. - O'qituvchi imtihonni o’tqazadi yoki belgilaydi
O’qituvchi. The student takes the exam or sits the exam - Talaba imtihon topshiradi yoki imtihonda o'tiradi. Talaba nisbatan “give the exam” ishlatilmaydi sababi imtixoni o’qtuvchi o’tqazadi va talaba “take the exam” ya’ni imtixon topshiradi.


To be right yoki wrong(haq yoki nohaq bo’lish), to have right yoki wrong emas

Wrong: You have right or you have wrong
Right: You are right or you are wrong


It’s cold,etc..(sovuq), it has cold emas

Wrong: It has cold this winter
Right: It’s cold this winter


Go for a walk(sayr qilmoq), to make a walk emas

Wrong: We made a walk along the river
Right: We went for a walk along the river Eslatma: have a walk yoki take a walk shaklida ham aytishingiz mumkin


Otga chiqish ma’nosida mount yoki get on a horse ishlatiladi, ride a horse emas

Wrong: Peter rode his horse and went home
Right: Peter got on his horse and ride home
to ride” (otga minish) davomli harakatni bildiradi. “to mount” yoki “to get on”(otga chiqish) qisqa harakatni bildiradi. Ya’ni otga chiqish bir necha soniyalar davom etadi qisqa action, minish esa ancha uzunroq action
147. “Otdan tushish” ma’nosida dismount yoki get off a horse ishlatiladi, come down from a horse emas
Wrong: They come down from a horse their house
Right: They got off their house
Eslatma: Mashina va taksidan tushish ma’nosida get out of ishlatiladi. Katta ulovlar: poyezd, avtobus va boshqalardan tushish ma’nosida get off chiqish ma’nosida get on ishlatiladi


Piyoda bormoq/yurmoq” ma’nosida go on foot ishlatiladi, go with the feet emas

Wrong: Shall we go there with the feet? Right: Shall we go there on foot?


Dush qabul qilish” ma’nosida take yoki have a shower ishlatiladi, make a shower emas
Wrong: I make a shower every morning
Right: I take/have a shower every morning

150. emas

Savol bermoq/ savol so’ramoq” ma’nosida ask a question ishlatiladi, make a question

Wrong: Abror made me several questions
Right: Abror asked me several questions


Bir soat vaqt ketadi yoki oladi”ma’nosida take an hour ishlatiladi, need an hour emas

Wrong: I’ll need an hour to do that
Right: It’ll take me an hour to do that
Eslatma: “take” dan keyin istalgan vaqt kelishi mumkin take ten minutes, take three hours…


Give a discount(chegirma bermoq), make a discount emas

Wrong: He made me a small discount
Right: He gave me a small discount


Take exercise(mashq qilmoq), make exercise emas

Wrong: You ought to make more exercise
Right: You ought to take more exercise


Give yoki deliver a lecture(maruza qilmoq), make a lecture emas

Wrong: He made an interesting lecture
Right: He gave/delivered an interesting lecture
Eslatma: Maruza qilmoq ma’nosida give a lecture yoki deliver a lecture ishlatiladi. Ammo nutq so’zlamoq ma’nosida make a speech ishlatiladi. He made an interesting speech- U qiziqlarli nutq so’zladi.
155. Say one’s prayers( duolarni aytish/qilish, ibodat qilish), make yoki do one’s prayer emas
Wrong: I make my prayer before I go to bed
Right: I say my prayers before I go to bed(Yotishdan oldin, duolarmni aytaman/ibodat qilaman)
To say grace- ovqatdan oldingi duo. Ovqatni boshlashdan oldin Ollohdan marhamatni so’rash


Make a mistake(xato qilmoq), do a mistake emas

Wrong: I did one mistake my dictation
Right: I made one mistake my dictation


Tell yoki speak the truth(haqiqatni aytmoq/rost gapirmoq), say the truth emas

Wrong: Shohsanam always says the truth
Right: Shohsanam always tells/speaks the truth Eslatma: to tell a lie(yolg’on gapirmoq), say a lie emas


Give an example(misol keltirmoq), bring an example emas

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