Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

Wrong: Abror is the tallest of the two people Right

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Wrong: Abror is the tallest of the two people
Right: Abror is the taller of the two people
Ikkita odam yoki narsani bir biriga solishtirganda qiyosiy darajani ishlating. Agar ikkita kishini qiyoslayotganda orttirma daraja ishlatish xato.


Qiyosiy darajada qiyoslash uchun than o’rniga from ishlatish xato

Wrong: Jamila is taller from her brother
Right: Jamila is taller than her brother
Biz sifat va ravishlarni bir biriga qiyoslashda than so’zidan foydalanamiz. O’zbekchada tarjimasi, …ga qaraganda(ba’zida ..dan): taller than me – menga qaraganda uzunroq(mendan uzunroq). Biz qiyoslayotganda from ishlatmaymiz

Ikkitadan ko’p odam yoki narsani qiyoslayotganda orttirma daraja o’rniga qiyosiy daraja Wrong: Cairo is the larger city in Africa
Right: Cairo is the largest city in Africa
Ikkitadan ko’p odam va narsalarni solishtirganda orttirma darajani ishlating.


Most o’rniga more ni noto’g’ri ishlatish

Wrong: The more people will agree with me
Right: Most people will agree with me
Ko’pchlik, aksariyat ma’nosida “ most” ni ishlating, “ more”emas


the more bunaqa gaplarda ishlating the + comparative adjective + clause + the + comparative

adjective + clause(Qancha….shuncha…). The more you pay, the better quality is - Qancha ko’proq to’lasangiz,

shuncha sifatli bo’ladi


Better yoki worse o’rniga more good yoki more bad ishlatish

Wrong: This one looks more good than that
Right: This one looks better than that
Ingliz tilida ba’zi sifatlarning qiyosiy va orttirma darajada o’z shakli bor: good va bad ham shu sifatlar sirasiga kiradi.

Oddiy daraja

Qiyosiy daraja

Orttirma daraja



best-eng yaxshi



worst-eng yomon



least-eng oz



most-eng ko’p


further-uzoqroq, keying, qo’shimcha

farthest-eng uzoq furthest- eng uzoq, eng keyingi


At home o’rniga “home” shaklida ishlatish

Wrong: In the afternoon I stay home
Right: In the afternoon I stay at home
At home jumlasi “uyda” degan ma’no beradi. Lekin go yoki come fe’llari home so’zi bilan predlogisiz ishlatiladi . He wants to go home


One of yoki among o’rnida from ishlatish

Wrong: She is from the nicest girls I know
Right: She is one of the nicest girls I know
One of(larning biri) yoki among(orasida) ma’nosida from ishlatishdan saqlaning. She is one of the nicest girls I know – U men bilgan eng chiroyli qizlardan biri. Buyerda dan ya’ni from tarjimasiga o’xshab ketadi shu sababi ko’plar ogzaki nutqda Men bilganlarimdan eng chiroylisi deyishadi va from ishlatib qo’yishadi ammo larning biri degan ma’noda one of ishlatiladi.


Aktiv infinitive(to+V1) o’rniga passiv infinitive (to be + V3) ishlatish.

Wrong: English isn’t easy to be learned
Right: English isn’t easy to learn
Sifatlar afraid, anxious, happy, proud, easy, difficult, hard, heavy, good va boshqalar odatda aktiv infinitive bilan ishlatiladi


O’timsiz fe’llarni majhul nisbatda(passive voice) ishlatish

Wrong: She was disappeared from the house
Right: She disappeared form the house
O’timsiz fe’llarni (appear, seem, become, consist, disappear va boshqalar) majhul nisbatda ishlatmang.


Tasdiq so’roq gaplarda (tag question) isn’t it? ni ishlatishdagi xatoliklar

Wrong: He played well yesterday, isn’t it?
Right: He played well yesterday, didn’t he
Biz tasdiq so’roq gaplarda qachonki gap it + to be… shaklida kelsa, isn’t it ishlatamiz: it is a hot today, isn’t it?


Tasdiq so’roq gaplari gapiruvchi o’zining aytgan fikriga tasdiq olishni istaganda ishlatiladi. Ya’ni

shundaymi?,shunday emasmi? degan ma’no beradi. Agar gap darak gap bo’lsa tasdiq qism inkor

shaklida, agar gap inkor bo’lsa tasdiq qism darak shaklida bo’ladi. Let’s bilan boshlangan gaplarni tasdiq so’rog’i, shall we bilan yasaladi

  • Jenni eats cheese, doesn't she?(Jenni pishloq yeydi, shunday emasmi)

  • I don't need to finish this today, do I?(Men bugun buni tugatishim zarur emas,shundaymi?) Your sister went to London ,didn’t she?(Opangiz Londonga ketdi,shunday emasmi?)

  • Let’s go to the beach, shall we?(Plyajga boraylik, boramizmi?)


Maqsadni ifodalash uchun gerund ishlatish xato

Wrong: I come here for learning English
Right: I come here to learn English
Maqsadni ifodalash uchun to infinitive ishlatiladi gerund emas. O’zbek tilida tarjimasi “uchun “
maqsadida” degan so’zlarga to’gri keladi. I’m going to Spain to learn Spanish – Men Ispanyaga ispan tilini o’rganish uchun (maqsadida) bormoqchiman.


Bitta gapda ikkita inkor ishlatish

Wrong: She says she is not afraid of nobody
Right: She says she’s not afraid of anybody
Or: She says she’s afraid of nobody
Ingliz tilida bitta gapda ikkita inkor beruvchi so’z ishlatilmaydi. Agar gapda not inkor yuklamasa bo’lsa, no va u bilan boshlangan none, no one/nobody va boshqa inkor so’zlar qo’llanmaydi. Sababi bu so’zlar inkor mano beradi va gapda ikkita inkor ma’noli so’z ishlatilmaydi. Agarda gapda inkor not bo’lsa, none-any, no one- anyone, nobody-anybody, nothing-anything, nowhere-anywhere, neithernor- either…or ga almashadi


Once yoki twice o’rniga one time yoki two times ishlatish

Wrong: I was absent one time or two times
Right: I was absent once or twice
Bir marta yoki ikki marta ma’nosida once va twice so’zlari ishlatiladi, one time yoki two times emas.


One day, etc... o’rniga a day etc. ishlatish

Wrong: A day they went sight-seeing in Florence
Right: One day they went sight-seeing in Florence
Bir kuni ma’nosida Day, night, morning afternoon va evening so’zlari bilan “one” ni ishlating a yoki an emas. One day-bir kun, one morning – bir kuni ertalab va shu tarzda ketaveradi. One morning they went sightseeing in Florence – Bir kuni ertalab ular Florensiyaning diqqatga sazovor joylariga borishdi. One day – bir kuni deb tarjima qilnadi


Half past one o’rniga one and a half ishlatish

Wrong: Lessons begin at eight and a half
Right: Lessons begin at half past eight
Vatq aytishda: half past one, half past two, half past three, - boshqalar


As usual o’rniga as usually ishlatish xato

Wrong: As usually, he left his pen at home
Right: As usual, he left his pen a home


In my opinion o’rniga “ according to my opinion” iborasini ishlatish xato

Wrong: According to my opinion, she is right
Right: In my opinion, she is right
In my opinion o’rniga “according to my opinion” iborasini ishlatish xato. Siz in my opinion holida ishlating
Eslatma: I think o’rniga “as I think”iborasni ishlatishdan o’zizni olib qoching. Ayting: He’s lazy and I think he’ll fail. ( as I think shaklida emas)


In the end o’rniga “at the end” ishlatish

Wrong: At the end they reached the city
Right: In the end they reached the city
In the end- nihoyat degan ma’no beradi. We had a lot of problems with our car. We sold it in the end - Bizning mashinamiz bilan ko’p muomolar bo’ldi. Nihoyat Biz uni sotdik.
At the end- oxirida ya’ni biror narsaning oxirida degan ma’no beradi. At the end of January(Yanvarning oxirida), at the end of this book(bu kitobning oxirida)


In the rain o’rniga under the rain ishlatish

Wrong: They played football under the rain
Right: They played football in the rain
Yomg’irda ma’nosida in the rain ishlatiladi, under the rain emas. Yana: in the sun(quyoshda) va in the shade(soyada). He was sitting in the sun - U quyoshda o’tirgan edi.


The reason is that o’rniga the reason is because ishlatish

Wrong: The reason is because I believe it

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