Qo’shimcha ma’lumot
Siz a lot of o’rnida lots of ishlatishingiz mumkin ma’nosi deyarli farq qilmaydu
They have lots of friends.
They have a lot of friends.
Biz sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ko’p degan ma’noda a lot of ning sinonimi sifatida a great deal of yoki a good deal of ishlatishimiz mumkin (a great deal of money a good deal of work)
Plenty – yetarlidan ko’p, ortiqcha, ziyod degan ma’no beradi
Both - Either - Neither
Biz Both - Either – Neither ikkita narsa uchun ishlatamiz.
Both = ikkalasi degan ma’no beradi va ikkita narsa uchun ishlatiladi. Both o’zidan keyin ko’plikdagi ot oladi. Both = the two ya’ni bunisa va qolgan ikkinchisini nazarda tutadi.
b) Both countries are in Europe – Ikkala davlat ham Yevropada
Both allaqachon tilga olingan ikkita narsani bildirib keladi.
A: Do you want the blue shirt or the red one?
B: I’ll buy both (= the blue shirt AND the red shirt = both shirts)
Both X and Y = X ham Y ham deb tarjima qilinadi. Both..and ham..ham deb tarjima qilinadi
Both + Adjective + and + Adjective
He’s both tall and handsome. – U ham uzun ham kelishgan
I’m both happy and confused at the same time! - Men bir vaqtning o'zida ham xursandman, ham chalkashman!
I have had a long, hard day and I’m both tired and hungry. - Men uzoq va og'ir kunni o’tqazdim va men ham charchadim, ham ochman.
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