Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

Wrong: Shahlo was glad from (or with) receiving your letter Right

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Wrong: Shahlo was glad from (or with) receiving your letter
Right: Shahlo was glad about receiving your letter


Good at (dan yaxshi), in emas

Wrong: My sister’s good in maths
Right: My sister’s good at maths
Eslatma : bad at(dan yomon), clever at ( dan aqqli) quick at (da tez), slow at (da sekin). Biroq weak in : He is weak in grammar – U gramatikadan kuchsiz.


Guard against (dan ehtiyot bo’lmoq), from emas

Wrong: You must guard from bad habits.
Right: You must guard against bad habits


Guilty of, ( aybdor bo’lmoq), for emas

Wrong: He was found guilty for murder
Right: He was found guilty of murder


Independent of (dan mustaqil), from emas

Wrong: Clare’s independent from her parents.
Right: Clare’s independent of her parents.
Eslatma :Biz dependent so’zini on bilan dependent on shaklida ishlatamiz, independent so’zini esa of bilan independent of shaklida ishlatamiz.


Indifferent to (ga befarq), for emas

Wrong: They’re indifferent for politics
Right: They’re indifferent to politics


Insist on ( qattiq turib olmoq), to emas

Wrong: He always insisted to his opinion
Right: He always insisted on his opinion
Eslatma: Persist so’zi in predlogini oladi. He persisted in his silly ideas – U o’zining ahmoqona g’oyalariga sodiq qoldi.


Interested in (ga qiziqmoq), for emas

Wrong: She’s not interested for her work
Right: She’s not interested in her work


Jealous of (1. ga xasad qilmoq 2. rashq qilmoq), from emas

Wrong: He’s very jealous from his brother
Right: He’s very jealous of his brother


Leave for a place , (biror joyga jo’namoq) to a place emas

Wrong: They’re leaving to England soon
Right: They’re leaving for England soon
Eslatma : to predlogi yo’nalishni bildirgani uchun ko’plar leave ni to bilan ishlatadi va xato qilishadi. Biror joyga jo’nashni aytishda leave for ishlating.


Live on ( ga yashamoq)

Wrong: He lives from his brother’s money.
Right: He lives on his brother’s money
Eslatma: Feed on – bilan ozuqlanmoq. Some birds feed on insects - ba'zi qushlar hasharotlar bilan oziqlanadi


Look at (ga qaramoq), to emas

Wrong: Look to this beautiful picture
Right: Look at this beautiful picture
Eslatma : Yana gaze at, stare at qaramoq ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Biroq look so’zi boshqa predloglar bilan birikib umuman boshqa ma’no beradi. Masalan: look after (g’amxo’rlik qilmoq), look for( qidirmoq), look over (tekshirmoq), look into (chuqur tekshirmoq), look on yoki upon(ni tomosha qilmoq,) look up to (hurmat qilmoq), look out for (kutmoq), look forward to (intizorlik bilan kutmoq), look to(ishonmoq, suyanmoq)


Married to ( bilan turmushga qurgan), with emas

Wrong: Angela was married with a rich man
Right: Angela was married to a rich man


Opposite to ( ga qarama-qarshi), from emas

Wrong: Their house is opposite from ours.
Right: Their house is opposite to ours.
Eslatma: opposite ours ham to’g’ri. Siz to ni tushirib qoldirishingiz mumkin


Pass by (yonidan o’tmoq), from emas

Wrong: Will you pass from the post-office?
Right: Will you pass by the post-office?
Eslatma : pass the post-office ham to’g’ri. Siz by ni tushirib qoldirishingiz mumkin


Pleased with (dan mamnun), from emas

Wrong: The teacher is pleased from me
Right: The teacher is pleased with me
Eslatma: Mavhum otlar va gaplar bilan biz pleased at yoki pleased with ishlatamiz Masalan : They were pleased at/with what he said – Ular uning aytganlaridan mamnun edi


Popular with ( orasida mashxur), among emas

Wrong: Akmal is popular among his friends
Right: Akmal is popular with his friends


Prefer to (afzal ko’rmoq), from emas

Wrong: I prefer a blue pen from a red one
Right: I prefer a blue pen to a red one


Preside at yoki over (da raislik qilmoq), in emas

Wrong: Who presided in the last meeting?
Right: Who presided at/over the last meeting?


Proud of ( ..dan faxrlanmoq), for emas

Wrong: He’s very proud for his promotion.
Right: He’s very proud of his promotion


Rejoice at yoki in (dan xursand bo’lmoq), for emas

Wrong: We rejoiced for her success.
Right: We rejoiced at/in her success.


Related to (tegishli bo’lmoq), with emas

Wrong: Are you related with Simon in any way?
Right: Are you related to Simon in any way?


Repent of (tavba qilmoq), from emas

Wrong: He repented from his crime
Right: He repented of his crime


Satisfied with (dan qoniqgan), from emas

Wrong: Are you satisfied from your marks?
Right: Are you satisfied with your marks?
Eslatma: Yana; content with, delighted with, unhappy with, happy with, displeased with, dissatisfied with, disgusted with


Similar to (ga o’xshash), with emas

Wrong: Your house is similar with mine
Right: Your house is similar to mine


Spend on ( sarflamoq), for emas

Wrong: I spend a lot of time for my computer.
Right: I spend a lot of time on my computer.


Superior to (yaxshiroq), from yoki than emas

Wrong: This is superior from/than that
Right: This is superior to that
Eslatma: Superior sifatini qiyosiy darajasi yo’q shu sababli than so’zi bilan ishlatilmaydi. Shuningdek bu sifatlar ham: inferior to, junior to, senior to, subsequent to, prior to


Sure of (ishonish), for emas

Wrong: I’m quite sure for her honesty
Right: I’m quite sure of her honesty
Eslatma: Yana; certain of – aniq, amin bo’lmoq. I am quite certain of it - Men bunga aniq aminman


Surprised at yoki by (ajablangan), for emas

Wrong: Shohsanam was surprised for the loud bang
Right: Shohsanam was surprised at/by the loud bang
Eslatma: Yana; astonished at/by,amazed at/by, alarmed at/by, puzzled at/by, shocked at/by


Suspect of (dan subhalanmoq), for emas

Wrong: I suspect Kate for stealing the pen
Right: I suspect Kate of stealing the pen
Eslatma : suspicious of – shubhali. Dogs are suspicious of strangersItlar begonalardan shubhalanishadi


Tie to ( bog’lamoq), on emas

Wrong: The girl tied the string on the kite
Right: The girl tied the string to the kite


Tired of, (dan charchagan) from emas

Wrong: The boys are tired from eating boiled eggs.
Right: The boys are tired of eating boiled eggs.


Translate into (…ga tarjima qilmoq), to emas

Wrong: Translate this passage to English
Right: Translate this passage into English


Write in ink ( siyoh bilan yozmoq), with ink emas

Wrong: I’ve written the letter with ink.
Right: I’ve written the letter in ink.
Yana qo’shimcha predlogli birikmalar keltirib o’tildi yodalab oling va ishlatishda chalg’imang. Har doim predlogdan keyin gerund ishlatiladi va pastdagi birikmalar o’zidan keyin gerund oladi, infinitive emas
Verb + Preposition
accuse of -da ayblamoq interested in -ga qiziqgan

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