FTP (File Tramsfer Protocol)
Fayllaming exchange protocol. Large amounts of files according to the exchange via a special FTP. In addition, renal Internet browser to
check e-mail address you want.
GAN (Global-Area Network)
GAN (Global- Area
Global (international, intercontinental) network, which includes members worldwide
network users.
210 megabytes or 1024 Mb.
Giperishoratla r
Intemetda Web hujjatlami connect with one another. Giperishoratlar page, server, or other serveming using other available resources.
Giperishoratlar consists of two parts. The first indicator will appear on the title page.
* The second appearance of the document, which is part of the giperishoratning address (URL).
Global tarmoqlar
Customers located in different countries or continents together. This communication between subscribers of the telephone network, radio communication and the
communication system is carried out on the basis of the universe. Combines the global, regional, and local computer networks, made up of diversified hierarchical integration of global information resources and create opportunities for them to use collective. (International Network)
the only standard in the world operating on the basis of a global computer network and global networks.