Have/has got – gaplarda BIROR KIMSADA biror nima borligini ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi va bu yerda Ega sal o’zgacha tarjima qilinadi
He (unda)
She (unda) Has (bor) got
It (unda)
We (bizda)
You (sizda) Have (bor) got
They (ularda)
I (menda)
I have got an expensive car.
She has got a beautiful dress.
You have got a teacher.
They have got much time.
Inkor gaplarni hosil qilishda Have/has dan so’ng (not) ni qushish kere va so’roq shaklida Have/has ni oldinga olib quyib yoziladi. Inkor va so’roq shaklida biz albatta got qushimchasini ishlatishimiz shart.
I have not got a child. Have you got a car?
She has not got a lot of money Has she got a room?
We have not got any time. Have they got an animal?
Quyidagi gaplar hato hisoblanadi
I have not a car. (got tushib qolgan) Has she money? (got yo’q)
She has not a teacher. (got tushib qolgan) Have they a lot of time? (got yoq’)
O‘quvchiga hali noma’lum bo‘lgan shaxs yoki buyumning biror joy da yoki biror vaqtda mavjudligini ifodalash uchun bor, mavjud degan ma’noni beruvchi there is (are) birikmasi ishlatiladi. There is (are) birik masi gapning boshida keladi. Undan keyin ega, undan keyin o‘rin va payt hollari keladi. Bunday gaplar o‘zbek tilida o‘rin yoki payt hollar bilan boshlanadi va bor deb tugaydi:
There is a telephone in that room. O‘sha xonada telefon bor.
There are many apple trees in the garden Bog‘da ko‘p olma daraxtlari bor.
There is – gaplarda bitta narsa bo’lganida
There are – gaplarda ko’plik shaklida ishlatamiz.
There is a teacher in the room. (qayerda bor?) There are a lot of students here.
There is an air conditioning here. (qayerda bor?) There are many cars in the street.
There is not a girl here. There are not a lot of chairs in the room.
Agar there is/are iborasidan keyin bir nechta ega bo‘lsa, kesim ularning birinchisi bilan moslashadi:
There is a lamp, an inkpot and some pencils on the table.
Stolda chiroq, siyohdon va bir nechta qalamlar bor.
There were two girls and a boy in the room.
Xonada ikkita qiz va bitta o‘g‘il bola bor edi.
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