TMEn See TME ( N ). Tobacco Budworm
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- Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
- Toxigenic E. coli
- Traditional Breeding Methods
- Traditional Breeding Techniques See TRADI- TIONAL BREEDING METHODS . Trait
- Transactivating Protein See VIRAL TRANSACTI- VATING PROTEIN . Transaminase
- Transduction (signal) See SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION . Transfection
- Transferred DNA See T i PLASMID . Transferrin
TMEn See TME ( N ). Tobacco Budworm See HELIOTHIS VIRESCENS ( H . VIRESCENS ). Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillars (pupae) of the Lepidopteran insect Manduca sexta. Tobacco Hornworm is susceptible to Cry1A(b) protein (e.g., they are killed if they eat plants genetically engineered to contain Cry1A(b) protein). See also CRY 1 A (b) PROTEIN . Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) O n e t h e o f smallest viruses, consisting of some 2,200 chains of identical polypeptides and a mol- ecule of RNA. All of the genetic/heredity information of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus is contained in its RNA. The first discovery of a self-assembling, active biological structure occurred in 1955, when Heinz Frankel-Con- rat and Robley Williams showed that TMV will reassemble into functioning, infectious virus particles (after the TMV has been dis- sociated into its components via immersion in concentrated acetic acid). The TMV virus infects the leaves of tomato and tobacco plants, causing disease. Tobacco plants can be genetically engineered to resist TMV infection. A tomato plant, genetically engi- neered to resist TMV infection, has been commercially available since 1992. See also GENETIC ENGINEERING , CAPSID , VIRUS , RNA , POLYPEPTIDE ( PROTEIN ), GENE , INFORMATIONAL MOLECULES , HEREDITY , SELF - ASSEMBLY ( OF A LARGE MOLECULAR STRUCTURE ). Tocopherols A “family” of different molecular forms of vitamin E; each of which has a saturated phytyl “tail” attached (to the “backbone” of the molecule). Commercial tocopherols are extracted from soybeans, although some are also naturally present in canola and sunflower. See also VITAMIN , SOY- BEAN PLANT , VITAMIN E . Tocotrienols A “family” of different molecu- lar forms of vitamin E; each of which has an unsaturated isoprenoid “side chain” attached (to the “backbone” of the mole- cule). Tocotrienols are naturally present in cereal grains (e.g., oats, barley, rye, and rice bran). See also VITAMIN , ISOPRENE , VITAMIN E . Tomato A green bushy plant, botanical name Lycopersicon esculentum. The wild type is native to South America, but the (domesti- cated) tomato is grown worldwide today. Its fruit, known as tomatoes, are a natural source of the antioxidant carotenoid lyco- pene, a phytochemical whose consumption has been linked to a reduction in coronary heart disease and some cancers (e.g., prostate cancer). See also LYCOPENE , PHYTOCHEMICALS , © 2002 by CRC Press LLC T ANTIOXIDANTS , CANCER , CAROTENOIDS , CORONARY HEART DISEASE ( CHD ), WILD TYPE . Tomato Fruitworm See the link. See also HELICOVERPA ZEA ( H . ZEA ). Topotaxis See TROPISM . TOS See TRANSGALACTO - OLIGOSACCHARIDES . Totipotency The ability to grow/differentiate into all of the types of cells/tissues constitut- ing an (adult) organism’s body. See also STEM CELL ONE , CELL , ZYGOTE , CELL - DIFFERENTIATION , CELL - DIFFERENTIATION PROTEINS , TOTIPOTENT STEM CELLS . Totipotent Stem Cells Bone marrow cells that (when signaled) mature into both red blood cells and white blood cells. Receptors on the surface of totipotent stem cells “grasp” pass- ing blood cell growth factors (e.g., Interleu- kin-7, Stem Cell Growth Factor, etc.), bringing them inside these stem cells and thus causing the maturation and differentia- tion into red and white blood cells. These receptors are called FLK-Z receptors. See also STEM CELL ONE , STEM CELLS , WHITE BLOOD CELLS , GROWTH FACTOR , RECEPTORS , CELL - DIF- FERENTIATION PROTEINS , CELL DIFFERENTIATION , CELL . Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) A 1976 American federal law under which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has regulated the release of geneti- cally engineered organisms (e.g., bacteria or plants) that produce natural insecticides. This is based on legal analogy to synthetic chemical insecticides, which are clearly reg- ulated under TSCA. See also OAB ( OFFICE OF AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ), FEDERAL INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE AND RODENTICIDE ACT ( FIFRA ), GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MICROBIAL PESTICIDES ( GEMP ), WHEAT TAKE - ALL DISEASE , BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS ( B . t .). Toxicogenomics A branch of toxicology that deals with the reactions between toxins and the specific differences in response of differ- ent organisms due to their different genomes/DNA (of the different individuals that consume the same toxin). For example, some rare humans can tolerate eating certain poisonous mushrooms (which sicken or kill all other humans that consume those partic- ular mushroom species). During 2001, Fred Gould, David Heckel, and Linda Gahan showed that a rare, reces- sive gene (allele) known as BtR-4 could con- fer (to tobacco budworms possessing two copies of that particular gene) resistance to at least some of the “cry” proteins (which kill all other tobacco budworms that con- sume those “cry proteins”). The subgroup of all those individuals whose DNA (genome) causes their bodies to resist the effects of a given toxin, is known as a haplotype. A hap- lotype could (theoretically) be as small as one individual, because the particular resis- tance-to-toxin could result from one single- nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). See also GENE , GENOMICS , PHARMACOGENOMICS , TOXIN , GENOME , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), HAP- LOTYPE , SINGLE - NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS ( SNP s ), RECESSIVE ALLELE , CRY PROTEINS , TOBACCO BUDWORM . Toxigenic E. coli See E N T E R O H E M O R R H A G I C E . COLI , ESCHERICHIA COLIFORM 0157 : H 7 ( E . COLI 0157 : H 7 ). Toxin A substance (e.g., produced in some cases by fungi, weeds, ants, or disease-caus- ing microorganisms) which is poisonous to certain other living organisms. See also ANTI- TOXIN , ABRIN , RICIN , COLICINS , BACTERIOCINS , ESCHERICHIA COLIFORM 0157 : H 7 ( E . COLI 0157 : H 7 ), ENTEROHEMORRHAGIC E . COLI , PFIESTERIA PISCI- CIDA , PHYTOTOXIN , PHOTORHABDUS LUMINESCENS , ENTEROTOXIN , GLUCOSINOLATES , ALKALOIDS , AFLATOXIN , MYCOTOXINS , FUNGUS ,. TPS See TECHNOLOGY PROTECTION SYSTEM . Tracer (radioactive isotopic method) A metabolite that is labeled by incorporation of an isotopic atom into its structure. The met- abolic fate of the labeled metabolite can then be traced in intact organisms. That is, one is able to ascertain where (in what kind of struc- ture) the metabolite ends up as well as the transformation products (intermediate mole- cules) that were involved in its formation. Certain atoms of a given metabolite are labeled. This is done by substituting radioac- tive isotopes for the atom in question. Because an atom is replaced by an isotope, the metabolite as a whole is chemically and biologically indistinguishable from its normal analog. The presence of the isotope allows the metabolite and its transformation products to © 2002 by CRC Press LLC T be detected and measured. Without this tech- nique, many aspects of metabolism could not have been studied. These include: the process of photosynthesis, metabolic turnover rates, and the biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. See also REASSOCIATION ( OF DNA ), RADIO- ACTIVE ISOTOPE , RADIOIMMUNOASSAY . Traditional Breeding Methods A phrase uti- lized by some people to refer to some or most techniques/technologies utilzed by crop plant breeders prior to some arbitrarily chosen date (after which some people feel that “genetic engineering” arrived abruptly). For example, in 1992 Tim Croughan discov- ered a single rice (Oryza sativa) plant that had survived (what should have been a lethal dose of) an imidazolinone-based herbicide, due to a (mutated) gene in its DNA that made it resistant to imidazolinones. That plant was then propagated via straightforward breed- ing to yield seeds still sown today. Many years ago, some other crops similarly were given new traits (e.g., herbicide tolerance, compositional improvements, etc.) via muta- tion breeding (i.e., soaking seeds or pollen in mutation-causing chemicals, or bombard- ing seeds with ionizing radiation to cause random genetic mutations, followed by grow-out and selection of the particular mutation desired such as herbicide tolerance, as described above). Other crops were given new traits via crossing them with related wild plants, which occasionally resulted in extremely high levels of natural toxicants in those plants/seeds (solanine, psoralene, etc.). Still others were given new traits via wide-cross- ing them with other domesticated species (e.g., the tangelo is a hybrid of the grapefruit and the tangerine). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates all new crop plants similarly (e.g., also requires testing of plants produced via “traditional breeding methods” for the potential presence of intro- duced or increased natural toxicants). See also GENETIC ENGINEERING , HERBICIDE - TOLERANT CROP , GENETICS , MUTATION , MUTATION BREEDING , TRAIT , CANOLA , SOYBEAN PLANT , CORN , SOLANINE , PSORALENE , FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION ( FDA ), BARLEY , HYBRIDIZATION ( PLANT GENETICS ), MARKER ( DNA SEQUENCE ), MARKER ASSISTED SELECTION , POINT MUTATION , SOMACLONAL VARIATION , SOMATIC VARIANTS , WIDE CROSS , EMBRYO RESCUE , TISSUE CULTURE . Traditional Breeding Techniques See TRADI- TIONAL BREEDING METHODS . Trait A characteristic of an organism, which manifests itself in the phenotype (physi- cally). Many traits are the result of the expression of a single gene, but some are polygenic (result from simultaneous expres- sion of more than one gene). For example, the level of protein content in soybeans is controlled by five genes. See also PHENOTYPE , GENOTYPE , EXPRESS , GENE , POLYGENIC , PROTEIN , CALLIPYGE . trans Fatty Acids One of the two isomeric forms that fatty acids can exist in. Trans fatty acids are naturally present in some meat and dairy products (which constitute approxi- mately 5% of the average American diet). See also FATTY ACID , ISOMER , STEREOISOMERS , HYDROGENATION . trans-Acting Protein A trans-acting protein has the exceptional property of acting (having an effect) only on the molecule of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) from which it was expressed. See also EXPRESS , cis- ACTING PROTEIN . Transactivating Protein See VIRAL TRANSACTI- VATING PROTEIN . Transaminase A large group of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of the amino group from any one of at least 12 amino acids to a keto acid to form another amino acid. Also known as aminotransferases. See also ENZYME , AMINO ACID . Transamination The reaction of the enzy- matic removal and transfer of an amino group from one specific compound to another. See also TRANSAMINASE , AMINO ACID . Transcript Term used to refer to the various segment(s) of messenger RNA (mRNA) that result from transcription of a gene. See also GENE , TRANSCRIPTION , MESSENGER RNA ( m RNA ), TRANSCRIPTOME , CENTRAL DOGMA ( NEW ). Transcription The enzyme-catalyzed process whereby the genetic information contained in one strand of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is used as a template to specify and produce a complementary mRNA strand. Transcription may be thought of as a rewriting © 2002 by CRC Press LLC T of the information contained in DNA into RNA. The language, however, is the same — both are nucleic acid-based. This is in con- trast to translation, in which the information is translated from one language (RNA, nucleic acid-based) into another language (protein, amino acid-based). See also GENE EXPRESSION , TRANSLATION , MESSENGER RNA ( m RNA ), GENETIC CODE , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS , TRANSCRIPTION UNIT , ANTICODING STRAND . Transcription Factors Proteins and/or other chemical compounds that interact with each other, and with regulatory sequences within DNA (when immediately adjacent to the DNA in a cell), to either facilitate (“turn on”) or inhibit (“turn off “) the activity (i.e., cod- ing for proteins) of that DNA’s genes. Tran- scription factors hold potential to: • Cure diseases (e.g., by blocking the del- eterious effects of certain disease-caus- ing genes). • To assist farmers in crop protection (e.g., by switching on the genes that cause crop plants to initiate “cold hard- ening,” or certain types of insect resis- tance mechanisms). • To improve human health (e.g., PUFA modulation of genes, modulation of genes by some vitamins, etc.). Some transcription factors are an integral component in certain gene expression cas- cades. For example, a gene expression cas- cade is initiated by the first gene causing expression of a transcription factor, which then itself interacts with the cell’s DNA to either cause or speed-up yet another gene expression. The protein resulting from that second gene expression is yet another tran- scription factor which triggers another (i.e., third) gene expression, and so on. See also PROTEIN , GENETIC CODE , CODING SEQUENCE , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), CELL , INHIBI- TION , GENE , p53 GENE , TRANSCRIPTION , p53 PRO- TEIN , CBF 1 , COLD HARDENING , REGULATORY SEQUENCE , EXPRESS , GENE EXPRESSION , GENE EXPRESSION CASCADE , DOWN REGULATING , VITA- MIN , POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS ( PUFA ), RECOMBINASE . Transcription Unit A group of genes that code for functionally related RNA molecules or protein molecules. This group of genes is expressed (transcribed) together (as a unit, thus the name). See also EXPRESS , GENE , TRAN- SCRIPTION , TRANSLATION , GENETIC CODE , CODING SEQUENCE , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), RIBONUCLEIC ACID ( RNA ), RIBOSOMES . Transcriptome Refers to the entire (complete, possible) set of all gene transcripts (i.e., mRNA segments resulting from gene tran- scription process) in a given organism. Also to knowledge of their roles in that organ- ism’s structure, growth, health, disease (and/or that organism’s resistance to dis- ease), etc. Those roles are predominantly due to the impact of each protein molecule (i.e., resulting from the mRNA segments being translated in cells’ ribosomes); which is itself due to the protein molecule’s com- position and its tertiary conformation (which determines the protein’s impact in the organ- ism’s tissues, metabolism, etc.). More than one protein can result from each gene in an organism’s genome, due to: • Interactions between genes. • Interactions between genes and their (protein) products. • Interactions between genes and some environmental factors. Mechanistically, this results in different pro- teins being produced (during translation pro- cess) via: • Alternative splicing of the mRNA tran- script. For example, a single intronic base substitution that is present within the IKAP gene (i.e., the allele respon- sible) for the disease known as familial dysautonomia affects the splicing of the IKAP transcript (i.e., the mRNA seg- ment that determines which specific protein is subsequently “manufactured” by the ribosomes). • Varying translation start or stop site (on the gene). • Frameshifting (i.e., different set of trip- let codons in the mRNA/transcript is translated by the ribosome). © 2002 by CRC Press LLC T See also GENE , TRANSCRIPT , MESSENGER RNA ( m RNA ), CODING SEQUENCE , TRANSLATION , CODON , PROTEIN , GENOME , GENETIC CODE , CENTRAL DOGMA ( NEW ), ORGANISM , CONFORMATION , METABOLISM , TERTIARY STRUCTURE , INTRON , BASE . Transduction (gene) The transfer of bacterial genes (DNA) from one bacterium to another by means of a (temperature or defective) bacterial virus (bacteriophage). There exist two kinds of transduction: specialized and general. In the case of specialized transduc- tion, a restricted group of host genes becomes integrated into the virus genome. These “guest” genes usually replace some of the virus genes and are subsequently transferred to a second bacterium. In the case of gener- alized transduction, host genes become part of the mature virus particle in place of, or in addition to, the virus DNA. However, in this case the genes can come from virtually any portion of the host genome and this material does not become directly integrated into the virus genome. In the case of plants, the vec- tor can be Agrobacterium tumefaciens. See also BACTERIOPHAGE , VECTOR , GENETIC CODE , AGROBACTERIUM TUMEFACIENS , RETROVIRAL VEC- TORS , GENE DELIVERY , TRANSFECTION . Transduction (signal) See SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION . Transfection This term has several different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used: A word utilized generally to refer to insertion of DNA segments (genes) into cells (via electroporation, endocytosis, etc.); a special case of transfor- mation in which an appropriate recipient strain of bacteria is exposed to (free) DNA isolated from a transducing phage with the “take up” of that DNA by some of the bac- teria and consequent production and release of complete virus particles. The process involves the direct transfer of genetic mate- rial from donor to recipient. See also MARKER ( GENETIC MARKER ), TRANSFORMATION , ELEC- TROPORATION , GENE , VIRUS , CELL , BACTERIA , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), TRANSDUCTION ( gene ). Transfer RNA (tRNA) A class of relatively small RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules of molecular weight 23,000 to about 30,000. tRNA molecules act as carriers of specific amino acids during the process of protein synthesis. Each of the 20 amino acids found in proteins has at least one specific corre- sponding tRNA. The tRNA binds covalently with its specific amino acid and “leads” it to the ribosome for incorporation into the growing peptide chain. See also RIBONUCLEIC ACID ( RNA ), MOLECULAR WEIGHT , AMINO ACID , MESSENGER RNA ( m RNA ). Transferases Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of functional groups to molecules (from other molecules). See also TRANSAMINASE , ENZYME , HEDGEHOG PROTEINS , GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASES . Transferred DNA See T i PLASMID . Transferrin The protein molecule responsible for transporting iron (molecules) to tissues throughout the body, via the circulatory sys- tem. See also PROTEIN , TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR , HEME , BLOOD - BRAIN BARRIER ( BBB ). Transferrin Receptor The receptor molecule (located on the surface of cells throughout the body) responsible for binding to trans- ferrin molecules, then bringing those iron- rich transferrin molecules into the cell where the iron is released to be used by the cell. See also TRANSFERRIN , RECEPTORS , HEME , BLOOD - BRAIN BARRIER ( BBB ). Download 4.84 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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