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F3 Human Machine Interfac e Par ameters
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- Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series
- Cha pter 6 Parameter D es cription DZB Series
- F4 Application Func tion Parameters
- Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series Cha pter 6 Parameter D es cription DZB Series
- Note: If mult istage input, it can be accomplished by means of setting F4 grou p par amet er s.
- Important: The assignment channel and feedback channel can not be in coinci den ce, otherwise PID i s unable to control effectively.
- Note: The mul ti-speed symbol defines t he operat ion direction. If it is n egative , the operation direction
F3 Human Machine Interfac e Par ameters F3.00
User passwor d 0 999 9 ~ 0 Functio n Cod e Name
Setting R ange Default
Value F3.0 1
Re served F3.02
Re served Functio n Cod e Name
Setting R ange Default
Value F3.0 3
STOP functi on option 1 Ke yp ad and terminal control valid : 0 Ke yp ad control v alid : 2 Ke yp ad and co mmunication control valid : 3
: 0 Functio n Cod e Name
Setting R ange Default
Value Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series -5 2 -
Above funct ion codes define the rel ationship bet ween output val ue and analog output corresponding out put value. W hen the output value exc eeds the maximum output or the mini mum output range, the beyond portion should be calculate d wit h maximum output or mini mum output . When analog output i s current output, 1mA is equival ent t o 0.5V For different applications , the a nalog output corresponding to 100% output value is different. For details, please refer to the inst ruct ion of each applicat ion. Follow ing figures explain s everal s et ti ng c ircumst ances: F2.23 A O L ower limi t 0.0% 100. 0%
~ 0.0%
F2.24 Lo wer lim it corresponding A O o utpu t 0.0V
10.0V ~ 0.0V F2.25 A O U pper limi t 0.0% 100. 0%
~ 100.0%
Upper lim it corresponding A O o utpu t 0.0V 10.0V
~ 10 .0V
F2.26 Function
Code Nam e
S etting Range D efault
Value Cha pter 6 Parameter D es cription DZB Series The sta ndard anal og out put is 0-20mA (or 0-10V). Current or voltage output can be selected by Jumper . Its corresponding value range is shown as following table: S2 Sett ing Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ Function S ettin g fre qu ency Operatin g frequency Output current Output voltag e M otor speed Output po we r Output to rque Analog V I input Analog CI input Reserved Rang e
0-m aximum ou tput freque ncy 0-m aximum ou tput freque ncy 0-d ouble ra ted inverter curre nt 0-d ouble ra ted inverter voltage 0-d ouble ra ted mot or spe ed 0-d ouble ra ted pow er 0-d ouble ra ted mot or cur re nt 0 10V ~ 0 10V/0 20mA ~ ~ Rese rved 0 ~10
Functio n Cod e
Name S etting Ran ge Default Value
F2.2 2 FM output se lection Analog 0 14 1 5 Pressure reaches at the F7.13 low pressure setting,NO output indication signal. During sleeping status,output ON signal and display "EOPP" 1 6 1 7
1 8 No water alarms,output ON signal and display "EOP2" When output frequency is bigger than the lowest output frequency,output ON signal. low pressure reaches detection(NO) sleeping satus indicates no water indicates no zero-speed running running
Option: sett ing para meter=the sum total of displ ay code for exa mple: require to display at operation st at us:Out put current, Running spe ed,Output power 4+16+32=52, the n s etting F3.05to 52 its correspondi ng parameter ca n be viewed at operation through pressing button "DATA".
This I/O termina l status is displayed in decimal system, S 1 (MO1) corres ponding to the lowest digi t. F or instance, input s tatus dis pla ys 3 i s i ndicting that terminal S1 and S2 are closed and others a re open. For details, pleas e see F3.17 and F3.18 des cription. , , These functi ons only can be viewed but ca n not be modifi ed. IGBT module temperature: i ndicates the temperature of t he inverter IGBT module. Over-temperature protection value of different inverter may be different . Software version: software version number. Inverter accumulative operating time: dis plays current i nverter accumulative ope rat ion ti me. Record three recent fa ult t ypes : 0 is no fault; 1~22 i s 22 different kinds of fault. For details,please see fault analysis. F3.08
I GBT modu le tempe rature 0 100.0 ~ ℃ F3.09 S oft ware version F3.10
A ccumul ative operating t ime
0 9999h
~ 0 Functio n Cod e Name
Setting Range Default
Value Function
Code Name
Se tting Range Default
Value F3.11
The fault before previous fault type F3.12
P revi ous fault ty pe F3.13
Curr ent fa ult ty pe Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series -5 4-
This function i s to s et up the logica l relat ions hip bet ween Local and external keyboard key-press. Note: No. 3 function should be used caut iou sl y. Maloperat ion may cause seri ous cons equ en ces. 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
I nput t ermi nal stat us Output t ermina l stat us P ID setp oint P ID fee dback V I valu e CI va lue Curre nt segm ent of m ulti-spe ed co ntrol 1 2
DC bus voltage Code
Displ ayed Messa ge 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
1024 2048
4096 8192
16384 Code
Displ ayed Me ssage 0 :Se tting f requency 1 :Runnin g frequency 2 :Outp ut curre nt 3 :Outp ut volta ge 4 :Runnin g spe ed 5 :Act ual delay time 6 :Se tting dela y time 7 :DC b us volt ag e 8 :PI D se tpoint 9 :PI D f eedback 1 0:Input term ina l stat us 11:Ou tput terminal sta tus 1 2:VI value 1 3:CI value 1 4:Current segment of m ulti-speed c ontrol operati on s tatus dis play Stop s tatus dis play F3.04
Keypad d isplay option 0 0 external keyboar d prefere ntial ENB
: 1 Local and external key board simult aneous displa y, on ly ex ternal key-press is valid. : 2
keyboard simultaneou s di splay, only Local key-pre ss is valid. : 3
simultaneous display, and all key-presses are valid (both are OR logical relation) : Function Code Nam e
S etting Range D efault
Value Cha pter 6 Parameter D es cription DZB Series 255
0-2048 255
0-32767 F3.0 5
ope ration stat us d ispla y paramet er option F3.0 6
Stop sta tus display parameter option Functio n Cod e N am e
Sett ing Range Defa ult
Value 0 0-14(0:invalid) F3.0 7 ope ration stat us d ispla y p efe rentia l option r 512
1024 Actual de lay time Settin g delay t ime - 53 -
BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT It is to define t he inverter set frequenc y and Acceleration/Deceleration time at Jogging operation. J ogging operation i s performed by direct start mode and deceleration stop mode. The Jogging A cce leration ti me is the ti me required for invert er to accelerate from 0Hz to the maximum output frequency (F0.04). The Jogging Decelera ti on time i s the t ime re quire d for inverter to decelerate from the ma ximum output frequency (F0.04) to 0Hz. W hen the set frequenc y is within t he ski p frequenc y range, the a ctual operati ng frequency will be operated near the boundary of skip frequency range. By means of setti ng s kip frequency, the i nverter can keep away from the mechanical resonance point of the load. This i nverter has one skip frequency poi nt ava il able. If t hese two skip frequencies are bot h set to 0, t his function will be i nact ive . Fig. 6-14 Skip frequency schematic diagram Sett ing f requency Skip frequency 1 /2 Skip frequency range 1 /2 Skip frequency range F4.02
Jogg ing frequency 0.00
F0 .04 ~ 5.00Hz F4.0 3 Jogg ing ACCEL time 0.1 36 0.0s
~ 10.0s
F4.04 Jogg ing DECEL time 0.1 36 0.0s
~ 10.0s
Functio n Cod e
Name Setting Range Default Value
F4.05 Ski p frequenc y 0.00 F0 .04
~ 0.00Hz
F4.06 Ski p frequenc y r ange 0.00 F0 .04
~ 0.00Hz
Functio n Cod e
Name Setting Range Default Value
F4.07 Trav erse frequen cy range 0.0 100.0%
relativ e to se t freq uency ~ ( ) 0.0 %
F4.08 Kick frequ ency ran ge 0.0 50.0%(r elativ e to traverse frequency range) ~ 0.0 % F4.09 Trav erse frequen cy up time 0.1
360.0s ~ 5.0 s F4.10 Trav erse frequen cy down time 0.1
360.0s ~ 5.0 s Functio n Cod e
Name Setting Range Default Value
Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series -5 6 -
Ac celerati on/Deceleration time can be chosen to be F0.08, F0. 09 or above three time settings. Their meanings are all t he same; pl ease refer to F0. 08 and F0.09 related description. The Acceleration/Decelerat ion time 0-1 at inverter operation can be chosen t hrough di fferent combination of multifunction digit al i nput termina ls. F4 Application Func tion Parameters F3.14
0.00Hz F3.15
0.0A F3.16
0.0V The output frequency when current fault happens The output amperage when current fault happens The bu s voltage whe n current fault happe ns Opera ting frequen cy at c urrent faul t Outp ut amperage at c urrent faul t Bus voltage at current fault Function Code
Nam e D escription D efault Value
F4.00 ACCEL Time 2 0.1 360.0s
~ 10.0s
F4.0 1 DE CEL Time 2 0.1 360.0s
~ 10.0s
Function Code
Nam e S etting Range D efault Value
Cha pter 6 Parameter D es cription DZB Series F3.17
0.0V Setting delay ti me(u p) F3.18 0.0V
Setting unit o f delay time Function
Code Nam e
S etting Range D efault
Value 0~9999
0~3 (0 :fun ction of de lay time invalid) We also can us e set exter nal terminal fun ction to s et delay time of F3.17 . Setting uni t o f d elay ti me 0 :delay ti me func tion invalid 1:t he unit of delay tim e is 0. 1s 2:t he unit of delay tim e 1 s 3 :the unit of delay t ime 1min - 55-
BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT Tra vers e freque ncy functi on is suitable to indus tries such a s textile, fi ber and so on, and to applications which require travers ing and w indi ng functions. Tra vers e freque ncy functi on means that the invert er output frequency i s traversi ng up and down around the set frequency. The operating frequenc y l ocus with time axi s is s hown as fol lowing diagram, in which the amplitude of t raverse is set by F4.07. When F4.07 is set to be 0, i.e. tra vers e range i s 0, the traverse freque ncy function will be inactive. Fig. 6-15 Traverse Frequency Ope ration Di agram Tra vers e freque ncy range: trave rse operat ion frequency limits by upper and lower limit frequency. Tra vers e range relative to the cent er frequency: amplitude of tra vers e AW = CF AW range F4. 07 Kick frequency = ampl itude of trave rse AW Kick Freque ncy Range F4.08. I.e. the kick frequency i s the value relative to ampl itude of traverse at traverse-frequency operat ion. Tra vers e freque ncy ris ing time: the time required to rise from the lowes t traverse frequency to the highest traverse frequency. Tra vers e freque ncy fall ti me: t he t ime required t o fall from the highest traverse frequency to the lowest traverse fre quency. × × Fault auto-reset times : used to set the auto-reset ti mes when inverter choos es fault auto-res et. If this val ue is exceeded, inverter will wait for trouble shooting. Interval t ime s etting of fault auto-reset: chose the interval time be tween faul t occurring and a utomatic resetting actuat ed Set output frequency detection value and the delay value of output action dismi ssed, as shown by following f igure : W hen the invert er output frequency reaches the set frequency val ue, this function can regulate i ts detection range value, as shown by foll owing fi gure: Fig.6-17 Frequency R eac hing Detecti on Range Diagram Fig.6-16 F DT Level Diagram Opera tio n F reque ncy Time t
Decelerate on Deceleration Time Tra ver se Frequ en cy Fa ll Time Tr av ers e F re que nc y Ris ing Tim e Accelerate on Accelerati on Ti me Lower Traverse F requency Cent er F requency Upper Traverse F requency Ki ck Frequency FD T delay Out put fr equen cy Se tting fr eque ncy Freque ncy detect ion signal Time t
Time t Detection rang e(F4.15) Outpu t fre quency S etting fre quen cy Frequency detection signal
Time t Time t
F4.11 Fault auto-r eset times 0 3
0 F 4.12
Interv al time setting of automatic rese tting fa ult 0.1 100.0s
~ 1.0s
Function Code
Nam e S etting Range D efault Value
F4.13 FDT l evel de tection value 0.00 F0.04
~ 50.00H z
F4.14 FDT d ela y detection va lue 0.0 100.0%(F DT level) ~ 5.0%
Function Code
Nam e S etting Range D efault Value
F4.15 Frequency rea ching detect ion r ange 0.0
100.0%(maxim um frequency) ~ 0.0 % Functio n Cod e
Name Setting Range Default Value
Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series Cha pter 6 Parameter D es cription DZB Series - 57-
When frequency source is chos en to be PID, i.e. F0.03 is chosen to be 5, thes e group functions are a ctive. This par ameter is to determine the assi gnment channel of the process PID target value. The set target value of process PID i s a relative value , and the set 100% i s corresponding to the 100% fee dback signal of the sys tem being controlled. The system always pe rforms t he calcul at ion according to relative value (0-100%)
When F4. 08=0 is chosen, i .e. t he ta rget source i s the keyboard, it is required to set this parameter. The reference val ue of this para meter is the sys tem feedback value. The PID feedback channel i s chosen by t his parame ter. Important: The assignment channel and feedback channel can not be in coinci den ce, otherwise PID i s unable to control effectively. PID output i s positive charac teris tic: when the feedback s ignal is bigger tha n t he PID given s ignal, it i s required for the invert er output frequency to decrease to count erba lance the PID, for i nstance, t he winding t ension PID control . PID output i s nega ti ve chara cteristic: whe n t he feedba ck s ignal is bigger t han the PID giver signal, it i s required for the invert er output frequency to increase t o c ounterbalance the PID,for ins tance, the unreeling tension P ID control. F4.19
0.0% 100.0%
~ 0.0 %
P reset PI D set point Functio n Cod e Name
Setting Range Default
Value P ID Feedback S ources Option F4.20
0 Reserv ed : 1
: 2 Reserv ed : 3 Communication feedbac k : 0 Functio n Cod e Name
Setting Range Default
Value F4.2 1
P ID Output C haract eristics Option
0 positi ve : 1
: 0 Functio n Cod e Name
Setting Range Default
Value F4.22
P roport ional gain (Kp) 0.00
99.99 ~ 1.00 F4.2 3 I ntegr al time (Ti) 0.01 10.00 s
~ 0.10s
F4.24 Differential time (Td) 0.00 10.00 s
~ 0.00s
Functio n Cod e
Name Setting Range Default Value
Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series -6 0 -
This funct ion is to se t up the initiat ive bus voltage of dynami c braking, and properly regulat ing this val ue can result in an effective brake to the load. Speed=120 running fre quency F4.17/pole number This funct ion is used to cali brat e speed dis play error, it has no impact on actual speed. × ×
val ue by the negative feedback syst em which regulate s the inverter output frequency by means of proportion, i ntegrat ion and differential operations on the difference bet ween the cont rol value feedback signal and the target va lue s igna l. It is applicable to the process control s such as flow control, press ure cont rol and temperature control and so on. The control functi onal block diagra m i s shown as fol lows: Fig.6-18 Process PID Functi onal Block Diagram M F P Give n Value (Percent age) PI D Control Output F Fe edba ck Value (Percenta ge ) Filt er
Function Code
Nam e S etting Range D efault Value
F 4.16 Brake Threshold Va lue Voltage 115 .0
140.0%(s tandard DC bus voltage) 380 V ~ 130.0%
115 .0 140.0%(s tandard DC bus voltage) 220 V ~ 120.0% F4.17 Speed display ratio 0.1
999.9% Speed=120 running frequency F4.17/po le num ber ~ × × 100.0%
Function Code
Nam e S etting Range D efault Value
F 4.18 PID setpoint Sources Option 0 Given by Keyb oard( F4.19) : 1 Given by panel po tentiom ete r VI : 2 Given ex ternal ter mi nal AI : 3 Given by Rem ote Co mmunic ation : 4 Mu lti-seg s etpoint : 0 Function Code
Nam e S etting Range D efault Value
Cha pter 6 Parameter D es cription DZB Series - 59-
BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT BLUE ELEPHANT Sampling time (T): is the time to sample the feedback val ue. In each s ampl ing peri od the controller runs one time. The l onger the sampling t ime, the slower t he responding. PID control discrepancy limit: t he allowa ble maximum discrepancy of PID system output va lue relative t o the cl osed-loop as signed val ue. As shown in following diagram, within the discrepancy li mit, PID controller stops adjustment. Properly set ting this function code can improve t he accuracy and st ability of P ID syst em. Feedback dis connected detecting val ue: t his detecting value is relati ve to the full range (100%). The syst em detects the P ID feedback value all the ti me. When the fe edback value is less or equa l to the feedback di sconnect ed detect ing val ue, t he syst em s tarts to time the dete ction. W hen the detecti ng time exceeds the feedbac k di sconnect ed detect ing time, the system will s end an alert of feedba ck disconnecti ng failur e . (E02E) F ig. 6-19 Coincidence rel ation of dis crepancy limit and output frequency Feedback
Assign ed Value
Discre pancy Li mit Output f
Tim e t Tim e t
F4.25 S am pling cycle time ( T) 0.01 99.99 s
~ 0.10s
F4.26 P ID contr ol discrepancy li mit 0.0
100.0% ~ 0.0 % Functio n Cod e
Name Setting Range Default Value
F4.27 Feedback disconnectio n detect ing v alue 0.0
100.0% ~ 0.0 % F4.28 Feedback disconnectio n detect ing t ime 0.0
360.0s ~ 1.0 s Functio n Cod e
Name Setting Range Default Value
Chapter 6 Para meter Description DZB Series -6 2 -
Proport ional gain (K p): det ermi nes the adjusting st rength of PID adjust or. The bigger the P, the bigger the adjus ting st rength is. This parameter being 100 means that when the difference between the PID fee dback value and the assi gned value is 100%, the adj usti ng ra nge of PID adjus tor t o the output frequency command is the maxi mum frequency (ignore i ntegral acti on and derivative act ion). Integrating ti me (Ti): determi nes t he speed at which PID adjustor performs integral regulat ion to the discrepancy between the PID fe edback value and t he as signed val ue. The Ti is indicati ng the period of time tha t integra l controll er (ignore proporti onal action and deri vative acti on), when the discrepancy between the PID feedback value and the assigned va lue i s 100%, continuously regulates to make the regulating amount t o reach the maxi mum frequency (F0. 047). The shorter the i ntegrating time, the stronger the adj ust ing strength is. Differenti al time (Td): det ermi nes the control ling st rength a t which PID adjust or performs adjus tment to the variance ratio of discrepancy between the PID fee dback value and the a ssi gned value . The Td is indicating t he period of time w ithin whi ch if the feedback val ue is changed 100%, t he regul ating amount of integral controller is the maximum frequency (F 0.04) (i gnore proportional a ction and integral action). The longe r the Td, the bigger t he controlling strength is.PID is the most popul arly used cont rol mode in process control, with each part pl aying different rol e. Following simpl y introduces t he operational principle and the controlling method: Proport ion cont rol (P): when there is dis crepancy between feedback and the ass ignment, output t he regul at ing amount in proporti on t o the discrepancy. If t he discrepancy is const ant,the regulating amount keeps constant. Proport ion control can res ponse qui ckl y t o the feedback va ria ti on, but only using proportion control is unabl e to perform noncorrespondi ng control . The bigger the proportional gain, the faster the s ystem regulating speed, but being too bi g ma y cause os cillation. The control met hod is first to set a long int egrating t ime and a zero differenti al t ime , and then run the s ystem only by using proportion control. Change the assigned value, and watch the stable di screpa ncy (stea dy-stat e error) of feedback signal and ass igned value. If the s te ady-sta te error is at the varying directi on of ass igne d value (for instance , increa se the assigned value, the feedback va lue after the system i s steady is always less t han the as signed value), continue to increase the proportional gai n, otherwi se decrease it.Repeat the above until the steady-state error is relatively small (it is very difficult to do no steady-s ta te error). Integral t ime (I): when there is a di screpancy between the feedback and assignment ,conti nuously accumulate the output regulation amount. If the discrepancy still exists, continue to inc rease t he regulati on amount until ther e is no di screpancy. Integral cont roller can effectivel y eliminate t he steady-state er ror. Int egral controller being too strong can cause repeated overshooti ng, system unst able and up till oscillating. The characteristi c of oscillation caused by too strong integral action is t hat t he feedba ck si gnal is swingi ng up and down around the assigned value, and the amplitude of swing increases gradually til l the oscillation happens. Normally the int egral time is adjust ed from big t o small, gradually regulate the integral time, and watch the effec t, until the s ystem stable speed meet s re quirements. Differenti al time (D): when the di screpancy between feedback and assi gnment varies,output a regulati on amount i n proportion to the varianc e rat io of discrepancy. The regul ation amount is related to t he dire ct ion and magnitude of disc repancy varia ti on, but irrel evant to the direction and va lue of the discrepancy itsel f. The differential contr ol action i s t o perform the control according to the varying trend when the feedback signal variation happens, and thereby t o restra in the feedback signal variation. It should be cauti on to us e differenti al control ler as the differential control have a trend to magni fy the system i nter ference, especiall y the high varyi ng frequency interference.
- 61-
Nam e S etting Range D efault Value
F 4.29 Multi-Spe ed 0 - 100.0 100.0%
~ 0.0%
F4.30 Multi-Spe ed 1 - 100.0 100.0%
~ 0.0%
F4.3 1 Multi-Speed 2 - 100.0 100.0%
~ 0.0%
F 4.32 Multi-Speed 3 - 100.0 100.0%
~ 0.0%
F4.33 Multi-Speed 4 -100.0 100.0 %
~ 0.0%
F4.34 Multi-Speed 5 -100.0 100.0 %
~ 0.0%
F4.35 Multi-Speed 6 -100.0 100.0 %
~ 0.0%
F 4.36 Multi-Speed 7 -100.0 100.0 %
~ 0.0%
Note: The mul ti-speed symbol defines t he operat ion direction. If it is n egative , the operation direction is reverse. Fr equency setting 100.0% is corresponding to maximu m fr equency(F0. 04). Fig.6-20 multi-speed l ogic Diagram Relationship bet ween multi -s peed and S terminals 1 S2
、 、 0: no protect ion. There is no mot or overloading prot ection characteristic (caution to use),and t hereby the i nverter has no protection to the overloaded motor. 1: norma l motor (with low s peed com pensati on). As general motor has a poor hea t emiss ion at low speed, t he relevant electronic thermal protecti on should be regulat ed properly.The low speed compensat ion characteristic here mentioned is to sw it ch down t he ove rloa ding protection threshol d for the motor w it h an operation frequency l ower than 30 Hz. 2: Vari able frequenc y motor (without low speed compensation). As the heat emi ssi on of spe cial variable frequency motor is not affect ed by s peed, it is not re quired t o regulate the protecti on value for low speed operation. Download 1 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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