Born interpretation of the wavefunction
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- Born interpretation of the wavefunction
- Radial solutions (R( r ))
- Separation of the Schrodinger equation
d2R 2 dR 2"
Radial wave equation —7 + + -V M dr2 r dr h1 e2 E + 4^o has many solutions, one for each positive integer of n. o Solutions are of the form (see Appendix N of Eisberg & Resnick):
where a() is the Bohr radius. Bound-state solutions aie only acceptable if E _ 〜 " (,47T£0)22h2n2 ev where n is the principal quantum number, defined by /?=/+/,/ +2, I +3,... o En only depends on n: all I states for a given n are degenerate (i.e. have the same energy). What is the ground state of hydrogen (Z=l)? Assuming that the ground state has n = I,I = 0 Eqn. 6 can be written r2 dr\ dr) + /? = () o Taking the derivative Try solution R = where A and a0 are constants. Sub into Eqn. 7: 2/^2 expression to zero => Setting first term to zero => a £=—^■ = -13.6 eV r Same as Bohr’s results To satisfy this Eqn. for any r,both expressions in brackets must equal zero. Setting the second Using the Equivalence Principle, the classical dynamical quantities can be replaced with their associated differential operators: Substituting, we obtain the operator equation: Assuming electron can be described by a wavefunction of form, = can write
or is the Laplacian operator. where. o Since V(x,ytz,) does not depend on time, = y\x9y,z)e ,El,h is a solution to the Schrodinger equation and the eigenfunction is a solution of the time-independent Schrodinger equation'. ▽ V(x,y,z) + = Ey/(x,y,z) o As V = V(r), convenient to use spherical polar coordinates. where dfj)1 Can now use separation of variables to split the partial differential equation into a set of ordinary differential equations. Born interpretation of the wavefunction o Principle of QM: the wavefunction contains all the dynamical information about the system it describes. Born interpretation of the wavefunction: The probability (P(x,t)) of finding a particle at a position between x and x-\-dx is proportional to W(x,t)\2dx\ P(x,t) = n,t) ^V(xJ) = W(xj)\2 P(x,t) is the probability density. Immediately implies that sign of wavefunction has no direct physical significance. Radial solutions (R( r )) o The radial probability function Pnl(r), is the probability that the electron is found between r Separation of the Schrodinger equation As the LHS of Eqn 3 does nor depend on r or 0 and RHS does not depend on(j)their common value cannot depend on any of these variables.
Setting the LHS of Eqn 3 to a constant: 1 dO - V(r)] = 1 sin^— ti2 sin~ 0 Qsin0d0\ d0) 2 sin20 _ \_d_ ◊a
o Both sides must equal a constant, which we choose as 1(1+1): (5) (6) o We have now separated the time-independent Schrodinger equation into three ordinary differential equations, which each only depend on one of ^(4), &(5) and R(6). Separation of the Schrodinger equation o Assuming the eigenfunction is separable: (2) o Using the Laplacian, and substituting (2) and (I): + V(r)/?0O=E/?0O o Carrying out the differentiations, R 'i2 0 d r2sin0<^^nd7e} RQ d2d> ,, ,+V(/-)/J0 r2 sin2 J o Note total derivatives now used, as 7? is a function of r alone, etc. o Now multiply through by -2/zr2 sin2 0/RQlr and taking transpose, (3) I J2<1> 2A tr r2sinM£-V(r)] 1 0 (Z/Qo)<2exp(-Zr/ao) 2 0 (Z/2a0)i2 (1 - exp(-Zr/2a0) 1 (Z/2ao)^(^)exp(-Zr/2ao) 3 0 (Z/3ao)J2[l-(2Z"3ao) + §(e)1 2 3] W"3 3 1 (Z/W_3)(^)(l-^)exp(-Zr/3«0> 3 2 (Z/3a0)f(2^/3y/5) (^)2exp(-Zr/3a0) PY3P05 Download 253,35 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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