6200158.09.2023. Night.
bottle up- his-tuyg’ularni ichiga yutmoq, ichiga yutmoq. Ex: I usually bottle up my emotions.
wear your heart on your sleeve- ichidagini to’kib sochish. Ex: I hate people who wear their hearts on their sleeves.
Disclose –o’zizni informatsiyalarizni boshqalarga berish. Ex: I cannot disclose what she told me in that day!
Uneasy – ozgina xavotirlangan, SYN: anxious. Ex: 1.I really wanted to go to the party but my father-in-law's presence usually makes feel uneasy. 2. I feel uneasy about something - I am feeling anxious about something. 3. I am feeling a bit uneasy about today's trip. Shall we go on it another day?
pour out – ochib-sochib tashlash
innermost- hech kimga aytilmagan hislar. Ex: I always bottle up my emotions even my friends don't know about my innermost thoughts.
Instinct – tug’ma shunaqa bo’lish. Ex: I am not really guarded so my mother does not trust me when it comes to her secrets!
Guarded- og’ziga mahkam. OPP: unguarded. I am not really guarded so my mother does not trust me when it comes to her secrets!
suppress your feelings - bottle up your emotions.
pent-up emotions- sirli his-tuyg’ular, ichga yutilgan tuyg’ular. Ex: You are next to your boss and should behave properly, but you don't like the smell that is coming from your boss! I had pent-up frustration at that time.
Thrilled- hayajonlanib ketmoq, etlari jimirlab ketmoq, zavqlanmoq. Ex: I was thrilled to visit London!
Delight- zavq. SYN: joy, happiness.
take delight in Ving - I enjoy doing something. Ex: 1. I take great delight in teaching young students. 2. I take great delight in swimming in summers. (Men yoz kunlari suzishdan katta zavq olaman.)
delighted - [adjective] I am so delighted that S + V. Ex: I am so delighted that you are learning something from me!
furious at having V3 - passive nimadir bo'lgandan jahli chiqish. Ex: 1.Are you furious that I did not come to your wedding party? 2. My mum was so furious that I broke the plate and my brather just delighted in my situation 😏
cheat – aldash.
astonished – amazed, kimnidir hayratda qoldirish.
astonish sb - kimnidir hayratda qoldirish. Ex: The reason why I fell in love with you is because you astonished me by your brilliant mind in university years when we studied in the same class.
astonished at / that - hayratda qoldi nimadandir.
Heartbroken- ko’ngli qolgan, yuragi ezilgan. Ex: He was heartbroken when she left him!
Look estonished – hayratda qolish. Ex: 1.She doesn't look astonished by your gift! 2. I was astonished to see ... 3. I was astonished to meet Ronaldo in our small village.
comfort - V1 - taskin berish, dalda berish. Ex: 1.It is difficult to comfort heartbroken bank user who has just lost 20,000,000 UZS! 2. Sometime I feel so low and it comforts me to swim in our local swimming pool!
Terrified – juda qo’rqish. Ex: 1.I am terrified of letting my parents down!
[sth – narsa, doing - Ving ish harakat, sb - somebody odam]
Miserable –Ex: Don't look so miserable while I am teaching!
27. jealous – rashk qilish. Ex: 1.a jealous wife! 2. I sometimes use my second telegram account to make my girlfriend jealous.
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