C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

A Fuzzy Universe of Applications

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C neural networks and fuzzy logic

A Fuzzy Universe of Applications

Fuzzy logic is being applied to a wide variety of problems. The most pervasive field of influence is in control

systems, with the rapid acceptance of fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) for machine and process control. There

are a number of other areas where fuzzy logic is being applied. Here is a brief list adapted from Yan, et al.,

with examples in each area:

Biological and Medical Sciences Fuzzy logic based diagnosis systems, cancer research, fuzzy

logic based manipulation of prosthetic devices, fuzzy logic based analysis of movement disorders, etc.

Management and Decision Support Fuzzy logic based factory site selection, fuzzy logic aided

military decision making (sounds scary, but remember that the fuzzy in fuzzy logic applies to the

imprecision in the data and not in the logic), fuzzy logic based decision making for marketing

strategies, etc.

Economics and Finance Fuzzy modeling of complex marketing systems, fuzzy logic based

trading systems, fuzzy logic based cost−benefit analysis, fuzzy logic based investment evaluation, etc.

Environmental Science Fuzzy logic based weather prediction, fuzzy logic based water quality

control, etc.

Engineering and Computer Science Fuzzy database systems, fuzzy logic based prediction of

earthquakes, fuzzy logic based automation of nuclear plant control, fuzzy logic based computer

network design, fuzzy logic based evaluation of architectural design, fuzzy logic control systems, etc.

Operations Research Fuzzy logic based scheduling and modeling, fuzzy logic based allocation

of resources, etc.

Pattern Recognition and Classification Fuzzy logic based speech recognition, fuzzy logic based

handwriting recognition, fuzzy logic based facial characteristic analysis, fuzzy logic based military

command analysis, fuzzy image search, etc.

Psychology Fuzzy logic based analysis of human behavior, criminal investigation and prevention

based on fuzzy logic reasoning, etc.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Chapter 16 Applications of Fuzzy Logic


Reliability and Quality Control Fuzzy logic based failure diagnosis, production line monitoring

and inspection, etc.

We will now move to one of the two application domains that we will discuss in depth, Fuzzy Databases.

Later in the chapter, we examine the second application domain, Fuzzy Control Systems.

Section I: A Look at Fuzzy Databases and Quantification

In this section, we want to look at some ways in which fuzzy logic may be applied to databases and operations

with databases. Standard databases have crisp data sets, and you create unambiguous relations over the data

sets. You also make queries that are specific and that do not have any ambiguity. Introducing ambiguity in one

or more of these aspects of standard databases leads to ideas of how fuzzy logic can be applied to databases.

Such application of fuzzy logic could mean that you get databases that are easier to query and easier to

interface to. A fuzzy search, where search criteria are not precisely bounded, may be more appropriate than a

crisp search. You can recall any number of occasions when you tend to make ambiguous queries, since you

are not certain of what you need. You also tend to make ambiguous queries when a “ball park” value is

sufficient for your purposes.

In this section, you will also learn some more concepts in fuzzy logic. You will see these concepts introduced

where they arise in the discussion of ideas relating to fuzzy databases. You may at times see somewhat of a

digression in the middle of the fuzzy database discussion to fuzzy logic topics. You may skip to the area

where the fuzzy database discussion is resumed and refer back to the skipped areas whenever you feel the

need to get clarification of a concept.

We will start with an example of a standard database, relations and queries. We then point out some of the

ways in which fuzziness can be introduced.

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 IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Section I: A Look at Fuzzy Databases and Quantification


C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

by Valluru B. Rao

MTBooks, IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

ISBN: 1558515526   Pub Date: 06/01/95

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Databases and Queries

Imagine that you are interested in the travel business. You may be trying to design special tours in different

countries with your own team of tour guides, etc. , and you want to identify suitable persons for these

positions. Initially, let us say, you are interested in their own experiences in traveling, and the knowledge they

possess, in terms of geography, customs, language, and special occasions, etc. The information you want to

keep in your database may be something like, who the person is, the person’s citizenship, to where the person

traveled, when such travel occurred, the length of stay at that destination, the person’s languages, the

languages the person understands, the number of trips the person made to each place of travel, etc. Let us use

some abbreviations:

cov—country visited

lov—length of visit (days)

nov—number of visits including previous visits


yov—year of visit

lps—language (other than mother tongue) with proficiency to speak

lpu—language with only proficiency to understand

hs—history was studied (1—yes, 0—no)

Typical entries may appear as noted in Table 16.1.

Table 16.1 Example Database


John Smith35U.S.India411994Hindi1

John Smith35U.S.Italy721991Italian1

John Smith35U.S.Japan3119930

When a query is made to list persons that visited India or Japan after 1992 for 3 or more days, John Smith’s

two entries will be included. The conditions stated for this query are straightforward, with lov [ge] 3 and yov

> 1992 and (cov = India or cov = Japan).

Relations in Databases

A relation from this database may be the set of quintuples, (name, age, cov, lov, yov). Another may be the set

of triples, (name, ctz, lps). The quintuple (John Smith, 35, India, 4, 1994) belongs to the former relation, and

the triple (John Smith, U.S., Italian) belongs to the latter. You can define other relations, as well.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Databases and Queries


Fuzzy Scenarios

Now the query part may be made fuzzy by asking to list young persons who recently visited Japan or India for

a few days. John Smith’s entries may or may not be included this time since it is not clear if John Smith is

considered young, or whether 1993 is considered recent, or if 3 days would qualify as a few days for the

query. This modification of the query illustrates one of three scenarios in which fuzziness can be introduced

into databases and their use.

This is the case where the database and relations are standard, but the queries may be fuzzy. The other cases

are: one where the database is fuzzy, but the queries are standard with no ambiguity; and one where you have

both a fuzzy database and some fuzzy queries.

Fuzzy Sets Revisited

We will illustrate the concept of fuzziness in the case where the database and the queries have fuzziness in

them. Our discussion is guided by the reference Terano, Asai, and Sugeno. First, let us review and recast the

concept of a fuzzy set in a slightly different notation.

If a, b, c, and d are in the set A with 0.9, 0.4, 0.5, 0, respectively, as degrees of membership, and in B with

0.9, 0.6, 0.3, 0.8, respectively, we give these fuzzy sets A and B as A = { 0.9/a, 0.4/b, 0.5/c} and B = {0.9/a,

0.6/b, 0.3/c, 0.8/d}. Now A[cup]B = {0.9/a, 0.6/b, 0.5/c, 0.8/d} since you take the larger of the degrees of

membership in A and B for each element. Also, A[cap]B = {0.9/a, 0.4/b, 0.3/c} since you now take the

smaller of the degrees of membership in A and B for each element. Since d has 0 as degree of membership in

A (it is therefore not listed in A), it is not listed in A[cap]B.

Let us impart fuzzy values (FV) to each of the attributes, age, lov, nov, yov, and hs by defining the sets in

Table 16.2.

Table 16.2 Fuzzy Values for Example Sets

Fuzzy ValueSet

FV(age){ very young, young, somewhat old, old }

FV(nov){ never, rarely, quite a few, often, very often }

FV(lov){ barely few days, few days, quite a few days, many days }

FV(yov){distant past, recent past, recent }

FV(hs){ barely, adequately, quite a bit, extensively }

The attributes of name, citizenship, country of visit are clearly not candidates for having fuzzy values. The

attributes of lps, and lpu, which stand for language in which speaking proficiency and language in which

understanding ability exist, can be coupled into another attribute called flp (foreign language proficiency) with

fuzzy values. We could have introduced in the original list an attribute called lpr ( language with proficiency

to read) along with lps and lpu. As you can see, these three can be taken together into the fuzzy−valued

attribute of foreign language proficiency. We give below the fuzzy values of flp.

   FV(flp) = {not proficient, barely proficient, adequate,

             proficient, very proficient }

Note that each fuzzy value of each attribute gives rise to a fuzzy set, which depends on the elements you

consider for the set and their degrees of membership.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Fuzzy Scenarios


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 IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Fuzzy Scenarios


C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

by Valluru B. Rao

MTBooks, IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

ISBN: 1558515526   Pub Date: 06/01/95

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Now let us determine the fuzzy sets that have John Smith as an element, besides possibly others. We need the

values of degrees of membership for John Smith (actually his attribute values) in various fuzzy sets. Let us

pick them as follows:


 Age:   m

very young

(35) = 0 (degree of membership of 35 in very young is 0.

                          We will employ this notation from now on).



(35) = 0.75


somewhat old

(35) = 0.3



(35) = 0


Assume that similar values are assigned to the degrees of membership of values of John Smith’s attributes in

other fuzzy sets. Just as John Smith’s age does not belong in the fuzzy sets young and old, some of his other

attribute values do not belong in some of the other fuzzy sets. The following is a list of fuzzy sets in which

John Smith appears:

age_young = {0.75/35, ...}

age_somewhat old = {0.3/35, ... }

A similar statement attempted for the number of visits may prompt you to list nov_rarely = {0.7/1, 0.2/2},

and nov_quite a few = {0.3/2, .6/3, ...}. But you readily realize that the number of visits by itself does not

mean much unless it is referenced with the country of visit. A person may visit one country very often, but

another only rarely. This suggests the notion of a fuzzy relation, which is also a fuzzy set.

NOTE:  What follows is an explanation of relations and discussion of fuzzy relations. If

you want to skip this part for now, you may go to the “Fuzzy Queries” section a few pages

later in this chapter.

Fuzzy Relations

A standard relation from set A to set B is a subset of the Cartesian product of A and B, written as A×B. The

elements of A×B are ordered pairs (a, b) where a is an element of A and b is an element of B. For example, the

ordered pair (Joe, Paul) is an element of the Cartesian product of the set of fathers, which includes Joe and the

set of sons which includes Paul. Or, you can consider it as an element of the Cartesian product of the set of

men with itself. In this case, the ordered pair (Joe, Paul) is in the subset which contains (a, b, if a is the father

of b. This subset is a relation on the set of men. You can call this relation “father.”

A fuzzy relation is similar to a standard relation, except that the resulting sets are fuzzy sets. An example of

such a relation is ‘much_more_educated’. This fuzzy set may look something like,

much_more_educated = { ..., 0.2/(Jeff, Steve), 0.7/(Jeff, Mike), ... }

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Fuzzy Relations


Matrix Representation of a Fuzzy Relation

A fuzzy relation can be given as a matrix also when the underlying sets, call them domains, are finite. For

example, let the set of men be S = { Jeff, Steve, Mike }, and let us use the same relation,

much_more_educated. For each element of the Cartesian product S×S, we need the degree of membership in

this relation. We already have two such values, m


(Jeff, Steve) = 0.2, and



(Jeff, Mike) = 0.7. What degree of membership in the set should we assign for the pair (Jeff,

Jeff)? It seems reasonable to assign a 0. We will assign a 0 whenever the two members of the ordered pair are

the same. Our relation much_more_educated is given by a matrix that may look like the following:

                      0/(Jeff, Jeff)   0.2/(Jeff, Steve)  0.7/(Jeff, Mike)

 much_more_educated = 0.4/(Steve, Jeff)  0/(Steve, Steve) 0.3/(Steve, Mike)

                      0.1/(Mike, Jeff) 0.6/(Mike, Steve)    0/(Mike, Mike)

NOTE:  Note that the first row corresponds to ordered pairs with Jeff as the first member,

second column corresponds to those with Steve as the second member, and so on. The main

diagonal has ordered pairs where the first and second members are the same.

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 IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Matrix Representation of a Fuzzy Relation


C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

by Valluru B. Rao

MTBooks, IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

ISBN: 1558515526   Pub Date: 06/01/95

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Properties of Fuzzy Relations

A relation on a set, that is a subset of a Cartesian product of some set with itself, may have some interesting

properties. It may be reflexive. For this you need to have 1 for the degree of membership of each main

diagonal entry. Our example here is evidently not reflexive.

A relation may be symmetric. For this you need the degrees of membership of each pair of entries

symmetrically situated to the main diagonal to be the same value. For example (Jeff, Mike) and (Mike, Jeff)

should have the same degree of membership. Here they do not, so our example of a relation is not symmetric.

A relation may be antisymmetric. This requires that if a is different from b and the degree of membership of

the ordered pair (a, b) is not 0, then its mirror image, the ordered pair (b, a), should have 0 for degree of

membership. In our example, both (Steve, Mike) and (Mike, Steve) have positive values for degree of

membership; therefore, the relation much_more_educated over the set {Jeff, Steve, Mike} is not

antisymmetric also.

A relation may be transitive. For transitivity of a relation, you need the following condition, illustrated with

our set {Jeff, Steve, Mike}. For brevity, let us use r in place of much_more_educated, the name of the


     min (m


(Jeff, Steve) , m


(Steve, Mike) )[le]m


(Jeff, Mike)

     min (m


(Jeff, Mike) , m


(Mike, Steve) )[le]m


(Jeff, Steve)

     min (m


(Steve, Jeff) , m


(Jeff, Mike) )[le]m


(Steve, Mike)

     min (m


(Steve, Mike) , m


(Mike, Jeff) )[le]m


(Steve, Jeff)

     min (m


(Mike, Jeff) , m


(Jeff, Steve) )[le]m


(Mike, Steve)

     min (m


(Mike, Steve) , m


(Steve, Jeff) )[le]m


(Mike, Jeff)

In the above listings, the ordered pairs on the left−hand side of an occurrence of [le] are such that the second

member of the first ordered pair matches the first member of the second ordered pair, and also the right−hand

side ordered pair is made up of the two nonmatching elements, in the same order.

In our example,

     min (m


(Jeff, Steve) , m


(Steve, Mike) ) = min (0.2, 0.3) = 0.2



(Jeff, Mike) = 0.7 > 0.2

For this instance, the required condition is met. But in the following:

     min (m


(Jeff, Mike), m


(Mike, Steve) ) = min (0.7, 0.6) = 0.6



(Jeff, Steve) = 0.2 < 0.6

The required condition is violated, so the relation much_more_educated is not transitive.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Properties of Fuzzy Relations


NOTE:  If a condition defining a property of a relation is not met even in one instance, the

relation does not possess that property. Therefore, the relation in our example is not reflexive,

not symmetric, not even antisymmetric, and not transitive.

If you think about it, it should be clear that when a relation on a set of more than one element is symmetric, it

cannot be antisymmetric also, and vice versa. But a relation can be both not symmetric and not antisymmetric

at the same time, as in our example.

An example of reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relation is given by the following matrix:

          1     0.4   0.8

          0.4   1     0.4

          0.8   0.4   1

Similarity Relations

A reflexive, symmetric, and transitive fuzzy relation is said to be a fuzzy equivalence relation. Such a relation

is also called a similarity relation. When you have a similarity relation s, you can define the similarity class of

an element x of the domain as the fuzzy set in which the degree of membership of y in the domain is m


(x, y).

The similarity class of x with the relation s can be denoted by [x]



Resemblance Relations

Do you think similarity and resemblance are one and the same? If x is similar to y, does it mean that x

resembles y? Or does the answer depend on what sense is used to talk of similarity or of resemblance? In

everyday jargon, Bill may be similar to George in the sense of holding high office, but does Bill resemble

George in financial terms? Does this prompt us to look at a ‘resemblance relation’ and distinguish it from the

‘similarity relation’? Of course.

Recall that a fuzzy relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and also transitive is called similarity relation. It helps

you to create similarity classes. If the relation lacks any one of the three properties, it is not a similarity

relation. But if it is only not transitive, meaning it is both reflexive and symmetric, it is still not a similarity

relation, but it is a resemblance relation. An example of a resemblance relation, call it t, is given by the

following matrix.

Let the domain have elements a, b, and c:

               1     0.4   0.8

t =  0.4   1     0.5

               0.8   0.5   1

This fuzzy relation is clearly reflexive, and symmetric, but it is not transitive. For example:

      min (m


(a, c) , m


(c, b) ) = min (0.8, 0.5) = 0.5 ,

but the following:



(a, b) = 0.4 < 0.5 ,

is a violation of the condition for transitivity. Therefore, t is not a similarity relation, but it certainly is a

resemblance relation.

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:Preface

Similarity Relations


Fuzzy Partial Order

One last definition is that of a fuzzy partial order. A fuzzy relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and

transitive is a fuzzy partial order. It differs from a similarity relation by requiring antisymmetry instead of

symmetry. In the context of crisp sets, an equivalence relation that helps to generate equivalence classes is

also a reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relation. But those equivalence classes are disjoint, unlike similarity

classes with fuzzy relations. With crisp sets, you can define a partial order, and it serves as a basis for making

comparison of elements in the domain with one another.

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Fuzzy Partial Order


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