Case study Find the soulition to the Problems between youth Reja

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1. Common Teenage Problems And Their Solutions. Finding Solution

Case study Find the soulition to the Problems between youth Reja:
1.Common Teenage Problems And Their Solutions.
2.Finding Solutions to Youth Challenges.
3.Who are the youth of today?
1. Teenagers face real concerns, between 13 and 19 years of age, on a daily basis as this is the most awkward growth stage of their lives. During this time, teens are exposed to some overwhelming external and internal struggles. They go through, and are expected to cope with hormonal changes, puberty, social and parental forces, work and school pressures, and so on. Many teens feel misunderstood. It is vital that their feelings and thoughts are validated and that the validation comes from their parents. Parents need to approach their children, who have been dealing with teenage growth issues, carefully and in a friendly manner to discuss the concern(s).
The common teenage problems that teenagers face today are usually related to:

  • Self-Esteem and Body Image

  • Stress

  • Bullying

  • Depression

  • Cyber Addiction

  • Drinking and Smoking

  • Underage Sex

  • Defiant Behaviors

  • Peer-Pressure and Competition.

Not surprisingly, all of these common teenage problems are connected to one another, in some way. However it does not mean that having one would lead to the other.
Following are some of the important steps to build a healthy relationship with the teens and handle the concerns effectively. None of the steps/solutions work in isolation and a combination of some or all will be most effective.Early Identification
Changes in sleep patterns, eating habits, declined interest in normal and healthy activities, dropping grades in school and college, and preferred isolation are all early signs of depression. Increased demands to perform, competing with friends etc may also lead to unwanted stress. Being vigilant towards these signs at an early stage may help to block/stop further damage and guide them towards healthy ways of dealing with their concerns.
Understanding Transition
It is crucial that teens feel validated in their feelings and thoughts because what they are going through is a real part of their lives. Parents and guardians should not judge or criticize their feelings or thoughts. Being sensitive towards teens and the fact that they are exposed to a range of emotions (puberty being one of the most important experiences) is an important step in understanding their transition. Anger, confusion, jealousy, non-compliant attitudes, dislike towards their parents or elders, secrecy/high need for privacy etc. are few examples of emotions or feelings they have. Defiant behaviors results from their inability to appropriately deal with the intensity of these emotions and aggravate common teenage problems
Transferring Knowledge
One of the concerns that stems from curiosity and the need for independence or a sense of control can be experimenting with underage consumption of alcohol or drugs, physical intimacy or teenage pregnancy. It is often believed that educating the child about sex will lead to them wanting to experiment. However, that is a myth.
Talking to your children will enable them to be informed and will remove the “taboo” from the topic. It’s no secret that the level of exposure teens have today, as a result of the Internet is unmatched. Cyber addiction is the fastest growing problem amongst other common teenage problems. Parents should talk to their teens and make them conscious of cyber safety – and, how to protect themselves from Internet.

Parents may create a list of rules that clearly say when to use the internet, which sites they should visit and what safety measures they should follow and off course clearly discussing “WHY “for the same. However, timely, healthy, factual and regular conversation about these topics will help them make informed choices.

the teen’s opinion or decisions will enhance their self-confidence and self esteem. Most youths’ ability to develop positive self-esteem is affected by family life and parental criticism. Making respect a mutual virtue will help in developing a stronger bond between parents and the child.
Every parent has a different outlook towards parenting. A healthy relationship between the child and parents is the most essential during the teenage years. Communication is the key to developing a rapport, which results in the child feeling comfortable talking to their parents. Finding the correct balance between being a friend and a parent is important as this will help develop the required rapport. For e.g. teens facing body image concerns like being too fat, too skinny, too tall or too short will benefit from balanced approach towards parenting, which may stem from good rapport.
Trust and Acceptance
Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Spying, cross questioning/checking with friends or doubting will hamper the bond, leading to defiant behaviors such as lying, stealing, hiding and being disrespectful. It is important to accept your teens as they are and to build trust in them. This will help them trust and accept themselves as well as those in their immediate environment.
2.I had the opportunity to open the 8th Annual Youth Conference at MUBS Annex Bugolobi on March 15, 2018. It is always said the future belongs to the youth but I know that to create that future, the young people themselves must act to enable it happen. I have come to learn that if you don’t take decisions to shape or determine what you want, others will take them for you and usually they don’t do it in your interests.
Uganda has a bungling population and it is said that 70% of the population are less than 30 years old! Of that 70% more than 60% are below 15 years old and therefore, outside the work force. It means therefore that a small group of Uganda’s population is producing to feed the rest of the population. We also know that about 80% of Uganda’s population and indeed Africa as whole, live in the rural arears and are engaged in low productivity, agricultural production.
It is evident therefore, that a large percentage of the country’s population is either unemployed or underemployed. There is a change in nature of employment partners in the developed countries. Robots are increasingly taking over the production jobs. Of course with technology and new innovations in the developed countries the unemployment challenge is not acute. But in Africa, as weather partners change, as the west continues domination of world business, unemployment in Africa is increasingly becoming a nightmare for African politicians and Governments. The condition in Africa of illiteracy, wars and diseases are fuel in the viscous circle of poverty. Population is increase and not productivity leading to increased poverty. There is pressure on land, there is shortage of food as there is less production to meet the increasing demand.
I had the opportunity to open the 8th Annual Youth Conference at MUBS Annex Bugolobi on March 15, 2018. It is always said the future belongs to the youth but I know that to create that future, the young people themselves must act to enable it happen. I have come to learn that if you don’t take decisions to shape or determine what you want, others will take them for you and usually they don’t do it in your interests.
Uganda has a bungling population and it is said that 70% of the population are less than 30 years old! Of that 70% more than 60% are below 15 years old and therefore, outside the work force. It means therefore that a small group of Uganda’s population is producing to feed the rest of the population. We also know that about 80% of Uganda’s population and indeed Africa as whole, live in the rural arears and are engaged in low productivity, agricultural production.
It is evident therefore, that a large percentage of the country’s population is either unemployed or underemployed. There is a change in nature of employment partners in the developed countries. Robots are increasingly taking over the production jobs. Of course with technology and new innovations in the developed countries the unemployment challenge is not acute. But in Africa, as weather partners change, as the west continues domination of world business, unemployment in Africa is increasingly becoming a nightmare for African politicians and Governments. The condition in Africa of illiteracy, wars and diseases are fuel in the viscous circle of poverty. Population is increase and not productivity leading to increased poverty. There is pressure on land, there is shortage of food as there is less production to meet the increasing demand.
The low level of adoption of technology in African countries also leads to a low level of standard of living as the population is unable to enjoy the benefits that technology brings to the market place. The consequence of unemployment is absence of incomes and the absence of income is an expression of poverty. The absence of income leads to low level of education as the population is unable to take their children to school. The lack of education especially scientific education creates additional challenge for an economy. The economy has people with no knowledge and relevant skills to start and manage business successfully especially businesses of global nature. It is not surprising that the business of “boda boda”, “rolex” and the type are popular and dominant in Uganda. Hawking products is a skill less professional business and a common feature in African countries.
Without incomes and yet the young people have aspirations for good life, the consequences are dire. Young people will take to drugs both trade and usage. Others will take to usage of alcohol with a possibility of alcoholism. A related evil will be involvement into unwanted sex that will lead to unwanted pregnancies that may lead into abortions, premature deliveries, teenage pregnancies, besides contraction of undesirable sexual transmitted diseases and possibly HIV/Aids.These conditions may lead young people into desperation. As they aspire to achieve their day to day goals, they look for money. If they can’t find it through employment, they may be forced into stealing including robbery that may even be armed. Africa is still lucky that guns are not prevalent but gangs of criminals are developing as a result of poor conditions in which people live. These conditions will also lead to other challenges. The desperate youth will get involved in other criminal activities. They will be a cause of social unrest at the slightest provocation or an opportunity to express unhappiness. They will be involved in strikes and will careless as people’s properties are destroyed since they have nothing to lose.
3.We have approached several young people to understand their vision and how they look at the society they live in and make it their own, from each one perspective.
Being young is a synonym of change, progress and future. Being young is, ultimately, facing challenges and creating or recreating a space for future full development. It means turning problems into opportunities and solutions and being the driving force of society.
Today, on the International Youth Day 2020, we celebrate their visions and their choices, we celebrate “Youth Engagement for Global Action”, a slogan that seeks to highlight the ways young people engage at the local, national and global levels.
Global challenges, like the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, as well as local issues, will have an effect on the future. It is time to see the extent to which this affects the youngest population and to advance solutions. People aged 14 to 29 years represent the largest generation in history.
We reached out to several Cuban youngsters to know about their visions, their roles in society as individuals and part of the population. From their individuality’s point of view, these young people look at the society in which they have to live and how to make it their own. They were posed with two questions, to which they had shared responses. What do you think is the role of young people these days? What are you doing from your position to help young people.
Being young is a synonym of change, progress and future. Being young is, ultimately, facing challenges and creating or recreating a space for future full development. It means turning problems into opportunities and solutions and being the driving force of society.

Today, on the International Youth Day 2020, we celebrate their visions and their choices, we celebrate “Youth Engagement for Global Action”, a slogan that seeks to highlight the ways young people engage at the local, national and global levels.

Global challenges, like the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, as well as local issues, will have an effect on the future. It is time to see the extent to which this affects the youngest population and to advance solutions. People aged 14 to 29 years represent the largest generation in history.
We reached out to several Cuban youngsters to know about their visions, their roles in society as individuals and part of the population. From their individuality’s point of view, these young people look at the society in which they have to live and how to make it their own. They were posed with two questions, to which they had shared responses. What do you think is the role of young people these days? What are you doing from your position to help young people?
The group of people that goes from 14 to 29 years of age constitute the largest generation in history
Magdany Acosta Gallardo, 18 years old
Young people not only represent the future of our country, we are one of society’s main agents of change and progress. We have a great effect on economic development too. In this stage of our lives, we build many social relationships and develop a personality that defines us as a new generation. What we do when we become adults depends on how we think and act today.
Young people only have one role and is the same they have always had. It does not change, because their role is actually changing everything, doing things better than before and injecting them with joy and energy.
Being a journalist, I think my contribution as a champion of young people is to highlight our role as agents of change. As a young citizen, I join every call for autonomy and emancipation, which are challenges for everyone across the globe.
I think young people play a crucial role today no matter the society they live in. We are the ones transforming, consciously or not, our reality, either at the university, at our workplace or in other spaces, and we do it by contributing with a new and updated vision to daily activities. It is our responsibility to make society evolve and stand up for our opinions in the best possible way.
The opportunity of appearing in the media through radio or television every day, in addition to my presence in social networks, which are so popular nowadays, has undeniably helped me to convey messages and show my way of thinking to many more people than usual. Being able to have a positive influence on my generation and on others through my words and actions makes me very proud. For example, hosting a news programme or a show aimed at a young audience is a huge responsibility, but it has allowed me to prove that no matter how young you are, if you want something and are willing to fight for it, you can do it because everything in life is about perseverance and attitude.
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