Central Library List of New Additions
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4,136 Y K9
Raushenbush Stephen. Man's past : Man's future : A humanistic history for tomorrow. New York : Delacorte Press 1969.
308p. CL1514493
Y N6
Galbraith John Kenneth. Good society : Humane agenda. London : Sinclair Stevenson 1996. vii,152p.
CL1514594 1-85619-509-0
4,138 Y P4
Nand Brahma Ed. Repressed discourses : Essays in honour of Prof. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya. New Delhi : Bibliomatrix 2004.
xii, 371p. CL1216322 81-901964-1-3
4,139 Y P5
Human mission : And freedom. 3rd. 2005. 257p.
CL1515065 0-9770150-1-7
4,140 Y.2.N9 N5
Das Veena. Critical events : An anthropological perspective on contemporary India. Delhi : Oxford University Press 1995.
viii,230p. CL1514273 0 19 563540 X
4,141 Y.271'N97<-M00 P1
Pati Biswamoy. Situating social history : Orissa 1800-1997. New Delhi : Orient Longman 2001. xiv, 182p. (New Perspectives in South Asian history, 2)
CL1432725 - CL1432726 81 250 2007 1
4,142 Y.2'P P3
Deshpande Satish. Contemporary India : Sociological view. New Delhi : Penguin Books 2003. CL1514197 0-14-303121-X
4,143 Y.434:5 N3
Kothari Rajni. Growing amnesia : An essay on poverty and the human consciousness. New York : Viking 1993.
285p. CL1515139
4,144 Y:(49(Q2).2'P1 N6
Ludden David Ed. Making India hindu : Religion community and the politics of democracy in India. Delhi : Oxford University Press 1996.
346p. CL1514164 0 19 564017 9
4,145 Y:(5.1(Y:4).N84 M4
Gupte Pranay. Crowded earth : People and the politics of population. New York : W.W.Norton & Page 1 of 477
Company 1984. 349p.
CL1514799 0-393-01927-6
Y:1 168Q2
Suliman Mohammad. Tazkirah fi dai millat. New Delhi : Jamailut Ullma & Hind 2012. 1096p.
4,147 Y:1 K4
Priestley J B. Man and time. New York : Doubleday &Company 1964. 319p.
4,148 Y:1 K4
Packard Vance. Naked society. London : Longmans 1964. xii, 369p.
4,149 Y:1 K5
Adams James Luther. Paul Tillich's philosophy of culture, science and religion. New York : Harper & Row Publishers 1965.
314p. CL1514494
4,150 Y:1 L4
Strayer Joseph R. Mainstream of civilization : To 1500. 2nd ed. New York : Harcourt Brace 1974. xxx,320p.
CL1515449 0-15-551558-6
4,151 Y:1 M0
Cultural participation :The examples of canada and bulgaria. 1980. 1116p.
4,152 Y:1 M3
Bullock Alan Ed.; Woodings R B Ed. Twentieth-century culture : Biographical companion. New York : Harper & Row Pub 1983.
xxx,865p. CL1514885 0-06-015248-6
4,153 Y:1 M9
Hardison O B. Disappearing through the skylight. London : Viking 1989. 390p.
4,154 Y:1 P0
Parekh Bhikhu. Rethinking multiculturalism : Cultral diversity and political theory. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2000.
xii, 379p. CL1515509 0-333-60882-8
4,155 Y:1 Q0 Page 1 of 477
Meisel Perry. Myth of popular culture from dante to dylan. Malden : Wiley Blackwell 2010. xvi, 206p.
CL1563105 978-1-4051-9934-6
Y:1 Q1
Lionnet Franoise Ed.; Shih Shu - Mei Ed. Creolization of theory. London : Duke University Press 2011. viii, 306p.
CL1432310 978-0-8223-4846-7
4,157 Y:1 Q2
During Simon Ed. Cultural studies reader. 3rd ed. London : Routledge 2012. 564p.
CL1549899 978-0-415-37413-2
4,158 Y:1.1 M5
Hall John A. Powers and liberties : Causes and consequences of the rise of the west. New York : Penguin Books 1985.
vi,272p. CL1514838 0-14-022521-8
4,159 Y:1.1 Q2
Adler Philip J. World civilization. 6th ed. Australia : Wadsworth Cenage Learning 2008. CL1549736 978-1-111-34130-5
4,160 Y:1.1.N P1
Bharucha Rustom. Politics of cultural practice : Thinking through threatre in an age of globalization. New Delhi : Oxford University Press 2001.
CL1514264 019 565 6016
4,161 Y:1.2 152P2;Q0
jke/kkjh flag- laLd`fr ds pkj v/;k;- bykgkckn % yksdHkkjrh izdk'ku] 2010- 531i`0.
CL1549805 978-81-85341-05-7
4,162 Y:1.2 L1
Lannoy Richard. Speaking tree : A study of Indian culture and society. London : Oxford University Press 1971.
4,163 Y:1.2 M5
India : Specially published for the festival of India in the USA. 1985. CL1514666 - CL1514745
4,164 Y:1.2 M8
India : Specially published for the festival of India. 1988. CL1514665
4,165 Y:1.2 M9
Bose Aurn. India's social crisis : An essay on capitalism, socialism, individualism and Indian civilzation. Delhi : Oxford University Press 1989.
155p. CL1515096 0-19-562332-0 Page 1 of 477
Y:1.2 N5
Brecenridge Carol A. Ed. Consuming modernity. Delhi : Oxford University Press 1995. ix, 261p.
4,167 Y:1.2 N7
Saraswati Baidyanath Ed. Integration of endogenous : Cultural dimension into devleopment. New Delhi : D.K. Printworld 1997.
251p. CL1514429 81-246-0089-9
4,168 Y:1.2 P5
Hasan Mushirul Ed. Living together separately : Cultural India in history and politics. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2005.
427p. CL1514608 019566921-5
4,169 Y:1.2 Q2
Bandyopadhyay Sudipa Ray Ed. Aspects of Indian history and culture. New Delhi : Kaveri Books 2012. 182p.
CL1549824 978-81-7479-134-4
4,170 Y:1.2.A 152Q1
lDlsuk] izos'k- oSfnd lekt] laLd`fr vkSj foKku % vk/kqfudrk ds ifjizs{; esa- fnYyh % ts- ih- ifCyf'kax gkml] 2011-
292i`0. CL1431074 81-86702-56-3
4,171 Y:1.2.A 152Q2
Kumar Pushpendra. Vedic and harappan culture. Delhi : Eastern Book Linkers 2012. 252p.
CL1563042 978-81-7854-190-7
4,172 Y:1.212'G P9(TTV)
Veluthat Kesavan. Early medieval in South India. New Delhi : Oxford University Press 2009. xii, 356p.
CL1432633 - CL1432634 978-0-19-806914-0
4,173 Y:1.216'C M3
Ray Amita. Life and art of early Andhradesa. Delhi : Agam Kala Parkashan 1983. xii,255p. 350.
CL1432610 - CL1432611
4,174 Y:1.24584P Q2
Chauhan Hari. Cultural heritage of pabbar valley. Delhi : Agam Kala Prakashan 2012. 160p.
CL1549822 978-81-7320-123-3
4,175 Y:1.25213 Q2
Dodson Michael S Ed. Banaras : Urban forms and cultural histories. London : Routledge 2012. Page 1 of 477
xiv,251p. CL1432240 978-0-415-69377-6
Y:1.2'A 152Q1
>k] fo|s'oj- oSfnd lekt vkSj vkpkj & fopkj leh{kk- okjk.klh % dyk izdk'ku] 2011-
208i`0. CL1431014 978-93-80467-74-0
4,177 Y:1.2'C Q3
;kno] lrh'kpan- Hkkjr esa lkaLd`frd vUr% lEcU/k- fnYyh % 'kkjnk ifCyf'kax gkml] 2013-
204i`0. CL1550370 978-81-88934-94-2
4,178 Y:1.2'J P3
Sharma R. S. Early medieval indian society : Study in feudalisation. Kolkata : Orient Blackswan 2003. x, 373p.
CL1432719 - CL1432720 978 81 250 2523 8
4,179 Y:1.2'N5 Q1
Singh Vijaya Laxmi. Portraying cultures in Indian subcontinent ancient to modern. Delhi : Mamcillan 2011.
xii, 282p.
CL1514068 978-0230-32398-8
4,180 Y:1.4.N K2
Cultural of the south east Asia. New Delhi : National Book Trust of India 1962. 214p.
4,181 Y:1.41 L2
Macciocchi Maria Antonietta. Daily life in revolutionary China. New York : Monthly Review Press 1972.
vi, 506p.
4,182 Y:1.41 P2
Hinton William. China : An unfinished battle. Kharagpur : Cornerstone Pub 2002. 144p.
CL1514575 81-901060-9-0
4,183 Y:1.41 P6
Hsu Cho Yun. China : New cultrual history. New York : Columbia University Press 2006. 612p.
CL1549800 978-0-231-15921-0
4,184 Y:1.4433 1593P5
Tekchandani Ravi Parkash. Sindhi pahaka : Bhashavigyanik samajik e sanskritik abyasu. Faizabad : Sindhi Book Trust 2005.
352p. Page 1 of 477
Y:1.4497 P8
Tobdan. Cultural history of western trans Himalayas : Bashahar Kinnaur. New Delhi : Aryan Books Publication 2008.
x,228p. CL1550035 978-81-7305-352-8
4,186 Y:1.46 28P1
Ahsan Ayamak. Salam al rasi : Al amal al kamilah. Bairut : NUFAL 2001. 413p.
4,187 Y:1.498 Q2
Sengupta Nita. Tibet history, art and culture. Delhi : Pratibha Parkashan 2012. 237p.
CL1549950 978-81-7702-277-3
4,188 Y:1.49G'N Q2
Sinha Babli Ed. South Asian transnationalisms : Cultural exchange in the twentieth century. London : Routledge 2011.
242p. (South Asian history and culture) CL1548711 978-81-89643-20-1
4,189 Y:1.5 K7
Hexter J. H. Traditions of the western world. Chicago : Rand Mcnally & Company 1967. xxiv, 917p.
4,190 Y:1.73 M9
Fischer David Hackett. Albion's seed : Four British folkways in America. New York : Oxford Unviersity Press 1989.
946p. CL1515337 0-19-503794-4
4,191 Y:1.791 L0
Franco Jean. Modern gulture of Latin America. New York : Penguin Books 1970. 381p.
4,192 Y:1:65 Q2
Roberts Les Ed. Mapping cultures: Place, practice, performance. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2012. xiv,309p.
CL1549848 978-0-230-30113-9
4,193 Y:1-6 Q2
Wagner Peter. Modernity : Understanding the present. Malden : Polity 2012. xv, 190p.
CL1549912 978-0-7456-5291-7
4,194 Y:1-6.49Gg Q1
Dube Saurabh Ed. Handbook of modernity in South Asia : Modern makeover. New Delhi : Oxford Page 1 of 477
University Press 2011. xii,276p.
CL1549739 978-0-19-807404-5
Y:1'D 153Q1
tkrb/, Bfozdokl T[Zgb, ;ftzdo f;zx, Tr.H pZ[X d/ ;w/_ dk ;wkiH gfNnkbk L gpbhe/FB fpT{o', 2011H
270gz. CL1432267 978-81-302-0085-9
4,196 Y:1v Q3
Betts Raymond F. History of popular culture : More of everything,faster and brighter. 2nd. London : Routledge 2013.
xiv, 185p. CL1563162 978-0-415-67437-9
4,197 Y:1v0a4,1 152P1
tks'kh] iwjupanz- laLd`fr fodkl vkSj lapkj dzkafr- fnYyh % xzaFk f'kYih] 2001- 316i`0.
CL1550642 81-86684-88-3
4,198 Y:2:75.2 N2
Gadgil Madhav; Guha Ramachandra. Fissured land : Ecological history of India. New Delhi : Oxford University Press 1992.
xiv, 274p. CL1432639 - CL1432640 978-0-19-563341-2
4,199 Y:3 L2
Resch John Phillips Ed. Man and society : Freedom and liberty. Columbus : Charles E.Merrill Pub 1972.
CL1514611 0-675-09160-8
4,200 Y:3(J3) Q2
McLean Alice L. Aesthetic pleasure in twentieth century women's food writing : Innovative appetites of M. F. K. Fisher, Alics B. Toklas and Elizabeth David. New York : Routledge 2012.
xii,195p. (Routledge studies in twentieth century literature) CL1549946 978-0-415-87138-9
4,201 Y:3(Q).2.N9 N5
Larson Gerald James. India's agony over religion. Delhi : Oxford University Press 1995. 392p.
CL1514188 0 19 564064 0
4,202 Y:3(S:52) P1
Ray Rajat Kanta. Exploring emotional history : Gender mentality and literature in the Indian awakening. New Delhi : Oxford University Press 2001.
CL1514191 019 565292 4
4,203 Y:326(Q).25213 M2
Eck Diana L. Banaras : City of light. Princeton : Princeton University Press 1982. 427p. Page 1 of 477
CL1514252 0-691-02023-X
Y:348(V2,1).N1 Q2
Codell Julie F. Ed. Power and resistance the Delhi coronation durbars 1877. 1903. 1911. 2012. 244p.
CL1548709 978-1-935677-10-9
4,205 Y:35(Q:3) P2
Nanda Meera. Breaking the spell of dharma and other essays. New Delhi : Three Essays 2002. CL1514312 81-88394-09-2
4,206 Y:351 152P7
vustk] gfjoa'k] Ed.( egsUnz izrki- ns'k fons'k dh yksddFkk,a- u;h fnYyh % vuqjks/k izzdk'ku] 2007-
183 i`0. CL1432963 81-88135-14-3
4,207 Y:351 1593P8
Agnani Kanhiya. Sindhi dinn war. Jaipur : Sankalp Parkashan 2008. 115p. Download 7,41 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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