Chapter Evolving Connectionist and Fuzzy Connectionist Systems: Theory and Applications for Adaptive, On-line Intelligent Systems
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This work was done as part of my sabbatical leave from the University of Otago in 1998. I developed the ECOS paradigm and conducted experiments while I was visiting the following universities: University of Trento (Italy), University of Maastricht (The Netherlands), University of Twente (The Netherlands), University of Essex (UK). I would like to thank my colleagues Prof. Mario Fedrizzi, Prof. Jaap van den Herik, Dr. Eric Postma, Dr. Leo Pluhar, Prof. Anton Nijholt, Dr Marc Drossaers, Dr. Mannes Poel, Dr. Mehmet Aksit, Dr Anne De Roeck, Dr Jeoff Reinolds, Prof. Ray Turnur, Mr Grahame Clarke, and other colleagues, for the research conditions they offered me during my stay in their respective departments and for the fruitful discussions I had with them. I hope the introduced here ECOS techniques will be useful to apply to research problems, currently under investigation in these departments. 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