Chapter I. Characteristics of phonetic and phonologic errors in intercultural communication
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7. Muhiddinova Mohichehra 77
From the foregoing, it is clear that the main tasks of phonetics include a comprehensive study of the sound component of the language, as well as the search and identification of patterns in its internal organization. The sound side of any language can be characterized as a complex, complex phenomenon that includes not only speech sounds and their sequences, but also word stress and phrasal intonation. However, sounding speech is not only an acoustic phenomenon, but also a complex of acoustic signals purposefully produced by the human articulatory organs and intended primarily for auditory perception. At the moment, there are four aspects of sound speech: * physical, * articulatory, * perceptual; * functional. Phonetics is a complex subject, therefore, several particular disciplines can be distinguished in it, for example: - articulatory phonetics, - acoustic phonetics, - perceptual phonetics, - functional phonetics (phonology). The subject of the study of articulatory phonetics is the activity of the human speech apparatus, the result of which is the reproduction of sounds that play the role of elementary sound units of any language. This science deals with the description and systematization of the movements and positions of the speech organs necessary to reproduce the sounds of a given language. Acoustic phonetics deals exclusively with the physical parameters and characteristics of speech sounds belonging to different languages. Perceptual phonetics studies the features of human auditory perception of speech sounds. The subject of study of functional phonetics is the function of sound elements. This is work with the meanings of sounds and sound chains, the search for differences in these values depending on the sound, the study of sound chains as an intermediary in the transmission of linguistic information, the study of the phenomena of encoding and decoding speech messages. Acoustic-physiological phonetics (anthropophonics) deals with the study of the human body and those of its general permanent features that are responsible for the phenomenon of sound speech. This science also considers the organic habits that enable our pronunciation to remain approximately the same over a certain period of years. According to the research of linguistic history, we can conclude that these very habits are not something invariable, but rather undergo certain pronounced changes over a certain time period, usually quite significant. Being essentially the result of habits of pronunciation, sounds change depending on changes in these habits. The reasons for these changes are either the general conditions of the physical organization of a person and his speech apparatus (spontaneous speech changes), or the combination of some physiological habits with others during one period of time (such changes are called combinatorial). Books, Monographs, Periodicals Alimov, V.V. Translation theory: A guide for linguists-translators: Study guide / V.V. Alimov. - M.: Lenand, 2015. - 240 p. Bochkarev A.I. Theoretical grammar of the English language. Morphology: textbook / A.I. Bochkarev. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, 2016 - 92p. Buranov J. Comparative typology of English and Turkic languages. - M .: Higher school, 1983. - 268s Wierzbicka Language. Culture. Cognition / Wierzhbitskaya, Anna. - M.: Russian dictionaries, 2015. - 416 p. Gvishiani, N.B. Modern English: Lexicology: Textbook for Bachelors / N.B. Gvishiani. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 273 p. Ilyichenko V.V. English language / V.V. Ilyichenko. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2014. - 224 p. Kiyatkina I.G. English: textbook / I.G. Kiyatkin. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic, 2015. - 448 p. Meie, A. Introduction to the comparative study of Indo-European languages / A. Meie. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2018. - 512 p. Pavlov V.V. Grammatical and lexical number of a noun./ V.V. Pavlov // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2015. - No. 5. With. 68-82. Smirnitsky A. I. Morphology of the English language. Moscow: Literature in foreign languages, 1959. Telegina E.V. The main features of the grammatical category of number in Russian and English. / E.V. Telegina // Pedagogical education in Russia. - 2014.- No. 6. With. 62-65 foreign references Benjamin Lee Whorf. Language, Thought and Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. —1956. — 235p. Harding SA Notes on translation and transliteration of Russian //Beslan. – Manchester University Press, 2018. Illysh B. “The structure of modern English: a linguistic introduction.” John Benjamins Publishing Company.Amsterdam/Philadelphia. - 2000. - 358p. Jakobson R. On linguistic aspects of translation //On translation. - 1959. - T. 3. - S. 30-39. Shearing S. et al. Improving Low Resource Machine Translation using Morphological Glosses // Vol. 1: MT Researchers' Track. - 2018. - S. 132. Sweet H. A new English grammar. - Cambridge University Press, 2014. - Vol. 1 1 Shearing S. et al. Improving Low Resource Machine Translation using Morphological Glosses // Vol. 1: MT Researchers' Track. - 2018. - S. 132. 2 Sweet H. A new English grammar. - Cambridge University Press, 2014. - Vol. 3 Jakobson R. On linguistic aspects of translation //On translation. - 1959. - T. 3. - S. 30-39. 4 Harding SA Notes on translation and transliteration of Russian //Beslan. – Manchester University Press, 2018. 5 Jakobson R. On linguistic aspects of translation //On translation. - 1959. - T. 3. - S. 30-39. 6 Shearing S. et al. Improving Low Resource Machine Translation using Morphological Glosses // Vol. 1: MT Researchers' Track. - 2018. - S. 132. 7 Jakobson R. On linguistic aspects of translation //On translation. - 1959. - T. 3. - S. 30-39. 8 Shearing S. et al. Improving Low Resource Machine Translation using Morphological Glosses // Vol. 1: MT Researchers' Track. - 2018. - S. 132. 9 Jakobson R. On linguistic aspects of translation //On translation. - 1959. - T. 3. - S. 30-39. 10 Illysh B. “The structure of modern English: a linguistic introduction.” John Benjamins Publishing Company.Amsterdam/Philadelphia. - 2000. - 358p. 11 Harding SA Notes on translation and transliteration of Russian //Beslan. – Manchester University Press, 2018. 12 Benjamin Lee Whorf. Language, Thought and Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. —1956. — 235p. 13 Smirnitsky A. I. Morphology of the English language. Moscow: Literature in foreign languages, 1959 14 Telegina E.V. The main features of the grammatical category of number in Russian and English. / E.V. Telegina // Pedagogical education in Russia. - 2014.- No. 6. With. 62-65 15 Smirnitsky A. I. Morphology of the English language. Moscow: Literature in foreign languages, 1959 16 Pavlov V.V. Grammatical and lexical number of a noun./ V.V. Pavlov // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2015. - No. 5. With. 68-82. 17 Meie, A. Introduction to the comparative study of Indo-European languages / A. Meie. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2018. - 512 p 18 Kiyatkina I.G. English: textbook / I.G. Kiyatkin. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic, 2015. - 448 p. 19 Ilyichenko V.V. English language / V.V. Ilyichenko. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2014. - 224 p. 20 Gvishiani, N.B. Modern English: Lexicology: Textbook for Bachelors / N.B. Gvishiani. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 273 p. 21 Wierzbicka Language. Culture. Cognition / Wierzhbitskaya, Anna. - M.: Russian dictionaries, 2015. - 416 p. 22 Wierzbicka Language. Culture. Cognition / Wierzhbitskaya, Anna. - M.: Russian dictionaries, 2015. - 416 p. Download 53,99 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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