Chapter: lexicology and its object subject matter of Lexicology

Answer the following questions

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Answer the following questions:
1. What do you understand by dead and living affixes? 2. What difference can you see between productive and nonproductive affixes? 3. What do the recent investigations prove on the productivity of affixes? 4. What is understood by the frequency of affixes? 5. Why can't we say the prefixes out-, up-, under- etc. to be semibound morphemes? 6. How do we classify the prefixes according to their meaning? 7. How can we divide the suffixes according to their mean ing? 8. What stems are the suffixes added to? 9. What do you say about the stylistic reference of affixes?

4. Word Cluster
Language is a system. The elements of the language are interrelated and interdependent.
Word cluster is a group of words which have semantically and phonetically correlated with identical root morphemes. For example, to lead, leader, leadership, city, citify, cityism, cityful, cityish, citywards, cityite, citiness, citied, citiward, cityless; family, familial, subfamily, superfamily, non - family, familist, tamilism, non-familial; finger, fingerlet, fingerling, finger (v), fingered, fingerless, fingerish, fmgery, unfigered, fingerer, fingering, refinger, forefinger, fingerable, fingerative; baron, baronize, baronial, baronry, barony, baroness, baronage, baronet, baronetical, baronetcy, baronetess, baronethood, baronetship.
The members of a word cluster belong as a rule to different parts of speech and are joined together only by the identity of the root morpheme.
Now most of the linguists are sure that in the vocabulary system there are different micro systems or subsystems (For example, synonyms, antonyms or homonyms), different lexico-semantic groupings and etc. And word cluster is one of the subsystems of the vocabulary of such kind.
The terms can give a large word cluster, For example, the word cluster ol polymer (xhm. noumviep) include the following words: polymerize, polymerization, copolymer, copolymerize, cop-olymerization, etc.
The stems of words making up a word cluster enter into derivational relations of different degrees. The sero degree of derivation is a simple word or a word which its stem is homonymous with a word form and often with a root morpheme. For example, boy, atom, devote, girl etc.
Derived words which are formed from the simple stems and which are formed by the application of one derivational affix are described as words having the first degree of derivation. For example, boyish, atomic, girlish, devotion etc Derived words which are formed by two stages of coining are the second degree of derivation. For example, boyishness, atomi-cal, girlishness, devotional.
The members of the word' cluster may be derivatives formed by affixation, conversion, compounding. For example, heart, to disheart, to dishearten disheartenment, to heart, hearted, heartedness, to hearten, heartening, hearteningly, heartful ,heartfully, heartfulness, heartily, heartiness, heartless, heartlessly, heart lessness, heartlet, heartlike, heartling, heartsome, heart-somely, hearty.
The structure of a word cluster may be given as a diagram.
/derived verb \ derived adject
I derived noun — derived adverb
A word cluster includes the' derivatives which are structurally and niantically related. 1) possess — эгалламок ( владеть ), possession — эгаллаш ,( владение ), possessioner — xy жайин ( владелец .) , possessor — хужайин ,( владелец ), possessory — эга булиш , ( относящийся к владению ), possessive — мулакка эга булган , ( относящийся к собственности )
2read- _ укимок ( читать ), read adj — y кимишли ( начитанный ), read n — укиш ( чтение ) readable — укиб буладиган ( удобочитаемый ), readability — укиб булишлик ( удобочитаемость ).
reader — yкувчи(читатель), readership — y кувчилар доираси ( круг читателей ), reading n — reading adj — y киетган ( читающий ), reread — кайта укимок ( перечитать )
3) sport n — cпорт (cпорт ). sporter — cпортсмен (cпортсмен ), sportful —
x ушчакчак , хазилкаш ( веселый , шутливый ), sporting — c порт Билан шугулланиш
(yвлекающийся спортом), sportless — спорт билан
шугулланишга шароит булмаслик ( не располагающий возможностями для спорта ), sporty — cпортсменларча (cпортсменский ), sportsman — спортсмен
(cпортсмен ), sportsmanlike — cпортсменланча (c портсменский ,
sportsmanship — cпорт буйича кобилият (c портивное мастерство ).
If we can't see these connections we can't include the derivative into a word cluster.
For example. «hand» — «handsome». These words are structurally related, i. e they have structural relation but we can't say that the word «handsome» is formed from «hand» because in Modern English there is no semantic relation between «hand» and «handsome» (hand — кул , handsome — чиройли ). On the contrary in words knee (koji ено ) and kneel (c тановиться на коленях ) we see that there is a semantic relation between these words but we can't include the word «kneel» into the word cluster of «knee» because there is no structural relation between them. The same is true with dark — to darkle (to grow dark). There is no structural relation between them too.
On the first step of the word cluster the derivatives of the first degree of derivation are in most cases nouns, verbs and adjectives. The length (the final step of a word cluster) includes 4 steps.
Thus, the "word clusters of different parts of speech may have different peculiarities.
We must distinguish between the word cluster and the word family. The word- amily includes not only words making up a word cluster but also the words which ave a common meaning and semantic structure. For example, die — death, feed — ood, think — thought, brother, brotherly, freturnal, mother, motherly, maternal. e words fraternal and maternal are not the members of a word cluster. They are the members""of a word-family because there is no derivational relation between mother and maternal, brother and fraturnal, think — thought, feed — food, die death, high —height, strong — strength etc. The members of a word cluster have derivational and semantic relations and i they have no such relations they can't be members of a word cluster.
The members of the word cluster are increased and enlarged or decreased as a result of the development of the English language. For example, the verbs «to unite, «to combin, «to prevent)) up to the 16 th century did not give any derivatives but after 1500 (16 th century) they gave more than 20 derivatives, (united 1552 uniter 1587, unitive 1526, disunite 1560), (combiner 1610, combinable 1749 combination 1532, combinative 1855 etc), preventive 1639, preventer 1587 prevention 1528, preventingly 1731.
Different borrowed words may develop their word cluster differently. As a result of the development of the language in different historical periods of the English language a number of derivatives of words of different origin may be different.
For example. In the 15 th century the Latin words in English such as «to suspect», «to fix», «to interrupt)) each of them had only one derivative but the words of Scandinavian origin «to trust», «to remark)), «to guess» gave 5 derivatives at that period of time. The Scandinavian verbs to dirty , to near, to skin gave 1 or 2 derivatives after the 15 th century. But the -Latin borrowings to «describe», «to suggest)), «to persuade)) gave 20 derivatives and each of them forms a large word cluster.
This shows that the Latin borrowings are more active in wordformation than the Scandinavian borrowings.
Properties of a word cluster in English and in Uzbek may be different. The totality of the notion may be given by the related words and in other languages they may correspond to different words, free or set phrases
. For example, heart — юрак , hearten — pyxлантирмок , heartless — берахм , hearty — самий; hook — илгак, hooked — эгик , букиг , hooker — балик овлайдиган, hope — умид, ишонч, hopeful — умид,килувчи hopefulness- келажжака ишонч, hopиголка)

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