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11 PALLADIUM-(ACYCLIC DIAMINOCARBENE) SPECIES AS ALTERNATIVE TO PALLADIUM-(NITROGEN HETEROCYCLIC CARBENES) IN CROSS-COUPLING CATALYSIS Vadim P. Boyarskiy* Department of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Konstantin V. Luzyanin* Department of Chemistry, Centro de Qu´ımica Estrutural, Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Department of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Vadim Yu. Kukushkin* Department of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 11.1 INTRODUCTION Palladium complexes featuring N-heterocyclic carbene ligands (NHCs, Fig. 11.1) are a class of compounds of supreme importance in modern chemistry, which are extensively applied, in particular, in catalysis of cross-coupling reactions [1–4]. Complexes with these species have challenged the dominance of the commonly used tertiary phosphine-based catalysts in a wide range of palladium-catalyzed organic processes [3, 4]. In spite of the broad field of successful applications of (NHC)Pd complexes, these species have some disadvantages. In particular, the preparation of many of the NHCs (and/or their precursors) for further coordination to metal centers is not an easy synthetic task and it limits the possibilities for the tuning of the steric properties of the NHC ligands [5–7]. In addition, precise tuning of prepared metal carbenes toward selected catalytic applications requires a continuous search for novel carbene-based species and optimization of their properties [2, 3, 8, 9]. In this stream, acyclic diaminocarbenes (ADCs, Fig. 11.1) represent an alternative class of ligands able to overcome certain disadvantages of both phosphines and NHCs [2, 4, 10]. Indeed, first, ADCs exhibit electronic stabilization similar to those of the structurally related nonaromatic NHCs [11–17]. Second, acyclic diaminocarbene ligands possess wider N–C–N bond angles [18] than the structurally relevant NHCs [19, 20] and occupy more space at a metal center. The higher steric hindrance of ADCs favors reductive elimination, which represents the final stage of the cross-coupling catalytic cycle. Finally, the rotational freedom of the ADC ligands makes them capable of adopting multiple conformations [21–24] and this, as believed, can lead to the easier catalyst adaptation to different steric requirements of various stages of the cross-coupling catalytic cycle. In this chapter, we attempt to provide a brief overview of the most developed synthetic methods to (ADC)Pd complexes and to systematize reports published until now on cross-coupling reactions catalyzed by (ADC)Pd systems. We also attempt to compare, whenever possible, the catalytic properties of (ADC)Pd versus (NHC)Pd species, and, eventually, to draw attention to the potential of ADCs and to the advantages that application of ADCs gives to the cross-coupling chemistry.
First Edition. Edited by Armando J. L. Pombeiro. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
R 4 N R 3 N R 1 R 2 R 1 R 2 [M] (NHC)Pd (ADC)Pd Figure 11.1 Palladium complexes with N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) and acyclic diaminocarbenes (ADCs). 11.2 SYNTHETIC APPROACHES TO PALLADIUM COMPLEXES BEARING ADC LIGANDS Palladium complexes with ADC ligands are easily accessible and several synthetic methods have been satisfactory developed for their generation [2, 10]. Three of those (Scheme 11.1) are currently the most explored and allowed the generation of all (ADC)Pd complexes discussed in this chapter. The conventional synthetic approach based on direct complexation involves the preparation of the carbene precursors, for example, N,N,N ,N -tetraalkylformamidinium salts [25, 26]. These species are further deprotonated generating free carbenes that, upon reaction with an appropriate metal source, furnish the target metal–ADC species. This route is generally restricted to the species bearing bulky lipophilic substituents at the N atoms owing to the insufficient stability of the free carbenes [25, 26]. The main advantage of this approach refers to its versatility in terms of electronic properties of a metal (both electron-rich and electron-poor metal centers could be employed) and absence of prerequisites on secondary ligands (no phosphines are necessary as in the case of an oxidative addition route). The principal limitation of this method concerns the N,N,N ,N -tetraalkylformamidinium salts that are in many instances difficult to prepare [18, 25–27]. Furthermore, the in situ deprotonation of the carbene precursors followed by coordination to a metal center typically implicates the purification of the target carbene complexes [11, 13, 15, 21], and, in case when an excess of the carbene precursor is used, this route becomes economically and environmentally unfavorable [28]. The approach closely related to the previous one is based on an oxidative addition of metals into C-chloro iminium and -formamidinium salts (oxidative addition, Scheme 11.1). This method is limited to electron-rich metal centers (e.g., Pd 0 ) [2, 29] that should be additionally stabilized by the π-acceptor ligands such as phosphines. An alternative to the previous two is the approach based on a metal-mediated nucleophilic addition to isocyanides (metal-mediated addition). This reaction does not proceed via the generation of a free carbene, thus, allowing the synthesis R 2
R 1 N R 3 R 4 [Pd]
n+ [Pd]
n+ R 2 N R 1 N R 3 R 4 Cl [Pd] (n –2)+ R 2
R 1 N R 3 R 4 [Pd]
n+ N R 1 R 3 R 4 NR 2 (R 2 = H) Oxidative addition Direct complexation Metal-mediated addition Scheme 11.1 Common synthetic methodologies for the preparation of palladium-(ADC) species. CATALYTIC APPLICATIONS OF PALLADIUM-(ADC)S 147 H N R 1 N R 3 R 4 [Pd]
2+ [Pd]
2+ N R 1 R 3 R 4 NH Addition of amines H N R 1 N N R 4 [Pd] 2+ R 3 N(H)N(R
4 )H
R 3
Addition of hydrazones H N R 1 N N H [Pd] 2+ R 4 R 3 R 3 R 4 CNNH 2
Examples of (ADC)Pd complexes generated via metal-mediated approach. of complexes with both hindered and unhindered ADCs [2, 10]. The stoichiometric addition to a metal-bound isocyanide ensures the preparation of well-defined ADC complexes. With regard to nucleophilic species, the addition of nucleophiles bearing sp 3 -N- (amines, hydrazines) [2, 10], sp 2 -N- (imines) [30–32], or mixed sp 3 /sp
2 -N- (hydrazones, amidines) [33, 34] nucleophilic centers is reported (Scheme 11.2). One of the principal drawbacks of this approach is the requirement for an electron-poor late transition metal center (e.g., Pt II , Pd II , and Au
III ) that should guarantee a sufficient electrophilic activation of ligated isocyanides. Furthermore, N,N,N ,N -tetrasubstituted aminocarbenes cannot be assembled via this route [2, 10]. Another less-common method to achieve (ADC)Pd complexes is based on transmetallation of the previously prepared silver or lithium-ADC species [14]. 11.3 CATALYTIC APPLICATIONS OF PALLADIUM-(ADC)s 11.3.1 Suzuki – Miyaura Cross-Coupling (ADC)Pd complexes were prepared in situ from Pd 2 (dba)
3 and carbenes A1–A4 (Scheme 11.3) [28]. Although their structures were not elucidated, they were further evaluated as catalysts in the model Suzuki– Miyaura cross-coupling (for recent reviews on this reaction and its applications, see References 35–40). The authors found that palladium complexes with ADC ligands A1 and A2 exhibit superior catalytic activities as compared to those with A3 and A4, and preferred the palladium complexes with A1 for further studies on the scope of the coupling. Using the latter species as catalysts, the coupling of several aryl- and alkenylbromides (85–95% yields, RT), and chlorides (80–92% yields, 45 ◦ C), was accomplished. Comparison of these results [28] with those reported for some of the most efficient M-NHC systems [41, 42] indicates that palladium complexes with A1 exhibit lower activities, namely, require at least 10 times higher catalyst loading. Slaughter and coworkers employed a series of the Chugaev-type palladium complexes (Scheme 11.4) as catalysts for the Suzuki– Miyaura reaction [17, 43, 44]. Br +
2 (dba)
3 0.5 mol% A1–A4 1.25 mol% nBu 4 NBr 1.25 mol% Cs 2 CO 3 2 equiv
Toluene/THF, rt, 16 h (HO)
2 B
R 2
R 1 N R 1 R 2 A1 R 1 = R 2 = i Pr A2 R 1 = t Bu, R 2 = Me
A3 R 1 /R 2 = (CH
2 ) 4 A4 R 1 /R 2 = (CH
2 ) 5 ADC-ligands Scheme 11.3 Palladium-ADC species employed and the model Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling [28]. 148 PALLADIUM-(ADC) SPECIES IN CATALYSIS Pd X
Pd-ADC, X = Br Yields (%) B6 R 1 = Me, R 2 = H 75 B7 R 1 = i Pr, R 2 = H 81 B8 R 1 = Cy, R 2 = H 78 B9 R 1 = t Bu, R 2 = H 31 B10 R 1 = R 2 = Me 92 Pd-ADC, X = Cl Yields (%) B1 R 1 = Me, R 2 = H 74 B2 R 1 = i Pr, R 2 = H 80 B3 R 1 = Cy, R 2 = H 84 B4 R 1 = t Bu, R 2 = H 34 B5 R 1 = R 2 = Me 95 C H
N C NH HN R 1 R 1 H R 2 + B1–B10 1 mol% K 3 PO 4 1.5 equiv DMA, 120 °C 24 h
Ph Br (HO) 2 B Ph Ph Ph
Model Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling reaction Scheme 11.4 Chugaev-type (ADC)Pd complexes and their catalytic activity [17, 43, 44]. The authors screened these (ADC)Pd complexes for the model coupling of bromobenzene with phenylboronic acid (Scheme 11.3). It was found that the catalysts bearing secondary alkyl substituents (iPr: B2, B7; Cy; B3, B8) displayed higher activity than those with methyl (B1, B6) or tertiary alkyl (tBu: B4, B9) groups. In addition, methylhydrazine-derived complexes B5 and B10 demonstrated the highest activity among the catalysts studied. No significant difference in activity was observed between catalysts containing chloride versus bromide ligands. For the most promising species (B5), the functional group tolerance (scope) as well as its efficiency in the presence of moisture and air, were estimated. Conducting these reactions open to air and in undried dimethylacetamide led to identical or slightly lower yields (in comparison with the conventional inert conditions) in the coupling of electron-deficient or electron-neutral aryl bromides. However, substrates with Me or OMe substituents showed significant drop in the yield under aerobic conditions. The cross-coupling of 4-chloronitrobenzene and 4-chlorobenzonitrile with phenylboronic acid provided good yields of the target products, but the catalyst demonstrated poor performance in the coupling of less electron-poor aryl chlorides as compared to that reported for the well-defined (NHC)Pd’s [41, 42]. The chelates depicted in Scheme 11.4 do not exhibit conformational freedom, which is one of the advantages specific for nonchelated ADCs. In this context, the addition of hydrazine-type nucleophiles (e.g., N, N-disubstituted hydrazones) to isocyanide ligands leading to the monodentate carbene ligands is of potential interest. These nucleophilic species are easily accessible and generally exhibit higher nucleophilicity as compared to structurally related imines. Thus, in the other study, a reported metal-mediated addition of benzophenone hydrazone, H 2 N −N=CPh 2 , to one isocyanide ligand in cis-[PdCl 2 (CNR)
2 ] leads to complexes C1–C4 featuring monodentate ADCs (Fig. 11.2) [33]. These complexes were found to be excellent air/moisture insensitive catalysts for the Suzuki– Miyaura cross-coupling (Scheme 11.5). In solvent and base optimization studies conducted for the model system, EtOH and K 2 CO
are the most adequate for further operation. Palladium complexes C1, C3, and C4 (Scheme 11.5) demonstrated the highest efficiencies furnishing the coupling product in 94–97% yield, while C2, derived from [PdCl 2 (CNtBu)
2 ], exhibits a moderate activity (64% yield). Both 4-R 1 C
H 4 Br bearing either electron-donor (R 1 = H, Me, OMe) or electron-withdrawing (NO 2 ) groups react with phenylboronic acid to give excellent yields of the biphenyl species. Maximum TON reached in the model reaction (with catalyst C1) was 1.4 × 10
6 that is at least 100 times higher than reported for some of the most efficient well-defined Pd-NHC systems [41, 42]. Hong et al. [24] reported the preparation of palladium catalysts D1–D4 containing the chiral ADC ligands (Fig. 11.3) via the oxidative addition of several chloroamidinium salts to a palladium source. The catalytic activity of D1–D4 in the nonasymmetric and asymmetric Suzuki– Miyaura cross-coupling was evaluated (Scheme 11.6). Moderate yields (25–50%) for the coupling of simple substrates employing the (ADC)Pd complexes (1 mol%) as the catalyst, were achieved. Changing the base from K 2 CO 3 to CsF and increasing the amount of catalyst to 3 mol% Download 11,05 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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