Chemistry and catalysis advances in organometallic chemistry and catalysis
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- The Search for Other Potential CORMs
ALF186 ALF492
Figure 41.2 Experimental CORMs tested in animal models of disease. the basis of an educated guess and produced very encouraging results [67]. CORM-2 is a vasodilator of rat aortic rings
because it was not elicited by the CO-free control [RuCl 2 (DMSO)
4 ]. Although it has become the most popular CORM in the literature [62, 66], the pharmacology of CORM-2 remains uncharacterized. It breaks its dimeric structure in DMSO to form a mixture of fac-[Ru(CO) 3 Cl
(OSMe 2 )] and cis-cis-trans-[Ru(CO) 2 Cl 2 (SOMe 2 ) 2 ], none of which was studied separately. Notwithstanding, the coordination of the successful [Ru II (CO) 3 ] fragment to biological ligands that favor water solubility led to the very important glycinato derivative fac-[Ru(CO) 3 Cl 2 ( κ 2 -O 2 CCH 2 NH 2 )] (CORM-3) [68]. During this initial discovery process, Motterlini and coworkers [67] searched for a simple methodology to quantify the ability of a given MCC to release CO and act as a potentially useful CORM. Their choice fell on the so-called Mb assay. The method comprises the addition of the candidate MCC to a solution of deoxy-Mb generated in situ from Mb and excess dithionite. The reaction medium remains anoxic for circa 2 h in which time CO may be transferred from the CORM to the hemeprotein. The amount of carboxymyoglobin (COMb) formed is quantified by UV–vis spectroscopy following the replacement of the absorption of deoxy-Mb at 555 cm −1 by the new absorptions of COHb at 541 and 578 cm −1 . The
characterization and ranking of the CO-releasing activity of different CORMs can be made through the comparison of the value of their half-life, t (1/2) , the time taken to form 0.5 equiv of COMb. This definition allows the comparison of CORMs that deliver different numbers of CO ligands per mole. According to the Mb assay, CORM-3 was described as a fast CO releaser because it formed 1 equiv of COMb within minutes (t (1/2)
= 2.3 min) [68, 69]. Solutions of CORM-3 left aging for circa 18–24 h fail to carbonylate deoxy-Mb and are considered to contain an inactive decomposition product of CORM-3, named iCORM-3, which still contains cis-[Ru(CO) 2 ]
and in vivo with remarkable therapeutic efficacy in several major indications such as transplant [70, 71], organ preservation [72], myocardial infarct [73], and rheumatoid arthritis [74, 75]. The therapeutic action of CORM-3 was always assigned to CO in view of the inefficacy of the negative control iCORM-3. So, a small t 1/2
in the Mb assay became the hallmark of an active CORM and made the Mb assay an almost mandatory test for the identification of CORMs. However, in spite of recent improvements [76], the interpretation and use of this assay has to be seriously revised because it was found that the fast transfer of CO from CORM-3 to deoxy-Mb results from the reaction of CORM-3 with dithionite and sulfite ions present in the test, which displace CO from the Ru center. In fact, both CORM-2 and CORM-3 are unable to carbonylate purified, dithionite-free deoxy-Mb or Hb [77]. Therefore, the early classification of CORM-3 as a fast CO releaser has to be abandoned since it is actually a no-releaser in this Mb assay. If we further consider that no CO gas can be detected in the headspace of aqueous solutions of CORM-3 and its analogs [78, 79], and the fact that an organometallic fluorescent scavenger detects CO in cells treated with CORM-3 [80], we realize that its chemistry is not straightforward. However, its therapeutic activity remains undisputed and its mode of action deserves to be explained. To this end, the first step is to consider its aqueous solution chemistry [81]. CORM-3, and indeed all other [Ru II (CO) 3 L 3 ] type CORMs studied so far [79, 82], react with water at pH > 4 to release H + and form species such as [Ru(CO) 2 (COOH)L
3 ] − (water–gas shift reaction). At THERAPEUTIC DELIVERY OF CO 551 physiological pH (7.4), these metallacarboxylates release CO 2 (GC detection; eventually H 2 also) [78] and form many other species, depending on the nature of the ancillary ligands L [high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) evidence] [78, 79]. This chemical lability is also mirrored in the wide variation of the t 1/2 of CORM-3, which is highest in saline (0.9% aqueous NaCl) and shortest in plasma [69]. This chemistry explains that CO 2 is released during the preparation of iCORM-3 instead of CO [78], and explains the very rapid formation of adducts of CORM-3 and other related complexes with proteins (serum albumin, transferrin, Hb, Mb, and lysozyme) which bear the cis-[Ru(CO) 2 (H
O) 3 ] 2 + or [Ru(CO)(H 2 O) 4 ] 2 + fragments as ascertained by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray crystallography [78, 79]. The interaction with proteins such as serum albumin and transferrin also explains why CORM-3 does not raise the values of COHb in systemic circulation at therapeutic doses, which is one of the most welcome characteristics of the in vivo therapy with CORM-3 [73, 83]. In fact, after the loss of one CO as CO 2 , the resulting cis-Ru II (CO)
2 fragments are very slow CO releasers, similar to iCORM-3, which is an unidentified mixture containing such species [78]. These results suggest that CORM-3 is transported in circulation as a serum albumin or transferrin adduct that slowly decomposes to release CO without sudden bursts. This kind of mechanism is supported by the observation of steady, low levels of CO in the treatment of mice with CORM-3 in a cardiovascular model [83]. One important consequence of this mechanism is that it lacks tissue specificity. Actually, CORM-3 is active in a broad variety of indications affecting different tissues and organs [62, 66]. Interestingly, the methylthiogalactose ligand was able to convey a reasonable liver specificity to complex ALF492 (Fig. 41.2), which became much more efficacious then CORM-3 in the protection of mice in a model of cerebral malaria [82]. CO gas protection in this model had been reported but at the cost of very high levels of systemic COHb. Most importantly, though, this work showed that ALF492 also targets the pharmacological expression of HO-1. Such induction of HO-1 had already been shown for CORM-2 and CORM-3 [84], and may be a component of the therapeutic efficacy of these and many other CORMs through the already mentioned CO/HO-1 forward–feedback loop. To complicate things further, both CORM-2 and CORM-3 (and the Mo(0) complexes described next) have been shown to produce ROS species in aqueous solution, thereby raising the difficulty in the interpretation of their biological action [25, 85]. The Mo 0 (CO) n
At Alfama, the initial search for metal-based CORMs was supported by quantification of the release of CO to the headspace of the solutions of the compounds in biological media, such as RPMI- 1640 (Roswell Park Memorial Institute-1640), PBS (Phosphate Buffer Saline), HEPES (2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazin-1- yl]ethanesulfonic acid), saline, or plasma. The Mb assay was not used because it was thought important to check the profile of the complexes in aerobic conditions, which are absent in the Mb assay. This search revealed that the overwhelming majority of the 18-electron metal carbonyl complexes tested ( >500) had a reasonable stability to air and water, opening many windows for their use as CORMs. This meant that many MCCs when incubated in biological media under normoxic conditions released CO at reasonably controlled rates. Lack of aqueous solubility was found to be the main barrier to their development but this can be overcome through the use of appropriately functionalized ligands. In order to capitalize on the existing data on CO gas therapy, Alfama’s initial choice of experimental CORMs fell on compounds that delivered physically detectable amounts of free CO to the biological subject, either in vitro or in vivo. For in vitro applications, CO release was quantified in the headspace of samples by the gas chromatography-reducing compound photometer (GC-RCP) by using a technique implemented by Vreman [86]. For in vivo applications, CO release was controlled by %COHb in circulation, measured by oximetry, or by CO in tissues, measured through GC-RCP [86]. The benchmarking compound in this strategy was the water-soluble fac-[Mo(CO) 3 (histidinate)]Na (ALF186; Fig. 41.2). ALF186 is stable in air as a solid and in anaerobic aqueous solution, but releases CO in aerobic solutions. When dissolved in whole sheep blood in vitro, it almost instantaneously releases its full load of CO (3 equiv), which can be easily measured by the value of %COHb read in a standard oximeter. Analysis of the same blood by GC-RCP confirmed this quantitative release of CO. When administered to mice, the total load of CO is rapidly released producing a peak of systemic %COHb at circa 10 min post injection, which is dose dependent and highly reproducible. When this peak is attained, the mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) of the animals has a significant drop. After circa 2–3 h, the mice have exhaled all CO in circulation and returned their %COHb and MABP close to the original basal levels (Alfama, unpublished work). This kind of CO delivery partially mimics CO inhalation replacing the gas by a bolus of “solid CO,” which results in a much faster increase of systemic %COHb. The dose of ALF186 needed to deliver a desired amount of CO to the organism can be accurately calculated, and the time evolution of CO in circulation known beforehand. Oral administration leads to a CO peak at circa 1 h post administration, and higher doses are needed to reach a targeted %COHb value in comparison to the intraperitoneal (ip) or intravenous (iv) administration. This compound proved to be a very powerful experimental tool and showed dose- dependent therapeutic efficacy for CO in a variety of animal models of disease. Interestingly, in several cases, the efficacy
552 METAL CARBONYLS FOR CO-BASED THERAPIES: CHALLENGES AND SUCCESSES of CORM-3 and ALF186 were mutually exclusive. For instance, ALF186 inhibits indomethacin-induced stomach ulcers, while CORM-3 does not in the same model [87]. ALF186 rescues the liver in a mouse model of acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure, yet CORM-3 is ineffective (Alfama, unpublished work). The opposite is observed in the prevention of myocardial infarction injuries, where CORM-3 is very effective [73] and ALF186 is not. Examples were found where both CORM-3 and ALF186 work and where none of them works. ALF062, our code number for one of the oldest known Mo 0 carbonyl complexes, [Mo(CO) 5 Br][NEt
4 ] [88], is a rather lipophilic CORM that can be administered orally in olive oil and gave very good results in the treatment of adjuvant-induced arthritis [89] in a rat model or as bactericide [90]. In both cases, CORM-3 is also effective [74, 90]. Summary This historical overview shows that the chemical space of organometallic carbonyls is a suitable source of therapeutically effective CORMs. However, the criteria that inform the search for useful CORMs have to be broad and carefully checked to avoid instances of compounds such as CORM-3 being excluded in GC or Mb assays or of spontaneous O 2
their prodrug characteristics. Most importantly, it may be remarked that in spite of their therapeutic efficacy, none of the compounds in Fig. 41.2 can be considered a drug because of their lack of pharmacological profile and druglike properties.
The very intense and fruitful research effort supported by the experimental CORMs attracted other research groups to the field and new molecules emerged. These new CORMs can be divided according to the type of trigger that initiates CO release: chemical reactions (substitution, pH changes, oxidation), photochemical reactions, and enzymatic reactions.
Most compounds described in this section are summarized in the structures depicted in Figs. 41.3 and 41.4. The former belong to well-known structural motifs of organometallic chemistry such as the [Fe
0 (CO)
3 ( η 4 -diene)], [(CpR)Fe(CO) 2 L]
+ , [(CpR)Mo(CO) 3 L]
+ (CpR
= substituted Cp, indenyl; L = 2e neutral or negative ligand), [M(CO) 5 L]
− (M = Cr, Mo, W; L = 2e neutral or negative ligand or Fischer carbene), [μ 2 -(RC
≡CR ) Co 2 (CO) 6 ], and [Mn(CO) 4 L 2 ] 0/ + . Compounds in Fig. 41.4 belong to a family of octahedral complexes stabilized by pentadentate N5 ligands. In order to characterize the compounds and rank their potential as CORMs, most authors carried on the in vitro “standard set” of tests (SST) inaugurated with the development of CORM-2 and CORM-3. None of these compounds was tested in vivo in any animal model of disease. The SST comprises the analysis of the CO-release profile through the Mb assay (t 1/2 ), the determination of the cytotoxicity (generally on RAW264.7 macrophages) through the LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assay, the determination of the cell viability through the Alamar blue test, and the determination of the iNOS inhibition by measuring the amount of inhibition of NO induced by the CORM in a cell culture of RAW246.7 macrophages stimulated with the proinflammatory lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Inhibition of NO production in the latter test is considered a sign of the anti-inflammatory activity of the CORM. The SST was often accompanied by the determination of the vasodilatory properties of the CORM through its effect on the relaxation of isolated aortic rings precontracted with ephedrine [67]. The two last types of activities are typical for CO gas and are expected to be replicated by a CORM. In this context, the comparison of the CO-releasing profiles is given by the value of the CO-release half-life (t 1/2
) of the CORM. In the family of [Fe 0 (CO)
3 ( η 4 -2-pyrone)] complexes, the least cytotoxic compound, CORM-F3, was also the one that showed the more favorable CO-release t 1/2
, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory properties. The trigger of this CO release is not ascertained and the substitution pattern at the 2-pyrone ring controls the rate of CO release [91, 92]. The substitution at the Cp ring in the [(CpR)Fe(CO) 2 L] 0/ + family of complexes controls both the slow CO-release t 1/2 and solubility [93]. The related [Fe( η 5
9 H 7 )(CO) 2 L] 0/ + complexes are very slow CO releasers, clearly more toxic, and do not show any improvement of the CO release rate, which could be expected through the action of the “indenyl effect” [94]. The [CpFe(CO) 2 (
1 -2-pyrone)] + complex behaved as a nonreleaser in the Mb assay but the Mo analog behaved as the a very rapid CO releaser, with tolerable cytotoxicity and a strong vasodilatory activity. However, the difference of CO release rates between both compounds remained unexplained [95]. The cobalt alkyne-bridged carbonyl complexes [ μ 2
(RC ≡CR )Co
2 (CO)
6 ] are too lipophilic to enable extracting safe conclusions as to their real value as CORMs [96], and spurred the mechanistic studies conducted with several M(CO) 5 (amino ester) and Mo(CO) 5 ( =CRR ) (examples in Fig. 41.3) in aqueous PBS solutions [97] and [M(CO) 5 X] − (M = Cr, Mo, W; X = Cl, Br, I) [98], which brought forward some specificities of the behavior of MCCs in water. The complex [Mn(CO) 4 {S
CNMe(CH 2 CO 2 H) }] was studied in some depth. The complex releases only 0.33 equiv of CO after 4 h at 37 ◦ C in PBS [99]. Kinetic studies, including substitution by 13 CO, and computational calculations consider that THERAPEUTIC DELIVERY OF CO 553 (OC)
3 Fe Fe O H 3 C Br O CORM-F3 OC OC L C OR' O Fe OC OC L C O CH 3 L = CO, Cl, Br, I, NO 3 ; R ′ = CH 3 , CH 2 CH 2 OH Fe OC OC O CH 3 CH 3 O O Mo OC OC O CH 3 CH 3 O O CO X H 2 N Mo CO CO OC CO OC R ′ R′′ O OR ′′′ Mo CO CO OC CO OC R ′ NH R ′ R ′′ O OR ′′′ N H N Re Br CO Br CO N HN Re Br CO Br CO N N Re Br CO Br CO H 2 O Co C N B 12 -ReCORM-2 Mn CO
OC OC S S N OH O Figure 41.3 Organometallic CORM candidates chemically triggered for CO release. the loss of CO is dissociative and that the unsaturated 16-electron intermediate [Mn(CO) 3 {S 2 CNMe(CH
2 CO 2 H) }] efficiently recaptures CO in the absence of competing nucleophiles or CO scavengers. The fact that this release is dramatically extended to 3.2 equiv of CO in the Mb assay is interpreted by the authors as the result of the capture of CO by deoxy-Mb. However, use of dithionite-free deoxy-Mb decreases this CO release to circa 1.8 equiv [77]. DFT calculations support the dissociative mechanism proposed for a series of Mn(CO) 4 (S,S) type complexes, including the one above [100]. Thus, this CORM is a potential prodrug activated by a well-defined thermally induced CO dissociation. Although it has not been tested in vivo, the above characteristics suggest that it will have a CO-release profile similar to that of ALF186 in terms of the rate of systemic COHb formation. Thermally induced CO release can be a very useful tool for biological studies, namely, those made in vitro and ex vivo in the absence of the scavenging power of blood. A very well characterized family of such CO donors has been developed on the basis of pentadentate polypyridine ligands such as those in Fig. 41.4 [101]. The lability of the CO is controlled by the type of N-donor function that occupies its trans position (this N-donor is circled in the scheme). The design can place CO trans to a negative carboxamido-N (PaPy3 − ; strong σ -donor), an imine-N (SBPy3; moderately π-accepting), and a tertiary amine-N (Tpmen; weak σ -donor) center, respectively. The SBPy3 and Tpmen complexes spontaneously release CO for H 2 O in aqueous buffer, independently of the presence of O 2 and effectively relax mouse aortic muscle rings in a dose-dependent manner. These very clean tests show that sGC is not involved in the relaxation mechanism but the BK Ca 2
channels are. This contrasts with the [Mn(CO) 4 {S 2 CNMe(CH
2 CO 2 H) }] complex where sGC is considered to be implied in the vasodilation process [99]. However, both studies exclude the participation of the ATP-dependent K + channels in the vasodilation. These [Fe(N5)(CO)] 2 + compounds (N5 = SBPy3, Tpmen) are the first ones with a really stable negative CORM control molecule. So, comparing the results obtained with [Fe(N5)(CO)] 2 +
[Fe(N5)(H 2 O)] 2 + will be a very useful way of determining the genuine effects of CO delivery in the presence of CORMs and their genuine iCORM counterparts, in the absence of other physical (light, heat) or chemical difference. In all other compounds reported, namely, the experimental CORMs, the control complexes are undefined mixtures of metal-containing species, such as iCORM-3, and may produce rather strange results and dose-dependent outcomes [85]. Mo(0) complexes
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