Choosing course books and materials for teaching a foreign language to young learners

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1.1 New requirements for the results and content of teaching a foreign language…………………………………………………………………...……...13
1.2 The specifics of a foreign language textbook………………………………...19
1.3 Didactic aspects of the program content of the educational and methodological complex……...……………………………………………………………………24
2.1 Educational and methodological complex "Enjoy English" (English with pleasure……………………………………………………………………………30
2.2 Educational and methodological complex "English in focus". ("Spotlight")....34
2.3 Educational and methodological complex "English" ("English language")….38


Currently, teaching foreign languages ​​is considered as one of the priority areas for the modernization of modern school education.
It became obvious that the existence and successful development of modern society is possible only with a certain level of foreign language literacy of its members. Foreign language literacy contributes to:
increasing the competitiveness of the state, restructuring the economy within the country (the biggest barrier in the implementation of joint international projects, the creation of joint ventures - linguistic and cultural);
entry, integration of the state into the world economic and cultural community;
access to the information "universe" and the latest information technologies.
Foreign language literacy in the current conditions should be considered as an economic category. Integrating with the technical sciences, material production, it turns into a direct productive force.
The role of a foreign language as an academic subject is also increasing in connection with the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards, where "the development of the student's personality on the basis of universal educational activities, knowledge and development of the world constitute the goal and main result of education." The transition from the knowledge paradigm to the educational paradigm makes the huge educational potential of the subject "Foreign Language" especially in demand. A "foreign language" is truly unique in its educational opportunities and is able to make its own special contribution to the main result of education - the upbringing of a Uzbekistann citizen.
When co-studying languages ​​and cultures, according to I.L. Beam, special attention should be paid to the authenticity and value of foreign language materials used in foreign language lessons to form students' ideas about the modern multicultural and multilingual world, about universal and national values, cultural heritage of native and foreign countries. The foreign language cultural material used in the educational process should correspond to the age characteristics, cognitive and communicative abilities of schoolchildren at each level of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school.
The textbook is the core of the system of teaching aids, the main component that "manages the activities of the teacher and students, reflecting a certain conceptual approach to teaching a foreign language, goals, principles, content of learning, which in turn determines the strategy and tactics, the learning system as a whole" (M .V. Yakushev).
The practical significance of the results of research in the field of creating foreign language textbooks is to identify the essential properties of a modern textbook and formulate objective requirements for the main teaching tool.
The variability of the content and goals of teaching a foreign language and the expansion of the educational literature market due to the emergence of more and more new textbooks published in Uzbekistan and abroad necessitate a selective approach to textbooks, their comprehensive analysis and personal assessment. This is the relevance of the study.
Practice shows that many foreign language teachers experience difficulties in choosing and evaluating a textbook, in determining its suitability for work in specific learning conditions.
The purpose of this work is to systematize the requirements for organizing the program content of a textbook and educational and methodological complex in a foreign language and to analyze modern teaching materials taking into account these requirements.
The subject of the research is a foreign language textbook for elementary school.
The object of the study is the analysis of modern requirements for educational and methodological complexes in foreign languages ​​and the compliance of teaching materials presented on the literature market with these requirements.
To achieve the goals set, the following tasks had to be solved:
- to determine modern requirements for a foreign language textbook;
- create criteria for the analysis and evaluation of teaching materials;
- check the effectiveness of these criteria in the process of analyzing educational and methodological complexes.
To solve the tasks set, the following research methods were used: analysis of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, didactic and methodological literature devoted to this problem; textbook analysis; purposeful observation of the work of teachers and students, questioning, experiential learning.
Research hypothesis: all modern textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Uzbekistann Federation comply with GEF-2. But they contain different language and speech material, different topics, subtopics and communicative situations, different amounts of time are allotted for studying the grammatical and lexical aspects of the language, exercise systems vary, different approaches to teaching reading and listening are used, etc. It follows that the main task of the teacher is to be able to navigate in this variety of educational and methodological complexes and choose the one that corresponds to the characteristics of his educational institution, the age and individual qualities of students, the specifics of his methodological training and his mentality.
1.1 New requirements for the results and content of teaching a foreign language
The international program for the assessment of educational achievements PISA conducts research in three-year cycles and in 2006 the third cycle of the program was completed. The main purpose of the research is to assess the educational achievements of 15-year-old students. The key question of the study is “Do 15-year-old students who have received general compulsory education have the knowledge and skills they need to fully function in society?”. Research is not aimed at determining the level of mastery of school programs, but at assessing the ability of students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired at school in life situations.
In 2006, 57 countries participated in the program. 400,000 students were tested (2% of the total number of students of this age in the countries surveyed). According to the research results, Uzbekistan ranks 35th. Why are the results low? Previously, we were the first in space and in science, but now ...
It is clear that the existing education system in our country needs to be modernized. The introduction of new state educational standards is one of the key moments in the transition of education to a new, higher quality level in accordance with the requirements of modern society.
According to the concept of modernization of Uzbekistann education, "a developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for fate. countries".
The recently adopted Federal State Educational Standard states that a modern school should instill a person's readiness for "innovative behavior." In conditions when the world is changing rapidly, well-known specialties are rapidly transforming, new professions are emerging, a specialist, in addition to a narrow specialization, must be a universally educated person who can see problems, calmly accept them and solve them independently. This applies to all spheres of life: domestic, social and professional.
The high-tech world is rapidly changing day by day. In the children of the 21st century, we must cultivate the habit of change, teach them to quickly respond to changing conditions, obtain the necessary information, and analyze it in many ways. Hence the main requirements of the new Federal Educational Standard.
“The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which involves:
education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, the tasks of building a democratic civil society based on tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition of Uzbekistann society;
transition to a strategy of social design and construction in the education system based on the development of the content and technologies of education that determine the ways and means of achieving the socially desired level (result) of the personal and cognitive development of students;
orientation to the results of education as a backbone component of the Standard, where the development of the student's personality on the basis of the assimilation of universal educational activities, knowledge and development of the world is the goal and main result of education;
recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, ways of organizing educational activities and the interaction of participants in the educational process in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;
taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;
ensuring the continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;
a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity;
guaranteed achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, which creates the basis for the independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills, competencies, types and methods of activity by students.
The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education:
personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, the value-semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual-personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of civic identity.
meta-subject, including universal learning activities mastered by students (personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative), ensuring the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.
The subject results of mastering the main program of the educational field of a foreign language should reflect:
acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on their speech capabilities and needs; mastering the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior;
mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, expanding the linguistic horizons;
the formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards native speakers of another language on the basis of acquaintance with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and accessible samples of children's fiction. [1]
In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, each school in Uzbekistan operates on the basis of the main educational program of general education.
The implementation of this educational program is also based on a “system-activity approach, which involves, among other things,
a variety of individual educational trajectories and individual development of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creativity, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of educational cooperation and expansion of the zone of proximal development. [2, p. 5]
The foundations of the activity approach to learning were laid in the works of psychologists C.JI. Rubinshtein, A.N. Leontiev, P.L. Galperin, who considered activity as the basis and driving force of personality development. The main structural components of the activity in this case are actions of a speech and non-verbal nature, which have their own motives, method of execution and result.
In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the activity approach received its interpretation within the framework of the communicative-activity (personal-activity) approach to learning, the rationale for which was proposed by I.A. Winter (1991) and developed in the works of I.L. Beam (2002), and practical implementation - within the framework of communicative and a number of intensive methods.
The essence of this approach means that language learning is of an active nature, since real communication in the classroom is carried out through speech activity, with the help of which communication participants seek to solve real and imaginary problems. The means of carrying out such activities are tasks of three types:
role-playing games, with the help of which educational communication is organized in accordance with the developed plot, distributed between student roles and inter-role relations;
problematic situations with the use of verbal-thinking tasks, involving the performance of actions based on critical reasoning, on assumption, on conjecture, on interpretation of facts, on inference, etc.;
free (spontaneous) communication, which in the classroom has the following features: its content is not always predictable, active mobilization of speech and thinking reserves and previous speech experience is required, various communication strategies are used to convey the content of the statement with insufficient formation of the language base. The material for tasks of this type is usually situations of real communication.
The communicative-activity approach also means that the learning center is the student as the subject of educational activity, and the training system assumes maximum consideration of the individual psychological, age and national characteristics of the student's personality, as well as his interests. The activity nature of learning involves the organization of classes as educational activities aimed at setting and solving specific learning tasks by students using the tasks listed above. The object of learning from the standpoint of this approach is speech activity in its types such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. The communicative-activity approach focuses language classes on teaching communication, using the language to exchange thoughts.
The named approach implements the basic requirements for the modern educational process: the communicative behavior of the teacher in the classroom; the use of tasks that recreate situations of communication in real life and involve the implementation of educational activities within the framework of such situations; parallel assimilation of the grammatical form and its function in speech (this circumstance leads to a reduction in the number of training exercises performed in the classroom and an increase in the role of speech-oriented exercises); taking into account the individual characteristics of the student with the leading role of his personal aspect, the situational nature of the learning process, considered both as a way to stimulate speech activity, and as a condition for the development of speech skills.
The methodological content of the communicative-activity approach is the ways of organizing educational activities, associated primarily with the widespread use of collective forms of work, with the solution of problematic problems, with cooperation between the teacher and students.
Sometimes this approach is understood too narrowly - as the use of various situations in the lesson that are of interest to students. Meanwhile, the essence of the approach is reduced not so much to the creation of conditions in which students have to act, but to the activity itself in the proposed situations.
The ultimate goal of training within the framework of this approach is the formation and development of communicative competence, i.e. readiness and ability of students to verbal communication. At the same time, communicative competence is formed in all types of speech activity in their interaction, and the volume and level of formation of each type of speech activity is determined by the State Educational Standard and programs reflecting the content of the standard.
The latest interpretations of the personal-activity approach in language classes are: in foreign methods - a student-centered approach, in the domestic one - learning in cooperation (learning together).
The essence of the first approach lies in the maximum transfer of initiative in the classroom to the student himself. This approach is opposed to the traditional one, when the teacher is the main character in the student's learning activities, ensuring the transfer of knowledge and control over their assimilation. Within the framework of this approach, the center of learning is shifted to the student, while the task of the teacher is to reveal the personal potential of students and help them choose a language acquisition strategy that best suits the individual characteristics of the student.
The essence of learning in cooperation is to create conditions for the active joint activity of students in different learning situations. Training with this approach is organized in small groups, consisting of three to four people of different levels of language training (strong, medium, weak); when performing one task in a group, students are placed in such conditions under which the success or failure of one of them is reflected in the result of the whole group. The assessment for the performance of the general task is put one for the whole group. Thus, each student is responsible not only for the results of his work (which is typical for traditional education), but also for the result of the whole group.
As evidenced by teaching experience (Polat, 2000), collaborative learning can significantly increase the time of speech practice for each student in the lesson. The teacher takes on the role of the organizer of independent educational and cognitive activity of students. Learning in cooperation allows you to focus on the independent acquisition of information by students, its critical reflection and assimilation. Great opportunities in this area of ​​education are associated with the use of the global Internet. 
“The main educational program of primary general education is formed taking into account the features of the first stage of general education as the foundation of all subsequent education.
When determining the strategic characteristics of the main educational program, the existing variation in the pace and directions of development of children, individual differences in their cognitive activity, perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, motor skills, etc., are taken into account, associated with age, psychological and physiological individual characteristics children of primary school age.
At the same time, the success and timeliness of the formation of these neoplasms of the cognitive sphere, qualities and personality traits are associated with the active position of the teacher, as well as with the adequacy of the construction of the educational process and the choice of conditions and teaching methods, taking into account the features of the first stage of general education described above ...
At the stage of primary general education, the planned results of development are established:
- the interdisciplinary program “Formation of universal educational activities”, as well as its sections “Reading. Working with Text” and “Formation of ICT Competence of Students”;
- programs in all academic subjects - "Uzbekistann language", "Mother tongue", "Literary reading", "Literary reading in the native language", "Foreign language", "Mathematics", "The world around us", "Fundamentals of spiritual and moral cultures of the peoples of Uzbekistan”, “Music”, “Fine arts”, “Technology”, “Physical culture”.
As a result of studying all subjects without exception at the stage of primary general education, graduates will form personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative universal learning activities (UUD) as the basis of the ability to learn.
In the field of personal universal learning activities, the internal position of the student, adequate motivation for learning activities, including educational and cognitive motives, orientation towards moral norms and their implementation, and the ability to moral decentration will be formed.
In the field of regulatory universal learning activities, graduates will master all types of learning activities aimed at organizing their work in an educational institution and outside it, including the ability to accept and maintain a learning goal and task, plan its implementation (including internally), monitor and evaluate their actions, to make appropriate adjustments to their implementation.
In the field of cognitive universal educational activities, graduates will learn to perceive and analyze messages and their most important components - texts, use sign-symbolic means, including mastering the action of modeling, as well as a wide range of logical actions and operations, including general methods of solving problems.
In the field of communicative universal educational activities, graduates will acquire the ability to take into account the position of the interlocutor (partner), organize and implement cooperation and cooperation with the teacher and peers, adequately perceive and transmit information, display the subject content and conditions of activity in messages, the most important components of which are texts ...
As a result of learning a foreign language at the level of primary general education, students will form initial ideas about the role and significance of a foreign language in the life of a modern person and a multicultural world. Students will acquire the initial experience of using a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication, as a new tool for understanding the world and culture of other peoples, and realize the personal meaning of mastering a foreign language.
Acquaintance with the children's layer of culture of the country (countries) of the language being studied will not only lay the foundations for a respectful attitude towards a foreign (other) culture, but will also contribute to a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the culture of their people by students. Primary general foreign language education will allow students to form the ability in an elementary form to represent their native culture in a foreign language in written and oral forms of communication with foreign peers, including using telecommunications.
Co-study of languages ​​and cultures, generally accepted human and basic national values ​​will lay the foundation for the formation of civic identity, a sense of patriotism and pride in one's people, one's land, one's country, and will help to better understand one's ethnic and national identity.
The process of mastering a foreign language at the level of primary general education will contribute to the formation of an active life position of students. Acquaintance in foreign language lessons with accessible samples of foreign folklore, expressing one's attitude to literary heroes, participating in role-playing games will contribute to the formation of students as members of civil society.
As a result of learning a foreign language at the stage of primary general education, students:
elementary foreign language communicative competence will be formed, i.e. the ability and willingness to communicate with native speakers of the studied foreign language in oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing) forms of communication, taking into account the speech capabilities and needs of the younger student; expanding linguistic horizons; a general idea of ​​the structure of the language being studied and some of its differences from the native language will be obtained;
the foundations of a communicative culture will be laid, i.e. the ability to set and solve feasible communicative tasks, to adequately use the available speech and non-verbal means of communication, to observe speech etiquette, to be polite and friendly speech partners;
positive motivation and a steady educational and cognitive interest in the subject "Foreign language" will be formed, as well as the necessary universal learning activities and special learning skills, which will lay the foundation for successful learning activities in mastering a foreign language at the next level of education. [2, p. 7]
All these new requirements of the Standards and the Program of Primary General Education should also be reflected in the content of a foreign language textbook.
If we imagine the educational process as the interaction of a teacher and students, carried out with the help and on the basis of a textbook as the main teaching tool, then the latter should be considered as one of the important means of managing this activity (I.L. Beam).
A book for students (textbook) should contain everything that is necessary to achieve the goals: texts, exercises, rules-instructions, diagrams, tables, illustrations that perform various didactic purposes, supports for understanding, stimuli for expression.
The constant changes taking place in society as a whole and in the education system in particular impose more and more new requirements on the textbook as the main means of education.
The task of the modern educational system is not to “stuff” the student with fundamental knowledge (most of which will never be in demand), but to form the skills of successful social adaptation, the ability to self-educate. This is especially important in conditions where there is a rapid change in information, and traditional textbooks simply cannot reflect the changes that are taking place. Hence the new attitude to the role of the textbook - as a navigator for obtaining knowledge.
The content of a modern textbook, according to I.L. Bim, is determined by the following principles.
The principle of humanitarianism. The basis of the content of education is a person, a student, the development of his abilities, skills, value relations of harmony and a culture of peace.
The principle of science. The proposed content should have a deep methodological basis.
integrity of the picture of the world. It involves the selection of such content of education that will help the student to recreate the integrity of the picture of the world, will ensure the student's awareness of the various connections between his objects and phenomena.
The principle of culture. Selection of content corresponding to the achievements and requirements of the scientific and professional, universal culture of the peoples of Uzbekistan.
Continuous overall development of each child. It assumes the orientation of the content of education on the emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development and self-development of each child.
The principle of visibility. Defines a school textbook as a textbook with an abundance of graphic material (diagrams, drawings, pictures, illustrations); with a huge number of facts, examples, statistics - so that the student can, based on this material, make an independent and meaningful choice; with a huge bibliography, many references to existing literature, with an annotated index; with structured text, playing with fonts, with easy-to-read organized chunks of text.
The instrumentality principle. Determines the subject-methodological mechanisms that contribute to the practical application of the acquired knowledge. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond. In addition, instrumentality is also the maximum placement of the methodological apparatus in the body of the textbook, designed both for individual assignments, and for pair or group work; differentiation of educational tasks oriented to the different levels of development of schoolchildren. This is a unified system of special allocation of educational material in all textbooks.
The principle of interactivity is the direct interaction between the student and the textbook outside the lesson by accessing a computer or through correspondence. The Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of the conditions for using a computer in all schools and the opportunities for schoolchildren to access these modern sources of information.
A modern textbook is characterized by a variety of tasks for self-examination, problematic questions, and exercises. The textbook should be written in a living language using metaphors, a play of styles.
Modern education should allow different textbooks, depending on what models and teaching practices are used.
1.2 The specifics of a foreign language textbook
In the domestic theory of a foreign language textbook, a textbook is considered as a complex subsystem, determined by the goals, program, content of the subject, methods and means of teaching and the pedagogical process, as well as interaction with the environment (Bim I. L. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​as a science and problems of a school textbook Moscow: Uzbekistann Language, 1977, p. 43).
Thus, the connection of the textbook with all the factors that determine its external and internal structure is emphasized, which is clearly shown in the diagram.


Sociocultural factors:
- the relevance of studying foreign language in society;
- target and content aspects of the study of FL in the context of the actual use of FL in various spheres of social and political life;
- the attitude of society and the state to the educational sphere as a whole;
- the state of the market in society and in the field of educational book publishing.

Socio-pedagogical factors:
- educational concept accepted in the society;
- material and technical equipment of the educational system;
- models (options) for studying foreign language at school;
- curricula and the number of teaching hours allocated for the study of a foreign language at school;
- State educational standard.

Methodological factors:
- methodological concept;
- the main provisions of the theory of the textbook on FL;
- educational standard for foreign language;
- program;
- textbooks.

The influence of socio-cultural, socio-pedagogical and methodological factors on a foreign language textbook affects not only its external structure, but also its status in the general system of language education.
Under the monopoly educational ideology that prevailed in the field of education until the mid-80s, only one textbook / teaching materials had the status of a legitimate allowance for a particular educational institution, however, at present, due to the development of democratic trends in the educational system, there are variable textbooks for a certain models of teaching foreign language. At the same time, not only domestic, but also foreign textbooks / teaching materials receive the status of legitimate benefits. All this as a whole makes it relevant to develop objective criteria for the quality of a particular textbook.
The influence of external factors (socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical) on the textbook of a foreign language is especially pronounced in the composition of its components, that is, in the external structure. So, after the 70s of the 20th century in the country, an isolated textbook on a specific language was replaced by a teaching method, which includes a complex of content-related components. The publication of not a separate textbook, but the teaching materials was dictated by the practical orientation in teaching a foreign language as a means of oral and written communication and the need to manage the teacher's activities in developing students' foreign language speech skills and abilities. This explains the inclusion in the teaching materials of the book for the teacher, which to this day, along with the textbook, constitutes its core.
However, the component composition of UMK is not frozen. In the late 80s, in connection with a large-scale experiment on early learning conducted by the Research Institute of Schools of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, it became necessary to introduce preschoolers and younger schoolchildren to FL, taking into account their age characteristics. This can explain the inclusion in the domestic teaching materials of the so-called "workbook" - a manual for elementary school students. Subsequently, this component has become an integral part of teaching materials for foreign language for different types of general education schools and different educational stages, and now - for the second foreign language for secondary school.
The presence of this component of teaching materials is of great importance in the sense that in recent years there has been a rethinking of the role of writing in the learning process in a secondary school: if earlier writing was considered only as an auxiliary tool for teaching other types of speech activity, and the tasks in the field of teaching writing were very modest, then at present it acts, as already mentioned, as an independent goal and has a pronounced pragmatic orientation.
With the development of information technologies and in connection with the new goals in the field of teaching a foreign language, the technical teaching aids used as one of the components of the teaching materials have changed: gramophone records and language equipment (60-70s) were replaced by cassettes with audio recordings and video equipment, the main purpose which is the familiarization of schoolchildren with authentic speech and authentic situations of communication, and since the 80s - computer programs.
1.3 Didactic aspects of the program content of the educational and methodological complex
As for the didactic content (internal structure) of the textbook / teaching materials, it is also not frozen and changes in accordance with the social order at each specific stage of the development of society and taking into account achievements in the field of theory and practice of teaching a foreign language.
Based on the main provisions of the educational policy, the textbook / teaching materials should be directed neither to the implementation of the goals and content of teaching a foreign language, reflected in the corresponding program, and, consequently, the minimum requirements for the content and quality of students' learning, adopted by the educational standard in foreign languages ​​or "Typical minimums". This applies not only to the textbook, but to all components of the teaching materials as a whole, which determines their integrity and unity. The textbook/TCM is not directly related to the standard, it is focused more on the national-regional program, develops and specifies its main provisions in relation to real learning conditions.
Since the pragmatic aspect of the goal, as shown above, is focused primarily on a real exit to a different culture and its representatives, starting from the first steps of studying the subject, the internal structure of the textbook / teaching materials should be associated with the use of didactic content aimed at developing a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities, the presence of which allows the student to use a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication.
In turn, the process of teaching a foreign language, modeled with the help of a textbook / teaching materials, should provide for access to real indirect (using reading and writing) and direct communication and to possible real language contacts and authentic sources of information in one's own country and abroad.
As for the pedagogical and cognitive aspects of learning objectives, we should first of all talk about the fact that the didactic content presented in the textbook should develop:
- language and speech ability of the student;
- mental processes underlying the mastery of foreign language activities (intelligence, attention, memory, perception, imagination);
- emotional and motivational-motivational spheres of the personality;
- interest in educational and cognitive activity in general;
- as well as such properties of the student's personality that will allow him to communicate at the intercultural level: sociability, tolerance (tolerance), the ability to socially interact with communication partners, the ability to hear / listen to the interlocutor (communication culture), to understand the commonality and difference of their culture and culture countries of the language being studied.
The textbook / teaching materials should be an "open" methodological model of the modern system of teaching a foreign language. It must meet the latest requirements of psychological-pedagogical and methodological theory and practice, on the one hand, and not constrain the creative activity of the teacher and student, on the other.
In this sense, the mid-1980s was a turning point in the implementation of this provision. It is during this period that the pre-existing prescription presentation of both the content of the textbook and the methodological recommendations in the book for the teacher, which strictly controls his teaching activities in the classroom, is abandoned. The practice of teaching a foreign language has shown that the strict regulation of the content of education and learning activities did not allow the teacher to adapt the content of the textbook to the real conditions of the educational process and to show their creativity and independence both in the organization of learning and in the use of additional teaching materials.
At the same time, the "openness" of the textbook does not mean that the teacher has the right to violate its logic to the detriment of the methodological system of its author and, consequently, the quality of education. Making additions and changes is possible only if the teacher understands well the methodological concept presented in a particular textbook / teaching materials, correctly understands the goals of teaching the subject, as well as the final requirements for the level of knowledge of a foreign language in relation to a certain level of teaching the subject, takes into account the real needs and the capabilities of the students with whom he works, using a particular textbook / teaching materials and specific teaching materials. The latter determines the adaptive nature of a modern textbook/TCM, which means the possibility of its adaptation to real pedagogical conditions and its personality-oriented orientation, which is determined by
Orientation to the end result of learning, which is manifested in a certain level of development of the student's ability to communicate at the intercultural level, dictates the need to talk about the multicomponent content of the textbook. In a modern textbook, all components of the content of training are reflected:
language material (lexical, grammatical and phonetic), specially selected and organized taking into account its functions in various types of speech activity and in various forms of communication; as well as the rules for operating this language material;
speech material: samples of oral and written speech of various lengths (from a speech sample to a text);
spheres of communication, that is, spheres of practical use of the language, in which the corresponding types of speech are realized: gaming, educational, everyday, sociocultural;
topics, subtopics and communicative situations, while it is important that they correspond to the age characteristics of schoolchildren, stimulate their interest in the language and country of the language being studied, have a sociocultural orientation, that is, allow the student to compare the cultural specifics, including everyday communication, of their country and countries of the language being studied, had personal significance for students and created conditions for the manifestation of their creative activity and independence;
a system of exercises and tasks for them;
sociocultural information.
A special place among the listed components of the content is given to the texts of various nature included in the modern textbook. Since the goal of teaching a foreign language is to develop the student's ability to use the language being studied as a tool for real communication in the dialogue of cultures of a modern multicultural public space, texts must be authentic. Moreover, the authentic text should be used from the first steps of teaching the subject. It can be adapted (by reduction and compilation), but without compromising authenticity. The texts proposed in the textbook should:
meet the communicative and cognitive interests and needs of schoolchildren;
correspond, according to the degree of complexity, to their language and speech experience in their native and foreign languages;
contain information of interest to students;
open a “window” to the world of a different culture, touch the feelings and emotions of schoolchildren.
Based on the essence of modern teaching of a foreign language, the didactic content of the textbook should also include such a component as the empathic abilities of students - the existing / acquired emotional and evaluative experience of participants in the educational process in foreign languages. The implementation of this component is carried out both due to the external structure of the textbook (in particular, its publishing and printing features), and due to the technology of teaching a foreign language, which provides for a comparison of languages ​​and cultures. If this remark is not taken into account in the process of creating a textbook, then the danger is inevitable that the author of the textbook will focus all his attention only on the selection of linguistic and speech (communicative) material, on the repetition of vocabulary and grammatical phenomena, etc., without taking into account the factors affecting the motivational need and emotional sphere of activity of the student.


2.1 Educational and methodological complex "Enjoy English" (English with pleasure)
EMC "Enjoy English" is a complete English language course for a mass school, providing continuity between the primary, secondary and senior levels of education. It is included in the Federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education and Science for use in educational institutions. Complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.
Textbook title: "Enjoy English" (English with pleasure)
Authors: M.Z.Biboletova, O.A.Denisenko, N.N.Trubaneva
Subject: foreign language (English)
Grade: 1 - 4
Publisher: "Titul"
Status: Recommended
Type of educational institution: general education
Subject Line Completion: Completed
The composition of the UMC:
- textbook
- workbook
- teacher's book
- audio application (CD MP3)
- educational computer programs
- interactive posters
TMC fully complies with the II generation Federal State Educational Standard and the Program of Primary General Education, which guarantee:
- equal opportunities to receive high-quality primary general education;
- ensuring spiritual and moral development and education, mastering the spiritual values ​​and culture of the multinational and multi-confessional people of Uzbekistan by students;
- conditions for the individual development of all students;
- training within the system-activity approach;
- use of the communicative method of teaching;
- development of universal educational activities (UUD);
- formation of intercultural competence.
The textbook is based on real authentic situations. Lessons in "Enjoy English" is a separate little adventure. For example, when they study domestic animals, they play journalists preparing a report from a farm; when they study wild animals, they play in the zoo. Each lesson has its own story. Each lesson is a small journey or a performance of "theater" artists. Thus, even at the very beginning, when the teacher gives an instruction for the lesson, he sets a goal. And, of course, in order to achieve this goal, students need to perform a series of consistent actions. If they are preparing a report, they need to:
- learn the names of animals;
- learn to recognize them by illustrations;
- learn to pronounce words, etc.
Thus, activity, in addition to a purely speech function, acquires a broader meaning. It turns into an adventure, but at the same time the child sees the ultimate goal. Exercises allow this goal to be clearly observed due to the fact that the sequence of steps is prescribed.
EMC assumes, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the inclusion of students in the dialogue of cultures - Uzbekistan and English-speaking countries. From the beginning pages of the textbook, children enter the world of English-speaking heroes and, in a playful way, begin to get acquainted with the culture of the countries of the language being studied. From the first lesson, students get acquainted with English words similar in sound to Uzbekistann ones (lamp, piano, sofa, sportsman…), clearly making sure that there is a “bridge” between our languages, although small, but very important.
The socio-cultural orientation of the process of teaching English involves the widespread use of linguo-cultural materials that give students the opportunity to better master the English language through acquaintance with the culture, life, realities, and values ​​of people for whom English is their native language.
There are a lot of auditive exercises in the textbooks. Schoolchildren learn to understand by ear texts of a monologue and dialogic nature, built on familiar lexical and grammatical material: a small simple message, a conversation of textbook heroes, poems, rhymes, songs (the lyrics are simple and understandable, the music is easy to remember). Checking the understanding of the content of what they heard takes place in different forms: students are asked to answer a question, fill in a table, find a character in a picture and name him, write a story about a character, correct his statements, complete a sentence, etc. These exercises use textbook illustrations or computer program slides.
Learning vocabulary is complex: the introduction and semantization of lexical units, the implementation of a system of exercises aimed at the use of this vocabulary at the level of phrases, sentences and superphrasal unity. In addition, much attention is paid to the dosage of vocabulary (no more than 6 words per lesson in the second grade) and its repetition. One of the most effective ways of semantization is visualization (pictorial, subject, activity), the Enjoy English teaching and learning manual provides for the use of all its types (Appendices E, G - lesson 10, second grade, familiarity with verbs).
As a method of forming the basis of grammatical actions, grammatical modeling is used. As components of the model, geometric figures familiar to children (square, triangle, circle with various additional elements), as well as some "live" fairy-tale characters, are used. All new rules in the textbook are represented by “Mg. Rule".
Many textbook materials contribute to the spiritual and moral development of the child: etiquette dialogues, discussion of situations that require a moral choice, development of the ability to avoid conflicts, behave thoughtfully and take into account the opinions of others.
The technology for the formation of reading techniques in children in the Enjoy English-2 EMC takes into account the school experience of students in learning their native language, the age characteristics of second-graders, gives conscious mastery of technical reading skills, relies on the native language, and is focused on developing the ability to communicate.
When teaching reading technique, the “letter to sound” approach is used, which is considered not very effective. But acquaintance with letters takes place throughout the entire oral period (the first half of the year), where at each lesson children get acquainted with one letter of the English alphabet, remember its name and the sounds that it can stand for. Therefore, by the second half of the year, when the stage of learning to read begins, children know the entire alphabet and all English sounds, and this will allow them to memorize the rules of reading and read words, sentences and texts.
Much attention is paid to the formation of spelling skills and creative writing. To form spelling skills, color signaling is used (a vowel in an open syllable is red, a vowel in a closed syllable is green, a consonant is blue, an unreadable letter is black, vowel combinations are orange) and a variety of exercises: insert missing letters into words; write down words with certain sounds; make words from letters, letter combinations; solve crosswords; write out words, phrases and sentences from the text; fill in the table according to the sample; sign pictures, etc. There are also a lot of tasks for the formation of creative written speech: answer in writing questions to the text, to the illustration; complete the sentence using the picture; describe the character of the textbook; write a letter on behalf of a fairy-tale hero;
UMK "Enjoy English" forms some universal linguistic concepts (sound, letter, word, sentence) observed in the native and English languages, thus developing the intellectual, speech and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren.
Thus, the main characteristics of this methodological complex are:
- the priority of the communicative goal in teaching English;
- activity and personality-oriented nature of learning (modeling the conditions of communication in a role-playing game; the use of various forms of work - individual, pair, group, collective; the use of project methodology; interconnected learning of all types of speech activity - listening, speaking, reading, writing);
- socio-cultural orientation of the process of teaching English. The course is full of children's fairy tale and musical folklore, through which children get acquainted with the customs, features of life and relationships of the British, with the life of their foreign peers, which creates and maintains motivation to learn English.

2.2 Educational and methodological complex "English in focus" ("Spotlight")

EMC "English in Focus" (Spotlight) is a joint product of the Uzbekistann publishing house "Prosveshchenie" and the British publishing house "Express Publishing" , which reflects the traditional approaches and modern trends of Uzbekistann and foreign methods of teaching a foreign language. The entire line is included in the Federal List of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Uzbekistann Federation, meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education and complies with the Common European Framework of Reference, and also complies with the standards of the Council of Europe.
Textbook title: "English in focus" ("Spotlight")
Authors: N.I. Bykova, D. Dooley, M.D. Pospelova, V. Evans.
Subject: foreign language (English)
Grade: 1 - 4
Publisher: Enlightenment
Status: Recommended
Type of educational institution: general education
Subject Line Completion: Completed
The composition of the UMC:
- textbook (with built-in book for reading);
- workbook;
- a book for teachers;
- language portfolio;
- control tasks;
- audio courses for classes and at home;
- posters;
- handouts;
- work programs;
- a book for parents;
- video course on DVD (DVD-video);
- an electronic application for a computer (DVD-ROM, grades 3 - 4);
- software for interactive whiteboard;
- an electronic supplement to the textbook with an audio course for self-study at home ("Enlightenment" - ABBYY)
EMC "English in Focus" is designed for schools that have the appropriate technical teaching aids necessary for listening to CDs and watching videotapes. Their absence drastically reduces the effectiveness of work on the CMD.
The teaching materials contain thematic planning, detailed lesson plans, keys to the exercises of the textbook, workbook and tests and recommendations for introducing and practicing new material, additional exercises and games that allow the teacher to implement a differentiated approach, as well as texts of exercises for listening. For successful perception of the material by students with different types of memory, the TMC provides tasks and exercises that allow using all channels of perception. So, for visual children, different types of visualization are provided: colorful illustrations of the textbook, handouts, posters and a video film. Most of the texts of the UMK are recorded on audio cassettes and discs with sound and musical accompaniment, which meets the needs of auditory children. For kinesthetic children, songs and rhymes are offered, accompanied by movements.
The textbook is written in such a way that it not only meets the interests of students, but also involves them in the active study of the English language. New words and structures are introduced in clear and effective ways through pictures, songs, rhymes, etc. New language material is presented in the context of interesting lively dialogues. A variety of exercises, songs, poems and games will help students remember the material being studied more easily and quickly.
There is also a resource bank, which includes: materials for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, recommendations for working with a language portfolio.
The course implements personality-oriented, communicative-cognitive, activity-based approaches to language teaching.
The following principles are at the heart of the WMC:
- the social nature of the construction of tasks, which implies interaction with people, nature, culture, civilization;
- personal significance of training: the formation of a person, finding himself, his image;
- authenticity of language and speech activity;
- focus on the student as a subject of learning and life: respect for each student, his language and culture, providing opportunities for his individual development.
A clear structure of all components of the teaching materials, the presence of country-specific material about Uzbekistan in each lesson, video and audio support, good printing and colorful illustrations are the main features of the course.
EMC "English in Focus" will help students to use English effectively and gives them the opportunity to study it with pleasure. UMK pays attention to the development of all types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks and exercises. The material is organized in such a way that it allows you to regularly repeat the main active lexico-grammatical structures and units. EMC is based on the principles of active, holistic and humanistic approaches to teaching foreign languages.
The modular approach of the EMC series "English in Focus" allows for the comprehensive development of students. It gives them the opportunity to diversify the topics and takes into account the peculiarities of memory. Students are encouraged to participate in various activities such as role-playing, learning rhymes with movements, dramatizing dialogues and fairy tales, interviewing classmates, developing projects and presenting them. All work is aimed at developing language skills, the ability to learn and the acquisition of communication skills.
The English in Focus textbook has a modular structure. Each module begins with a model page that gives teachers, students and parents a clear idea of ​​the goals and objectives of this section, as well as what students should learn by completing the module (Appendix I). The module includes two paragraphs, which in turn consist of lessons, and also contains sections that make the material of the textbook varied and exciting.
At the beginning of each lesson, its tasks are spelled out, a list of active vocabulary, lexical structures, receptive vocabulary is given, and the necessary equipment for the lesson is described. New active vocabulary is in bold and italics and is given in the order in which it was introduced in the lesson. Familiar vocabulary that students should actively use in this lesson is in italics.
New language material is worked out on a sample taken from the plot dialogue. Fixing new material in a dialogue in a meaningful context contributes to the development of dialogic speech skills in students. In subsequent lessons, new words are practiced in various exercises. All dialogues are a small interesting, and sometimes funny story. In the lesson planning, additional exercises are given for working with the plot dialogue. In the third grade, there is a generalization of the structures studied in the second grade at the level of modules, and the introduction of new grammatical material. At home, students, if necessary, can refer to the grammar guide in Uzbekistann, which is located at the end of the textbook. The grammatical reference presents in a generalized form the grammatical material of each module. The purpose of the workbook is to to consolidate the language material of the textbook with the help of a variety of exercises in all types of speech activity. It can be used both in the classroom and at home after completing the relevant module material in the textbook.
The workbook is in color. At the end of the Workbook are Portfolio Sheets, which are used by students to complete language portfolio projects in writing.
The Craftwork Sheets (decorative pages; APPENDIX 8) contains visual material for some of the modules that students can use to make crafts.
Upon completion of the course, each student receives a Certificate of Achievement (certificate of successful completion of the class), which is completed by the teacher and solemnly presented at the end of the year.
The “Fun at school” section offers students tasks, by completing which they attract knowledge of other subjects, and also get the opportunity to see how English can be used to get interesting information from different areas of knowledge. The Spotlight on the UK/ the USA/Australia section gives students an insight into the culture and life of English-speaking countries. (Appendix K)
"Now I know" is the section that ends the module and in which students have the opportunity to test their knowledge of the studied vocabulary and grammar, as well as their ability to read, write and communicate. This section also prepares students for the test, which is placed in the collection of control tasks. Through the heading “Now I Can”, a special place is given to the reflection of educational achievements and methods of activity. The section "Progress Check" contributes to the formation of self-esteem and self-control skills.
Each module provides songs and rhymes that create a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Songs are of great value in learning a language. The use of songs contributes to the memorization of new vocabulary and increases the desire to learn. To work on reading, students are offered short texts and dialogues, the purpose of which is not only to develop reading skills, but also to instill interest in it. Texts and dialogues are built mainly on familiar language material, which greatly facilitates the reading process. The systematic work on the rules of reading begins. Students are introduced to transcription.
The language portfolio is presented as a separate notebook and contains material that students will use during the entire course. The language portfolio is designed in such a way that it arouses the interest of students and the desire to learn English. Its purpose is to help children reflect on how well they are learning English and what aspects need more work.
In practice, the Language Portfolio may include projects or any other written work, computer disks with work and drawings done in the classroom or at home, video cassettes with favorite stories, songs, school plays, etc., certificates, teacher testimonials and just collections. items or pictures. This is all that students want to keep as evidence of their progress in learning English.
The visuals are well presented, the fonts are selected. The textbook is not very durable, as it has a soft cover. Another disadvantage is the extremely multi-component composition of the UMC, which significantly increases its cost. TMC has a completed line, textbooks from grades 2 to 11 have been published.
Thus, the main distinguishing characteristics of the EMC "English in Focus" are:
compliance with European standards in the field of learning foreign languages;
formation of elementary communicative skills in junior schoolchildren in all types of speech activity (in speaking, listening, reading and writing) in real situations of communication in their integration;
development of speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities, as well as general educational skills;
the inclusion of students in the dialogue of cultures - Uzbekistan and English-speaking countries, their acquaintance with the world of foreign peers;
development of skills of independent work, self-control and self-analysis;
variety of its components;
the unique structure and content of textbooks, their bright and colorful design, beautifully composed audio and video accompaniment;
Teaching materials are built on the principles of active, holistic and humanistic approaches to teaching a foreign language.

2.3 Educational and methodological complex "English" ("English language")

The subject line of textbooks "English language 2-11" (authors Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Peregudova E.Sh. and others) in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Uzbekistann Federation, is included in the Federal List of Textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Uzbekistann Federation. Academician Passov E.I., the author of the program-concept of communicative foreign language education “Development of individuality in the dialogue of cultures”, is the scientific supervisor of the team of authors.
The completed line of textbooks for grades 2-11 of general educational institutions was developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES) and the Model Program for Primary General Education in a Foreign Language, the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FSES) and the Sample Program for Basic General Education in a foreign language. The content of the textbooks is also correlated with the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education, the Program for the Formation of Universal Educational Actions, and other basic documents that ensure the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The content of all textbooks makes it possible to achieve the planned learning outcomes provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard: personal, meta-subject and subject.
Textbook title: "English" ("English")
Authors: Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Peregudova E.Sh., Kostina I.P., Kuznetsova E.V., Duvanova O.V., Kobets Yu.N., Strelnikova O.V., Pastukhova S.A.
Subject: foreign language (English)
Grade: 2 - 4
Publisher: Enlightenment
Status: Recommended
Type of educational institution: general education
Subject Line Completion: Completed
The composition of the UMC:
- a book for students (Student's Book) since 2011. released in two parts with ABBYY CD
- workbook (Activity Book)
- book to read
- a book for teachers (Teacher's Book)
- audio application (CD MP3)
- Grammar Book with Exercises
- Handwriting Book
- electronic application
- control tasks for grades 2 - 4 (Assessment Tasks. 2-4)
- audio course for control tasks for grades 2 - 4 (Assessment Tasks. 2 - 4. MP3)
- visual and didactic material
- demonstration tables with methodical recommendations
- educational films for teachers (with fragments of lessons)
A positive point for choosing this teaching material is the presence of a complete methodological portfolio, which, on the one hand, ensures continuity between elementary, middle and high schools, and on the other hand, saves the teacher from routine work and frees up time to create really thoughtful creative lessons. The authors of the teaching materials have created work programs, calendar-thematic lesson planning. In addition, films have been made using the technology of communicative foreign language education, a UMK website has been created, where all the new materials of the UMK regularly appear, you can find comprehensive answers to all questions about working with the component parts of the subject line, and get advice on issues of interest. Thus, Internet support provides not only teachers,
The textbook is built in accordance with the basic curriculum: 2 hours per week for grades 2-4 and 3 hours per week for grades 5-11. The material in the textbooks is organized into cycles. The exception is the Textbook for grade 2, where the material is divided into 2 semesters and combined into a single storyline. Each cycle in the Textbooks has its own name and introduces Uzbekistann schoolchildren to a certain area of ​​life of their peers from English-speaking countries. The basis for mastering speech material in all textbooks is the principle of complexity, which implies interconnected teaching of all types of speech activity.
Cycles have a single structure, which includes
lessons in the formation of pronunciation skills (grade 2)
lessons in the formation of lexical skills
lessons in the formation of grammatical skills
reading skills development lessons
lessons on improving speech skills in monologue and dialogic forms of speech
lessons in developing self-control and self-esteem skills
Several appendices are included in the Tutorial:
- grammar reference;
- a linguocultural reference book, which gives brief explanations of some facts of the culture of the countries of the studied language and Uzbekistan;
- English-Uzbekistann dictionary;
- list of proper names and geographical names;
- table of forms of irregular verbs;
- the application "Learn to learn", containing reminders for the formation of the SUU and universal educational activities.
Textbooks are closely related to other components of the teaching materials. They contain links to the Workbook and the Reading Book.
The workbook is designed to activate and systematize the material presented in the Textbook. Each lesson in the Workbook corresponds to the corresponding lesson in the Textbook and has the same name with it. Workbooks are used both in the classroom and at home. If in the Textbook most of the exercises are based on the material of the children's culture of English-speaking countries, then in the Workbook many exercises are based on their native culture, which allows children to better understand its features. Workbooks contain an “All about me” section in which students write about themselves, their family, friends, school, city, etc.
The book for reading is compiled in such a way that home reading is organically included in the content of the entire cycle of lessons, developing and deepening its content. Reading instruction is based on excerpts from works of art intended for students of this age group and popular among English and American peers. The book for reading, along with the works of classics of children's literature, includes excerpts from the works of the most popular contemporary authors. It also includes various types of authentic texts: short stories, excerpts from literary works, comics, poetry, etc. The texts are accompanied by a variety of exercises to develop reading skills. The book for reading is supplied with an English-Uzbekistann dictionary, a linguistic and regional reference book, a list of personal names and geographical names.


In the presented work, the modern requirements for a foreign language textbook were studied, an analysis was made of the educational literature on the market in English for elementary school. The aim of the work was to systematize the requirements for the organization of the program content of the textbook and the educational and methodological complex in a foreign language for elementary school and to analyze modern teaching materials taking into account these requirements.
A hypothesis was put forward that all modern textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Uzbekistann Federation comply with GEF-2. But they contain different language and speech material, different topics, subtopics and communicative situations, different amounts of time are allotted for studying the grammatical and lexical aspects of the language, exercise systems vary, different approaches to teaching reading and listening are used, etc. And that the main task of the teacher is to be able to navigate in this variety of educational and methodological complexes and choose the one that corresponds to the characteristics of his educational institution, the age and individual qualities of students, the specifics of his methodological training and his mentality.
As a result of the study, the features of the content and structure of a foreign language textbook at the present stage were revealed, their dependence on the methodological concept of the authors of the textbook was shown. It was demonstrated that teaching and methodological complexes in a foreign language for elementary school, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Uzbekistann Federation:
- develop an interest in the language, the people who speak this language, and its culture;
- form the ability for intercultural communication;
- motivate the student's speech-cogitative activity, as well as his cognitive, intellectual, emotional and, most importantly, creative activity;
- colorfully illustrated and emotionally attractive to children;
- develop the cognitive abilities of students and their ability to work independently.
These teaching materials implement (to a greater or lesser extent) the following principles necessary for a modern textbook:
- the principle of continuous overall development of each child;
- the principle of the integrity of the picture of the world;
- the principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of the student;
- principles of visibility, instrumentality and interactivity.
It was also revealed that when evaluating the teaching materials, one should pay attention to its compliance with the goals and conditions of education, the concept of the authors, the motivating possibilities of the textbook, the effectiveness of the text content, the subject, language, system of exercises and the design of the textbook in accordance with the individual capabilities of the teacher and students.
The study of the foundations of the theory of the textbook made it possible to identify its main parameters. The content of each parameter was considered and determined in accordance with the characteristics of a foreign language textbook. An analysis of the teaching materials showed different content and interpretation of the selected parameters in the textbooks of different authors. On this basis, pedagogical norms were described and illustrated, which list the most essential criteria for evaluating teaching materials and propose a system of guidelines for analyzing the main teaching aid.
A practical study of the issue (analysis of some educational and methodological complexes) showed the fundamental possibility of analyzing a foreign language textbook according to schemes and criteria. At the same time, the study of practical experience, the results of observations and the questioning led to the conclusion about the subjectivity of the analysis and the need for a personal assessment of educational materials focused on specific learning conditions.
Thus, each teacher, relying on these schemes and analysis criteria, on the content and structure of various teaching materials in a foreign language, can and should choose the textbook that corresponds to the characteristics of his educational institution, the age and individual qualities of students, the specifics of his methodological preparation and his mentality.


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