Clothes style Kiyim uslubi
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- What do you think of these people’s clothes Use the phrases
Clothes style Kiyim uslubi Granted, finding your style is by no means an easy feat. There are so many different types of fashion styles, each of which has its own unique “character.” It’s no secret that our sartorial experiments are the best way to show off our personality without having to speak a single word. To'g'ri, o'z uslubingizni topish oson ish emas. Moda uslublarining juda ko'p turlari mavjud bo'lib, ularning har biri o'ziga xos "belgi" ga ega. Hech kimga sir emaski, bizning sartorial tajribalarimiz bir so'z aytmasdan shaxsiyatimizni ko'rsatishning eng yaxshi usuli hisoblanadi. *** What do you think of these people’s clothes? Use the phrases: looks very smart, classy, modern, trendy, fashionable, casual, comfortable, ridiculous, awful, old-fashioned, funny, weird Bu odamlarning kiyimlari haqida nima deb o'ylaysiz? Jumlalarni ishlating: juda aqlli, zamonaviy, zamonaviy, moda, tasodifiy, qulay, kulgili, dahshatli, eski moda, kulgili, g'alati ko'rinadi *** Fashion is one of the aspects of clothing. The clothing people wear should define their personality and identity. According to, “fashion is clothing that becomes a trend, which tends to reflect a behavior, mindset, or circumstance.” There are odd fashion trends all over history, telling a story about the people of that time and culture. Moda kiyimning jihatlaridan biridir. Odamlar kiygan kiyim ularning shaxsiyati va o'ziga xosligini aniqlashi kerak. ma'lumotlariga ko'ra, "moda - bu xulq-atvor, fikrlash yoki vaziyatni aks ettiruvchi trendga aylangan kiyimdir". Butun tarixda o'sha davr va madaniyat odamlari haqida hikoya qiluvchi g'alati moda yo'nalishlari mavjud. *** This states that there are different clothing styles that are categorize on different types people based on their similar personality and/or personal style. Styles could say that a person is for example a hipster, gothic, hype, and etc, that categorizes the person from different varieties of personalities and kinds of people from their fashion. Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki, har xil turdagi odamlarga o'xshash shaxsiyat va/yoki shaxsiy uslublari asosida tasniflanadigan turli xil kiyim uslublari mavjud. Uslublar shuni aytishi mumkinki, odam, masalan, hipster, gotika, hayp va hokazo, bu odamni har xil turdagi shaxslardan va ularning modasidan odamlarni tasniflaydi. Download 6.84 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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