1. A connective is a word that connects one part of a text to another. Co-ordinating connectives (but, and, so) join words, phrases or clauses which are just as important as each other.
Subordinating - 1 : placed in or occupying a lower class, rank, or position : inferior a subordinate officer. 2 : submissive to or controlled by authority. 3a : of, relating to, or constituting a clause that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb. b : subordinating. subordinate. and interjections).
Determinative - having power or tendency to determine : tending to fix, settle, or define somethingregard experiments as determinative of the principles from which deductions could be made .
Consideration is kindness and thoughtful regard for others, or an act of thoughtfulness. Treating others as you would have them treat you (the Golden Rule) is one example of consideration. ... If you give something consideration, you think about it carefully, and not too quickly.
Morphemes are comprised of two separate classes called (a) bases (or roots) and (b) affixes. A "base," or "root" is a morpheme in a word that gives the word its principle meaning. An example of a "free base" morpheme is woman in the word womanly. An example of a "bound base" morpheme is -sent in the word dissent.
Circumfixes contrast with prefixes, attached to the beginnings of words; suffixes, attached at the end; and infixes, inserted in the middle.
Hobbit a member of a fictitious peaceful and genial race of small humanlike creatures that dwell underground.
Rebop an early version of the term "bebop," i.e., a modern jazz style popularized by Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, and others. The term continued to be popular in England into the 1970s, and is sometimes combined with "bebop" to produce scat-sounding jive talk--e.g. "Bepob with the Rebop."
Claim means to take or assert ownership of something or to state something as true. An example of claim is to recover a lost jacket from the lost and found.
A dogmatic realist has a realist concep- tion of certain things, and has a high degree of confidence that such things exist; what the skeptic argues is that given the realist conception of those things, there is no warrant for such a high degree of confidence that such things exist.
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