Consistency of forms of education, types and directions of aesthetic education in deciding on a bealthy lifestyle Plan
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Bog'liqConsistency of forms of education, types and directions of aesthetic education in deciding on a bealthy lifestyle
Consistency of forms of education, types and directions of aesthetic education in deciding on a bealthy lifestyle Plan: 1. The essence of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" (STT). 2. Forms of education in deciding on a healthy lifestyle. 3. Types and directions of aesthetic education. The great future of the independent state of Uzbekistan, the free civil society, can only be built by spiritually mature and physically healthy people. That's why our society pays great attention to bringing up a healthy generation , forming a high spiritual worldview in people, raising the moral-educational work to a high level, and bringing up well-rounded people. The tasks and ways of bringing up a perfect child were defined in the works of our President IAKarimov. The widespread adoption of the healthy generation movement in our country and the fundamental reform of the education system in the national personnel training program are important steps in the direction of this noble goal of educating perfect people. Literature and art have a great role in this field. The dictionary meaning of the word barkamol, which we mentioned in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek Language", means mature, fluffy, mature, smooth, perfect. A perfect person is a mentally mature person who embodies a set of spiritual and moral feelings, who can demonstrate his identity and abilities in society in every way, who is enlightened, who perfectly acquires worldly knowledge, who has high talent and potential. He is a morally pure, physically healthy, free, creative person. Today, a perfect person is the person that our President dreamed of and expressed in the concept of "explosion effect". The concepts of "perfect person" and "perfect generation" have a special meaning. Today, in the conditions of independent Uzbekistan, what kind of generation do we mean by "perfect generation". What qualities should the generation that will determine the future of our country and our national progress have. Today's perfect generation is physically healthy, mentally mature, spiritually beautiful, having a new way of thinking and worldview, and is able to be a barrier to internal and external threats, and is spiritually perfect. the person who understands, whose faith is strong, who has imbibed sacred values, should be strong in expression. In today's turbulent, extremely dangerous, mutual conflict, the struggle for interests is at its peak, let's go to tomorrow, we can reach the number of countries recognized by the world only by raising our intellectual power to a high level, relying on knowledge and enlightenment. For our noble masads, we have only mentally and physically healthy people, who have a deep understanding of who they are and what kind of great souls they are, who are no less perfect than anyone else in the world; we can achieve by educating the younger generation. In the works, speeches and articles of the President of our Republic, IAKarimov, the goals and tasks of educating well-rounded people were described. "We have declared that raising a perfect person is a priority area of state policy. By a perfect person, we mean first of all educated, enlightened people who can think highly independently, who are an example to others with their behavior ("There is no future without historical memory" T.1998). In his speech at the ceremony of awarding the "For a Healthy Generation" order, our head of state said: "The importance of these spiritual values increases a thousand times when we are faced with the complex and honorable task of building an independent great state. "Why, the achievement of any great goals, a new society, a prosperous marriage, building a beautiful life worthy of the human race, depends first of all on the perfect people who are members of this society, the future perfect generation." ("The dream of a perfect generation" T. 1999 p. 54). From the first period when our country was formed as an independent state, special attention was paid to the upbringing of a mature generation, which is the foundation of the development of Uzbekistan, the owner of our tomorrow. In order to deepen this process, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and the National Personnel Training Program were adopted. The "Healthy Generation" program, as well as a number of network programs on personnel training issues, were adopted. A perfect generation cannot be imagined without a physically perfect one, the main goal of this education is to bring up physically fit, brave and stable, determined and patriotic people. The announcement of 2000 as the year of "Healthy Generation" by President IA Karimov increased the attention to this education. The President says: "A country with healthy children will be powerful, and children of a powerful country will be healthy." Our president continues his thoughts, first of all, every person should take care of his health, every family should think about leaving a healthy offspring. If a child is healthy, intelligent, and has faith, he will bring only blessings to his parents. He says that he will never be left out of the country's eyes. Physical fitness occupies an important place in the education system and is carried out together with other educations. Physical education has a number of tasks. In particular, it consists of training the organism, strengthening and developing health, creating and equipping children with new types of physical activity, developing qualities of physical activity appropriate to the child's age and gender, and educating a conscious attitude to one's own health. . In solving these tasks, physical training is mental, cooperates with aesthetic and labor educations. Healthy and balanced growth of a person depends on various factors and means. First of all, the offspring should be clean and healthy, therefore the President emphasizes that healthy children will be born from healthy parents. In addition, in the process of living, it is necessary to follow the sanitary and hygienic factors, the appropriate use of natural health factors, i.e. the sun, air and water, and the use of physical exercises. We have a lot of goals for the National Personnel Training Program, says the President. There are many goals of the national program, says our President I. Karimov. First of all, the full implementation of these goals and tasks will lead to the further improvement of the social and political environment in our country, and new individuals will emerge in the society. They look at life in a completely different way. The implementation of the national program leads to the formation of an independent thinking person in society. The increase of such persons will create a factor living system in the society, says our President I. Karimov. People refuse to live in a crowd , each person begins to live with his own mind, his own work, his own conclusion. The most important thing is that such people cannot be influenced by any impure power, corrupt ideas, empty slogans, calls from outside. No force can dissuade such people from the goals of their chosen paths. Education plays a decisive role in the formation of perfect people. Education is a pedagogical process aimed at organizing people's activities to acquire social and historical experiences. The purpose of education is stated in the concept of educational activities outside the classroom and school. It says: The main goal of education is to develop and implement effective organizational pedagogical forms and tools based on the rich, national spiritual and historical traditions, customs and universal values of the people in the spiritual and moral education of the young generation. In the years of independence, at every stage of our development, at the ground of the implemented reforms, this human factor, education of a well-rounded generation stands. He stated that "the most important component of building the foundations of civil society requires continuous work on the regular development of a person in the field of spirituality and enlightenment." Our president. Even in the names given to the years, the dream and education of a perfect generation, which is the support, goal and factor of our national growth, is expressed. 1997 - "Year of Human Interests", 1998 - "Year of the Family", 1999 - "Year of Women", 2000 - "Year of a Healthy Generation", 2001 - "Year of Mothers and Children", 2002 - "Values year of appreciation", 2003 - "Year of Prosperous Neighborhood", 2004 - "Year of Kindness", 2005 - "Year of Health", 2006 - "Year of Patrons and Doctors", 2008 - "Year of Youth" . The science of social pedagogy existed 200 thousand years ago. Only then this subject was part of pedagogy. The first buds of pedagogical sociology were written in Europe and Asia. This science developed mainly from 820-829 years, but it is not a science. Currently, pedagogical sociology is included as a science. Pedagogical sociology as a branch of science. Every science "grows" from a certain truth, represents its reflection. Scientific knowledge cannot develop without practical activity. Practice is the source of any science. On the other hand, all practical activities are more effective if they are based on scientific achievements. Social pedagogy is distinguished both as a science and as an environment of practical activity, in fact they are interconnected. Social-pedagogical work occupies a special place in the activities of state and public organizations in Uzbekistan. Examples of this are events on the topics "National idea - our idea", "Our future - our independence", "Ten years that changed our thinking". Public organizations, culture, spiritual and educational works related to the activities of educational and art institutions are also included. Their activity expands the scope of promotion and propaganda work, opens new opportunities in the education of the growing generation. Spiritual institutions perform another important function. It is about organizing people's collective spiritual life. This task is inextricably linked with satisfying the need for knowledge of man and society, with deep observation of the events occurring in their activities, work, life, and free time. Social pedagogy can also come forward as an academic discipline. Academic subject is a subject studied in general education or special education institutions. The development of social pedagogy in Uzbekistan has its own characteristics - as a special practical activity in the field of science, scientific knowledge, and as an educational subject. already in ancient times, in order to protect the child, they put forward the problems related to their social and pedagogical education. Zoroastrianism, the oldest religion among world religions, ruled in Central Asia in the 7th-6th centuries BC. This religion had a great impact on mankind, that is, it brought man to the first place. The Zoroastrian sacred book "Avesta" (Fire Worship) can be considered a unique comic work of its era. In the Zoroastrian religion, the basis of moral standards (ethical criteria) was based on the trinity. In Yasna, which is a large part of "Avesta", the criterion of morals and manners, which shows the perfection of a person, is expressed in these three terms: humata (gumata) - good thoughts, hukta (gukta) - good words and khvarsha (gvarshta) - good deeds. "I give glory to a good thought, a good word, a good deed. I will give glory to the law of goodness" ("yasna", 14), it is said. "Avesto" researcher AOMakovelsky says that human thoughts, words and actions are influenced by two opposing forces: Vohu Mana ("Good Thought") and Apo Mana ("Evil Thought"). In all thoughts, words, and deeds lies the truth of goodness and evil. "Good thinking" means being kind to someone in the spirit of divine law, being ready to help the goals, to fight against evil, to act for the happiness of people, harmony and friendship, the purity of intentions and thoughts in the spirit of striving to live in harmony is understood. A person should not be jealous of others in his thoughts. A well-intentioned person does not hold grudges and does not indulge in other aspects. Because in such a situation, a person loses good will, forgets about duty and justice, and does bad things. The history of pedagogy goes back to ancient times. For thousands of centuries, pedagogy has developed within philosophy, since ancient times, the place and role of man in the world, the importance of culture and religion in the moral formation of a person, issues of the development of a well-rounded person, and so on. Abu Nasr al-Farobi (873-1037), a social scientist of the Islamic Renaissance (9th-11th centuries) mentioned such social pedagogical ideas that it is necessary to start raising a child from infancy., as well as the influence of the natural environment on the child's upbringing and other considerations. Naturalists-philosophers, historians, poets and painters in Central Asia in the 15th-16th centuries paid special attention to social sciences in their works and sought to learn the secrets of nature. Among them, Nuriddin Abdurakhman Jami (1414-1492), Jalaliddin Davani (1427-1502), Alisher Navoi (1441-1501), and Boiz Koshifiy (1440-1505) in their works describe the thinking of the human mind, its abilities, special feelings of a person, the ideas of humanity are the universal human qualities in children's education. Among them, the founder of the Uzbek language, Alisher Navoi, a great scholar, musician, and statesman, is distinguished by his social and pedagogical ideas and high humanitarianism. He considered man to be the highest being in the universe. He believes that the child will bring joy and happiness to the family and light up the house. Man himselfnot just a child, the poet writes that it is necessary to love all the children who are the future generation. Thoughts on social pedagogy were expressed by our scientists and scholars, enlighteners, leaders of the Jadidist movement, scholars who lived and created in the early 20th century, Makhmudhuja Bekhbudi (1874-1919), Munavvar Kori Abdurashidkhanov (1878-1931), Abdulla Avloni (1878-1934), Many can be cited in the works of Abduqadir Shakuri (1875-1943), XXNiaziy (1839-1929) and others. The emergence of social pedagogy as a science takes a special place in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. During this period, the activities of pedagogues such as A. Avloniy, A. Shakuriy, M. Qori Abdurashidkhanov, XXNiyoziy, VFlubensov, NPArkhongelsky, O. Sharofiddinov are of great importance. First of all, they help children who are falling out of the social circle, that is, these scholars are social pedagogues, and the schools they founded also relied on the experiences of other pedagogues. Experimental children's schools named after A. Avlony Chernyshevsky and other institutions are considered a practical source of social pedagogy. Aesthetic education is an important element that helps to create a spiritual environment in society, it is a force that shapes and develops human taste and thereby brings people closer to social relations. Currently, the scope of aesthetic education is expanding. Accordingly, he set himself many important tasks. These are: - not only active assimilation of works of art, examples of artistic creativity, but also improvement of the ability to understand and evaluate their aesthetic essence; - to demonstrate the creative potential of the members of the society and instill a sense of confidence in being able to use them; - to develop the skills to relate to the social processes of nature and society with a pure feeling and to actively work towards their development; - to create a basis for the formation of feelings of national pride and national pride, to awaken a sense of respect for our past spiritual heritage; - to face the world by developing all types of creativity and encourage them to promote the aspects that are beneficial for the interests of the nation. The main means of aesthetic education can include such areas as art, information technology, nature, work, and sports. Art is an important tool of aesthetic education. Today, in our society, rather than managing human activity, it is often said that this process should be organized by the person himself. In this process, art has always attracted people as an important tool capable of influencing the feelings of a person. Art penetrates into the world of human passions and feelings, makes them cry, laugh, and think. That's probably why art has accompanied people in all ages. Art is closely connected with the process of education in order to fully express its aesthetic potential. For example, the beautification of human thinking is considered the research object of aesthetics, and the subject of aesthetic education is determined by the aesthetic understanding of the spiritual world by a person. Information technology is a global tool of aesthetic education. Once upon a time, when students of higher education institutions that train specialists in natural and technical fields were asked, "In which fields is your ideal reflected?", most of them said that it is reflected more in the field of art, literature, and enlightenment. It also proves our points that they answered. It can be said that as a result of information and communication technology becoming an important tool of human and economic development today, people's way of life, interaction and even their appearance have changed radically. Neighborhood is an important tool of aesthetic education. The influence of neighborhood aesthetic education is extremely large. As long as the neighborhood is a small community within the society, today it is of great importance as a place that helps to increase the socio-political activity of the individual and to form his socio-legal culture. Also, the neighborhood is distinguished from other factors by the fact that it can closely influence the refined upbringing of a person. In this sense, the neighborhood, in turn, fulfills the noble goals it has set for itself, and educates the modern man in a sophisticated manner. The neighborhood is distinguished from other factors by the fact that it can closely influence the refined upbringing of a person. In this sense, the neighborhood, in turn, fulfills the noble goals it has set for itself, and educates the modern man in a sophisticated manner. The neighborhood is distinguished from other factors by the fact that it can closely influence the refined upbringing of a person. In this sense, the neighborhood, in turn, fulfills the noble goals it has set for itself, and educates the modern man in a sophisticated manner. Nature is a necessary means of aesthetic education. It should be specially noted that as much as the family is considered to be the most important factor in the aesthetic development of modern human education, nature is no less important in this process. Because a conscious failure to compromise with nature prevents a person from becoming elegantly perfect. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to avoid this problem at the moment when the relationship between man and nature is on the brink of crisis and destruction. The importance of work as a means of aesthetic education. Work becomes an important tool of aesthetic education by creating both material and spiritual beauty. This process occurs under the influence of the connection between social and useful work and art. This attitude ultimately reduces the harm caused by labor tools to people. In addition, the creative approach to work is a factor that determines the moral image of society. Sport is a modern means of aesthetic education. Sport, as a means of aesthetic education, has a special importance in the development of a modern person. Currently, the development of sports has risen to the level of state policy in our country. The main goal is to raise the generation to be physically strong, healthy, brave defenders of the motherland. Currently, many programs for the development of sports have been developed in our country, and they are actively involved in social relations. In recent days, Uzbekistan has become visible in the world community as a country that organizes and hosts world competitions in many sports. All this is aimed at improving the health of a person's sophisticated worldview and thinking in a certain sense. One wordin other words , sport as an important means of aesthetic education makes an important contribution to the realization of the goal of "The future of a country with healthy children will be bright". At the same time, external threats affecting national spirituality have a significant impact on the process of aesthetic education. This requires the purposeful orientation of aesthetic education in the system of socio-spiritual relations. It is worth noting that there are a lot of "healthy lifestyle promoters", "entertainment" and "feel-good" sites under the guise of aesthetics. What's more alarming is the increasing number of sites related to vampirism aesthetics and its promotion on the Internet. It's not difficult to find these promotional sites with a simple search command. It is time to fight against such threats by introducing beautiful values to the world, creating characters that reflect the rich and unique aesthetic world of our people, which indicates the need for aesthetic education in the spiritual upliftment of young people. This is the first aspect of threats to aesthetic education. The second aspect of the threat to aesthetic education is determined by the need to study the relationship between the external and internal appearance of a person. This science is known today in biology and medicine as physiognomy. However, in the past, serious attention was paid to this area and a number of treatises were created. For example, the German classical philosopher I. Kant described this science as "the science that studies the inner world", while the scholars of the East wrote works such as "Risolai fil farosa" (10th century), "Farosatnoma" (16th century) in this regard. those who wrote it down. Usually, the concept of prudence is determined by aesthetic appreciation. We react when he is angry, inappropriate, does things that we don't like. That's probably why we rarely use the words "a shrewd person, shrewd, shrewd". in the past, this field has been given serious attention and a number of treatises have been produced. For example, the German classical philosopher I. Kant described this science as "the science that studies the inner world", while the scholars of the East wrote works such as "Risolai fil farosa" (10th century), "Farosatnoma" (16th century) in this regard. those who wrote it down. Usually, the concept of prudence is determined by aesthetic appreciation. We react when he is angry, inappropriate, does things that we don't like. That's probably why we rarely use the words "a shrewd person, shrewd, shrewd". in the past, this field has been given serious attention and a number of treatises have been produced. For example, the German classical philosopher I. Kant described this science as "the science that studies the inner world", while the scholars of the East wrote works such as "Risolai fil farosa" (10th century), "Farosatnoma" (16th century) in this regard. those who wrote it down. Usually, the concept of prudence is determined by aesthetic appreciation. We react when he is angry, inappropriate, does things that we don't like. That's probably why we rarely use the words "a shrewd person, shrewd, shrewd". the concept of perception is determined by aesthetic evaluation. We react when he is angry, inappropriate, does things that we don't like. That's probably why we rarely use the words "a shrewd person, shrewd, shrewd". the concept of perception is determined by aesthetic evaluation. We react when he is angry, inappropriate, does things that we don't like. That's probably why we rarely use the words "a shrewd person, shrewd, shrewd". However, concepts such as taste, understanding, and insight belong to the science of aesthetics and are manifested through the attitude to understanding-truth, insight, taste-beauty. At the root of all three phenomena is ability. In this sense, it brings out intellectual, perceptive, and aesthetic abilities. Especially aesthetic taste and insight require a complex process of education. Because it consists of a combination of mental, moral and emotional education. Therefore, a person who is physiologically prone to evil can change his behavior under the influence of aesthetic education and become a person with beautiful morals. Therefore, it is not fair to judge a person who has changed his bad feelings to a good one and has reached spiritual maturity based only on his face. Download 23,84 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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