Content introduction chapter I. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the application of modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education
Overview of modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education
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1.2 Overview of modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education
Interpretations of the concept of pedagogical technology The word "technology" comes from the Greek words techne - art, craftsmanship and logos - teaching. Therefore, the term "pedagogical technology" in literal translation means the doctrine of pedagogical art, skill. The concept of "pedagogical technology" is most often interpreted as follows: Pedagogical technology means a system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals [12] Pedagogical technology is a model thought out in all details joint pedagogical activity in designing, organizing and conducting the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers [14] Pedagogical technology - a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process [11] Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education (UNESCO) "Pedagogical technology" is a meaningful technique for the implementation of the educational process [3] "Pedagogical technology" is a description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes. The structure of pedagogical technology The structure of pedagogical technology contains three main interrelated components: 1. Scientific: technology is a scientifically designed solution to a specific problem, based on the achievements of pedagogical theory and best practice; 2. Formalized descriptive (descriptive): the technology is represented as a model, a description of the goals, content, methods and means, algorithms of actions used to achieve the planned results; 3. Procedural and activity : technology appears as the very process of implementing the activities of objects and subjects, their goal setting, planning, organization, implementation of goals and analysis of results. Thus, pedagogical technology functions both as a science that explores and designs the most rational ways of learning, and as a system of algorithms, and as a real process of learning and education. It can be represented either by the whole complex of its aspects, or by a scientific development (project, concept), or by a description of an algorithm (program) of actions, or by a process actually implemented in practice.[3] The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies To describe such complex objects as pedagogical technologies, their main general qualities should be singled out. Consistency is a special quality of a set of organized components, expressed in the presence of integral properties and qualities. New integral qualities of technology as a system are manifested in new educational results, relationships, qualities, subjects of activity, etc. Complexity - organizational, managerial and other elements. Integrity - the presence of common integrative qualities while maintaining the specific properties of the constituent elements. Scientific - includes the analysis and use of experience, conceptuality, predictability and other qualities, is a synthesis of the achievements of science and practice, a combination of traditional elements of past experience and what is born of social progress, humanization and democratization of society. Conceptuality is a system of views on the pedagogical process, ideas, principles on the basis of which activities are organized. Structuring - the presence of a certain internal organization of the system (goals, content), backbone links of elements (concept, methods), stable interactions (algorithm) that ensure the stability and reliability of the system. Continuity - solves a certain part of the overall task, is coordinated in terms of content, time and other parameters. variability and flexibility - based on changing the sequence, order, cyclicity of the elements of the algorithm, depending on the conditions for the implementation of the technology. Instrumentality - the provision of a set of educational, methodological, didactic tools and tools that accompany the main operations of the educational process (textbooks, equipment, etc.). Efficiency is the ratio of the result to the amount of resources expended. Modern technologies exist in a competitive environment and must be efficient in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs. Having studied and analyzed the modern pedagogical technologies existing in pedagogical science and practice, it can be argued that in professional education a variety of student-centered technologies have become its distinctive feature. They aim to: - to wake up the activity of students; - equip them with the best ways to carry out activities; - rely on the independence, activity and communication of students.[12] Traditional technologies are technologies built on an explanatory and illustrative way of teaching. When using this technology, the teacher focuses in his work on the presentation of the finished educational material. At the same time, the presentation of information to students almost always takes place in the form of a teacher's monologue. In this regard, many problems arise in the educational process. The main ones are the low level of communication skills, the inability to get a detailed answer from the student with his own assessment of the issue under consideration, the insufficient inclusion of students listening to the answer in the general discussion. The root of these problems lies not in the mood of the students, not in their "passivity", but in the procedure that the applied technology sets. The new living conditions in which we are all placed put forward their own requirements for the formation of young people entering into life: they must be not only knowledgeable and skillful, but thinking, proactive, independent. Thus, among the main reasons for the emergence of new pedagogical technologies, the following can be distinguished: the need for a deeper consideration and use of psychophysiological and personal characteristics of trainees; awareness of the urgent need to replace the ineffective verbal (verbal) method of transferring knowledge with a system-activity approach; the possibility of designing the educational process, organizational forms of interaction between the teacher and the student, providing guaranteed learning outcomes. In the context of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the most relevant technologies are: Information and communication technology Technology for the development of critical thinking Design Technology Developmental learning technology Health saving technologies Problem learning technology Gaming technologies Quest technology Modular technology Workshop technology Case - technology Integrated Learning Technology Cooperation Pedagogy Technologies of level differentiation [21] The ideology and practice of modern technologies provides an effective result in the development of the individual: - evokes a stable motivation for learning activities among students; - teaches dialogically, that is, in cooperation with students, and not according to the principle of "top down"; - constant monitoring of the educational activities of students must be corrected and maintained if necessary; - provides educational content at heterogeneous levels; - teaches and helps students at the level of their actual abilities; - develops the ability to assess the progress of the students themselves; - stimulates the initiative and creativity of students so that they master the subject content much deeper than by the traditional method; - provides conditions for the climate in the group, leading to the formation of a socially integrated personality of the student. [17] So, let's consider modern pedagogical technologies in more detail. Group technologies Group technologies involve the organization of joint actions, communication, communication, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, mutual correction. There are the following varieties group technologies: -group survey; -public review of knowledge; - training meeting; -discussion; -dispute; - non-traditional classes (conference, travel, integrated classes, etc.). Peculiarities group technology lies in the fact that the study group is divided into subgroups to solve and perform specific tasks; the task is carried out in such a way that the contribution of each student is visible. The composition of the group may vary depending on the purpose of the activity. It is possible to distinguish levels of collective activity in Group: simultaneous work with the whole group; work in pairs; group work on the principles of differentiation. During group work, the teacher performs various functions: controls, answers questions, regulates disputes, and provides assistance. Learning is done through communication in dynamic groups, where everyone teaches everyone. Working in pairs of shifts allows students to develop independence and communication skills. Group technology consists of the following elements : setting a learning task and briefing on the progress of work; group work planning; individual performance of the task; the discussion of the results; reporting results; summing up, a general conclusion about the achievements. The advantages of this technology are as follows: - skills of mental activity develop, memory work is turned on; - each student has the opportunity to work at an individual pace; - improve the skills of logical thinking, consistent presentation of the material; - the acquired experience and knowledge are updated; - increased responsibility for the result of collective work [12] Technology "Triz" How the pedagogy of creativity is considered technology "Triz" - The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (Altshuller G.S.). This is a universal methodological system that combines cognitive activity with methods of activating and developing thinking, which allows the student to solve creative and social problems independently. The purpose of the technology is to form the thinking of students, prepare them to solve non-standard problems in various fields of activity, and teach creative activity. Principles TRIZ technologies: -removal of a psychological barrier before unknown problems; -humanistic nature of education; -formation of a non-standard way of thinking; -practice-oriented implementation of ideas. TRIZ technology was created as a thinking strategy that allows every well-trained specialist to make discoveries. The author of the technology proceeds from the fact that everyone is endowed with creative abilities (everyone can invent). The process of inventive activity is the main content of education. According to psychologists, TRIZ technology forms in children such mental abilities as: - the ability to analyze, reason, justify; - ability to generalize, draw conclusions; - the ability to think creatively and flexibly; - the ability to actively use the imagination. The methodology uses individual and collective techniques: heuristic game, brainstorming, collective search. Evaluation of ideas is carried out by specialists who first select the most original proposals, and then the most optimal ones.[9] Research (problem) learning technology The technology of research (problem) learning, in which the organization of classes involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active work of students to resolve them, resulting in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities; the educational process is built as a search for new cognitive landmarks. The child independently comprehends the leading concepts and ideas, and does not receive them from the teacher in finished form. Problem-based learning technology involves the following organization : The teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution. The student is placed in the position of the subject of his training, resolves the problem situation, as a result of which he acquires new knowledge and masters new ways of action. A feature of this approach is the implementation of the idea of “learning through discovery”: the child himself must discover the phenomenon, law, pattern, properties, method of solving the problem, find the answer to an unknown question. At the same time, in his activity he can rely on the tools of knowledge, build hypotheses, test them and find the way to the right solution. Principles of problem-based learning : independence of students; developmental nature of education; integration and variability in the application of various fields of knowledge; use of didactic algorithmic tasks. Methodological techniques for creating problem situations can be as follows: - the teacher leads the children to the contradiction and invites them to find a way to resolve it; -expresses different points of view on the issue; -suggests to consider the phenomenon from different positions; - encourages children to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions; - poses problem questions, tasks, sets problem tasks. A feature of this approach is the implementation of the idea of "learning through discovery": the child himself must discover the phenomenon, law, regularity, properties, method of solving the problem, find the answer to an unknown question. At the same time, in his activity he can rely on the tools of knowledge, build hypotheses, test them and find the way to the right solution. The technology of conducting classes in accordance with the theory of problem-based learning (M.I. Makhmutov, I.Ya. Lerner): familiarization of pupils with the lesson plan and problem statement; splitting the problem into separate tasks; selection of algorithms for solving problems and studying the main educational material; analysis of the obtained results, formulation of conclusions. Thus, the technology of problem-based learning involves a system of training sessions with the main goal of creating conditions under which students discover new knowledge, master new ways of searching for information, and develop problematic thinking. [10] block learning is carried out on the basis of a flexible program and consists of sequentially executed blocks that guarantee the assimilation of a specific topic: - information block; - test-information block (checking what has been learned); -correction-information block; -problem block (problem solving based on acquired knowledge); - block of check and correction. All topics repeat the above sequence. [10] Modular learning Individualized self-learning, which uses a curriculum made up of modules. A module is a functional unit, which is a training program, individualized according to the activity performed. The module is the content of the course in three levels: full, reduced, in-depth. The student chooses for himself any level. The learning content is presented in completed blocks; each student receives written recommendations from the teacher on how to act, where to look for the necessary material; the student works maximum time independently, which gives him the opportunity to realize himself in the process of performing the activity. The essence of modular training is that the student independently achieves the specific goals of educational and cognitive activity in the process of working with the module. In the conditions of additional education of children, today there is a real opportunity to allocate the time necessary for the assimilation of educational material to each child: to complete level groups, or to organize work within the group according to individual plans.[21] Gaming technologies Game technologies have the means to activate and intensify the activity of students. They are based on the pedagogical game as the main activity aimed at the assimilation of social experience. There are the following classifications of pedagogical games: -by type of activity (physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological); -by the nature of the pedagogical process (teaching, training, cognitive, training, controlling, cognitive, developing, reproductive, creative, communicative, etc.); - according to the game method (plot, role-playing, business, simulation, etc.); - according to the gaming environment (with and without an object, desktop, indoor, outdoor, computer, etc.). Basic principles of gaming technologies: - nature and cultural conformity; - the ability to model, dramatize; -freedom of activity; - emotional elation; -equality. Goals game technology educations are extensive: -didactic: broadening one's horizons, applying ZUN in practice, developing certain skills and abilities; - educational: education of independence, cooperation, sociability, communication; -developing: development of personality qualities and structures; -social: familiarization with the norms and values of society, adaptation to environmental conditions. The ability to get involved in the game is not related to age, but the content and features of the methodology for conducting games depend on age. In practical work, teachers of additional education often use ready-made, well-designed games with the attached educational and didactic material. Thematic games are related to the material being studied, for example, "Modeling cases from life", "Natural disaster", "Time travel", etc. A feature of such classes is the preparation of students to solve vital problems and real difficulties. An imitation of a real life situation is created in which the student needs to act. Usually the group is divided into subgroups, each of which independently works on a task. Then the results of the activities of the subgroups are discussed, evaluated, and the most interesting developments are determined. Game technology is used by teachers in working with students of various ages, from the youngest to high school students, and is used in organizing classes in all areas of activity, which helps children feel in a real situation, prepare for making decisions in life. All groups of early development of preschoolers use game technologies. Conducting a lesson-game consists of the following stages: Stage of preparation (determination of the educational goal, description of the problem under study, drawing up a plan for conducting and a general description of the game, developing a scenario, arranging actors, agreeing on conditions and rules, consultations). Stage of conducting (directly the process of the game: performances of groups, discussions, defending the results, examination). The stage of analysis and discussion of the results (analysis, reflection, evaluation, self-assessment, conclusions, generalizations, recommendations).[20],[9] Speaking of gaming technologies, one cannot fail to mention another modern trend in this area, namely, gamification. Gamification is one of the main trends in online learning. The trend towards the use of games in e-learning is partly due to the rise in popularity complex, well-executed games for PlayStation and mobile devices . Even from the most superficial observation of children, it becomes clear that there is a connection between play, learning and memory. Gabe Zimmerman and Christopher Cunningham say the following: So, can children learn by playing? Undoubtedly. A study by Dr. Arne May from the University of Regensburg (Germany) proves that as a result of mastering a new skill, gray matter growth occurs in a matter of weeks. In addition, scientists from around the world agree that the game (namely the task-achievement-reward cycle itself) increases the production of dopamine in the brain, which only increases our desire to play. Moreover, memory is improved. The researchers compared the outcomes of game-based learning and learning based on plain text. Immediately after the end of the educational process, the participants in the experiment showed almost the same results. But after a few days, more information remained in the memory of those who studied in a playful way. Project based learning technology Project-based learning technology is an alternative technology that is opposed to the classroom system, in which ready-made knowledge is not given, but the technology of protecting individual projects is used. Project-based learning is indirect, and here not only the result is valuable, but to a greater extent the process itself. A project is literally “thrown forward”, that is, a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, and design turns into a process of creating a project. The effectiveness of the application of project activities in additional education lies in the fact that: 1) there is a development of creative thinking 2) the role of the teacher is qualitatively changing: his dominant role in the process of appropriating knowledge and experience is eliminated, he has to not only and not so much teach, but help the child learn, direct his cognitive activity. 3) elements of research activities are introduced; 4) the personal qualities of pupils are formed, which develop only in activities and cannot be learned verbally (in group projects, when a small team “works” and in the process of its joint activity a joint product appears, hence the ability to work in a team develops, to take responsibility for choosing , decision, share responsibility, analyze the results of activities, the ability to feel like a member of a team - to subordinate your temperament, character, time to the interests of a common cause); 5) there is an inclusion of pupils in the "acquisition of knowledge" and their logical application (personal qualities are formed - the ability to reflect and self-evaluate, the ability to make a choice and comprehend both the consequences of this choice and the results of one's own activity). The teacher turns into a curator or consultant: helps students in finding sources; is itself a source of information; supports and encourages students; coordinates and corrects the entire process; maintains continuous feedback. Projects differ in the following ways: 1. What activity dominates in the project: research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), familiarization and orientation, etc. 2. Subject area: monoproject (within one area of knowledge); interdisciplinary project. 3. by the nature of project coordination: direct (rigid, flexible), hidden (implicit, simulating a project participant). 4. by the nature of contacts (among participants of the same school, class, city, region, country, different countries of the world). 5. The number of project participants. 6. The duration of the project (within one lesson; several lessons; month, year) The result of the project activity is a personally or socially significant product: a product, information (report, message, presentation, etc.), complex work, social assistance. Criteria project evaluations are: 1) the validity of the relevance of the topic of the project and the proposed solutions; 2) volume, completeness of developments, independence, completeness; 3) the level of creativity, the originality of the disclosure of the topic; 4) design, style, compliance with standard requirements for web resources, text structure, quality of diagrams, drawings, animation; 5) the quality of the report; 6) manifestation of the depth and breadth of tasks on the topic being presented. As a final event, a reflection is carried out to determine the level of awareness of the work done, and depending on the level and scale of the work done, either conferences or student readings are organized. The use of the project method allows not only to create a “natural environment for the formation of competencies”, but also to ensure: the development / appropriation of new methods of activity at an integrated level, the emergence of experience in responsible action in setting and solving “one’s own” problem, the emergence of experience in co-organizing resources to achieve one’s own goal . [8] Differentiated learning process As well as possible contributes to the implementation of the personal development of students. The main task of the differentiated organization of educational activities is to reveal individuality, to help its development, manifestation and acquisition of selectivity and resistance to social influences. Differentiated learning comes down to identifying and maximizing the abilities of each student. It is essential that the application of a differentiated approach at various stages of the educational process is ultimately aimed at mastering by all students a certain program minimum of knowledge, skills and abilities. The differentiated organization of educational activity, on the one hand, takes into account the level of mental development, the psychological characteristics of students, and the abstract-logical type of thinking. On the other hand, the individual needs of the individual, his capabilities and interests in a particular educational area are taken into account. To improve the effectiveness of the lesson and solve the above problems, various types of differentiated learning are used: cards for correcting knowledge; multi-level handout and didactic material, which is based on a phased, step-by-step formation of teaching methods, i.e. system of actions in a certain sequence. This allows students to eliminate existing gaps in knowledge and firmly master the current educational material. In general, didactic materials allow: - guide the step-by-step, step-by-step, systematic work of students in the classroom, during individual lessons; - focus on the main points of the content of training; - prepare students for the assimilation of new material by carefully restoring basic knowledge and skills; - to form methods of educational activity of students; encourage them to consciously master the educational material. A special type of differentiated learning is independent extracurricular work. It takes place without the direct guidance of the teacher, therefore, it needs to create the necessary conditions for its successful implementation. One of the main conditions is the availability of independent extracurricular work. More often we give a common task to the group. For some it may be easy, for others it may be difficult. The former do not train themselves on material that is difficult for them, the latter lose confidence in their abilities. And as a result, neither one nor the other develops a responsible attitude to what is given at home, to educational activities in general. The skill of independence in work, and this is the ability to bring the work started to the end, is better formed through differentiated extracurricular tasks, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. A differentiated approach to the implementation of an independent extracurricular task allows each student to work at their own optimal pace, makes it possible to cope with tasks, and instills self-confidence. The textbook material helps to vary tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of students, to find new techniques that activate the student's attention, memory and thinking. A differentiated approach to learning can also be implemented using modern information technologies and multimedia projects. The teacher formulates the theme of the project, taking into account the individual interests and capabilities of the student, encouraging him to creative work. In this case, the student has the opportunity to realize his creative potential, independently choosing the form of presentation of the material, the method and sequence of its presentation. [11] New information technologies When computers began to be widely used in education, the term “new information technology of education” appeared. Generally speaking, any pedagogical technology is information technology, since the basis of the technological process of education is information and its movement (transformation). In our opinion, a better term for computer-based learning technologies is computer science. technology. Computer (new information) learning technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is the computer. New information technologies develop the ideas of programmed learning, open up completely new, yet unexplored technological options for learning, associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications. Computer technology can be implemented in the following ways: I - as a penetrating technology (the use of computer learning on individual topics, sections for individual didactic tasks). II - as the main , defining, most significant of the parts used in this technology. III - as a monotechnology (when all training, all management of the educational process, including all types of diagnostics, monitoring, are based on the use of a computer). Goals of new information technologies: Formation of skills to work with information, development of communication skills. Preparation of the personality of the "information society". Giving the child the opportunity to learn as much educational material as he can learn. The formation of research skills in children, the ability to make optimal decisions. Conceptual provisions of new information technologies : Learning is the communication of a child with a computer. The principle of adaptability: the adaptation of the computer to the individual characteristics of the child. The interactive nature of learning. Controllability: the teacher can correct the learning process at any time. The interaction of a child with a computer can be carried out by all types: subject - object, subject - subject, object - subject. The optimal combination of individual and group work. Maintaining the student's state of psychological comfort when communicating with a computer. Unlimited learning: the content, its interpretations and applications are as big as you like. Tutorials and computer models, virtual labs, and creating multimedia presentations are the best fit for pairs or groups of students to work together in collaborative learning. At the same time, the participants in the work can perform both tasks of the same type, mutually controlling or replacing each other, and individual stages of the overall work. All members of the working group are interested in the overall result, therefore, mutual learning is inevitable not only on the subject of the project, but also on the effective use of computer technology and relevant information technologies. Information computer technologies can be used by the teacher at various stages of the lesson: when checking independent extracurricular work, during oral work, when explaining new material, when consolidating the knowledge gained. Computer testing, like any testing, also makes it possible to individualize and differentiate tasks through multi-level questions. In addition, tests on the computer allow you to return to unresolved issues and work on the bugs. Testing with a computer is also much more attractive to the student than a traditional test or test. The project method is fully implemented in multimedia presentations and other computer projects. Work on the project encourages the student not only to deeply study any topic of the course, but also to master new programs and software products, use the latest information and communication technologies. Tutorials present almost limitless possibilities for both the teacher and the student, as they contain well-organized information. The abundance of illustrations, animation and video clips, hypertext presentation of the material, sound accompaniment, the ability to test knowledge in the form of testing, problematic questions and tasks enable the student to independently choose not only a convenient pace and form of perception of the material, but also allow them to broaden their horizons and deepen their knowledge. [14] Thus, the introduction of modern educational technologies into the educational process will allow the teacher to work out the depth and strength of knowledge, consolidate skills and abilities in various fields of activity; develop technological thinking, the ability to independently plan their educational, self-educational activities; to cultivate habits of strict adherence to the requirements of technological discipline in the organization of training sessions. The use of a wide range of pedagogical technologies enables the teacher to use the study time productively and achieve high learning outcomes for students. The traditional training of specialists, focused on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject area, is increasingly lagging behind modern requirements. The basis of education should be not so much academic disciplines as ways of thinking and acting. Download 56.63 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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