Content Introduction chapter I. Theoretical foundations of lexical skills of oral speech and reading


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The role of vocabulary for mastering a foreign language is no less significant than grammar. After all, it is the vocabulary that conveys the immediate subject of thought by virtue of its nominative function, it therefore penetrates into all spheres of life, helping to reflect not only the real reality, but also the imaginary one. This idea is precisely expressed by N. I. Zhinkin: "Words are the names of things, phenomena, events, the names of everything that is and can be in reality... If the name is incomprehensible to the listener, it is empty - there is no such object. Any object, even an imaginary one, no matter what sensory domain it belongs to, can become visible if it has a name."
If you don't know the name of a thing, you can't say anything about it. This dependence is especially evident when mastering a foreign language. There is a high degree of correlation between proficiency in a word and the ability to understand it when reading and listening, and to express a thought when speaking.
Possession of a word is the most important prerequisite for speaking, but in reproductive speech activities, knowledge of the word meaning alone is not enough; here, no less important is the possession of word connections and the formation of word combinations based on them.
So, for the use of words in reproductive speech activities, it is necessary to:

  • find a word in memory, and therefore it must be stored in memory first;

  • pronounce it, which implies knowledge of its phonetic form;

  • include in the combination based on semantic compatibility and in accordance with the grammatical norm;

  • include the combination in the sentence, text.

For receptive types of speech activity, you need to:

  • associate a graphic or appropriately sounding image of a word with a lexical meaning; analyzing the word's composition can help;

  • determine the grammatical form of the word, connections with other words, which will determine the penetration into the meaning.

In all cases, however, it is necessary to teach the vocabulary side of speech activities in such a way that students constantly feel the intensity of the communicative task, i.e. that they need words to express thoughts and recognize them. Only a clear speech perspective determines the motivation and success of mastering the dictionary.10
Working on the accumulation of vocabulary accompanies the entire learning process. Almost every second lesson introduces you to a new batch of words and works on mastering them. It is the primary duty of every teacher to ensure mastery of the dictionary. And students should be encouraged to work carefully on the word, to constantly expand their vocabulary. It is also important to develop special tests that would allow you to periodically determine the volume of an individual dictionary (thesaurus)and see your progress in filling the dictionary.
The volume of the text and its nature depend on the stage of training. In some cases, you need to create multiple microtexts to cover all the new words.
If students are unable to determine the meaning of a word from the text, they are offered a translation into their native language.
Along with semanticization carried out with the help of a teacher, students should be increasingly encouraged to learn the word independently. Finding out the meaning of a word is a natural operation that people who study a foreign language have to perform constantly, so it is necessary to introduce them to it starting from the younger stage.
For better memorization of words, you can use rhymes, songs that contain new words. You should also use special techniques for memorizing words, such as pronouncing them at different volumes, or rhythmically pronouncing them to a familiar tune.
In connection with reading at the senior stage of simple original texts of various functional styles - popular science, socio-political and artistic-students should master a passive vocabulary, i.e. they should develop receptive lexical skills - to recognize a word by some supports in its graph and on the basis of syntactic form and synchronously correlate with the meaning.
Students should be encouraged to learn more about the active minimum vocabulary on their own. Reading at the senior stage, first of all reading to oneself, is an independent process that is performed in conditions when the reader is alone with the book. Starting from the form of the word in the text, the student selects it and gives it a dictionary form. If there are no reference elements in the word, the student searches for its meaning in the dictionary. At the same time, it selects one value from several.
Then comes the training under the guidance of a teacher. Its purpose is to provide the emergence of a skill, i.e. automatic recognition of a new word and its correlation with the meaning during further reading. All exercises of a training nature should be adequate to reading as a process and contribute to the development of any reading mechanism. In order to create verbal stereotypes and firmly capture the auditory-sound-motor image of the word, which facilitates automatic recognition of it when reading, these exercises are performed aloud, which, however, does not change their receptive nature in principle. We will give specific types of exercises in the formation of receptive lexical skills:

  • Loud reading and subsequent translation of a new word in various syntagmas and sentences. When performing this exercise, the meaning of this word is enriched. For example:

  • Full - a full bottle, a full bus, a full moon, a full step, the pail full of water, the hall full of students. We are waiting for him a full hour…

  • Filling in spaces in the text when reading. This exercise is aimed at developing the ability to predict.

  • Fill in the gaps with words that have different meanings and that students are confused about, for example: lie-lay, sent-scent. This exercise trains your attention.

All exercises in learning new words create prerequisites for solving semantic problems when reading. They are based on the passive vocabulary minimum selected for reading, which is just as necessary to work out thoroughly as the active vocabulary minimum.
In addition to these well-defined" closed " vocabulary minima, it is also important to develop potential learner vocabulary. The potential vocabulary is "open" and individual in nature. It arises on the basis of students ' independent semanticization of untrained vocabulary at the time of reading. Its volume and the lexical skill that develops on the basis of this volume directly depend on the degree of mastery of each student's active and passive minima.11
The potential vocabulary is formed: based on words consisting of familiar word-forming elements, and words whose meaning is deduced by conversion, for example: winter - to winter; using an understanding of international vocabulary. These points are the basis for deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words. Inference is understood as a psycholinguistic property of a word, "which provides the reader with the opportunity to correctly reveal the meaning of an unfamiliar derived (complex) word based on the values of its components." A prerequisite for deducibility is knowledge of the ways of word formation in a given language and the meaning of affixes, as well as knowledge of the ways of forming internationalisms in a given language.
Inference exercises that affect the formation of a potential vocabulary.

  • Determine the meaning of derived words formed from known roots and using known affixes.

  • Determine the meaning of international words.

  • Determine the meaning of unfamiliar compound words by the composition of their components.

  • Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the known meaning; check it by context.

  • Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words formed by conversion.

A special source of potential vocabulary is a linguistic guess, which is a very important component of independent word semantics. The language guess is not based on logical deducibility. It is more casual and unconscious. The researchers identified three groups of language guesswork hints: intra-language, inter-language, and extra-language. An intralanguage hint results from assigning a word to a certain grammatical category and identifying its function in a sentence. Word-forming elements also play an important role.
An interlanguage hint is contained in words formed as a result of borrowing from language to language, in internationalisms, sovietisms, as well as in full and partial tracing papers, i.e. in words and phrases formed according to a common word-forming, syntactic, and semantic model. For example: to have an opportunity - to have an opportunity. Sometimes an interlanguage hint comes from the coincidence of individual semantic fractions of words, for example: English to arrest, meaning "detain, arrest, capture", and also figuratively "attract attention", coincide with the Russian language only in the first meaning. But in the sentence "The impression in her eyes arrested his attention", the first value does not fit. The difficulty leads to generalization ("capture"), and then to concretization ( "rivet attention").
A non-linguistic hint follows from knowledge of the facts and phenomena of reality reflected in the text and giving it an indicative character.
Language guesswork is thus the result of all learning and life influences, and therefore it manifests itself differently in different students, i.e. it is subjective in nature. One student may see a hint in a given word or context, but another may not. However, special exercises in language guessing can make it more manageable and, therefore, objective.
Tasks for language guessing exercises should be designed to attract students ' attention to the hint. For example:
- Read the text (paragraph, sentence) and underline the signs of time and place; take these signs into account, determine the meaning of the selected words
- Read the entire text and determine what it is about. This will help you find out the meaning of the selected unfamiliar words.
- Read the text. To find out the meaning of the selected unfamiliar words, you can analyze the word composition and determine their functions in the sentence.
- Select a stable combination from the text, make its literal translation; this will help you find a match for it in your native language.
If you make working on a language guess an organic element of working on a dictionary, then, in addition to great practical benefits in terms of expanding the potential vocabulary, it will contribute to the development of students ' general education, primarily their knowledge of language as a social phenomenon.
Just as when reading, you need to instantly recognize a word and realize its meaning, so when speaking, you need to automatically quickly recall the word that corresponds to the idea, and combine it with other words.
It's more than just knowing words; it's owning them. It is based on lexical skills. We must always remember that the goal should be to master words, not to know them. The student must be proficient in a certain number of words, regardless of what type of speech activity these words are necessary for.
To lead the student to mastery of words, the teacher, as a good guide, must know the road and anticipate its difficulties.
The main stages of working on vocabulary include: familiarization with new material (including semantics), initial consolidation, development of skills and abilities to use vocabulary in various forms of oral and written communication.
All the listed aspects of working on vocabulary are a single whole, and the isolation of each of them is carried out for purely methodological purposes, in order to provide for the main difficulties in the exercises.
The vocabulary studied here at the initial stage belongs to a productive vocabulary, i.e. these are those lexical units that students must instantly extract from memory to designate the concepts they need and correctly reproduce them in loud speech in compliance with all the norms of use - pronouncing, combining, grammatical (and for writing - and spelling).
At this stage, you should exclude independent reading of the text containing new words. These texts are presented by the teacher, and students perceive them by ear and try to guess the meaning of what the teacher tells them based on visual clarity. Then the productive vocabulary is "isolated" from the context and fixed orally.
A certain part of the vocabulary is entered without relying on the text, but also in the context. Visibility, gestures, and facial expressions help reveal the meaning of new words, since most of them are specific in nature.
You should work on new words both in context and in isolation, since the contextual meaning of the word is the main one.12
At advanced stages, a new word should be entered with mandatory combinations, the allocation of which within the framework of training minima should be a priority. It is important to take into account the characteristic lexical connections in words belonging to the same subject-thematic group.
The following features are typical for explaining receptive vocabulary:

  1. the explanation of words should go from the language form to the concepts that it conveys;

  2. for each new word, different meanings are reported, fixed in the lexical minimum;

  3. for correct and quick recognition of the word in the text, its informative features are reported: the presence of synonyms, word formation, possible contextual environment;

  4. familiarization with the new information. vocabulary can be based on both printed and sounding text;

  5. when familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary, you need to install a word recognition system.

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