Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh 0 PowerPoint Slides for Undergraduate Econometrics by
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Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh 1.0
PowerPoint Slides for Undergraduate Econometrics by Lawrence C. Marsh To accompany: Undergraduate Econometrics by Carter Hill, William Griffiths and George Judge Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, 1997
1 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh The Role of Econometrics in Economic Analysis Chapter 1 Copyright © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein. 1.1
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Using Information: 1. Information from economic theory. 2. Information from economic data.
The Role of Econometrics 1.2 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Understanding Economic Relationships: federal budget
Dow-Jones Stock Index trade deficit
Federal Reserve Discount Rate capital gains tax rent
control laws
short term treasury bills power of labor unions crime rate inflation unemployment money supply 1.3
economic theory economic data } economic decisions To use information effectively : *Econometrics* helps us combine economic theory and
economic data .
Economic Decisions 1.4
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Consumption , c, is some function of income
, i : c = f(i)
For applied econometric analysis this consumption function must be specified more precisely.
The Consumption Function 1.5 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh demand
, q
, for an individual commodity: q
= f( p, p
, p
s , i )
supply , q s , of an individual commodity: q
= f( p, p c , p
f ) p = own price; p c = price of complements; p
= price of substitutes; i = income p = own price; p
= price of competitive products; p
= price of substitutes; p f demand supply
1.6 2 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Listing the variables in an economic relationship is not enough. For effective policy we must know the amount of change needed for a policy instrument to bring about the desired effect:
How much ? • By
how much should the Federal Reserve raise interest rates to prevent inflation? • By
how much can the price of football tickets be increased and still fill the stadium? 1.7
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Answering the How Much? question
Need to estimate parameters that are both: 1. unknown
2. unobservable 1.8
Average or systematic behavior over many individuals or many firms.
a single individual or single firm. Economists are concerned with the unemployment rate and not whether a particular individual gets a job.
The Statistical Model 1.9 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh The Statistical Model Actual vs. Predicted Consumption: Actual = systematic part + random error Systematic part provides prediction, f(i), but actual will miss by random error, e. Consumption, c, is function, f, of income, i, with error, e: c = f(i) + e 1.10
c = f(i) + e Need to define f(i) in some way. To make consumption, c, a linear function of income, i : f(i) =
β 1 + β 2 i The statistical model then becomes: c =
β 1 + β 2 i + e The Consumption Function 1.11
• Dependent variable , y, is focus of study (predict or explain changes in dependent variable). • Explanatory variables, X 2 and X
3 , help us explain observed changes in the dependent variable. y =
β 1 + β 2 X 2 + β 3 X 3 + e
The Econometric Model 1.12 3 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Statistical Models Controlled (experimental) vs. Uncontrolled (observational) Uncontrolled experiment (econometrics) explaining consump- tion, y : price, X 2
X 3 , vary at the same time. Controlled experiment (“pure” science) explaining mass, y : pressure, X 2
X 3 , and vice versa. 1.13
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Econometric
economic variables and parameters. • statistical model sampling process with its parameters. • data
observed values of the variables. 1.14
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh • Uncertainty regarding an outcome. • Relationships suggested by economic theory. • Assumptions and hypotheses to be specified. • Sampling process including functional form. • Obtaining data for the analysis. • Estimation rule with good statistical properties. • Fit and test model using software package. • Analyze and evaluate implications of the results. • Problems suggest approaches for further research.
The Practice of Econometrics 1.15 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Note: the textbook uses the following symbol to mark sections with advanced material : “Skippy” 1.16 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Some Basic Probability Concepts Chapter 2 Copyright © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein. 2.1
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh random variable : A variable whose value is unknown until it is observed. The value of a random variable results from an experiment. The term random variable implies the existence of some known or unknown probability distribution defined over the set of all possible values of that variable. In contrast, an arbitrary variable does not have a probability distribution associated with its values. Random Variable 2.2
4 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Controlled experiment values of explanatory variables are chosen with great care in accordance with an appropriate experimental design . Uncontrolled experiment values of explanatory variables consist of nonexperimental observations over which the analyst has no control . 2.3 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh discrete random variable : A discrete random variable can take only a finite number of values, that can be counted by using the positive integers. Example: Prize money from the following lottery is a discrete random variable: first prize: $1,000 second prize: $50 third prize: $5.75 since it has only four (a finite number) (count: 1,2,3,4) of possible outcomes: $0.00; $5.75; $50.00; $1,000.00 Discrete Random Variable 2.4
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh continuous random variable : A continuous random variable can take any real value (not just whole numbers) in at least one interval on the real line. Examples: Gross national product (GNP) money supply interest rates price of eggs household income expenditure on clothing Continuous Random Variable 2.5
A discrete random variable that is restricted to two possible values (usually 0 and 1) is called a dummy variable (also, binary or indicator variable). Dummy variables account for qualitative differences: gender (0=male, 1=female), race (0=white, 1=nonwhite), citizenship (0=U.S., 1=not U.S.), income class (0=poor, 1=rich). Dummy Variable 2.6
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh A list of all of the possible values taken by a discrete random variable along with their chances of occurring is called a probability function or probability density function (pdf). die
x f(x)
one dot 1 1/6 two dots 2 1/6 three dots 3 1/6
four dots 4 1/6 five dots 5 1/6 six dots 6 1/6 2.7 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh A discrete random variable X has pdf, f(x), which is the
that X takes on the value x. f(x) = P(X=x) 0 < f(x) < 1 If X takes on the n values: x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ,
1 ) + f(x
2 )+. . .+f(x n ) = 1.
Therefore, 2.8
5 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Probability, f(x), for a discrete random variable, X, can be represented by
0 1 2 3 X number, X, on Dean’s List of three roommates f(x)
0.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 2.9
A continuous random variable uses area under a curve rather than the height, f(x), to represent probability: f(x)
X $34,000
$55,000 . . per capita income, X, in the United States 0.1324 0.8676 red area
green area 2.10
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Since a continuous random variable has an uncountably infinite number of values, the probability of one occurring is
. P [ X = a ] = P [ a < X < a ] = 0 Probability is represented by area . Height alone has no area . An interval for X is needed to get an
area under the curve. 2.11
P [ a < X < b ] = ∫
b a The area under a curve is the integral of
the equation that generates the curve: For continuous random variables it is the
integral of f(x) , and not f(x) itself, which defines the area and, therefore, the probability . 2.12 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh n Rule 2: Σ
i = a
x i
i = 1 i = 1 n Rule 1: Σ
i = x
1 + x
2 + . . . + x n i = 1
n Rule 3: Σ (
i +
y i ) = Σ
x i + Σ
y i i = 1
i = 1 i = 1
n n n Note that summation is a linear operator which means it operates term by term. Rules of Summation 2.13
Rule 4: Σ (
i +
by i ) = a Σ
x i + b Σ
y i i = 1
i = 1 i = 1
n n n Rules of Summation (continued) Rule 5: x =
Σ x i = i = 1
n n 1 x 1 + x 2 + . . . + x n n The definition of x as given in Rule 5 implies the following important fact: Σ ( x i
− x) = 0
i = 1 n 2.14
6 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Rule 6: Σ
i ) = f(x 1 ) + f(x
2 ) + . . . + f(x n )
n Notation: Σ
i ) =
f(x i )
= Σ
f(x i ) n x i i = 1 n Rule 7: Σ
i ,y j ) = Σ [ f(x i ,y 1 ) + f(x i ,y 2 )+. . .+ f(x i ,y
)] i = 1
i = 1 n m j = 1
The order of summation does not matter : Σ
f(x i ,y j ) = Σ
f(x i ,y j ) i = 1
n m j = 1
j = 1 m n i = 1
Rules of Summation (continued) 2.15
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh The
mean or arithmetic average of a random variable is its mathematical expectation or expected value, EX. The Mean of a Random Variable 2.16
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh Expected Value There are two entirely different, but mathematically equivalent, ways of determining the expected value: 1. Empirically: The expected value of a random variable, X, is the average value of the random variable in an infinite number of repetitions of the experiment. In other words, draw an infinite number of samples, and average the values of X that you get. 2.17
Expected Value 2. Analytically: The expected value variable, X, is determined by weighting all the possible values of X by the corresponding probability density function values, f(x), and summing them up. E[X] = x 1 f(x 1 ) + x
2 f(x
2 ) + . . . + x n f(x
n ) In other words: 2.18 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh In the empirical case when the sample goes to infinity the values of X occur with a frequency equal to the corresponding f(x) in the analytical expression. As sample size goes to infinity, the empirical and analytical methods will produce the same value. Empirical vs. Analytical 2.19
x =
x i n i = 1 where n is the number of sample observations. Empirical (sample) mean: E[X] = Σ
x i
f(x i ) i = 1 n where n is the number of possible values of x i .
mean: Notice how the meaning of n changes. 2.20
7 Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh E X = Σ
x i f(x i ) i=1 n The expected value of X-squared : E X = Σ
x i f(x i ) i=1 n 2 2 It is important to notice that f(x i ) does not change! The expected value of X-cubed : E X = Σ
x i f(x i ) i=1 n 3 3 The expected value of X : 2.21
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh EX = 0 (.1) + 1 (.3) + 2 (.3) + 3 (.2) + 4 (.1) 2 EX = 0 (.1) + 1 (.3) + 2 (.3) + 3 (.2) + 4 (.1) 2 2 2 2 2 = 1.9 = 0 + .3 + 1.2 + 1.8 + 1.6 = 4.9 3 EX = 0 (.1) + 1 (.3) + 2 (.3) + 3 (.2) +4 (.1) 3 3 3 3 3 = 0 + .3 + 2.4 + 5.4 + 6.4 = 14.5 2.22
Copyright 1996 Lawrence C. Marsh E
= Σ
g ( x i ) f(x i ) n i = 1 g(X) = g 1 (X) + g 2 (X) E
= Σ [
g 1 (x i ) + g 2 (x i )] f(x i ) n i = 1 E
= Σ
1 (x Download 0,54 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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