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5.5 Further suggestions
Research findings should lead into planning of change, locating and implementing the products and services which are needed. Without action the information is useless. This would require more actions at the governmental level. By creating flexible regula- tions, fast responding supportive structures and by providing for example cheap rental opportunities for restaurateurs the markets could respond to the needs of the travelers quickly, effectively, cost efficiently and without the need of entrepreneurs having to have to carry high risks. This would create jobs in the service field when people would have significantly lower threshold entering the markets. Lower rents could create more spontaneous, adventurous business ideas because more people would see it as a possi- bility. More selection would lead into more supply from which the customers’ selec- tions would weed out the profitable ones worth keeping. More small businesses, more selections, more services, more jobs, more money to the government in the form of 45 taxes and in the form of unpaid unemployment benefits. It would also offer a versatile, concrete and easily accessible option for immigrants to start their own businesses and vicariously lead into better integration, higher levels of satisfaction and increase general satisfaction and well-being. More studies in the field of food expectations is needed. All year round, different target groups, different seasons as well as off-seasons. Qualitative research and interviews should be performed for detailed information about traveler’s needs and wants. 46 Resources Anholt, S. The Nation as Brand. Across the Board. Nov/Dec2000, Vol. 37 Issue 10 URL: 9597-4b52-835e-390ffd31dde0%40sessionmgr4&vid=2&hid=21 Accessed:16.8.2013. Arvio, S. and Maukonen S. 2013. International Tourists’ Expectations for Lappish Food Services in Rovaniemi. Bachelor’s Thesis. 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