First course, Intermediate: Open Mind.
Independent work topics (Second term)
Deadline for videos – 10th of March
Sustainable development
Unusual places to stay
The minister for no oil
A world of its own
A life revealed
From hero to zero
An ordinary man
The king herself
Cruel to be kind
Project work - Written work and oral presentation. (30 points)
Deadline for written work – 7th of April
For this project work students are expected to work in a group of 3-4 people. The project team will work together to decide on a topic of interest that they would like to focus on and create two products:
First part- written work, a reflection (10 points). They should write a reflection individually answering the following questions.
Questions for reflective writing:
What did you learn from this research?
How has this changed your way of thinking?
What challenges did you encounter? How did you respond?
If you had a chance to do it differently, what would you change?
Students are asked to include a Reference list – The sources you have addressed in your team project.
Word limit – 350 - 400 words in total, including introduction and conclusion;
Font size – 14, Times New Roman;
2) Second part – oral presentation (PPT, Canva, Slide Carnaval, Google slides) (20 points)
With the aid of well-designed visual, they will speak for twenty minutes providing a clear description of the essential information that they found from different reliable sources.
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