Define the notion of pragmatic intention
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ACTIVITIES DONE BY CHAROS UMMATKULOVA, A MASTER STUDENT OF 104TH GROUP DEFINE THE NOTION OF PRAGMATIC INTENTION The pragmatic study of literary discourse is also concerned with the problems of impact and perception as the two sides of communication. Only taken together do they ensure an integral process of communication. Impact and perception are closely interrelated and interdependent as ―two sides of the medal‖. A crucial role in analyzing the effectiveness of impact and perception belongs to the notion of pragmatic intention. Pragmatic intention is understood as verbalized Text Formatting 63 in the text the addresser’s deliberate intention to e xert influence on the addressee with the aim to cause some reconstruction in his world picture (Наер, 1984:16). The general pragmatic intention of literary discourse is an aesthetic influence on the reader. However, in concrete situations the types of pragmatic intentions vary, and so does their impact. The pragmatic intention is an organizing principle of the text. It predetermines the choice of language means, structural and semantic peculiarities of the text. Therefore pragmatic analysis aims to find language units which explicitly or implicitly make pragmatic intentions recognizable. According to the type of pragmatic intentions the forms of its language utilization vary. The effectiveness of impact and perception also depends on the type of pragmatic intentions. In this respect differentiation of pragmatic intentions, hierarchical classification o f their types seem to be of paramount importance. TYPES OF PRAGMATIC INTENTION Accepting the assumption that pragmatic intentions are materialized in the language units, we define the type of pragmatic intention proceeding from: a) the analysis of all the parameters of a verbal sign, the ways of its introduction, organization and reorganization in the discourse; b) verbalized in the discourse direct or indirect indication to a pragmatic intention; c) indication to the addressee’s verbal and non-verbal reaction. The analysis of the language material makes it possible to define the main types of pragmatic intentions in the literary discourse. They are as follows: ● the pragmatic intention ―to attract attention‖ (attention-compelling intention); ● the pragmatic intention ―to interest the reader‖; ● the pragmatic intention ―to exert an emotional impact‖; ● the pragmatic intention ―to activize knowledge structures‖ relevant to the conceptual information; ● the pragmatic intention ―to stimulate the addressee’s creativity‖; ● the pragmatic intention ―to represent the conceptual world picture‖
This pragmatic intention is associated with the phenomenon of actualization, which has been discussed by many scholars (Б. А. Ларин, Р. Якобсон, И. В. Арнольд и др.). The most detailed analysis was done by the Prague linguistic school. Actualization is understood as the usage of language means which is perceived as unusual, deautomatic, and therefore it attracts attention of the reader (Гавранек, 1967:355). There are some arguable points in the conception of the Prague linguists. In particular, the assertion that actua lization is an end in itself seems to be very doubtful because it depreciates a priority role of a communicative aim. However, on the whole, the idea of ―deautomatization‖, the notions of foregrounding, convergence of stylistic means, parallelisms as bas ic signals of conceptual information remain actual and significant for the present -day researches, especially in considering the problem of impact and perception. The means of ―deautomatization‖ are mainly found on the surface layer of the text and characterized by various kinds of structural transformations, which serve to realize the pragmatic intention ―to attract the readers’ attention‖. To these means we can refer various occasional transformations of words (simple, derivative and compound words), phraseological units and syntactical structures. So, the main device to realize this pragmatic intention is an occasionalism built on Text Formatting 65 deviations from the norms of the literary language. The problem of the norm has received much attention among linguists. There are a lot of disputes, differences of opinions, controversies. In stylistics it concerns the problem of stylistic devices. Some scholars regard stylistic devices as deviation from the literary norm (Риффатер, 1979), others consider that stylistic dev ices are based on the norm, intensify its typical structural and semantic properties, and promote them to a generalized level (Гальперин, 1981). The idea of the norm deviation is shared by the majority of linguists. It can be accepted here with some amendments. Firstly, in every concrete case deviations are characterized by different degrees of explicitness. Secondly, deviations are subjected to some regulations. They, as I.V.Arnold stated, have certain restrictions (1976:61). Any deliberate deviation from the norms attracts the addressee’s attention, and gives rise to some stylistic effects, thus influencing the process of perception. The following may serve as an example: I wanted death after that but death don‘t come when you want it, it comes when you don‘t want! I wanted death then, but I took the next best thing. You sold
The pragmatic intention ―to interest the reader‖ generated as a consequence of the previous one, is aimed to interest the reader, to make him think over the semantic content of the text, to exert an impact on his intellectual sphere. The significance of this intention is conditioned by the psychological peculiarities of Text Formatting 67 the reader’s perception oriented to ―interest‖ as one of the main categories of human life in general, and literary communication in particular. It is worth citing here the statement:‖Если физический мир подчинен закону движения, то мир духовный не менее подчинен закону интереса. На земле есть всесильный волшебник, изменяющий в глазах всех существ вид всякого предмета‖ (ФЕС, 1983:213). The phenomenon of ―interest‖ is linguistically grounded in the work by G.G.Molchanova who brings it into correlation with the phenomenon of ―the new‖; the latter in its turn is characterized by violation of banality, triteness, monotony (Молчанова, 1988:22). Nothing is so boring as something known and monotonous. It is necessary to keep in mind that in the fictional discourse ―the new‖ is linked with subtextual and conceptual information rather than factual information presented by the plot of the text. Therefore various kinds of structural and stylistic transformations, contextual changes of lexical meanings, implicit meanings, connotations and associations are in the foreground. From the linguistic point of view ―the new‖ is based on a peculiar usage of language units, the renewal of their both structural and semantic characteristics. Let’s turn to an example: For women are as roses Whose fair flower being once displayed Doth fall that very hour (W. Shakespeare) The utterance contains a traditional, trite image “women - roses”. Due to its frequent usage this image has become hackneyed. It doesn’t excite any interest on the part of the reader. The perception of this image would not have been effective if it were not for its peculiar usage. In order to attract and interest the reader, the author resorts to ―renewal‖ of this image. It is achieved by the following: a) the trite simile ―women are as roses‖ is included into the structure of an extended metaphor containing several images: – flower, display, fall; b) violation of usual associative links of this image. The simile here is used not to emphasize women’s beauty, but to stress the fact that beauty does not last long; it passes lightly and instantly like a flash. Hence, the ―image renewal‖ deautamatizes its perception and changes the character of emotional impact. 5. THE PRAGMATIC INTENTION “TO EXERT AN EMOTIONAL IMPACT” One of the specific peculiarities of literary discourse is its orientation to the addressee’s emotional sphere. Emotiveness is one of the most important components of literary communication (Шаховский, 1987). In this connection the pragmatic intention of ―emotional impact‖ is one of the main, and, as a rule, constant factors determining stylistic functioning of language units in a fictional text. It should be noted that this pragmatic intention is usually combined with other intentions. For instance, the above discussed pragmatic intention ―to interest the reader‖ is inseparable from the emotional impact since ―interest‖ as one of the innate emotions of a man is valid only on condition of emotional excitement (Додонов, 1978). In this respect it is worthy of note that emotionally charged language units, owing to sensuality of human psychics are more effective means of impact than various devices of logic. The pragmatic intention of emotional impact is realized by the whole system of stylistic devices used in the text. But the dominant role belongs to a convergence of stylistic devices, that is the accumulation of many stylistic devices and expressive means of the language at a given point. It is accounted by the fact that emotions manifest themselves not separately; they come in a flow of words, one generating another (Изард,1980). The following quotation is illustrative in this respect: Words! Mere words! How terrible they were! How clear, and vivid, and cruel! One could not escape from them. And yet what a subtle magic there was in them! They seemed to be able to give a plastic form to formless things, and to have music of their own as sweet as that of viol or of lute. Mere words! Was there anything so real as words? (O.Wilde ―The picture of Dorian Grey‖, p.100) The perception of the multifold notion ―word‖ here is determined by a set of language means which are complexly interwoven. The statement produces a strong emotional impact which is achieved by means of the convergence of stylistic devices and expressive means. Practically, all types of stylistic means are in a ction here: lexical stylistic devices – epithet, metaphor, personification; lexicosyntactical means – simile, antithesis; syntactical stylistic means – one member sentences, exclamatory sentences, parallel constructions, gradation, rhetorical question, anaphora, framing, and polysyndeton Download 23,05 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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