Describe the place where you live in. What are the best and worsts thing about your hometown?
Talk about your family and describe your family members?
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Describe the place where you live in
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- 2-Savol tarjimasi
Talk about your family and describe your family members?
(Oilangiz haqida gapiring va oila a'zolaringizni tasvirlab bering?) Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to talk about my family. To begin with, my family has got 6 members including me. My father, mother, elder brother and two younger sisters are the roots of my existence and I love them very much. To start with my mother, she is the sweetest person and the kindest hearted woman I have ever seen. She is creative, helpful and loving in nature. She used to work as a teacher in a college but left it when my elder brother came to this world. She still runs a small boutique business besides taking great care of her family. My father is the cornerstone of our family and works hard to win the bread for our family. He is a great mentor for all of us. He works in a large private company as a Vice President and he is a super dad, our inspiration and guide. He cares and loves all of us and holds himself responsible for our family's well-being. He loves travelling and that’s why we have travelled a lot with him. He is our hero, friend and mentor. 2-Savol tarjimasi Menga oilam haqida gapirish imkoniyatini berganingiz uchun tashakkur. Avvaliga mening oilam 6 a'zodan iborat, shu jumladan men. Otam, onam, katta akam va ikkita singlim mening mavjudligimning ildizlari va men ularni juda yaxshi ko'raman. Onam bilan boshlasam , u men ko'rgan eng shirin inson va eng mehribon ayol. U tabiatan ijodiy, foydali va mehribon. U kollejda o'qituvchi bo'lib ishlagan, lekin akam bu dunyoga kelganida uni tark etgan. U oilasiga katta g'amxo'rlik qilishdan tashqari, hali ham kichik butik biznesini boshqaradi. Otam oilamizning tamal toshi va oilamizning nonini topish uchun astoydil mehnat qiladi. U barchamiz uchun ajoyib murabbiy. U yirik xususiy kompaniyada vitse-prezident bo'lib ishlaydi va u super dada, bizning ilhomimiz va yo'lboshchimiz. U barchamizga g'amxo'rlik qiladi va sevadi va oilamiz farovonligi uchun o'zini javobgar deb biladi. U sayohat qilishni yaxshi ko'radi va shuning uchun biz u bilan ko'p sayohat qildik. U bizning qahramonimiz, do'stimiz va murabbiyimiz. Download 34.16 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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