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Rupert isn't a bad boss to work for. - Rupert ishlash uchun yomon xo'jayin emas (=Rupertning
qo'l ostida ishlasa bo'ladi).
S A kind of - ning turi
Haddock is a kind of fish. - Hadek baliqning bir turi.
UNIT 30. BODY AND LIFESTYLE Topic vocabulary
S Affect - salbiy ta'sir qilmoq
Did the newspapers really affect the outcome of the election? - Gazetalar rostdanham saylov natijasiga ta'sir o'tkazdimi?
S Balance - muvozanatda saqlamoq
We have to balance the needs and tastes of all our customers. - Biz barcha xaridorlarimizning ehtiyojlari va afzalliklarini muvozanatda saqlashimiz lozim.
S Balance - muvozanat
A healthy diet is about getting the correct balance of a variety of foods. - Sog'lom ovqatlanish bu turli-tuman yeguliklarni to'g'ri muvozanatda qabul qilishga bog'liqdir.
S Benefit - foyda olmoq, foyda ko'rmoq
Thousands of people could benefit from the invention. - Minglab insonlar bu ixtirodan foyda ko'rishlari mumkin.
S Benefit - foyda, naf, manfaat, afzallik
He has had the benefit of the best education money can buy. - U pulga sotib olish mumkin bo'lgan eng zo'r ta'lim afzalligiga ega bo'lgan.
S Breathe - nafas olmoq
Doctors said he was having difficulty breathing. - Shifokorlar aytishdiki, u nafas olishga qiynalayotgan ekan.
S Chew - chaynamoq
She chewed her food slowly. - U ovqatini sekinlik bilan chaynadi.
S Chop - to'g'ramoq, kesmoq
Chop the meat into small pieces. - Go'shtni kichik qismlarga bo'lib to'g'rang.
S Contain - o'z ichiga olmoq, ichida biror nima bor bo'lmoq
The envelope contained a few old photographs. - Konvertda bir nechta eski fotosuratlar bor edi. S Cough - yo'talmoq
My chest felt painful, and I was coughing uncontrollably. - Ko'kragim og'riq his qilardi, va men nazorat qilib bo'lmas darajada yo'talardim.
S Cough - yo'tal
I've got a bad cough. - Menda qattiq yo'tal bor.
S Cure - davolamoq

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