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She occupied herself with routine office tasks. - U o'zini doimiy ofis ishlari bilan band qildi.
S Occupation - bandlik turi (ishlash yoki ishlamasligi)
The form asked for my occupation and I wrote 'Student'. - Anketa mening bandlik turimni so'radi va men ‘Talaba’ deb yozdim.
S Office - ofis, ish joyi
I'm sorry, Mr Anders is not in the office today. - Afsusdaman, ammo Janob Anderz bugun ish joyida emas.
S Officer - ofitser
A police officer saw the man take the bicycle and started to chase after him. - Politsiya ofitseri erkak velosipedni olganini ko'rdi va uni quvishni boshladi.
S Official - rasmiy
They haven't made an official announcement of the reason for the delay yet. - Ular haligacha kechiktirish sababini rasmiy tarzda e'lon qilishgani yo'q.
S Unofficial - rasmiy emas
The decision is unofficial until the boss signs the agreement. - Boshliq kelishuvni imzolashiga qadar, qaror rasmiy emas.
S Retire - nafaqaga chiqmoq
He is retiring next year after 30 years with the company. - U kelasi yilda nafaqaga chiqadi, kompaniya bilan birga bo'lgan 30 yildan so'ng.
S Retired - nafaqadagi
My grandad is retired and has a lot of hobbies. - Mening bobom nafaqada va uning juda ko'p sevimli mashg'ulotlari bor.
S Retirement - nafaqaga chiqish
My dad seems to be looking forward to retirement. - Dadam nafaqaga chiqishni intiqib kutayotganga o'xshaydi.
S Safe - xavfsiz, xavfdan holi
Your secret is safe with me. - Sizni siringiz men bilan xavfdan holi bo'ladi (= men uni hech kimga aytmayman).
S Save - saqlab qolmoq, qutqarib qolmoq
The man next to me saved me when I almost fell in front of the train. - Meni yonimda turgan odam poyezd qarshisida yiqilib tushay deganimda meni saqlab qoldi.
S Unsafe - xavfsiz emas, xavfli
Don't go into that old house-it's unsafe. - Bu eski uyga kirmang-u xavfsiz emas.
S Safety - xavfsizlik
Safety at work is very important. - Ish joyida xavfsizlik juda muhim.
S Succeed - muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq, uddasidan chiqmoq
We succeeded in repairing the engine. - Biz motorni tuzatishni uddasidan chiqdik.
S Success - muvaffaqiyat

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