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Can you keep a secret? - Sir saqlay olasizmi?
S Secretly - yashirin tarzda, sezdirmay
Jim secretly placed the love letter in Andrea's bag. - Jim Andreyaning sumkasiga yashirin tarzda sevgi maktubini tashlab qo'ydi.
S Secrecy - maxfiy tutish, oshkor etmaslik
I don't like all this secrecy. Why don't we tell Mary the truth? - Maxfiy tutish menga yoqmayapti. Meriga haqiqatni aytishimiz kerak.
S Speak - gapirmoq
Can I speak with you for a minute? - Siz bilan bir daqiqa gaplasha olamanmi?
S Spoke - speak ning past simple shakli
I didn't know Len spoke Turkish. - Len turkcha gapirishini bilmasdim.
S Spoken - speak ning past participle shakli
Can you name four countries where English is spoken? - Ingliz tili gapiriladigan 4 ta davlatni nomlab bera olasizmi?
S Speech - nutq
I have to give a speech at school and I'm really nervous. - Maktabda nutq so'zlashim kerak va juda asabiylashyapman.
S Speaker - notiq, nutq so'zlovchi odam
I can't hear what the speaker is saying. - Nutq so'zlayotgan odam nima deyayotganini eshitmayapman.
S Translate - tarjima qilmoq
Her books have been translated into 24 languages. - Uning kitoblari 24 tilga tarjima qilingan.
S Translation - tarjima
I haven't read War and Peace in Russian, but I've read a translation. - Urush va Tinchlik asarini rus tilida o'qimaganman, lekin tarjimasini o'qiganman.
S Translator - tarjimon
You need to work hard to get a job as a translator. - Tarjimon sifatida ish topishingiz uchun qattiq harakat qilishingiz kerak.
Word patterns verbs
S Comment on - ga izoh bildirmoq
The politician refused to comment on the situation. - Siyosatchi holat uchun izoh berishdan bosh tortdi.
S Communicate with - bilan aloqa qilmoq
I communicate with my cousins in Australia by e-mail. - Men Avstraliyadagi qarindoshlarim bilan elektron pochta orqali aloqa qilaman.
S Glance at - ga nazar tashlamoq
I glanced at Clare and I could see that she was upset. - Clerga nazar tashladim va uning xafa ekanligini ko'ra olardim.
S Receive sth from - biron kimdan biron narsa qabul qilmoq
At the end of the course, you'll all receive a certificate from the college. - Kurs yakunida, barchangiz kollejdan sertifikat qabul qilasiz.
S Reply to - ga javob qaytarmoq

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