Destination-b1-tarjimalari pdf

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Rosen had decided on an academic career. - Rouzn akademik karyerani tanladi.
S Colleague - hamkasb
Friends and colleagues will remember him as a kind man. - Do'stlari va hamkasblari uni mehribon inson sifatida yodga olishadi.
S Company - kompaniya
Max works for a large oil company. - Maks yirik neft kompaniyasiga ishlaydi.
S Contract - shartnoma
After six months she was offered a contract of employment. - 6 oydan so'ng, unga (ishga kirish haqidagi) mehnat shartnomasi taklif etildi.
S Department - bo'lim, idora
You need to speak to our sales department. - Siz bizning savdo-sotiq bo'limimizga murojaat qilishingiz kerak.
S Deserve - ga loyiq bo'lmoq
After five hours on your feet you deserve a break. - 5 soat tik oyoqda yurgandan so'ng, siz tanaffus olishga loyiqsiz.
S Earn - pul ishlab topmoq
Most people here earn about €30,000 a year. - Bu yerda ko'pchilik yiliga 30,000 yevro topadi.
S Fame - shon-shuhrat, mashhurlik
Albert Finney rose to fame in the British cinema of the early Sixties. - Albert Fini 60-yillarning boshlarida Britaniya kinosida shuhrat qozondi.
S Goal - gol
Nielsen scored two goals in the last ten minutes. - Nilsen oxirgi 10 daqiqa ichida 2 ta go'l qayd etdi.
S Impress - qoyil qoldirmoq, hayron qoldirmoq
Her ability to deal with problems impresses me. - Uning muammolarni hal etishga bo'lgan iqtidori meni qoyil qoldiradi.
S Income - daromad
What is your approximate annual income? - Sizning taxminiy yillik daromadingiz qancha?
S Industry - sanoat
How long have you worked in the oil industry? - Neft sanoatida qancha muddat ishlagansiz?
S Interview - intervyu olmoq
He was interviewed on the radio this morning. - Bugun tongda undan radioda intervyu olindi.
S Interview - intervyu
This is her first interview since becoming Olympic champion. - U Olimpiada chempioni bo'lganidan beri bu uning birinchi intervyusi.
S Leader - yetakchi

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