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We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. - Sizga yashash uchun biror joy topishingizga yordam beramiz.
S Assistant - yordamchi
My mum has an assistant at work who helps her. - Oyimning ish joyida yordamlashib turadigan yordamchisi bor.
S Assistance - yordam
The police officer offered her assistance to the old women. - Politsiya ofitseri qariya ayollarga o'z yordamini taklif qildi.
S Beg - sadaqa so'ramoq, yolvorib so'ramoq
The children were begging for food. - Bolalar ovqat so'rashayotgandi (sadaqa tariqasida).
S Beggar - tilanchi, gadoy
I was surprised to see beggars on the streets of London. - London ko'chalarida tilanchilarni ko'rib ajablandim.
S Boss - boshliq
He isn't anything like my first boss. - U mening birinchi boshlig'imga umuman o'xshamaydi.
S Bossy - buyruq berishni yoqti'radigan
Stop telling me what to do and don't be so bossy all the time! - Menga nima qilishimni aytishni to'xtating va har doim buyruq beravermang!
S Employ - ish bilan ta'minlamoq
His company currently employs 135 workers in total. - Uning kompaniyasi ayni damda jami hisobda 135 nafar ishchini ish bilan ta'minlab turibdi.
S Employment - ish
What kind of employment are you looking for, Mr Rogers? - Qanday ish turini izlamoqdasiz, Janob Rojerz?
S Unemployment - ishsizlik
Unemployment is a really big problem in this area. - Bu hududda ishsizlik juda katta muammo.
S Employer - ish bilan ta'minlovchi shaxs
Your employer is responsible for providing training. - Sizni ish bilan ta'minlagan shaxs sizni malaka oshirish mashg'uloti bilan ta'minlashga mas'ul.
S Employee - ishchi
Our boss doesn't always let all the employees know what's happening. - Bizni boshliq har doim ham barcha ishchilarga (kompaniyada) nimalar sodir bo'layotganini aytavermaydi.
S Unemployed - ishsiz
My uncle has been unemployed for more than five years now. - Mening amakim 5 yildan beri ishsiz.
S Fame - mashhurlik
She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. - U mashhurlik va boylik izlab Halivudga [inglizchada talaffuzi shunday] bordi.
S Famous - mashhur
I'm quite shy, so I don't think I'd like to be famous. - Men juda tortinchoqman, shunday ekan men mashhur bo'lishni istagan bo'lardim deb o'ylamayman.
S Occupy - biror ish bilan biror kimni band qilmoq

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