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Local people fought against the invaders. - Mahalliy aholi bosqinchilarga qarshi kurashdi.
S Nature - tabiat
We appreciate beauty in nature. - Biz tabiatdagi go'zallikni hurmat qilamiz.
S Natural - tabiiy
It's an area of great natural beauty. - Bu ajoyib tabiiy maftunkorlikka ega hudud.
S Naturally - tabiiy tarzda, tabiatan
Is your hair naturally curly? - Sizning sochingiz tabiatan jingalakmi?
S Pollute - ifloslantirmoq
We won't invest in any company that pollutes the environment. - Biz atrof-muhitni ifloslantiradigan hech qanday kompaniyaga sarmoya kiritmaymiz.
S Pollution - ifloslanish
There are lots of different kinds of pollution. - Ifloslanishning ko'plab har xil turlari mavjud.
S Polluted - ifloslangan
Polluted rivers are not safe to swim in. - Ifloslangan daryolar suzish uchun xavfsiz emas.
Word patterns
S Afraid of - dan qo'rqadigan
I'm afraid of the dark. - Men qorong'ulikdan qo'rqaman.
S Aware of - dan xabardor
I'm not aware of any flights being cancelled. - Hech qanday bekor qilingan parvozdan xabarim yo'q.
S Enthusiastic about - haqida ishtiyoqmand, ga qiziqqan
John is really enthusiastic about the karaoke competition. - Jon karaoke musobaqasiga juda qiziqyapti.
S Seious about - haqida jiddiy
If you're serious about being a doctor, I'll give you some advice. - Agar siz shifokor bo'lish haqida jiddiy fikrda bo'lsangiz, sizga biroz maslahat beraman.
S Short of - kam, yetarli darajada emas
I'm very short of money! - Menda pul juda kam! verbs
S Escape from - dan qochmoq
How did they escape from prison? - Ular qamoqxonadan qanday qilib qochishdi?
S Prevent sb from - dan to'xtatmoq, ga yo'l qo'ymaslik
The wall is designed to prevent the animals from leaving. - Devor hayvonlarni chiqib ketishdan to'xtatish maqsadida qurilgan.
S Save sth from - dan saqlab qolmoq

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