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We regret any problems because of the delay. - Kechikish tufayli kelib chiqqan har qanday muammodan afsusdamiz.
S Regret - afsus-nadomat, pushaymonlik
Do you have any regrets about what you did? - Qilgan ishingizdan pushaymonmisiz?
S Ridiculous - be'mani, kulgili
She looks absolutely ridiculous in that hat. - U bu shlyapada juda ham kulgili ko'rinadi.
S Romantic - romantik
We had a romantic dinner in an expensive restaurant. - Biz qimmat restoranda romantik kechki ovqat qildik.
S Rude - qo'pol
I don't want to seem rude, but I'd rather be alone. - Qo'pol ko'rinishni istamayman, lekin yolg'iz qolishni afzal ko'rardim.
S Sense of humour - yumor hisi: hazilni tushuna olish va kulish qobiliyati
Kev has got a great sense of humour and he makes me laugh all the time. - Kev ajoyib yumor hisiga ega va u har doim meni kuldiradi.
S Shy - uyalchang
I'd love to meet her, but I'm too shy to introduce myself. - Men u bilan uchrashishni istardim, lekin o'zimni tanishtirishga juda uyalaman.
S Stress - stress, tushkunlik
Carol's been under a lot of stress lately. - Kerel so'nggi paytlarda juda ko'p stress ostida.
S Tell a joke - hangoma aytmoq
The kids were telling jokes. - Bolalar hangoma aytishayotgandi.
S Upset - xafa qilmoq
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. - Kechiring, siznixafa qilmoqchi emasdim.
S Upset - xafa
It's nothing to be upset about. - Bu xafa bo'lishga arzigulik narsa emas.
Phrasal verbs
S Calm down - tinchlan(tir)moq
The woman finally calmed down and explained what had happened. - Ayol va nihoyat tinchlanib oldi va nima sodir bo'lganini tushuntirdi.
S Cheer up - ko'ngli ko'tarilmoq
I started to cheer up when the sun came out. - Quyosh chiqqach, ko'nglim ko'tarila boshladi.
S Come on - tezlashmoq
Come on, or we'll be late! - Tezlashing, aks holda kech qolamiz!
S Go on - davom ettirmoq
Please go on with your work while I speak to the head teacher. - Men direktor bilan gaplashayotgan vaqtimda, ishingizda davom eting, iltimos.
S Hang on - kutmoq

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