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For the first time in her life, she felt truly happy. - U hayotida birinchi marta haqiqatdan xursand his qildi o'zini.
S Unhappy - xafa
You seem a little unhappy. Can I help? - Birozxafa ko'rinasiz. Yordam bera olamanmi?
S Happiness - quvonch, baxt
I don't think that money brings you happiness. - Pul sizga quvonch olib keladi deb o'ylamayman. S Unhappiness - qayg'u, baxtsizlik
There's a lot of unhappiness in the world. - Dunyoda juda ko'p baxtsizlik mavjud.
S Hate - yomon ko'rmoq
I absolutely hate cooking. - Men ovqat pishirishni juda yomon ko'raman.
S Hatred - nafrat
Why is there so much hatred between people from these two countries? - Nima uchun bu ikki mamlakat odamlari orasida shuncha nafrat mavjud?
S Noise - shovqin
There were strange noises coming from the kitchen. - Oshxonadan g'alati shovqinlar kelayotgandi.
S Noisy - shovqinli
It's very noisy in here! I can't hear what you're saying. - Bu yet juda shoviqnli! Nima deyayotganingizni eshitolmayapman.
S Noisily - shovqin bilan
Larry came in at four in the morning and noisily took his boots off. - Lari ertalab soat to'rtda kirib keldi va shovqin-suron bilan etiklarini yechdi.
S Symapthy - hamdardlik, dardini tushunish, achinish
I have no sympathy for Jan—it's all her own fault. - Men Jenga hamdard emasman-bularning bari uning o'zi ning aybi.
S Symathise - hamdard bo'lmoq, dalda bermoq
I can sympathise with you because I've been through the same problems. - Men sizga hamdard bo'lishim mumkin, chunki men ham xuddi shunday muammolarni boshdan kechirganman.
S Sympathetic - hamdard, dilkash
Jody was very sympathetic when I told her about my bad luck. - Men unga omadsizligim haqida gapirib berganimda, Jodi juda hamdard edi.

Word patterns adjectives
S Ashamed of - dan uyalgan
Aren't you ashamed of what you did? - Qilgan ishingizdan uyalmaysizmi?
S Embarassed about - dan xijolatda, noqulay holatga tushib qolgan
I'm a bit embarrassed about what I did at the party last night. - Kecha tunda bazmda qilgan ishimdan biroz xijolatdaman.
S Frightened of - dan qo'rqqan

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