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She recovered with the help of her family and friends. - U oilasi va do'stlarining yordami bilan sog'ayib ketdi.
S Helpful - foydali, nafi tegadigan
Thank you, you've been very helpful. - Rahmat, juda nafingiz tegdi.
S Unhelpful - foydasiz, nafi tegmaydigan
That shop assistant was really unhelpful. - Do'kon sotuvchisi juda nafi tegmaydigan ekan.
S Helpless - noiloj, ojiz, yordamga muhtoj
I felt helpless and didn't know what to do. - Men ojiz his qildim va nima qilishni bilmay qoldim.
S Luck - omad
She wears a red bracelet to bring her luck. - U omad keltirishi uchun qizil bilaguzuk taqib yuradi. S Lucky - omadli
Do you think you're a lucky person generally? - Umuman olganda o'zingizni omadli inson deb o'ylaysizmi?
S Unlucky - omadsiz
We were unlucky to lose the match. - O'yinni boy berib omadsiz bo'ldik.
S Luckily - yaxshiyamki
Luckily, I won the game. - Yaxshiyamki, o'yinda men yutdim.
S Unluckily - baxtga qarshi
Unluckily, our car broke down. - Baxtga qarshi, mashinamiz buzilib qoldi.
S Prefer - afzal ko'rmoq, istamoq
Would you prefer me to stay? - Meni qolishimni istaysizmi?
S Preference - afzallik, xohish
I'd like pizza, but that's just my personal preference. - Men pitsa istardim, lekin bu shunchaki mening shaxsiy xohishim.
S Preferable - afzalroq
I think flying is preferable to going there by train. - Menimcha, u yerga poyezdda borishdan ko'ra uchish afzalroq.
S Recommend - tavsiya qilmoq
Can you recommend a good hotel? - Yaxshi bir mehmonxonani tavsiya qila olasizmi?
S Recommendation - tavsiya
We made a number of recommendations to the manager. - Biz ish boshqaruvchiga bir nechta tavsiyalar berdik.
S Refuse - inkor qilmoq, norozi bo'lmoq
We invited her to the wedding but she refused. - Biz uni to'yga taklif etdik, ammo u inkor qildi.
S Refusal - norozilik
We were all surprised by Danny's refusal to apologise. - Dennining uzr so'rashdan bosh tortishidan hammamiz hayratga tushdik.
S Solve - hal qilmoq
Money isn't going to solve the problem. - Pul bu muammoni hal qilolmaydi.
S Solution - yechim
I hope we can find a solution to this problem soon. - Umid qilamanki, bu muammoga tez orada yechim topishga erishamiz.
S Suggest - taklif bermoq
I suggested going in my car. - Mening mashinamda borish taklifini berdim.
S Suggestion - taklif
Can I make a suggestion? - Taklif kiritsam maylimi?
Word patterns
S Sure about/of - ga ishonchi komil
I'm not sure about/of the answer. - Javob haqida ishonchim komil emas (=javobni bilmayman). verbs
S Advise against - qilmaslikni maslahat bermoq
I would advise against studying all night. - Tuni bo'yi o'qimaslikni maslahat bergan bo'lardim.
S Agree (with sb) about - biron narsa to'g'risida kimningdir fikriga qo'shilmoq
I don't agree with you about that. - Bu borada sizning fikringizga qo'shilmayman.
S Approve of - biror narsani ma'qullamoq
I don't approve of kids lying to their parents. - Bolalarni ota-onasiga yolg'on gapirishini ma'qullamayman.
S Believe in - ga ishonmoq
Do you believe in UFOs (=Unidentified Flying Objects)? - Noma'lum uchar jismlarga ishonasizmi?
S Deal with - bilan shug'ullanmoq, chora ko'rmoq, hal qilmoq
I'll deal with that problem tomorrow. - Bu muammo bilan ertaga shug'ullananaman.
S Happen to - biron kimga nimadir sodir bo'lmoq What happened to you? - Sizga nima bo'ldi?
S Hide sth from sb - biron kimdan biron narsa berkitmoq
You can't hide anything from me! - Mendan hech nima berkita olmaysiz!
S Insist on - da qat'iyan turib olmoq, bir fikrda qolmoq
My dad insists on my being home by ten o'clock. - Dadam meni soat 10 gacha uyda bo'lishim kerak deb turib olgan.
S Rely on - ga suyanmoq, tayanmoq, ishonmoq
You can always rely on Andrew. - Siz doimo Endryuga suyanishingiz mumkin. nouns
S An advantage of - ning foydali jihati, yaxshi jihati
One advantage of MP3 players is that they're very small. - MP3 pleyerlarning bir foydali jihati shundaki ular juda kichkina.
S A solution to - ga yechim
I hope we can find a solution to that problem soon. - Umid qilamanki, bu muammoga tez orada yechim topishga erishamiz.

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