Getting electricity
The Bahamas made getting electricity more transparent by publishing elec-
tricity tariffs online.
× Registering property
The Bahamas made property registration more costly by increasing the
stamp duty on property transfers.
Protecting minority investors
The Bahamas strengthened minority investor
protections by increasing
disclosure requirements for conflicts of interest, clarifying ownership and
structures, and requiring greater corporate transparency.
Paying taxes
The Bahamas made paying taxes easier by enhancing the online value
added tax reporting system and making it more accessible to taxpayers.
Dealing with construction permits
Bahrain made obtaining construction permits
easier by further stream-
lining the application process through the new Benayat online platform,
and by delegating the application review process to licensed engineering
Getting electricity
Bahrain made the process of getting electricity easier
by investing in digiti-
zation and transparency of information and by improving its inspection and
installation process.
Registering property
Bahrain made property registration easier by
streamlining administrative
procedures and improving the quality of the land administration system.
Getting credit
Bahrain strengthened access to credit by giving secured creditors absolute
priority during insolvency proceedings. During reorganization proceedings,
creditors are also now subject to an automatic stay that is limited in time
with clear grounds for relief.
Paying taxes
Bahrain made paying taxes easier by implementing electronic payment of
social insurance contributions.
Protecting minority investors
Bahrain strengthened minority investor protections by clarifying owner-
ship and control structures.
Trading across borders
Bahrain made exporting faster by deploying new scanners.