E all do some kind of a work either to earn our live hood or to make a career. Hobby is something which we enjoy doing, we like indulging ourselves in the activity during our leisure or free time
Foydalanish Past Continuous Tense: takliflar misollar
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Foydalanish Past Continuous Tense: takliflar misollar
Foydalanilganda Past Continuous Bu safar harakat o’tmishda qilingan ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi, bu jarayon bir necha noma’lum vaqt davom etdi. Endi vazifalari davomida amalga oshiriladi qaysi aniq sanab chiqaylik Past Continuous Tense misol jumla bilan. Shunday qilib, u etkazish uchun ishlatiladi:
It was raining in the morning. – It was raining in the morning. – Ertalab bir yomg’ir bor edi. We were playing chess at 5 o’clock. – We were playing chess at 5 o’clock. – 5 Soat biz shaxmat o’ynagan. Odatda, bunday takliflar yoki harakat amalga oshirildi aniq vaqtini ko’rsatadi at 7 o’clock at midnight at noon yoki u erda bir necha boshqa harakatlar, deb ifoda Past Simple When I returned she was still sitting on the sofa. – divan. When I returned she was still sitting on the sofa. – When I returned she was still sitting on the sofa. – Men qaytib kelganimda, u hali ham divanda o’tirgan edi. I opened the window. The cars were passing my house and a man was standing at the traffic lights. – odam svetoforlar turgan edi. I opened the window. The cars were passing my house and a man was standing at the traffic lights. – I opened the window. The cars were passing my house and a man was standing at the traffic lights. – Men, derazani ochib. Men uyimga o’tgan mashina haydab va biridan ikkinchisiga o’tish bilan inson edi. Bundan tashqari, uzoq muddatli ta’siri bir vaqtda va o’tmishda muayyan davrda sodir mumkin emas: I was looking for a flat for a long time when I first came to Paris. – , men birinchi Parijga kelganida, uzoq vaqt. I was looking for a flat for a long time when I first came to Paris. – I was looking for a flat for a long time when I first came to Paris. – Men birinchi marta Parij kelganida men, uzoq vaqt davomida bir doira uchun topmoqchi bo’ldi. — What were you doing in Africa? – — What were you doing in Africa? – Agar Afrikada nima qilgan? — We were treating the sick people, but I don’t want to go there again. – lekin men u erda yana borishni istamayman. — We were treating the sick people, but I don’t want to go there again. – — We were treating the sick people, but I don’t want to go there again. – Biz ishlarni davolash, lekin yana men u erga borish istamayman. Biz aytgan kabi, vaqt nutq ma’lumoti vaqt bilan hukm mavjud bo’lishi mumkin Past Continuous lekin tez-tez vaqt nuqtai nazardan yana bir harakat yoki aniq ifoda etilgan. Qizig’i shundaki, va Past Simple va Past Continuous foydalanish so’z-ishora: Download 48,43 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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