E all do some kind of a work either to earn our live hood or to make a career. Hobby is something which we enjoy doing, we like indulging ourselves in the activity during our leisure or free time
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while (vaqt):
We were trying to open the door while the firemen were fitting the ladder to get into the flat through the window. – , O’t o’chiruvchilar derazadan tekis ichiga olish narvon o’rnatish edi. We were trying to open the door while the firemen were fitting the ladder to get into the flat through the window. – We were trying to open the door while the firemen were fitting the ladder to get into the flat through the window. – Biz eshikni ochish uchun harakat, va bu vaqtda yong’in derazadan doira ichiga olish uchun narvon o’rnatilgan. She was playing piano and her sister was singing. The guests were listening to their music with bated breath. – qo’shiq. She was playing piano and her sister was singing. The guests were listening to their music with bated breath. – nafas nafas. She was playing piano and her sister was singing. The guests were listening to their music with bated breath. – She was playing piano and her sister was singing. The guests were listening to their music with bated breath. – U pianino o’ynadi va uning singlisi etdi. Mehmonlar nafas nafas bilan musiqa tinglab. Lekin harakat foydalanilishi mumkin emas o’tkazish uchun birin-ketin, bir vaqtning o’zida sodir, balki agar Past Continuous harakatlar qo’yish qaysi holda Past Simple He came to the office at eight, typed some in important letters, then asked the secretary to bring the managers’ reports and analyzed them the whole day. – , keyin muhim harflar ba’zi yozilgan Menejerlar hisobotlarni olib kotibi so’radi va butun kun ularni tahlil. He came to the office at eight, typed some in important letters, then asked the secretary to bring the managers’ reports and analyzed them the whole day. – He came to the office at eight, typed some in important letters, then asked the secretary to bring the managers’ reports and analyzed them the whole day. – U yozuvlar boshqarish olib va butun kun ularni tahlil qilish, uning kotibi so’radi, keyin, sakkiz da idorasiga kelib muhim xat kiritdi.
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ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling