Economic Growth Second Edition
Behavior of the Saving Rate
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Behavior of the Saving Rate The gross saving rate, s, equals 1 − ˆc/f (ˆk). The Solow–Swan model, discussed in chapter 1, assumed that s was constant at an arbitrary level. In the Ramsey model with optimizing consumers, s can follow a complicated path that includes rising and falling segments as the economy develops and approaches the steady state. Growth Models with Consumer Optimization 107 Heuristically, the behavior of the saving rate is ambiguous because it involves the offset- ting impacts from a substitution effect and an income effect. As ˆk rises, the decline in f (ˆk) lowers the rate of return, r , on saving. The reduced incentive to save—an intertemporal- substitution effect—tends to lower the saving rate as the economy develops. Second, the income per effective worker in a poor economy, f (ˆk), is far below the long-run or permanent income of this economy. Since households desire to smooth consumption, they would like to consume a lot in relation to income when they are poor; that is, the saving rate would be low when ˆk is low. As ˆk rises, the gap between current and permanent income diminishes; hence, consumption tends to fall in relation to current income, and the saving rate tends to rise. This force—an income effect—tends to raise the saving rate as the economy develops. The transitional behavior of the saving rate depends on whether the substitution or income effect is more important. The net effect is ambiguous in general, and the path of the saving rate during the transition can be complicated. The results simplify, however, for a Cobb– Douglas production function. Appendix 2C shows for this case that, depending on parameter values, the saving rate falls monotonically, stays constant, or rises monotonically as ˆk rises. We show in Appendix 2C for the Cobb–Douglas case that the steady-state saving rate, s ∗ , is given by s ∗ = α · (x + n + δ)/(δ + ρ + θx) (2.34) Note that the transversality condition, which led to equation (2.31), implies s ∗ < α in equa- tion (2.34); that is, the steady-state gross saving rate is less than the gross capital share. We can use a phase diagram to analyze the transitional behavior of the saving rate for the case of a Cobb–Douglas production function. The methodology is interesting more generally because it provides a way to study the behavior of variables of interest, such as the saving rate, that do not enter directly into the first-order conditions of the model. The method involves transformations of the variables that appear in the first-order conditions. The dynamic relations that we used before were written in terms of the variables ˆc and ˆk. To study the transitional behavior of the saving rate, s = 1 − ˆc/ ˆy, we want to rewrite these relations in terms of the variables ˆc / ˆy and ˆk. Then we will be able to construct a phase diagram in terms of ˆc / ˆy and ˆk. The stable arm of such a phase diagram will show how ˆc / ˆy—and, hence, s = 1 − ˆc/ ˆy—move as ˆk increases. We start by noticing that the growth rate of ˆc / ˆy is given by the growth rate of ˆc minus the growth rate of ˆy . If the production function is Cobb–Douglas, the growth rate of ˆy is proportional to the growth rate of ˆk, that is, 1 ˆc / ˆy · d (ˆc/ ˆy) dt = (˙ˆc/ˆc) − (˙ˆy/ ˆy) = (˙ˆc/ˆc) − α · (˙ˆk/ˆk) 108 Chapter 2 We can now use the equilibrium conditions shown in equations (2.24) and (2.25) to get 1 ˆc / ˆy · d (ˆc/ ˆy) dt = [(1/θ) · (α Aˆk α−1 − δ − ρ − θx)] − α · [Aˆk α−1 − (ˆc/ ˆy) · Aˆk α−1 − (x + n + δ)] (2.35) where we used the equality ˆc /ˆk = (ˆc/ ˆy) · Aˆk α−1 . The growth rate of ˆk is ˙ˆk/ˆk = [Aˆk α−1 − (ˆc/ ˆy) · Aˆk α−1 − (x + n + δ)] (2.36) Notice that equations (2.35) and (2.36) represent a system of differential equations in the variables ˆc / ˆy and ˆk. Therefore, a conventional phase diagram can be drawn in terms of these two variables. We start by setting equation (2.35) to zero to get the d (ˆc/ ˆy) dt = 0 locus: ˆc / ˆy = 1 − 1 θ + ψ · ˆk 1 −α α A (2.37) where ψ ≡ [(δ + ρ + θx)/θ − α · (x + n + δ)] is a constant. This locus is upward sloping, downward sloping, or horizontal depending on whether ψ is positive, negative, or zero. The three possibilities are depicted in figure 2.3. Independently of the value of ψ, the arrows above the d (ˆc/ ˆy) dt = 0 locus point north, and the arrows below the schedule point south. We can find the ˙ˆk = 0 locus by setting equation (2.35) to zero to get ˆc / ˆy = 1 − (x + n + δ) A · ˆk 1 −α (2.38) which is unambiguously downward sloping. 24 Arrows point west above the schedule and east below the schedule. The three panels of figure 2.3 show that the steady state is saddle-path stable regardless of the value of ψ. The stable arm, however, is upward-sloping when ψ > 0, downward-sloping when ψ < 0, and horizontal when ψ = 0. Following the reasoning of previous sections, we know that an infinite-horizon economy always finds itself on the stable arm. Thus, depending on parameter values, the consumption ratio falls monotonically, stays constant, or rises monotonically as ˆk rises. The saving rate, therefore, behaves exactly the opposite. A high value of θ—which corresponds to a low willingness to substitute consumption intertemporally—makes it more likely that ψ < 0 will hold, in which case the saving rate 24. When ψ < 0, the d ˆk dt = 0 locus is also steeper than the d (ˆc/ ˆy) dt = 0 schedule. Growth Models with Consumer Optimization 109 1 兾 s * 1 兾 s s * 1 兾 1 兾 s * s s * s * 1兾 1 兾 s * s (b) (c) (a) kˆ kˆ kˆ Download 0,79 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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