Education of the republic of uzbekistan termez state university


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The process of language learning is not considered in modern language education as a single holistic process of co-learning language and culture, but is mainly represented by the processes of language learning, culture learning and the formation of intercultural competence, each of which is endowed with its own separate principles. Some scientists in their classifications single out single principles relating to the co-study of language and culture: culturally related study of foreign and native languages (G.V. Elizarova), co-study of language and culture (V.V. Safonova), intercultural interaction (A.N. Shchukin).
Groups of language teaching principles are mainly classified in accordance with the content of sciences basic for methodology and are represented by socio-pedagogical, general didactic, linguistic, psychological, and methodological groups. In terms of their content, these principles are practically not focused on the co-study of culture in the process of language learning. A number of principles presented in various classifications are gradually losing their relevance due to the rapid development of science, as well as the processes of globalization and integration taking place in the world (principles of oral anticipation, interconnected learning of types of speech activity, etc.).
According to V.V. Safonova in the methodological literature, there is also some terminological tautology when designating principles that are similar in their didactic orientation (for example, the principle of taking into account the native language (E.V. Rogova, E.N. Solovova), the principle of taking into account the features of the native language (A.N. Schukin ), the principle of taking into account the influence of the native language (S.F. Shatilov)) [32].
The principles of teaching culture are not organized into any classification and, in general, represent a rather unsystematic list, in some cases duplicating the principles of language teaching (for example, the principle of dialogue of cultures as a principle of teaching culture and the principle of humanitarian training of students in the context of a dialogue of cultures in a group socio-pedagogical principles of language teaching). The principle of cultural conformity, in our opinion, needs additional substantiation and formulation of criteria for determining the value meaning and value significance of the thematic content of the selected cultural studies materials, and the principle of dominance of problematic cultural studies tasks can be considered as a special case of the general didactic principle of language teaching - the principle of problematicity.
The principles of the formation of intercultural competence (ICC) allow us to consider the entire process of language learning from the angle of forming the ability of students to intercultural communication. However, the process of co-studying language and culture is considered by us much more broadly and implies not only the formation of the ICC as one of the results of language learning, but also the mastery of the linguistic and cultural pictures of the world as the content of this process, as well as the formation of other competencies, abilities and qualities of a multicultural, multilingual personality. which have a cultural component of meaning and have an intercultural dimension.
We can consider the following as the most important principles of the process of co-study of language and culture:
The principle of introducing a native speaker of language and culture into the educational process.4
The principle of the communicative orientation of teaching, which remains today one of the leading methodological principles of language teaching (V.V. Safonova, N.D. Galskova, A.N. Shchukin, etc.), in our opinion, cannot be effectively implemented in practice in conditions of classroom teaching. The orientation of the learning process towards mastering speech activity in the target language, as well as developing the ability to adequately interact with representatives of different cultures and societies is practically unattainable in the classroom in the mode of the Teacher-Student pedagogical system. The situations of communication artificially created during the lesson in the target language do not interest and excite students, as a rule, they have neither significance nor informative value for them and do not contribute to the birth of interest in the issue under discussion and motivation to study it.
Tasks like "answer the question:" How to get to the library? the absence of a real situation in which it is really necessary to describe the path to the library.
Obviously, the description of the real path to the library contains language and speech difficulties that are completely unexpected for the respondent, the existence of which he does not even suspect. On the other hand, the answerer to such a question uses only the words, expressions and grammatical structures available in his active speech reserve and does not even suspect the existence of other lexical and grammatical forms as possible answers, he can neither know nor foresee how this the question would be answered by a native speaker (and in fact, in the educational dialogue, he imitates the native speaker). The one who asked the question does not need to delve into the received answer at all, since he does not need, and there is no reason to know the way to a non-existent library in a non-existent city.
Students, communicating with each other, invent a new non-existent language, thinking that they are carrying out real communication and, believing that a native speaker, in response to a friend’s remark, would act in exactly the same way as they do. Answering a friend’s question, solving creative tasks and problematic situations, performing collective forms of work, etc., the student does not really know how a real native speaker would behave in a given situation in speech and non-verbal action.
They attribute their thoughts, verbal and non-verbal actions and deeds to the carrier, giving rise to false stereotypes of communication and behavior of representatives of the studied language and culture.
Instead of the principle of communication, the leading and fundamental methodological principle is proposed - the principle of introducing a native speaker of language and culture into the educational process. Its essence lies in the fact that a third equal participant is introduced into the dialogue of participants in the educational process "Teacher - Student" - a native speaker and representative of the language and culture being studied. Thus, the subject-subject system of D. Dewey, in application to teaching foreign languages, is transformed into a three-component system in which the student is not only the subject of the educational process, but also the subject of intercultural communication.
The second participant in intercultural dialogue should be a real native speaker of the language and culture, since the teacher, being a representative and native speaker of another language and culture, for this reason, objectively cannot claim to be a representative of the language and culture being studied and, therefore, cannot reveal and show authentic features language and culture from the point of view of a native speaker and to carry out intercultural dialogue from this point of view. The teacher in this system remains an equal subject in the first place of the educational process, where he plays the role of the organizer of this process, the search and selection of effective teaching methods and technologies with the participation of a native speaker of the language and culture being studied.
On the other hand, the teacher has the role of an equal participant in the real process of intercultural communication. He acts for the student as a model for the implementation of the process of intercultural communication through the prism of his native culture. Thus, the real process of intercultural communication is integrated into the educational process, and its subject-native speaker - into the pedagogical system "Teacher-Student". Schematically, it looks like this (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Three-component structure of the learning process

The introduction of a new participant in the process of language learning will achieve the expected declared result of the implementation of the developed model of co-studying language and culture. The introduction of a new participant in the pedagogical process in no way diminishes or discredits the role and importance of a foreign language teacher in the classroom. On the contrary, experience shows that only the most experienced, highly qualified and advanced teachers are able to appreciate the need and importance of the participation of a native speaker of the language and culture being studied in the classroom.

So, for example, S.G. Ter-Minasova writes: “All the subtleties and the whole depth of the problems of interlingual and intercultural communication become especially evident, and sometimes simply realized, when comparing foreign languages with native ones and a foreign culture with one’s own, familiar.
That is why the subject "the world of the language being studied" is recommended, if possible, to be taught from two sides, in the form of parallel courses: one - by a native speaker of the language and culture of the target language, and the second - by a native speaker of the native language and native culture. This allows you to get a more complete and multifaceted knowledge of the culture of the native speakers of the language being studied, since their world is presented, firstly, as it looks in their own eyes, and, secondly, through the prism of the native culture for students, through the clash of these cultures, which allows you to more clearly understand the differences between these cultures and avoid cultural shock in real communication with representatives of a foreign culture” [43].
When implementing the three-component system of the educational process "Teacher - Student - Carrier", the carrier does not have to have a pedagogical education, that is, to be a teacher, all the functions of the organizer and manager of the educational process are assumed by the teacher of a foreign language. The main characteristic and requirement for a native speaker in this process is his ability to act as a full-fledged subject of intercultural communication.
The world processes of globalization and integration have led to the fact that in our society in the last 10-15 years there has been an urgent need for a large number of highly qualified specialists who are able to effectively carry out the process of full-fledged intercultural communication in various spheres of society. Having opened up to the outside world, we not only faced the problem of training a qualitatively new specialist who functionally knows foreign languages at the level of a full-fledged subject of intercultural communication, but, what is much more important, we got fundamentally new opportunities for such training.
For our study, we chose modern teaching materials in English used in schools and intended for the middle level (grade 6): " Enjoy English 6", " Spotlight 6". The choice of teaching materials is due to discussions between teachers about the effectiveness of teaching materials and some contrast, differences in these training courses, which manifest themselves in different structure, logic, authors of teaching materials; on the other hand, both training courses are designed to satisfy goals of the federal state standard.
Let's move on to the characteristics of the UMC data.
" Enjoy English 6" is an educational and methodical set in English for general educational institutions, developed by Russian teachers M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko, N.N. Turbanova.
According to the authors, the methodological base of the educational complex is based on progressive ideas of methodology and pedagogy, namely, on the personality-oriented, activity-based, competence-based and communicative-cognitive approaches.
Educational and methodical set " Enjoy English " includes: textbook, teacher's book, workbook, audio application, electronic applications ( Enjoy English 6 electronic version of the textbook). Such filling of the educational complex testifies to the positive initiative of the authors not only to diversify the educational process with the help of Internet technologies, interactive programs, but also to arouse the interest of students and individualize the educational process.5
When working on the topics of educational complexes, the authors rely on the idea of a linear-concentric course construction, as a result of which, the communication topics for each year are built taking into account the main areas that reflect the relationship between the student and the world: "I and nature", "I and society" , "I and the objective world". According to the logic of the authors of this teaching material, this approach allows expanding the range of topics discussed within each area of communication, as well as repeating the material, while simultaneously building it up.
Of course, it is difficult not to note here the pre-designated personality-oriented character.
As conceived by the authors, the plot of the textbook for the 6th grade is based on the idea of the participation of Russian schoolchildren in the work of the international club of young travelers. Such integrity should favorably influence the educational process, however, for students, the general idea is not always perceptible. However, the choice of such a broad topic provides some freedom and covers such topics as: nature and ecology; great travelers; acquaintance with the way of life, the sights of the country of the language being studied, the system of education in schools in Russia and Great Britain; holidays and festivals in Russia and Great Britain; family holidays; various ways of spending leisure time and so on. On the one hand, a variety of topics should have a positive effect on the motivation of students, on the other hand, diverse topics that go beyond the title topic violate the logic of the textbook. In general, the subject of the textbook today can be called acceptable, but some of the material does not quite correspond to the age of the students and needs to be updated.
The total number of classes (105 hours) corresponds to the teaching load in a foreign language (3 hours per week.)
The textbook consists of 4 sections (1-4 Units ), which correspond to academic quarters, therefore they are designed for a different number of hours. Moreover, in each quarter there are two reserve lessons. For convenience, the sections are divided into sections (from 5 to 7 sections), which do not correlate with individual classes, since it is possible to conduct several training sessions on the material of these sections at the discretion of the teacher. The division into sections is due to their semantic independence, however, as mentioned above, sometimes the subject of single sections casts doubt on the logic of the section.
All sections have approximately the same structure, which provides for the following components: topics and situations that are relevant for students aged 11-12; several authentic texts; pre-text and post-text tasks; a series of speech preparation tasks that teach oral speech in various forms; auditive assignments; a series of lexical and grammatical exercises aimed at the formation and development of language skills in sixth graders; section
"Reading for pleasure" for independent reading at home; the Homework section, containing one written assignment for each section to be completed at home; a list of lexical units and speech clichés for mandatory bilateral mastery; section "Progress Check", which contains tasks to control all communication skills; collaborative work "Project", which meets at the final lessons of each quarter. Despite the rich content of the material, the sections themselves do not have a clear structure, since they are all full of many exercises that do not always represent an integrative unity, which can somewhat confuse students.
It is hard not to notice that the textbook simply provides a wide developed scope for independent activity of subject students, which cannot but be considered as a positive aspect. An important role is played by the project technology, which the authors use throughout the entire educational complex, where students perform such types of projects as information, role-playing / gaming, creative. To facilitate the independent work of students, a possible algorithm for working on a project and possible forms of presenting the result are presented in the notebook. This type of work plays an important role today, as it allows you to update the acquired knowledge and make it personally significant and forms meta-subject skills.
The textbook also contains an appendix that consists of the following items: Grammar reference List of irregular verbs, Learning Strategies, List of personal and geographical names, Cultural guide, Vocabulary.
Reference material at the end of tutorials is not new, but rather a necessity, however the new component of Learning Strategies. The composition, however, is not very diverse, since only 3 strategies are given for certain types of exercises. Moreover, the memo is made entirely in English, which can be an obstacle for the student. Of course, the presence of such a section is pleasantly surprising, since ideally such reference material contributes to the learning of strategies and perhaps teaches you to develop your own, which in turn contributes to the development of student independence.
"Spotlight 6" is a modern geographical educational and methodological complex developed by Russian and English methodologists: Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, W. Evans. The main goals of the course are the development of the communicative competence of students in the aggregate of its components: speech, language, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive, as well as the development and education of the need for students to use English as an extension of the means of communication, cognition, self-realization of electronic and social adaptation; development of national identity, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different cultures and communities.
This series is generally based on a communicative-cognitive approach to teaching a foreign language, which involves the gradual formation of knowledge and the development of all components of communicative competence.
English in Focus for Grade 6 General Education is a continuation of the English in Focus (“ Spotlight ”) series for elementary schools. TMC is designed for 3 hours per week (90 hours of classroom work and 12 reserve lessons).
The main characteristics of teaching materials for 6 classes:

  • the authenticity of a significant part of the language materials;

  • the adequacy of the methodological apparatus to the goals and traditions of the Russian school;

  • interactivity, taking the student out of the textbook; personal orientation of the content of educational materials; inclusion of the native language and culture;

  • educational and developmental value of materials, ample opportunities for the socialization of students.

  • EMC "English in focus" for 6 classes consists of the following components:

  • Textbook; Workbook;

  • Language portfolio; The book for the teacher; Reading book (with CD); Control tasks; CD for classroom work;

  • CD for independent work at home; Course website (

The textbook consists of thematic modules ( Modules ), each of which includes 9 lessons (40-45 minutes each):

  • Lessons a , b , c - introduction of new lexical and grammatical material.

  • Speech etiquette lesson (English in Use).

  • Lessons of cultural studies of the countries of the studied language ( Culture Corner ), Russia ( Spotlight on Russia ) for the development of socio-cultural competence.

  • Section Study Skills is dedicated to the development of general educational skills, and also introduces students to rational methods of learning a foreign language both under the guidance of a teacher in the classroom and independently.

  • The additional reading lesson is built on an interdisciplinary basis ( Extensive Reading . Across the Curriculum).

  • Material for self-examination and reflection is combined into one lesson with an introductory page of the next module.

  • Reference materials of the textbook are built taking into account the independence of their use by students. The grammar reference is made in Russian.

  • Pourochny English-Russian dictionary.

The Workbook includes the Translator's Corner section. At the end of the Workbook there are tasks and visual supports (cards) for pair work. revision section repetitions ( revision Section ) is devoted to typical difficulties of students. The workbook is in color.
Language portfolio ( My language Portfolio ) is designed to develop the skills of introspection and self-assessment of students and includes recommendations for the implementation of written creative work and audio tape recordings of independently completed tasks.
A book for reading ( Reader ) is an adapted version of classical (including children's) literature.
EMC for grade 5 - "Jack and the Beanstalk" EMC for grade 6 - "Alice in Wonderland"
EMC for grade 7 - "Peter Pan"
EMC for grade 8 - "Canterville Ghost" EMC for grade 9 - "Pygmalion"
Teacher 's book _ Book ) is an integral part of the educational and methodological package "English in Focus". It contains materials and methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting classes at a certain stage of learning, thematic and lesson planning, keys to the Workbook, Control tasks and the Reading Book, a script for staging a play based on the Reading Book and the necessary recommendations for this. The Teacher's Book also provides materials for assessing students' knowledge and skills.

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